Source code for moptipy.algorithms.modules.selection

Selection algorithms are common modules that choose `n` out of `N` objects.

Selection algorithms are modules of the fully-configurable Evolutionary
Algorithm :class:``. They can
utilize fitness values computed by the fitness assignment processes
(:class:``). Of course, they can
also be applied in different contexts and are not bound to single-objective

:class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selection.Selection` is especially
important in Evolutionary Algorithms
(``), where it is used in two
places: As *survival selection*, it chooses which points will be allowed to
remain in the population and, hence, survive into the mating pool for the next
generation. As *mating selection* methods, they choose the inputs of the
search operations from the mating pool.

:class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selection.Selection` algorithms must
*only* use the
:attr:`` of a
solution record (and random numbers) to make their decisions. These fitness
values are subject to minimization. They can equal to the objective values in
optimization or stem from a :class:``
Assignment Process.

The following selection algorithms have currently been implemented:

- :class:`` selection
  selects the best `n` solutions without replacement. This is a common
  strategy for survival selection, especially in (mu+lambda) EAs
  (compatible to :class:``).
- :class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selections.random_without_repl\
.RandomWithoutReplacement` selects random solutions without replacement. It is
  a common strategy for mating selection.
- :class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selections.fitness_proportionate_sus\
.FitnessProportionateSUS` performs fitness proportionate selection for
  minimization using stochastic uniform sampling and, optionally, a minimum
  selection probability threshold. It is the classic survival selection
  algorithm in Genetic Algorithm.
- :class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selections.tournament_with_repl.\
  performs tournament selection with a specified tournament size with
- :class:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.selections.tournament_without_repl.\
  performs tournament selection with a specified tournament size without
from typing import Any, Callable, Protocol

from numpy.random import Generator
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.component import Component

# start book
[docs] class FitnessRecord(Protocol): """A fitness record stores data together with a fitness.""" # end book #: the fitness value, which can either be an integer or a float and #: is the only criterion to be used by a selection #: algorithm (besides random numbers) fitness: float def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: """ Compare the fitness of this record with the fitness of another one. :param other: the other fitness record """ return <
# start book
[docs] class Selection(Component): """The base class for selections algorithms."""
[docs] def select(self, source: list[FitnessRecord], dest: Callable[[FitnessRecord], Any], n: int, random: Generator) -> None: # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Select `n` records from `source` and pass them to `dest`. When choosing the `n` records from `source` to be passed to `dest`, only the :attr:`` attribute of the records and the random numbers from `random` must be used as decision criteria. :param source: the list with the records to select from :param dest: the destination collector Callable to invoke for each selected record, can be :class:`list`.`append`. :param n: the number of records to select :param random: the random number generator """
# end book
[docs] def check_selection(selection: Selection) -> Selection: """ Check whether an object is a valid instance of :class:`Selection`. :param selection: the Selection object :return: the object :raises TypeError: if `selections` is not an instance of :class:`Selection` or if it is an instance of the abstract base class """ if not isinstance(selection, Selection): raise type_error(selection, "selections", Selection) if selection.__class__ is Selection: raise TypeError("cannot use abstract class 'Selection' directly") return selection