"""Process a LaTeX aux file."""
import argparse
from os.path import dirname, getsize
from typing import Final
from pycommons.io.arguments import make_argparser, make_epilog
from pycommons.io.console import logger
from pycommons.io.path import Path, directory_path, write_lines
from pycommons.net.url import URL
from pycommons.types import type_error
from latexgit.repository.processed import Processed
from latexgit.version import __version__
def __int_to_alpha(index: int) -> str:
Convert an integer to a alphabetic sequence.
:param index: the index
:returns: the sequence
>>> __int_to_alpha(0)
>>> __int_to_alpha(1)
>>> __int_to_alpha(25)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26)
>>> __int_to_alpha(27)
>>> __int_to_alpha(51)
>>> __int_to_alpha(52)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 27 - 1)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 27)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 27 + 1)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 27 + 25)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 27 + 26)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 26 * 27 + 26 - 1)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 26 * 27 + 26)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 26 * 27 + 26 + 26)
>>> __int_to_alpha(26 * 26 * 27 + 26 + 26 * 26)
chars: list[int] = []
while True:
chars.append(97 + (index % 26))
index = (index // 26) - 1
if index < 0:
return "".join(map(chr, chars))
#: the header for git file requests
REQUEST_FILE: Final[str] = r"\@latexgit@gitFile"
#: the header for process result requests
REQUEST_PROCESS: Final[str] = r"\@latexgit@process"
def __get_request(line: str) -> tuple[
str, str | None, str | None, tuple[str, ...] | None] | None:
Get the repository request, if any.
:param line: the line
:return: the request, composed of the request function, the repository
(if any), the path (if any), and the optional command; or `None` if
no request was found.
>>> print(__get_request(""))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\hello"))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x}{y}{}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x', 'y', None)
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@process{x}{y}{python3 --version}"))
('\\@latexgit@process', 'x', 'y', ('python3', '--version'))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x}{y}{a}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x', 'y', ('a',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x}{y}{a b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x', 'y', ('a', 'b'))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x}{y}{a\ b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x', 'y', ('a b',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x{{y}{y}{a\ b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', 'y', ('a b',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x\{y}{y}{a\ b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', 'y', ('a b',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x\{y}{}}y}{a\ b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', '}y', ('a b',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile{x\{y}{}}y}{a\ \\b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', '}y', ('a \\b',))
>>> print(__get_request(r"\@latexgit@gitFile {x\{y}{}}y}{a\ \\b}"))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', '}y', ('a \\b',))
>>> print(__get_request(
... r" \@latexgit@gitFile { x\{y}{ }}y }{ a\ \\b } "))
('\\@latexgit@gitFile', 'x{y', '}y', ('a \\b',))
if not isinstance(line, str):
raise type_error(line, "line", str)
if str.__len__(line) >= 67108864:
raise ValueError(f"line is {len(line)} characters long?")
line = str.strip(line)
request: Final[str | None] = REQUEST_FILE if str.startswith(
line, REQUEST_FILE) else (REQUEST_PROCESS if str.startswith(
line, REQUEST_PROCESS) else None)
if request is None:
return None
line = line[str.__len__(request):].lstrip()
if (str.__len__(line) <= 0) or (line[0] != "{"):
raise ValueError(f"rest line={line!r} for {request!r}.")
# find markers for search-replacing problematic chars
strset: Final[set[str]] = set(line)
if set.__len__(strset) > 1048576:
raise ValueError(
f"{set.__len__(strset)} different characters "
f"in line for {request!r}?")
markers: list[str] = []
marker: int = 33
while list.__len__(markers) <= 4:
cmarker: str = chr(marker)
marker += 1
if cmarker in strset:
del strset
del cmarker
del marker
# replace problematic chars with markers
line = (line.replace("\\\\", markers[0])
.replace(r"\{", markers[1])
.replace("{{", markers[1])
.replace(r"\}", markers[2])
.replace("}}", markers[2])
.replace(r"\ ", markers[3]))
# find the split positions, exit if they do not exist
idx_1: Final[int] = line.find("}", 1)
if idx_1 < 1:
raise ValueError(f"{request!r}/{line!r}: missing 1 }}")
idx_2: Final[int] = line.find("{", idx_1)
if idx_2 <= idx_1:
raise ValueError(f"{request!r}/{line!r}: missing 1 {{")
idx_3: Final[int] = line.find("}", idx_2)
if idx_3 <= idx_2:
raise ValueError(f"{request!r}/{line!r}: missing 2 }}")
idx_4: Final[int] = line.find("{", idx_3)
if idx_4 <= idx_3:
raise ValueError(f"{request!r}/{line!r}: missing 2 {{")
idx_5: Final[int] = line.find("}", idx_4)
if idx_5 <= idx_4:
raise ValueError(f"{request!r}/{line!r}: missing 3 }}")
# extract repository and path information
repository: str | None = line[1:idx_1].replace(markers[0], "\\").replace(
markers[1], "{").replace(markers[2], "}").replace(
markers[3], " ").strip()
if str.__len__(repository) <= 0:
if request is REQUEST_FILE:
raise ValueError(f"repository cannot be empty for {request!r}.")
repository = None
path: str | None = line[idx_2 + 1:idx_3].replace(
markers[0], "\\").replace(markers[1], "{").replace(
markers[2], "}").replace(markers[3], " ").strip()
if str.__len__(path) <= 0:
if request is REQUEST_FILE:
raise ValueError(f"path cannot be empty for {request!r}.")
path = None
if (path is None) != (repository is None):
raise ValueError(
f"path={path!r} not permitted if repository={repository!r}.")
# process post information while protecting protected spaces
post: Final[str] = line[idx_4 + 1:idx_5].replace(markers[0], "\\").replace(
markers[1], "{").replace(markers[2], "}").strip()
command: Final[tuple[str, ...] | None] = None if (
str.__len__(post) <= 0) else tuple(t for t in (
s.replace(markers[3], " ").strip()
for s in post.split()) if len(t) > 0)
if (command is None) and (request is REQUEST_PROCESS):
raise ValueError(f"command cannot be empty for {request!r}.")
return request, repository, path, command
#: the response header for the path
RESPONSE_PATH: Final[str] = r"\@latexgit@path"
#: the response header for the url
RESPONSE_URL: Final[str] = r"\@latexgit@url"
def __make_response(
base_dir: Path, file_and_url: tuple[Path, str | None], index: int) \
-> tuple[str, str]:
Make a path entry command.
:param base_dir: the base directory
:param file_and_url: the file path and the url
:param index: the file index
:return: the `latexgit` compliant path command
>>> from os.path import dirname
>>> import latexgit.aux as aa
>>> from pycommons.io.path import file_path
>>> fle = file_path(aa.__file__)
>>> bd = directory_path(dirname(dirname(fle)))
>>> x = __make_response(bd, (fle, 'https://example.com'), 3)
>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]
>>> x = __make_response(bd, (fle, 'https://example.com#3_4'), 0)
>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]
suffix: Final[str] = __int_to_alpha(index)
file: Final[Path] = file_and_url[0]
url: Final[str] = "" if file_and_url[1] is None \
else file_and_url[1].replace("#", r"\#")
return ((f"\\xdef{RESPONSE_PATH}{suffix}{{"
def run(aux_arg: str, repo_dir_arg: str = "__git__") -> None:
Execute the `latexgit` tool.
This tool loads an LaTeX `aux` file, processes all file loading requests,
and flushes the produced file paths back to the `aux` file.
:param aux_arg: the `aux` file argument
:param repo_dir_arg: the repository directory argument
aux_file: Path = Path(aux_arg)
if not aux_file.is_file():
aux_file = Path(f"{aux_arg}.aux")
if not aux_file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f"aux argument {aux_arg!r} does not identify a file "
f"and neither does {aux_file!r}")
logger(f"Using aux file {aux_file!r}.")
if getsize(aux_file) <= 0:
logger(f"aux file {aux_file!r} is empty. Nothing to do. Exiting.")
lines: Final[list[str]] = list(aux_file.open_for_read())
lenlines: Final[int] = len(lines)
if lenlines <= 0:
logger(f"aux file {aux_file!r} contains no lines. "
"Nothing to do. Exiting.")
logger(f"Loaded {lenlines} lines from aux file {aux_file!r}.")
base_dir: Final[Path] = directory_path(dirname(aux_file))
logger(f"The base directory is {base_dir!r}.")
proc: Processed | None = None
append: list[str] = []
resolved: int = 0
for line in lines:
request: tuple[str, str | None, str | None, tuple[str,
...] | None] | None = __get_request(line)
if request is None:
func: str = request[0]
repo: str | None = request[1]
path: str | None = request[2]
command: tuple[str, ...] | None = request[3]
if proc is None:
git_dir: Path = base_dir.resolve_inside(repo_dir_arg)
logger(f"The repository directory is {git_dir!r}.")
proc = Processed(git_dir)
file_and_url: tuple[Path, URL | None] | None
if func is REQUEST_FILE:
file_and_url = proc.get_file_and_url(
repo_url=repo, relative_path=path, processor=command)
elif func is REQUEST_PROCESS:
file_and_url = proc.get_output(
command=command, repo_url=repo, relative_dir=path)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid request: {func!r}, {repo!r}, "
f"{path!r}, {command!r}.")
append.extend(__make_response(base_dir, file_and_url, resolved))
resolved += 1
if proc is not None:
del proc
if len(append) <= 0:
logger("No file requests found. Nothing to do.")
logger(f"Found and resolved {resolved} file requests.")
with aux_file.open_for_write() as wd:
write_lines(map(str.rstrip, lines), wd)
logger(f"Finished flushing {len(lines)} lines to aux file {aux_file!r}.")
# Execute the latexgit tool
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser: Final[argparse.ArgumentParser] = make_argparser(
__file__, "Execute the latexgit Tool.",
"Download and provide local paths for "
"files from git repositories.",
2023, None, "Thomas Weise",
email="tweise@hfuu.edu.cn, tweise@ustc.edu.cn"),
"aux", help="the aux file to process", type=str, default="")
"--repoDir", help="the directory to use for downloads",
type=str, default="__git__", nargs="?")
args: Final[argparse.Namespace] = parser.parse_args()
run(args.aux.strip(), args.repoDir.strip())
logger("All done.")