Source code for bookbuilderpy.compress

"""Routines for compressing lists of files."""

import os.path
from typing import Iterable, cast

from bookbuilderpy.build_result import File
from bookbuilderpy.logger import logger
from bookbuilderpy.path import Path
from import shell
from bookbuilderpy.temp import TempFile
from bookbuilderpy.types import type_error
from bookbuilderpy.versions import TOOL_TAR, TOOL_XZ, TOOL_ZIP, has_tool

def __paths(source: Iterable[Path | File | str]) \
        -> tuple[None | Path, list[str]]:
    Convert the iterable of input files into a common path list.

    :param source: the paths
    :return: a tuple of a common base path (if any) and the paths
    files: list[Path] = []
    for f in source:
        if isinstance(f, Path):
        elif isinstance(f, File):
        elif isinstance(f, str):
            raise type_error(f, "path element", (Path, File, str))
    if len(files) <= 1:
        raise ValueError("Nothing to compress?")

    base_dir = os.path.commonpath(files)
    if base_dir:
        return, \
            [f.relative_to(base_dir) for f in files]
    return None, cast(list[str], files)

[docs]def can_xz_compress() -> bool: """ Check if xz compression is available. :return: `True` if xz compression is available, `False` otherwise """ return has_tool(TOOL_TAR) and has_tool(TOOL_XZ)
[docs]def compress_xz(source: Iterable[Path | File | str], dest: str) -> File: """ Compress a sequence of files to tar.xz. :param source: the list of files :param dest: the destination file :return: the created archive """ if not has_tool(TOOL_TAR): raise ValueError(f"tool {TOOL_TAR} not installed.") if not has_tool(TOOL_XZ): raise ValueError(f"tool {TOOL_XZ} not installed.") base_dir, files = __paths(source) logger(f"Applying tar.xz compression to {files}.") out = Path.path(dest) if os.path.exists(out): raise ValueError(f"File '{out}' already exists!") out_dir = paths = '" "'.join(files) if not base_dir: base_dir = out_dir with TempFile.create() as tf: tf.write_all( f'#!/bin/bash\n{TOOL_TAR} -c "{paths}" | ' f'{TOOL_XZ} -v -9e -c > "{out}"\n') shell(["sh", tf], timeout=360, cwd=base_dir) return File(out)
[docs]def can_zip_compress() -> bool: """ Check if zip compression is available. :return: `True` if zip compression is available, `False` otherwise """ return has_tool(TOOL_ZIP)
[docs]def compress_zip(source: Iterable[Path | File | str], dest: str) -> File: """ Compress a sequence of files to zip. :param source: the list of files :param dest: the destination file :return: the created archive """ if not has_tool(TOOL_ZIP): raise ValueError(f"Tool {TOOL_ZIP} not installed.") base_dir, files = __paths(source) logger(f"Applying zip compression to {files}.") out = Path.path(dest) if os.path.exists(out): raise ValueError(f"File '{out}' already exists!") out_dir = if not base_dir: base_dir = out_dir files.insert(0, out) files.insert(0, "-9") files.insert(0, "-X") files.insert(0, "-UN=UTF8") files.insert(0, TOOL_ZIP) shell(files, timeout=360, cwd=base_dir) # nosec return File(out)