Source code for moptipy.algorithms.modules.temperature_schedule

A temperature schedule as needed by Simulated Annealing.

The Simulated Annealing algorithm implemented in
:mod:`` performs a local search that
always accepts a non-worsening move, i.e., a solution which is not worse than
the currently maintained one. However, it will also *sometimes* accept one
that is worse. The probability of doing so depends on how much worse that
solution is and on the current *temperature* of the algorithm. The higher the
temperature, the higher the acceptance probability. The temperature changes
over time according to the

The temperature schedule receives an iteration index `tau` as input and
returns the current temperature via :meth:`~moptipy.algorithms.modules.\
temperature_schedule.TemperatureSchedule.temperature`. Notice that `tau` is
zero-based for simplicity reason, meanings that the first objective function
evaluation is at index `0`.

from math import e, isfinite, log
from typing import Final

from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.component import Component
from moptipy.utils.logger import KeyValueLogSection
from moptipy.utils.strings import num_to_str_for_name

# start schedule
[docs] class TemperatureSchedule(Component): """The base class for temperature schedules.""" def __init__(self, t0: float) -> None: # end schedule """ Initialize the temperature schedule. :param t0: the starting temperature, must be > 0 """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(t0, float): raise type_error(t0, "t0", float) if (not isfinite(t0)) or (t0 <= 0.0): raise ValueError(f"t0 must be >0, cannot be {t0}.") # start schedule #: the starting temperature self.t0: Final[float] = t0
[docs] def temperature(self, tau: int) -> float: """ Compute the temperature at iteration `tau`. :param tau: the iteration index, starting with `0` at the first comparison of two solutions, at which point the starting temperature :attr:`~TemperatureSchedule.t0` should be returned :returns: the temperature """
# end schedule
[docs] def log_parameters_to(self, logger: KeyValueLogSection) -> None: """ Log all parameters of this temperature schedule as key-value pairs. :param logger: the logger for the parameters >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.key_values("C") as kv: ... TemperatureSchedule(0.1).log_parameters_to(kv) ... text = l.get_log() >>> text[1] 'name: TemperatureSchedule' >>> text[3] 'T0: 0.1' >>> len(text) 6 """ super().log_parameters_to(logger) logger.key_value("T0", self.t0)
# start exponential
[docs] class ExponentialSchedule(TemperatureSchedule): """ The exponential temperature schedule. The current temperature is computed as `t0 * (1 - epsilon) ** tau`. >>> ex = ExponentialSchedule(10.0, 0.05) >>> print(f"{ex.t0} - {ex.epsilon}") 10.0 - 0.05 >>> ex.temperature(0) 10.0 >>> ex.temperature(1) 9.5 >>> ex.temperature(2) 9.025 >>> ex.temperature(1_000_000_000_000_000_000) 0.0 """ def __init__(self, t0: float, epsilon: float) -> None: """ Initialize the exponential temperature schedule. :param t0: the starting temperature, must be > 0 :param epsilon: the epsilon parameter of the schedule, in (0, 1) """ super().__init__(t0) # end exponential if not isinstance(epsilon, float): raise type_error(epsilon, "epsilon", float) if (not isfinite(epsilon)) or (not (0.0 < epsilon < 1.0)): raise ValueError( f"epsilon cannot be {epsilon}, must be in (0,1).") # start exponential #: the epsilon parameter of the exponential schedule self.epsilon: Final[float] = epsilon #: the value used as basis for the exponent self.__one_minus_epsilon: Final[float] = 1.0 - epsilon # end exponential if not (0.0 < self.__one_minus_epsilon < 1.0): raise ValueError( f"epsilon cannot be {epsilon}, because 1-epsilon must be in " f"(0, 1) but is {self.__one_minus_epsilon}.") # start exponential
[docs] def temperature(self, tau: int) -> float: """ Compute the temperature at iteration `tau`. :param tau: the iteration index, starting with `0` at the first comparison of two solutions, at which point the starting temperature :attr:`~TemperatureSchedule.t0` should be returned :returns: the temperature >>> s = ExponentialSchedule(100.0, 0.5) >>> s.temperature(0) 100.0 >>> s.temperature(1) 50.0 >>> s.temperature(10) 0.09765625 """ return self.t0 * (self.__one_minus_epsilon ** tau)
# end exponential
[docs] def log_parameters_to(self, logger: KeyValueLogSection) -> None: """ Log all parameters of the exponential temperature schedule. :param logger: the logger for the parameters >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.key_values("C") as kv: ... ExponentialSchedule(0.2, 0.6).log_parameters_to(kv) ... text = l.get_log() >>> text[1] 'name: exp0d2_0d6' >>> text[3] 'T0: 0.2' >>> text[5] 'e: 0.6' >>> len(text) 8 """ super().log_parameters_to(logger) logger.key_value("e", self.epsilon)
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Get the string representation of the exponential temperature schedule. :returns: the name of this schedule >>> ExponentialSchedule(100.5, 0.3) exp100d5_0d3 """ return (f"exp{num_to_str_for_name(self.t0)}_" f"{num_to_str_for_name(self.epsilon)}")
# start logarithmic
[docs] class LogarithmicSchedule(TemperatureSchedule): """ The logarithmic temperature schedule. The temperature is computed as `t0 / log(e + (tau * epsilon))`. >>> lg = LogarithmicSchedule(10.0, 0.1) >>> print(f"{lg.t0} - {lg.epsilon}") 10.0 - 0.1 >>> lg.temperature(0) 10.0 >>> lg.temperature(1) 9.651322627630812 >>> lg.temperature(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000) 0.11428802155348732 """ def __init__(self, t0: float, epsilon: float) -> None: """ Initialize the logarithmic temperature schedule. :param t0: the starting temperature, must be > 0 :param epsilon: the epsilon parameter of the schedule, is > 0 """ super().__init__(t0) # end logarithmic if not isinstance(epsilon, float): raise type_error(epsilon, "epsilon", float) if (not isfinite(epsilon)) or (epsilon <= 0.0): raise ValueError( f"epsilon cannot be {epsilon}, must be > 0.") # start logarithmic #: the epsilon parameter of the logarithmic schedule self.epsilon: Final[float] = epsilon
[docs] def temperature(self, tau: int) -> float: """ Compute the temperature at iteration `tau`. :param tau: the iteration index, starting with `0` at the first comparison of two solutions, at which point the starting temperature :attr:`~TemperatureSchedule.t0` should be returned :returns: the temperature >>> s = LogarithmicSchedule(100.0, 0.5) >>> s.temperature(0) 100.0 >>> s.temperature(1) 85.55435113150568 >>> s.temperature(10) 48.93345190925178 """ return self.t0 / log(e + (tau * self.epsilon))
# end logarithmic
[docs] def log_parameters_to(self, logger: KeyValueLogSection) -> None: """ Log all parameters of the logarithmic temperature schedule. :param logger: the logger for the parameters >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.key_values("C") as kv: ... LogarithmicSchedule(0.2, 0.6).log_parameters_to(kv) ... text = l.get_log() >>> text[1] 'name: ln0d2_0d6' >>> text[3] 'T0: 0.2' >>> text[5] 'e: 0.6' >>> len(text) 8 """ super().log_parameters_to(logger) logger.key_value("e", self.epsilon)
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Get the string representation of the logarithmic temperature schedule. :returns: the name of this schedule >>> LogarithmicSchedule(100.5, 0.3) ln100d5_0d3 """ return (f"ln{num_to_str_for_name(self.t0)}_" f"{num_to_str_for_name(self.epsilon)}")