Source code for

A multi-objective version of the Randomized Local Search algorithm.

The original randomized local search (RLS) always remembers the best-so-far
solution and, in each step, generates a new one by applying the unary search
operator. If the new solution is not worse than the best-so-far one (according
to the single objective function), it becomes the new best-so-far solution.
In this multi-objective version, we accept the new solution if it is not
dominated by the best-so-far solution.
from typing import Callable, Final

from numpy.random import Generator

from moptipy.api.algorithm import Algorithm1
from moptipy.api.mo_algorithm import MOAlgorithm
from moptipy.api.mo_process import MOProcess
from moptipy.api.operators import Op0, Op1

[docs] class MORLS(Algorithm1, MOAlgorithm): """The MO-RLS is a local search accepting all non-worsening moves."""
[docs] def solve_mo(self, process: MOProcess) -> None: """ Apply the MO-RLS to an optimization problem. :param process: the black-box process object """ # Create records for old and new point in the search space. best_x = process.create() # record for best-so-far solution best_f = process.f_create() # the objective values new_x = process.create() # record for new solution new_f = process.f_create() # the objective values # Obtain the random number generator. random: Final[Generator] = process.get_random() # Put function references in variables to save time. evaluate: Final[Callable] = process.f_evaluate # the objective op1: Final[Callable] = self.op1.op1 # the unary operator should_terminate: Final[Callable] = process.should_terminate domination: Final[Callable] = process.f_dominates # Start at a random point in the search space and evaluate it. self.op0.op0(random, best_x) # Create 1 solution randomly and evaluate(best_x, best_f) # evaluate it. while not should_terminate(): # Until we need to quit... op1(random, new_x, best_x) # new_x = neighbor of best_x evaluate(new_x, new_f) if domination(new_f, best_f) <= 0: # new is not worse than best? best_f, new_f = new_f, best_f # swap objective values. best_x, new_x = new_x, best_x # swap best and new. process.check_in(best_x, best_f) # check-in final result
def __init__(self, op0: Op0, op1: Op1) -> None: """ Create the randomized local search (rls). :param op0: the nullary search operator :param op1: the unary search operator """ Algorithm1.__init__(self, "morls", op0, op1)
[docs] def initialize(self) -> None: """Initialize the algorithm.""" Algorithm1.initialize(self)