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1"""The preprocessor commands to be applied once the text has been loaded.""" 

2from typing import Callable, Final 


4import bookbuilderpy.constants as bc 

5from bookbuilderpy.git import Repo 

6from bookbuilderpy.path import Path 

7from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_code import get_programming_language, load_code 

8from bookbuilderpy.preprocessor_commands import create_preprocessor 

9from bookbuilderpy.strings import enforce_non_empty_str 



12def preprocess(text: str, 

13 input_dir: str, 

14 get_meta: Callable, 

15 get_repo: Callable, 

16 repo: Repo | None, 

17 output_dir: str) -> str: 

18 """ 

19 Apply all the preprocessor commands to the given text. 


21 :param text: the text of the book to be preprocessed. 

22 :param input_dir: the input director 

23 :param get_meta: a command for obtaining meta information. 

24 :param get_repo: a command for obtaining a repository 

25 :param repo: the root repository of the project 

26 :param output_dir: the output directory 

27 """ 

28 src = 

29 dst = 

30 src.enforce_neither_contains(dst) 


32 # execute all meta-data commands 

33 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GET_META, 

34 func=get_meta, 

35 n=1, 

36 strip_white_space=False))(text) 


38 def __get_repo(repo_id, info_id) -> str: 

39 gitrepo: Final[Repo] = get_repo(repo_id) 

40 if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_URL: 

41 return gitrepo.get_base_url() 

42 if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_DATE: 

43 return gitrepo.date_time 

44 if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_COMMIT: 

45 return gitrepo.commit 

46 if info_id == bc.META_REPO_INFO_NAME: 

47 return gitrepo.get_name() 

48 raise ValueError( 

49 f"Invalid repo query '{info_id}' for repo '{repo_id}'.") 


51 # execute all repo-info commands 

52 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GET_REPO, 

53 func=__get_repo, 

54 n=2, 

55 strip_white_space=False))(text) 


57 # make the definitions 

58 def_map: dict[str, str] = {} 

59 def_count: dict[str, int] = {} 


61 def __make_def(deftype: str, 

62 label: str, 

63 body: str) -> str: 

64 nonlocal def_map 

65 nonlocal def_count 

66 prefix = enforce_non_empty_str(get_meta(f"{deftype}Title").strip()) 

67 count: int = def_count.get(deftype, 0) + 1 

68 def_count[deftype] = count 

69 anchor = f"{prefix} {count}" 

70 enforce_non_empty_str(label) 

71 if label in def_map: 

72 raise ValueError( 

73 f"Redefined label '{label}' of type '{deftype}'.") 

74 label_name = f"_def:{count}:{label}" 

75 def_map[label] = f"[{anchor}](#{label_name})" 

76 enforce_non_empty_str(body) 

77 return f'<div id="{label_name}">**{anchor}.**&nbsp;{body}</div>' 


79 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_DEFINITION, 

80 func=__make_def, 

81 n=3, 

82 strip_white_space=True, 

83 wrap_in_newlines=3))(text) 

84 del def_count, __make_def 


86 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_DEF_REF, 

87 func=def_map.__getitem__, 

88 n=1, 

89 strip_white_space=False))(text) 

90 del def_map 


92 # create all figures 

93 def __make_absolute_figure(label: str, 

94 caption: str, 

95 path: str, 

96 args: str) -> str: 

97 nonlocal src 

98 nonlocal dst 

99 new_path = Path.copy_resource(src, path, dst) 

100 caption = enforce_non_empty_str(caption.strip()) 

101 use_path = enforce_non_empty_str(new_path.relative_to(dst).strip()) 

102 cmd = enforce_non_empty_str(" ".join([enforce_non_empty_str( 

103 label.strip()), args.strip()]).strip()) 

104 return f"![{caption}]({use_path}){{#fig:{cmd}}}" 


106 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_ABSOLUTE_FIGURE, 

107 func=__make_absolute_figure, 

108 n=4, strip_white_space=True, 

109 wrap_in_newlines=2))(text) 


111 # make a code section 

112 def __make_code(label: str, caption: str, code: str, file: Path, 

113 userepo: Repo | None) -> str: 

114 code = enforce_non_empty_str(code.strip()) 

115 label = enforce_non_empty_str(label.strip()) 

116 code = enforce_non_empty_str(code.strip()) 

117 plang: str | None = get_programming_language(file) 

118 plang = "" if plang is None else f" .{plang}" 


120 caption = enforce_non_empty_str(caption.strip()) 

121 spacer = " " 

122 end = caption[len(caption) - 1] 

123 # Below, we check first whether the text ends in a Chinese punctuation 

124 # mark and if it does not, if it ends in a Western one. 

125 if end in ("\u3001\u3002\u3003\u3009\u300b\u300d\u3011\u3015\u3017" 

126 "\u3019\u301b\u301e\ufe16\ufe57\uff01\uff1f\uff61\uff64"): 

127 spacer = "" 

128 elif end not in ".;!?)]}\"'\u00a1\u00b7\u00bf\u037e\u0387": 

129 caption = f"{caption}." 

130 if userepo: 

131 userepo.path.enforce_contains(file) 

132 url = userepo.make_url(file.relative_to(userepo.path)) 

133 caption = f"{caption}{spacer}([src]({url}))" 


135 return (f"Listing: {caption}\n\n" 

136 f"```{{#lst:{label}{plang} .numberLines}}\n{code}\n```") 


138 # create all local code 

139 def __make_absolute_code(label: str, caption: str, path: str, lines: str, 

140 labels: str, args: str) -> str: 

141 nonlocal src 

142 file: Final[Path] = Path.file(path) 

143 src.enforce_contains(file) 

144 code = load_code(file, lines=lines, labels=labels, args=args) 

145 return __make_code(label=label, caption=caption, 

146 code=code, file=file, userepo=repo) 


148 text = (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_ABSOLUTE_CODE, 

149 func=__make_absolute_code, 

150 n=6, strip_white_space=True, 

151 wrap_in_newlines=2))(text) 


153 # create all git code 

154 def __make_git_code(repoid: str, label: str, caption: str, path: str, 

155 lines: str, labels: str, args: str) -> str: 

156 userepo: Final[Repo] = get_repo(repoid) 

157 file: Final[Path] = userepo.path.resolve_inside(path) 

158 file.enforce_file() 

159 userepo.path.enforce_contains(file) 

160 code = load_code(file, lines=lines, labels=labels, args=args) 

161 return __make_code(label=label, caption=caption, 

162 code=code, file=file, userepo=userepo) 


164 return (create_preprocessor(name=bc.CMD_GIT_CODE, 

165 func=__make_git_code, 

166 n=7, strip_white_space=True, 

167 wrap_in_newlines=2))(text)