Source code for bookbuilderpy.preprocessor

"""The preprocessor commands to be applied once the text has been loaded."""
from typing import Callable, Final

import bookbuilderpy.constants as bc
from bookbuilderpy.git import Repo
from bookbuilderpy.path import Path
from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_code import get_programming_language, load_code
from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_commands import create_preprocessor
from bookbuilderpy.strings import enforce_non_empty_str

[docs]def preprocess(text: str, input_dir: str, get_meta: Callable, get_repo: Callable, repo: Repo | None, output_dir: str) -> str: """ Apply all the preprocessor commands to the given text. :param text: the text of the book to be preprocessed. :param input_dir: the input director :param get_meta: a command for obtaining meta information. :param get_repo: a command for obtaining a repository :param repo: the root repository of the project :param output_dir: the output directory """ src = dst = src.enforce_neither_contains(dst) # execute all meta-data commands text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GET_META, func=get_meta, n=1, strip_white_space=False))(text) def __get_repo(repo_id, info_id) -> str: gitrepo: Final[Repo] = get_repo(repo_id) if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_URL: return gitrepo.get_base_url() if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_DATE: return gitrepo.date_time if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_COMMIT: return gitrepo.commit if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_NAME: return gitrepo.get_name() raise ValueError( f"Invalid repo query '{info_id}' for repo '{repo_id}'.") # execute all repo-info commands text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GET_REPO, func=__get_repo, n=2, strip_white_space=False))(text) # make the definitions def_map: dict[str, str] = {} def_count: dict[str, int] = {} def __make_def(deftype: str, label: str, body: str) -> str: nonlocal def_map nonlocal def_count prefix = enforce_non_empty_str(get_meta(f"{deftype}Title").strip()) count: int = def_count.get(deftype, 0) + 1 def_count[deftype] = count anchor = f"{prefix}&nbsp;{count}" enforce_non_empty_str(label) if label in def_map: raise ValueError( f"Redefined label '{label}' of type '{deftype}'.") label_name = f"_def:{count}:{label}" def_map[label] = f"[{anchor}](#{label_name})" enforce_non_empty_str(body) return f'<div id="{label_name}">**{anchor}.**&nbsp;{body}</div>' text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_DEFINITION, func=__make_def, n=3, strip_white_space=True, wrap_in_newlines=3))(text) del def_count, __make_def text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_DEF_REF, func=def_map.__getitem__, n=1, strip_white_space=False))(text) del def_map # create all figures def __make_absolute_figure(label: str, caption: str, path: str, args: str) -> str: nonlocal src nonlocal dst new_path = Path.copy_resource(src, path, dst) caption = enforce_non_empty_str(caption.strip()) use_path = enforce_non_empty_str(new_path.relative_to(dst).strip()) cmd = enforce_non_empty_str(" ".join([enforce_non_empty_str( label.strip()), args.strip()]).strip()) return f"![{caption}]({use_path}){{#fig:{cmd}}}" text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_ABSOLUTE_FIGURE, func=__make_absolute_figure, n=4, strip_white_space=True, wrap_in_newlines=2))(text) # make a code section def __make_code(label: str, caption: str, code: str, file: Path, userepo: Repo | None) -> str: code = enforce_non_empty_str(code.strip()) label = enforce_non_empty_str(label.strip()) code = enforce_non_empty_str(code.strip()) plang: str | None = get_programming_language(file) plang = "" if plang is None else f" .{plang}" caption = enforce_non_empty_str(caption.strip()) spacer = " " end = caption[len(caption) - 1] # Below, we check first whether the text ends in a Chinese punctuation # mark and if it does not, if it ends in a Western one. if end in ("\u3001\u3002\u3003\u3009\u300b\u300d\u3011\u3015\u3017" "\u3019\u301b\u301e\ufe16\ufe57\uff01\uff1f\uff61\uff64"): spacer = "" elif end not in ".;!?)]}\"'\u00a1\u00b7\u00bf\u037e\u0387": caption = f"{caption}." if userepo: userepo.path.enforce_contains(file) url = userepo.make_url(file.relative_to(userepo.path)) caption = f"{caption}{spacer}([src]({url}))" return (f"Listing: {caption}\n\n" f"```{{#lst:{label}{plang} .numberLines}}\n{code}\n```") # create all local code def __make_absolute_code(label: str, caption: str, path: str, lines: str, labels: str, args: str) -> str: nonlocal src file: Final[Path] = Path.file(path) src.enforce_contains(file) code = load_code(file, lines=lines, labels=labels, args=args) return __make_code(label=label, caption=caption, code=code, file=file, userepo=repo) text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_ABSOLUTE_CODE, func=__make_absolute_code, n=6, strip_white_space=True, wrap_in_newlines=2))(text) # create all git code def __make_git_code(repoid: str, label: str, caption: str, path: str, lines: str, labels: str, args: str) -> str: userepo: Final[Repo] = get_repo(repoid) file: Final[Path] = userepo.path.resolve_inside(path) file.enforce_file() userepo.path.enforce_contains(file) code = load_code(file, lines=lines, labels=labels, args=args) return __make_code(label=label, caption=caption, code=code, file=file, userepo=userepo) return (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GIT_CODE, func=__make_git_code, n=7, strip_white_space=True, wrap_in_newlines=2))(text)