Source code for bookbuilderpy.format_python

"""A formatter for python code."""
import io
import sys
import token
import tokenize
from typing import Iterable

import regex as reg  # type: ignore
import strip_hints as sh  # type: ignore
import yapf  # type: ignore

from bookbuilderpy.source_tools import (
from bookbuilderpy.strings import lines_to_str, str_to_lines
from bookbuilderpy.types import type_error

def __no_empty_after(line: str) -> bool:
    No empty line is permitted after definition.

    :param line: the line
    :return: a boolean value
    >>> __no_empty_after("def ")
    >>> __no_empty_after("import ")
    >>> __no_empty_after("from ")
    >>> __no_empty_after("def")
    >>> __no_empty_after("import")
    >>> __no_empty_after("from")
    return line.startswith(("def ", "import ", "from "))

def __empty_before(line: str) -> bool:
    Check whether an empty line is needed before this one.

    :param line: the line
    :return: a boolean value
    >>> __empty_before("def")
    >>> __empty_before("def ")
    >>> __empty_before("class")
    >>> __empty_before("class ")
    return line.startswith(("def ", "class "))

def __force_no_empty_after(line: str) -> bool:
    Really no empty line is permitted after definition.

    :param line: the line
    :return: a boolean value
    >>> __force_no_empty_after("@")
    return line.startswith("@")

#: the internal style for formatting Python code

def __format_lines(code: str) -> str:
    Format Python code lines.

    :param code: the original code
    :return: the formatted lines.

    >>> __format_lines("\ndef a():\n   return 7-   45\n\n")
    'def a():\n    return 7 - 45'
    >>> __format_lines("\n\n   \nclass b:\n   def bb(self):      x  =3/a()")
    'class b:\n    def bb(self):\n        x = 3 / a()'
    return yapf.yapf_api.FormatCode(code,

#: the regexes stripping comments that occupy a complete line
__REGEX_STRIP_LINE_COMMENT: reg.Regex = reg.compile(
    "\\n[ \\t]*?#.*?\\n",
    flags=reg.V1 | reg.MULTILINE)  # pylint: disable=E1101

def __strip_hints(code: str,
                  strip_comments: bool = False) -> str:
    Strip all type hints from the given code string.

    :param code: the code string
    :return: the stripped code string
    >>> __format_lines(__strip_hints(
    ...     "a: int = 7\ndef b(c: int) -> List[int]:\n    return [4]"))
    'a = 7\n\ndef b(c):\n    return [4]'
    new_text: str = sh.strip_string_to_string(code,

    # If we have single lines with type hints only, the above will turn
    # them into line comments. We need to get rid of those.

    if strip_comments:
        # In the ideal case, we want to strip all comments anyway.
        # Then we do not need to bother with anything complex and can
        # directly use a regular expression getting rid of them.
        new_text2 = None
        while new_text2 != new_text:
            new_text2 = new_text
            new_text = reg.sub(__REGEX_STRIP_LINE_COMMENT, "\n", new_text)
        return new_text

    # If we should preserve normal comments, all we can do is trying to
    # find these "new" comments in a very pedestrian fashion.
    orig_lines: list[str] = code.splitlines()
    new_lines: list[str] = new_text.splitlines()
    for i in range(min(len(orig_lines), len(new_lines)) - 1, -1, -1):
        t1: str = orig_lines[i].strip()
        t2: str = new_lines[i].strip()
        if t2.startswith("#") and (not t1.startswith("#")) \
                and t2.endswith(t1):
            del new_lines[i]
    return lines_to_str(new_lines, trailing_newline=False)

def __strip_docstrings_and_comments(code: str,
                                    strip_docstrings: bool = True,
                                    strip_comments: bool = True) -> str:
    Remove all docstrings and comments from a string.

    :param code: the code
    :param strip_docstrings: should we delete docstrings?
    :param strip_comments: should we delete comments?
    :return: the stripped string

    >>> __strip_docstrings_and_comments("a = 5# bla\n", False, False)
    'a = 5# bla\n'
    >>> __strip_docstrings_and_comments("a = 5# bla\n", False, True)
    'a = 5\n'
    >>> __strip_docstrings_and_comments('def b():\n  \"\"\"bla!\"\"\"', True)
    'def b():\n  '
    >>> __strip_docstrings_and_comments('# 1\na = 5\n# 2\nb = 6\n')
    'a = 5\nb = 6\n'
    # First, we strip line comments that are hard to catch correctly with
    # the tokenization approach later.
    if strip_comments:
        code2 = None
        while code2 != code:
            code2 = code
            code = reg.sub(__REGEX_STRIP_LINE_COMMENT, "\n", code)
        del code2

    # Now we strip the doc strings and remaining comments.
    prev_toktype: int = token.INDENT
    last_lineno: int = -1
    last_col: int = 0
    eat_newline: int = 0
    with io.StringIO() as output:
        with io.StringIO(code) as reader:
            for toktype, tttext, (slineno, scol), (telineno, ecol), _ in \
                elineno = telineno
                ttext = tttext
                eat_newline -= 1
                if slineno > last_lineno:
                    last_col = 0
                if scol > last_col:
                    output.write(" " * (scol - last_col))
                if (toktype == token.STRING) and \
                        (prev_toktype in (token.INDENT, token.NEWLINE)):
                    if strip_docstrings:
                        ttext = ""
                        eat_newline = 1
                elif toktype == tokenize.COMMENT:
                    if strip_comments:
                        ttext = ""
                elif toktype == tokenize.NEWLINE and eat_newline >= 0:
                    ttext = ""
                    elineno += 1
                prev_toktype = toktype
                last_col = ecol
                last_lineno = elineno

        result = output.getvalue()

    # remove leading newlines
    while result:
        if result[0] == "\n":
            result = result[1:]
        return result

    raise ValueError(f"code {code} becomes empty after docstring "
                     "and comment stripping!")

[docs]def format_python(code: Iterable[str], strip_docstrings: bool = True, strip_comments: bool = True, strip_hints: bool = True) -> list[str]: """ Format a python code fragment. :param code: the code fragment :param strip_docstrings: should we delete docstrings? :param strip_comments: should we delete comments? :param strip_hints: should we delete type hints? :return: the formatted code """ if not isinstance(code, Iterable): raise type_error(code, "code", Iterable) if not isinstance(strip_docstrings, bool): raise type_error(strip_docstrings, "strip_docstrings", bool) if not isinstance(strip_comments, bool): raise type_error(strip_comments, "strip_comments", bool) if not isinstance(strip_hints, bool): raise type_error(strip_hints, "strip_hints", bool) old_len: tuple[int, int] = (sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize) shortest: list[str] = list(code) rcode: list[str] = shortest not_first_run: bool = False while True: rcode = strip_common_whitespace_prefix(format_empty_lines( lines=rcode, empty_before=__empty_before, no_empty_after=__no_empty_after, force_no_empty_after=__force_no_empty_after, max_consecutive_empty_lines=1)) if len(rcode) <= 0: raise ValueError("Code becomes empty.") text = lines_to_str(rcode) new_len: tuple[int, int] = (text.count("\n"), len(text)) if not_first_run and (old_len <= new_len): break shortest = rcode old_len = new_len text = __format_lines(text) ntext = text if strip_docstrings or strip_comments: ntext = __strip_docstrings_and_comments( text, strip_docstrings=strip_docstrings, strip_comments=strip_comments).rstrip() if strip_hints: ntext = __strip_hints(ntext, strip_comments=strip_comments) if ntext != text: text = __format_lines(ntext) del ntext text = text.rstrip() new_len = text.count("\n"), len(text) if not_first_run and (old_len <= new_len): break rcode = str_to_lines(text) shortest = rcode old_len = new_len not_first_run = True if (len(shortest) <= 0) or (old_len[0] <= 0): raise ValueError(f"Text cannot become {shortest}.") return shortest
[docs]def preprocess_python(code: list[str], lines: list[int] | None = None, labels: Iterable[str] | None = None, args: set[str] | None = None) -> str: r""" Preprocess Python code. First, we select all lines of the code we want to keep. If labels are defined, then lines can be kept as ranges or as single lines. Otherwise, all lines are selected in this step. Then, if line numbers are provided, we selected the lines based on the line numbers from the lines we have preserved. Finally, the Python formatter is applied. :param code: the code loaded from a file :param lines: the lines to keep, or `None` if we keep all :param labels: a list of labels marking start and end of code snippets to include :param args: the arguments for the code formatter :return: the formatted code string """ keep_lines = select_lines(code=code, labels=labels, lines=lines) # set up arguments strip_docstrings: bool = True strip_comments: bool = True strip_hints: bool = True do_format: bool = True if args: do_format = "format" not in args strip_docstrings = "doc" not in args strip_comments = "comments" not in args strip_hints = "hints" not in args if do_format: return lines_to_str(format_python(keep_lines, strip_docstrings=strip_docstrings, strip_comments=strip_comments, strip_hints=strip_hints), trailing_newline=True) return lines_to_str(keep_lines, trailing_newline=True)