Source code for

"""The build process: The main class of the book building tool chain."""

import datetime
import os
import sys
import traceback as tb
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager, ExitStack
from os.path import basename
from typing import Any, Final, Iterable

import bookbuilderpy.constants as bc
from bookbuilderpy.build_result import File, LangResult
from bookbuilderpy.compress import (
from bookbuilderpy.git import Repo
from bookbuilderpy.logger import logger
from bookbuilderpy.pandoc import azw3, epub, html, latex
from bookbuilderpy.parse_metadata import load_initial_metadata, parse_metadata
from bookbuilderpy.path import Path
from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor import preprocess
from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_input import load_input
from bookbuilderpy.resources import load_resource
from bookbuilderpy.strings import (
from bookbuilderpy.temp import TempDir
from bookbuilderpy.types import type_error
from bookbuilderpy.versions import TOOL_PANDOC, get_versions, has_tool
from import build_website

[docs]class Build(AbstractContextManager): """A class to keep and access information about the build process.""" def __init__(self, input_file: str, output_dir: str, fail_without_pandoc: bool = True): """ Set up the build. :param input_file: the input file :param output_dir: the output dir :param fail_without_pandoc: fail if pandoc is not available? """ super().__init__() #: the start time tz: Final[datetime.timezone] = datetime.timezone.utc self.__start: Final[datetime.datetime] = #: the internal exit stack self.__exit: Final[ExitStack] = ExitStack() #: the input file path self.__input_file: Final[Path] = Path.file(input_file) #: the input directory self.__input_dir: Final[Path] = self.__input_file.as_directory() #: the output directory path self.__output_dir: Final[Path] = Path.path(output_dir) self.__output_dir.ensure_dir_exists() self.__output_dir.enforce_neither_contains(self.__input_dir) #: are we open for business? self.__is_open = True #: the start date self.__start_date: Final[str] = datetime_to_date_str(self.__start) #: the start date and time self.__start_time: Final[str] = datetime_to_datetime_str(self.__start) #: the start year self.__start_year: Final[str] = self.__start.strftime("%Y") #: the raw metadata self.__metadata_raw: dict[str, Any] | None = None #: the language-specific metadata self.__metadata_lang: dict[str, Any] | None = None #: the mapping of urls to repositories self.__repo_urls: dict[str, Repo] = {} #: the mapping of repo IDs to repositories self.__repo_ids: dict[str, Repo] = {} #: the internal collection of build results self.__results: list[LangResult] = [] #: the own repository information self.__repo: Repo | None = None #: fail if pandoc is not available? self.__fail_without_pandoc: Final[bool] = fail_without_pandoc @property def input_dir(self) -> Path: """ Get the input directory. :return: the input directory """ return self.__input_dir @property def input_file(self) -> Path: """ Get the input file. :return: the input file """ return self.__input_file @property def output_dir(self) -> Path: """ Get the output directory. :return: the output directory """ return self.__output_dir def __get_meta(self, key: str, raise_on_none: bool = True) -> Any: """ Get a meta-data element. :param key: the key :param raise_on_none: should we raise an error if the property was not found (True) or return None (False)? :return: the meta-data element """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise type_error(key, "key", str) key = key.strip() if key == bc.META_DATE: return self.__start_date if key == bc.META_DATE_TIME: return self.__start_time if key == bc.META_YEAR: return self.__start_year if self.__metadata_lang is not None and key in self.__metadata_lang: return self.__metadata_lang[key] if self.__metadata_raw is not None and key in self.__metadata_raw: return self.__metadata_raw[key] # If no meta data language properties are set: return default values. if key == bc.META_LANG: return "en" if key == bc.META_LOCALE: return lang_to_locale(self.__get_meta(bc.META_LANG, False)) if key in (bc.META_LANG_NAME, bc.META_CUR_LANG_NAME): return "English" if key in (bc.META_REPO_INFO_URL, bc.META_REPO_INFO_DATE, bc.META_REPO_INFO_COMMIT, bc.META_REPO_INFO_NAME): if self.__repo is None: if raise_on_none: raise ValueError( f"Cannot access {key} if build is not based on repo.") return None if key == bc.META_REPO_INFO_URL: return self.__repo.get_base_url() if key == bc.META_REPO_INFO_DATE: return self.__repo.date_time if key == bc.META_REPO_INFO_COMMIT: return self.__repo.commit return self.__repo.get_name() if raise_on_none: raise ValueError(f"Metadata key '{key}' not found.") return None def __get_meta_no_error(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Get a metadata element without raising an error if it is not present. :param key: the key :return: the metadata element, or None """ return self.__get_meta(key, False)
[docs] def get_meta(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Get a meta-data element. :param key: the key :return: the meta-data element """ return self.__get_meta(key, True)
[docs] def get_meta_str(self, key: str) -> str: """ Get a meta-data element as a string. :param key: the key :return: the meta-data element """ return to_string(obj=self.get_meta(key), locale=self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.META_LOCALE), use_seq_and=key == bc.META_AUTHOR)
def __load_repo(self, name: str, url: str) -> None: """ Make the repository at the specified url available under the given id. :param name: the repository name :param url: the repository url """ name = enforce_non_empty_str(name).strip() url = enforce_non_empty_str(url).strip() if name in self.__repo_ids: r = self.__repo_ids[name] if r.url == url: return del self.__repo_ids[name] if url in self.__repo_urls: self.__repo_ids[name] = self.__repo_urls[url] dest = TempDir.create() self.__exit.push(dest) r =, dest) self.__repo_ids[name] = r self.__repo_urls[r.url] = r def __load_repos_from_meta(self, meta: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Load the repositories listed in the metadata. :param meta: the metadata """ if not isinstance(meta, dict): raise type_error(meta, "meta", dict) logger("checking metadata for repositories.") if bc.META_REPOS in meta: repo_list = meta[bc.META_REPOS] if not isinstance(repo_list, Iterable): raise type_error( repo_list, f"meta[{bc.META_REPOS}]", Iterable) for repo in repo_list: if bc.META_REPO_ID not in repo: raise ValueError( f"repo {repo} must include '{bc.META_REPO_ID}'.") if bc.META_REPO_URL not in repo: raise ValueError( f"repo {repo} must include '{bc.META_REPO_URL}'.") self.__load_repo(repo[bc.META_REPO_ID], repo[bc.META_REPO_URL])
[docs] def get_repo(self, name: str) -> Repo: """ Get a repository of the given name. :param name: the repository name :return: the repository structure """ name = enforce_non_empty_str(name).strip() if name not in self.__repo_ids: raise ValueError(f"unknown repository '{name}'.") r = self.__repo_ids[name] if not isinstance(r, Repo): raise type_error(name, f"invalid repository '{name}'?", Repo) return r
def __get_resource(self, name: str, directory: Path) -> Path | None: """ Get an internal build resource to a directory. :param name: the resource name :param directory: the destination path :return: the path to the resource, or None if none was copied """ return load_resource(enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(name), self.__input_dir, directory) def __pandoc_build(self, input_file: Path, output_dir: Path, lang_id: str | None, lang_name: str | None, has_bibliography: bool) -> None: """ Apply pandoc and build the input file to the output dir. :param input_file: the path to the input file :param output_dir: the path to the output directory :param lang_id: the language ID :param lang_name: the language name :param has_bibliography: is there a bibliography? """ if not has_tool(TOOL_PANDOC): if self.__fail_without_pandoc: raise ValueError("Pandoc not installed.") return logger(f"now invoking pandoc build steps to file '{input_file}' " f"with target director '{output_dir}' for lang-id " f"'{lang_id}'.") input_file.enforce_file() output_dir.enforce_dir() name, _ = Path.split_prefix_suffix(os.path.basename(input_file)) results: list[File] = [] locale: str | None = self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.META_LOCALE) results.append(latex( source_file=input_file, dest_file=output_dir.resolve_inside(f"{name}.pdf"), locale=locale, bibliography=has_bibliography, get_meta=self.__get_meta_no_error, resolve_resources=self.__get_resource)) results.append(html( source_file=input_file, dest_file=output_dir.resolve_inside(f"{name}.html"), locale=locale, bibliography=has_bibliography, get_meta=self.__get_meta_no_error, resolve_resources=self.__get_resource)) epub_res = epub( source_file=input_file, dest_file=output_dir.resolve_inside(f"{name}.epub"), locale=locale, bibliography=has_bibliography, get_meta=self.__get_meta_no_error, resolve_resources=self.__get_resource) results.append(epub_res) results.append(azw3(epub_res.path)) # now trying to create compressed versions if can_xz_compress(): tar_xz = compress_xz(results, output_dir.resolve_inside(f"{name}.tar.xz")) else: tar_xz = None if can_zip_compress(): zipf = compress_zip(results, output_dir.resolve_inside(f"{name}.zip")) else: zipf = None if tar_xz: results.append(tar_xz) if zipf: results.append(zipf) logger(f"finished pandoc build steps to file '{input_file}' " f"with target director '{output_dir}' for lang-id '{lang_id}'" f", produced {len(results)} files.") self.__results.append(LangResult(lang_id, lang_name, output_dir, tuple(results))) def __build_one_lang(self, lang_id: str | None, lang_name: str | None, use_lang_id_as_suffix: bool = False) -> None: """ Perform the book build for one language. :param lang_id: the language ID :param lang_name: the language name :param use_lang_id_as_suffix: should we use the language id as file name suffix? """ self.__metadata_lang = None # Start up and define the output directory. if lang_id is None: logger("beginning build with no language set.") base_dir = self.output_dir if lang_name: raise ValueError("Cannot have language name " f"'{lang_name}' but no language id!") elif use_lang_id_as_suffix: lang_id = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(lang_id) logger(f"beginning multi-language build for language {lang_id}.") base_dir = self.output_dir.resolve_inside(lang_id) if lang_name: enforce_non_empty_str(lang_name) else: logger(f"beginning single-language build in language {lang_id}.") base_dir = self.output_dir if lang_name: enforce_non_empty_str(lang_name) base_dir.ensure_dir_exists() # First obtain the full language-specific input text. text = enforce_non_empty_str( load_input(self.__input_file, self.__input_dir, lang_id).strip()) # Then we extract the meta-data. self.__metadata_lang = parse_metadata(text) logger("done parsing metadata.") if lang_id: # We set up the language id and lange name meta data properties. if bc.META_LANG not in self.__metadata_lang.keys(): self.__metadata_lang[bc.META_LANG] = lang_id if bc.META_CUR_LANG_NAME not in self.__metadata_lang.keys(): self.__metadata_lang[bc.META_CUR_LANG_NAME] = lang_name # Then load the repositories from the meta data. self.__load_repos_from_meta(self.__metadata_lang) with TempDir.create() as temp: logger(f"building in temp directory '{temp}': " "first applying preprocessor.") text = enforce_non_empty_str(preprocess( text=text, input_dir=self.input_dir, get_meta=self.get_meta_str, get_repo=self.get_repo, repo=self.__repo, output_dir=temp)) logger("finished applying preprocessor.") has_bibliography = False bib = self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.PANDOC_BIBLIOGRAPHY) if bib: logger(f"found bibliography spec '{bib}', so we load it.") Path.copy_resource(self.__input_dir, self.__input_dir.resolve_inside(bib), temp) has_bibliography = True prefix, suffix = Path.split_prefix_suffix( basename(self.__input_file)) if use_lang_id_as_suffix: end = "_" + enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(lang_id) if not prefix.endswith(end): prefix = prefix + end file = temp.resolve_inside(f"{prefix}.{suffix}") logger("finished applying preprocessor, now storing " f"{len(text)} characters to file '{file}'.") file.write_all(text) del prefix, suffix, text self.__pandoc_build(input_file=file, output_dir=base_dir, lang_id=lang_id, lang_name=lang_name, has_bibliography=has_bibliography) # Finalize the build. self.__metadata_lang = None if lang_id is None: logger("finished build with no language set.") else: logger(f"finished build in language {lang_id}.") def __load_self_repo(self) -> None: """Attempt to load the self repository information.""" logger("checking if build process is based on git checkout.") check = self.__input_dir while True: if check == "/": break if not os.access(check, os.R_OK): break test = Path.path(os.path.join(check, ".git")) if os.path.isdir(test): self.__repo = Repo.from_local(check) logger( f"build process is based on commit '{self.__repo.commit}'" f" of repo '{self.__repo.url}'.") return check = Path.path(os.path.join(check, "..")) logger("build process is not based on git checkout.") def __build_all_langs(self) -> None: """Perform all the book build steps.""" logger("beginning the build loop for all languages.") no_lang = True if bc.META_LANGS in self.__metadata_raw: langs = self.__metadata_raw[bc.META_LANGS] done = set() if not isinstance(langs, Iterable): raise type_error( langs, f"self.__metadata_raw[{bc.META_LANGS}]", Iterable) llangs = list(langs) for lang in llangs: if not isinstance(lang, dict): raise type_error(lang, "item of llangs", dict) lang_id = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws( lang[bc.META_LANG_ID]) if lang_id in done: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate language id '{lang_id}'.") done.add(lang_id) lang_name = enforce_non_empty_str(enforce_non_empty_str( lang[bc.META_LANG_NAME]).strip()) self.__build_one_lang(lang_id, lang_name, len(llangs) > 1) no_lang = False if no_lang: self.__build_one_lang( self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.META_LANG), None, False) logger("finished the build loop for all languages.") def __build_website(self) -> None: """Build the website, if any.""" template = self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.META_WEBSITE_OUTER) if template: logger(f"found website template spec '{template}'.") template = self.input_dir.resolve_inside(template) body = self.__get_meta_no_error(bc.META_WEBSITE_BODY) if body: logger(f"found website body spec '{body}'.") body = self.input_dir.resolve_inside(body) build_website(docs=self.__results, outer_file=template, body_file=body, dest_dir=self.__output_dir, input_dir=self.__input_dir, get_meta=self.get_meta_str)
[docs] def build(self) -> tuple[LangResult, ...]: """ Perform the build. :returns: the results """ logger(f"starting the build process for input file " f"'{self.__input_file}', input dir '{self.__input_dir}', and " f"output dir '{self.__output_dir}' with the following tool " f"versions:\n{get_versions()}") self.__load_self_repo() self.__metadata_raw = load_initial_metadata(self.__input_file, self.__input_dir) self.__load_repos_from_meta(self.__metadata_raw) self.__build_all_langs() self.__build_website() logger("build process completed, created " f"{sum(len(c.results) for c in self.__results)} " f"book files in total for {len(self.__results)} language(s).") res = tuple(self.__results) if (res is None) or (len(res) <= 0): raise ValueError("Did not build any results.") return res
def __enter__(self) -> "Build": """Nothing, just exists for `with`.""" if not self.__is_open: raise ValueError("Build already closed.") logger(f"starting the build of '{self.__input_file}' " f"to '{self.__output_dir}'.") return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> bool: """ Delete the temporary directory and everything in it. :param exception_type: ignored :param exception_value: ignored :param traceback: ignored :returns: `True` to suppress an exception, `False` to rethrow it """ opn = self.__is_open self.__is_open = False if opn: logger("cleaning up temporary files.") self.__exit.close() logger(f"finished the build of '{self.__input_file}' " f"to '{self.__output_dir}'.") del exception_value del traceback return exception_type is None
[docs] @staticmethod def run(input_file: str, output_dir: str, exit_on_error: bool = False) -> tuple[LangResult, ...]: """ Run a build on an input file to an output directory. :param input_file: the input file :param output_dir: the output directory :param exit_on_error: should we quit Python upon error? :return: a tuple of results """ try: with Build(input_file, output_dir, True) as bd: res = sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() except BaseException as be: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() exinfo = " ".join(tb.format_exception(type(be), value=be, tb=be.__traceback__)) logger(f"The build process has FAILED with error '{be}':" f"\n {exinfo}") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() if exit_on_error: sys.exit(1) if isinstance(be, ValueError): raise raise ValueError from be return res