Source code for bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_code

"""A preprocessor for loading code."""

from os.path import basename
from typing import Final

import bookbuilderpy.constants as bc
from bookbuilderpy.format_python import preprocess_python
from bookbuilderpy.logger import logger
from bookbuilderpy.path import Path
from bookbuilderpy.strings import (
from bookbuilderpy.types import type_error

[docs]def get_programming_language(path: str) -> str | None: """ Get the programming language corresponding to a path. :param path: the path to the source file :return: a string identifying the programming language, or None if none detected. """ _, suffix = Path.split_prefix_suffix(basename(Path.path(path))) suffix = suffix.lower() if suffix == "py": return bc.LANG_PYTHON return bc.LANG_UNDEFINED
[docs]def load_code(path: str, lines: str, labels: str, args: str) -> str: """ Load a piece of code from the given path. :param path: the path :param lines: a line definition string :param labels: a label definition string :param args: a string of arguments to be passed to the formatter :return: the code """ src = Path.file(path) logger(f"Now loading code from '{src}'.") keep_lines: list[int] | None = None if lines is not None: if not isinstance(lines, str): raise type_error(lines, "lines", str) if len(lines) > 0: keep_lines = [] for the_line in lines.split(","): line = the_line.strip() if "-" in line: ab = line.split("-") if len(ab) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Invalid lines: {lines}.") keep_lines.extend(range(int(ab[0]) - 1, int(ab[1]))) else: keep_lines.append(int(line) - 1) keep_labels: set[str] | None = None if labels is not None: if not isinstance(labels, str): raise type_error(labels, "labels", str) if len(labels) > 0: keep_labels = set() for label in labels.split(","): ll = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(label.strip()) if ll in keep_labels: raise ValueError(f"duplicate label: '{ll}'") keep_labels.add(ll) if len(keep_labels) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"labels='{labels}'.") arg_set: Final[set[str]] = set() if args is not None: if not isinstance(args, str): raise type_error(args, "args", str) if len(args) > 0: for arg in args.split(","): aa = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(arg.strip()) if aa in arg_set: raise ValueError(f"duplicate argument: '{aa}'") arg_set.add(aa) text: Final[list[str]] = src.read_all_list() if len(text) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"File '{path}' is empty.") if get_programming_language(path) == bc.LANG_PYTHON: return preprocess_python(text, keep_lines, keep_labels, arg_set) if keep_lines is None: return lines_to_str([t.rstrip() for t in text]) return lines_to_str([text[i].rstrip() for i in keep_lines])