Source code for bookbuilderpy.pandoc

"""A routine for invoking pandoc."""

import os.path
from typing import Callable, Final

import bookbuilderpy.constants as bc
from bookbuilderpy.build_result import File
from bookbuilderpy.html import html_postprocess
from bookbuilderpy.logger import logger
from bookbuilderpy.path import Path
from bookbuilderpy.pdf import pdf_postprocess
from bookbuilderpy.resources import ResourceServer
from import shell
from bookbuilderpy.strings import (
from bookbuilderpy.temp import TempFile
from bookbuilderpy.versions import TOOL_PANDOC, has_tool

#: The meanings of the pandoc exit codes.
__EXIT_CODES: dict[int, str] = {
    3: "PandocFailOnWarningError",
    4: "PandocAppError",
    5: "PandocTemplateError",
    6: "PandocOptionError",
    21: "PandocUnknownReaderError",
    22: "PandocUnknownWriterError",
    23: "PandocUnsupportedExtensionError",
    24: "PandocCiteprocError",
    31: "PandocEpubSubdirectoryError",
    43: "PandocPDFError",
    44: "PandocXMLError",
    47: "PandocPDFProgramNotFoundError",
    61: "PandocHttpError",
    62: "PandocShouldNeverHappenError",
    63: "PandocSomeError",
    64: "PandocParseError",
    65: "PandocParsecError",
    66: "PandocMakePDFError",
    67: "PandocSyntaxMapError",
    83: "PandocFilterError",
    91: "PandocMacroLoop",
    92: "PandocUTF8DecodingError",
    93: "PandocIpynbDecodingError",
    94: "PandocUnsupportedCharsetError",
    97: "PandocCouldNotFindDataFileError",
    99: "PandocResourceNotFound",

def __pandoc_check_stderr(stderr: str) -> BaseException | None:
    Check the standard error output of pandoc.

    :param stderr: the standard error string
    if stderr is None:
        return None
    if "Undefined cross-reference" in stderr:
        return ValueError("Undefined cross-reference!")
    if "[WARNING] Citeproc" in stderr:
        return ValueError("Undefined citation!")
    return None

[docs]def pandoc(source_file: str, dest_file: str, format_in: str = bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_MARKDOWN, format_out: str = bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_LATEX, locale: str | None = None, standalone: bool = True, tabstops: int | None = 2, toc_print: bool = True, toc_depth: int = 3, crossref: bool = True, bibliography: bool = True, template: str | None = None, csl: str | None = None, number_sections: bool = True, args: list[str] | None = None, resolve_resources: Callable = lambda x: None, overwrite: bool = False) -> File: """ Invoke pandoc. :param source_file: the source file :param dest_file: the destination file :param format_in: the input format :param format_out: the output format :param standalone: should we produce a stand-alone document? :param tabstops: the number of spaces with which we replace a tab character, or None to not replace :param toc_print: should we print the table of contents :param toc_depth: the depth of the table of contents :param crossref: should we use crossref :param bibliography: should we use a bibliography :param template: which template should we use, if any? :param csl: which csl file should we use, if any? :param number_sections: should sections be numbered? :param locale: the language to be used for compiling :param args: any additional arguments :param resolve_resources: a function to resolve resources :param overwrite: should the output file be overwritten if it exists? :return: the Path to the generated output file and it size """ if not has_tool(TOOL_PANDOC): raise ValueError("Pandoc is not installed.") output_file = Path.path(dest_file) if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(output_file): raise ValueError(f"Output file '{output_file}' already exists.") input_file = Path.file(source_file) if input_file == output_file: raise ValueError( f"Input '{input_file}' must differ from output '{output_file}'.") output_dir = Path.path(os.path.dirname(output_file)) output_dir.ensure_dir_exists() input_dir = logger(f"applying pandoc to generate output file '{output_file}' " f"from '{input_file}'.") format_in = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(format_in) format_out = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(format_out) if format_in.startswith("markdown"): format_in = "+".join([format_in, "definition_lists", "smart", "fenced_code_blocks", "fenced_code_attributes", "line_blocks", "inline_code_attributes", "latex_macros", "implicit_figures", "pipe_tables", "raw_attribute"]) cmd: Final[list[str]] = [TOOL_PANDOC, f"--from={format_in}", f"--write={format_out}", f"--output={output_file}", "--fail-if-warnings", "--strip-comments"] if tabstops is not None: if tabstops <= 0: raise ValueError(f"tabstops cannot be {tabstops}.") cmd.append(f"--tab-stop={tabstops}") if standalone: cmd.append("--standalone") if number_sections: cmd.append("--number-sections") if toc_print: cmd.append("--table-of-contents") if toc_depth is not None: if toc_depth <= 0: raise ValueError(f"toc_depth cannot be {toc_depth}.") cmd.append(f"--toc-depth={toc_depth}") template_file: Path | None = None if template is not None: template = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(template) template_file = resolve_resources(template, input_dir) if template_file is not None: template_file.enforce_file() template = template_file cmd.append(f"--template={template}") if crossref: cmd.append("--filter=pandoc-crossref") csl_file: Path | None = None if bibliography: cmd.append("--citeproc") if csl is not None: csl = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(csl) csl_file = resolve_resources(csl, input_dir) if csl_file is not None: csl_file.enforce_file() csl = csl_file cmd.append(f"--csl={csl}") if args is not None: cmd.extend([enforce_non_empty_str(a).strip() for a in args]) cmd.append(input_file) if locale is not None: locale = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(locale) cmd.append(f"-V lang={locale.replace('_', '-')}") try: shell(cmd, timeout=600, cwd=input_dir, exit_code_to_str=__EXIT_CODES, check_stderr=__pandoc_check_stderr) finally: if template_file: os.remove(template_file) if csl_file: os.remove(csl_file) res = File(output_file) logger(f"finished applying pandoc, got output file " f"'{res.path}' of size {res.size} bytes.") return res
[docs]def latex(source_file: str, dest_file: str, format_in: str = bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_MARKDOWN, locale: str | None = None, standalone: bool = True, tabstops: int | None = 2, toc_print: bool = True, toc_depth: int = 3, crossref: bool = True, bibliography: bool = True, number_sections: bool = True, top_level_division: str = "chapter", use_listings: bool = False, get_meta: Callable = lambda x: None, resolve_resources: Callable = lambda x: None) -> File: """ Invoke pandoc to build LaTeX and then PDF output. :param source_file: the source file :param dest_file: the destination file :param format_in: the input format :param locale: the language to be used for compiling :param standalone: should we produce a stand-alone document? :param tabstops: the number of spaces with which we replace a tab character, or None to not replace :param toc_print: should we print the table of contents :param toc_depth: the depth of the table of contents :param crossref: should we use crossref :param bibliography: should we use a bibliography :param number_sections: should sections be numbered? :param top_level_division: the top-level division :param use_listings: should the listings package be used? :param get_meta: a function to access meta-data :param resolve_resources: a function to resolve resources :return: the Path to the generated output file and it size """ args = [] if locale is not None: locale = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(locale) if locale == "zh" or locale.startswith(("zh-", "zh_")): args.append("--pdf-engine=xelatex") top_level_division = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(top_level_division) args.append(f"--top-level-division={top_level_division}") if use_listings: args.append("--listings") with TempFile.create(suffix=".pdf") as tf: res = pandoc(source_file=source_file, dest_file=tf, format_in=format_in, format_out=bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_LATEX, standalone=standalone, tabstops=tabstops, toc_print=toc_print, toc_depth=toc_depth, crossref=crossref, bibliography=bibliography, template=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_TEMPLATE_LATEX), csl=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_CSL), number_sections=number_sections, locale=locale, resolve_resources=resolve_resources, args=args, overwrite=True).path res = pdf_postprocess(in_file=res, out_file=dest_file) return File(res)
[docs]def html(source_file: str, dest_file: str, format_in: str = bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_MARKDOWN, locale: str | None = None, standalone: bool = True, tabstops: int | None = 2, toc_print: bool = True, toc_depth: int = 3, crossref: bool = True, bibliography: bool = True, number_sections: bool = True, get_meta: Callable = lambda x: None, resolve_resources: Callable = lambda x: None) -> File: """ Invoke pandoc to build HTML output. :param source_file: the source file :param dest_file: the destination file :param format_in: the input format :param locale: the language to be used for compiling :param standalone: should we produce a stand-alone document? :param tabstops: the number of spaces with which we replace a tab character, or None to not replace :param toc_print: should we print the table of contents :param toc_depth: the depth of the table of contents :param crossref: should we use crossref :param bibliography: should we use a bibliography :param number_sections: should sections be numbered? :param get_meta: a function to access meta-data :param resolve_resources: a function to resolve resources :return: the Path to the generated output file and it size :rtype: File """ endresult: Path | None = None # nosem # type: ignore # nolint try: with TempFile.create(suffix=".html") as tmp: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal inner_file: Path | None = None # nosem # type: ignore try: with ResourceServer() as serv: inner_file = pandoc( source_file=source_file, dest_file=tmp, format_in=format_in, format_out=bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_HTML5, locale=locale, standalone=standalone, tabstops=tabstops, toc_print=toc_print, toc_depth=toc_depth, crossref=crossref, bibliography=bibliography, template=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_TEMPLATE_HTML5), csl=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_CSL), number_sections=number_sections, resolve_resources=resolve_resources, overwrite=True, args=[f"--mathjax={serv.get_mathjax_url()}", "--ascii", "--html-q-tags", # eventually replace --self-contained with # "--embed-resources" "--self-contained"]).path if inner_file is not None: inner_file.enforce_file() except BaseException as ve: if isinstance(ve, ValueError): raise raise ValueError from ve if inner_file is None: raise ValueError("Huh? pandoc did not return a file?") # noqa if bibliography: # For some reason, the id and the text of each bibliography # item are each put into separate divs of classes for which # no styles are given. Therefore, we convert these divs to # spans and add some vertical spacing. text = enforce_non_empty_str( inner_file.read_all_str().strip()) end = text.rfind('<div id="refs"') if end > 0: text_1 = text[:end] text_2 = text[end:] del text text_2 = regex_sub( '\\s*<div\\s+class="\\s*csl-left-margin\\s*"\\s*>' '\\s*(.*?)\\s*</div>\\s*', '<span class="csl-left-margin">\\1</span>&nbsp;', text_2) text_2 = regex_sub( '\\s*<div\\s+class="\\s*csl-right-inline\\s*"\\s*>' '\\s*(.*?)\\s*</div>\\s*', '<span class="csl-right-inline">\\1</span>', text_2) text_2 = text_2.replace( ' class="csl-entry" role="doc-biblioentry">', ' class="csl-entry" role="doc-biblioentry" ' 'style="margin-top:0.33em">') inner_file.write_all([text_1, text_2]) endresult = html_postprocess(in_file=inner_file, out_file=dest_file, flatten_data_uris=True, fully_evaluate_html=True, purge_scripts=True, minify=True, purge_mathjax=True, canonicalize_ids=True, overwrite=False) except BaseException as be: if isinstance(be, ValueError): raise raise ValueError from be if endresult is None: raise ValueError("end result is still None?") return File(endresult)
[docs]def epub(source_file: str, dest_file: str, format_in: str = bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_MARKDOWN, locale: str | None = None, standalone: bool = True, tabstops: int | None = 2, toc_print: bool = True, toc_depth: int = 3, crossref: bool = True, bibliography: bool = True, number_sections: bool = True, get_meta: Callable = lambda x: None, resolve_resources: Callable = lambda x: None) -> File: """ Invoke pandoc to build epub output. :param source_file: the source file :param dest_file: the destination file :param format_in: the input format :param locale: the language to be used for compiling :param standalone: should we produce a stand-alone document? :param tabstops: the number of spaces with which we replace a tab character, or None to not replace :param toc_print: should we print the table of contents :param toc_depth: the depth of the table of contents :param crossref: should we use crossref :param bibliography: should we use a bibliography :param number_sections: should sections be numbered? :param get_meta: a function to access meta-data :param resolve_resources: a function to resolve resources :return: the Path to the generated output file and it size """ return pandoc(source_file=source_file, dest_file=dest_file, format_in=format_in, format_out=bc.PANDOC_FORMAT_EPUB, locale=locale, standalone=standalone, tabstops=tabstops, toc_print=toc_print, toc_depth=toc_depth, crossref=crossref, bibliography=bibliography, template=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_TEMPLATE_EPUB), csl=get_meta(bc.PANDOC_CSL), number_sections=number_sections, resolve_resources=resolve_resources, args=["--mathml", "--ascii", "--html-q-tags", "--self-contained"])
[docs]def azw3(epub_file: str) -> File: """ Convert an epub book into an azw3 one. :param epub_file: the epub file :return: the azw3 file """ input_file = Path.file(epub_file) input_dir = filename, _ = Path.split_prefix_suffix(os.path.basename(input_file)) dest_file = Path.resolve_inside(input_dir, f"{filename}.azw3") cmd = ["ebook-convert", input_file, dest_file, "--embed-all-fonts"] shell(cmd, timeout=360, cwd=input_dir) return File(dest_file)