Source code for bookbuilderpy.strings

"""Some utility methods for string processing."""
import datetime
import re
import string
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from bookbuilderpy.types import type_error

[docs]def str_to_lines(text: str) -> list[str]: r""" Convert a string to an iterable of lines. :param text: the original text string :return: the lines >>> str_to_lines("\n123\n 456\n789 \n 10\n\n") ['', '123', ' 456', '789 ', ' 10', '', ''] """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise type_error(text, "text", str) return text.split("\n")
[docs]def lines_to_str(lines: Iterable[str], trailing_newline: bool = True) -> str: r""" Convert an iterable of strings to a single string. :param lines: the lines :param trailing_newline: should the re be a newline at the end? :return: the single string >>> lines_to_str(["a", "b", "", "c", ""], trailing_newline=True) 'a\nb\n\nc\n' >>> lines_to_str(["a", "b", "", "c"], trailing_newline=True) 'a\nb\n\nc\n' >>> lines_to_str(["a", "b", "", "c"], trailing_newline=False) 'a\nb\n\nc' >>> lines_to_str(["a", "b", "", "c", ""], trailing_newline=False) 'a\nb\n\nc' """ if not isinstance(lines, Iterable): raise type_error(lines, "lines", Iterable) res = "\n".join(lines).rstrip() if trailing_newline: return res + "\n" return res
[docs]def enforce_non_empty_str(text: str) -> str: """ Enforce that a text is a non-empty string. :param text: the text :returns: the text :raises TypeError: if `text` is not a `str` :raises ValueError: if `text` is empty """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise type_error(text, "text", str) if len(text) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Non-empty str expected, but got '{text}'.") return text
[docs]def enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(text: str) -> str: """ Enforce that a text is a non-empty string without white space. :param text: the text :returns: the text :raises TypeError: if `text` is not a `str` :raises ValueError: if `text` is empty or contains any white space characters """ text = enforce_non_empty_str(text) if any(c in text for c in string.whitespace): raise ValueError( f"No white space allowed in string, but got '{text}'.") return text
[docs]def datetime_to_date_str(date: datetime.datetime) -> str: """ Convert a datetime object to a date string. :param date: the date :return: the date string """ if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise type_error(date, "date", datetime.datetime) return date.strftime("%Y\u2011%m\u2011%d")
[docs]def datetime_to_datetime_str(date: datetime.datetime) -> str: """ Convert a datetime object to a date-time string. :param date: the date :return: the date-time string """ if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise type_error(date, "date", datetime.datetime) return date.strftime("%Y\u2011%m\u2011%d\u00a0%H:%M\u00a0%Z")
[docs]def enforce_url(url: str) -> str: """ Enforce that a string is a valid url. :param url: the url :return: the url """ enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(url) if ".." in url: raise ValueError(f"Invalid url '{url}', contains '..'.") res = urlparse(url) if res.scheme != "ssh": if res.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError(f"Invalid scheme '{res.scheme}' in url '{url}'.") if "@" in url: raise ValueError( f"Non-ssh URL must not contain '@', but '{url}' does") enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(res.netloc) enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(res.path) return res.geturl()
[docs]def get_prefix_str(str_list: tuple[str, ...] | list[str]) -> str: r""" Compute the common prefix string. :param str_list: the list of strings :return: the common prefix >>> get_prefix_str(["abc", "acd"]) 'a' >>> get_prefix_str(["xyz", "gsdf"]) '' >>> get_prefix_str([]) '' >>> get_prefix_str(["abx"]) 'abx' >>> get_prefix_str(("\\relative.path", "\\relative.figure", ... "\\relative.code")) '\\relative.' """ if len(str_list) <= 0: return "" prefix_str = "" len_smallest_str = min([len(str_mem) for str_mem in str_list]) str_list_0 = str_list[0] for i in range(len_smallest_str): f = str_list_0[i] if len([0 for ind in range(1, len(str_list)) if f != str_list[ind][i]]) > 0: break prefix_str += f return prefix_str
#: The language to locale dictionary for base locales. __LANG_DICT: Final[dict[str, str]] = { "en": "en_US", "zh": "zh_CN", "cn": "zh_CN", "tw": "zh_TW", "de": "de_DE", "fr": "fr_FR", "it": "it_IT", "ja": "ja_JP", "ko": "ko_KR", "pt": "pt_BR", "es": "es_ES", }
[docs]def lang_to_locale(lang: str) -> str: """ Convert a language ID to a locale. :param lang: the language id :return: the locale """ lang = enforce_non_empty_str_without_ws(lang) if lang in __LANG_DICT: return __LANG_DICT[lang] if "-" in lang: return "_".join(lang.split("-")) return lang
[docs]def file_size(size: int) -> str: """ Convert a file size to a string. :param size: the size :return: the string """ if isinstance(size, int) and (size >= 0): if size <= 0: return "0 B" base_size: int = 1 for suffix in ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"]: ret_size = int((size + base_size - 1) / base_size) if ret_size >= 1024: base_size *= 1024 continue return f"{ret_size} {suffix}" raise ValueError(f"Invalid size: {size}.")
#: The dictionary with "and" concatenations __AND_DICT: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = { "de": (" und ", " und "), "en": (" and ", ", and "), }
[docs]def to_string(obj, locale: str | None = None, use_seq_and: bool = True) -> str: """ Convert any object to a string, try to use a proper locale. :param obj: the input object :param locale: the locale :param use_seq_and: should we use "and" in sequences? :return: the string representation """ if obj is None: return "None" if isinstance(obj, str): return obj.strip() if isinstance(obj, Iterable): merge = ", " if (locale is not None) and (locale.startswith("zh")): merge = "," seq = [to_string(r, locale, use_seq_and).strip() for r in obj] seql = len(seq) if seql == 1: return seq[0] if use_seq_and and (locale is not None): ands = __AND_DICT.get(locale, None) if not ands: ands = __AND_DICT.get(locale.split("_")[0], None) if ands: if seql == 2: return ands[0].join(seq) res = merge.join(seq[:-1]) return ands[1].join([res, seq[-1]]) return merge.join(seq) return str(obj).strip()
[docs]def regex_sub(search: str | Pattern, replace: Callable | str, inside: str) -> str: r""" Replace all occurrences of 'search' in 'inside' with 'replace'. :param search: the regular expression to search :param replace: the regular expression to replace it with :param inside: the string in which to search/replace :return: the new string after the recursive replacement >>> regex_sub('[ \t]+\n', '\n', ' bla \nxyz\tabc\t\n') ' bla\nxyz\tabc\n' >>> regex_sub('[0-9]A', 'X', '23A7AA') '2XXA' """ while True: text = re.sub(search, replace, inside, re.MULTILINE) if text is inside: return inside inside = text