Source code for

The implementation of the hill climbing algorithm with restarts `hcr`.

This algorithm basically works like the normal hill climber `hc`
(:class:``), but it will
restart automatically if no move was successful for
`max_moves_without_improvement` iterative steps. It therefore maintains an
internal counter `count` which is set to zero at the beginning of each restart
and which is also set to zero again any time a move successfully improved the
best-so-far solution of the current restart. If a search move, i.e., an
application of the unary operator, yielded a new solution which is not better
than the best-so-far solution of the current restart, `count` is incremented.
If `count >= max_moves_without_improvement`, the algorithm begins a new
restart with a new random solution.

1. Thomas Weise. *Optimization Algorithms.* 2021. Hefei, Anhui, China:
   Institute of Applied Optimization (IAO), School of Artificial Intelligence
   and Big Data, Hefei University.
from typing import Callable, Final

from numpy.random import Generator
from pycommons.types import check_int_range

from moptipy.api.algorithm import Algorithm1
from moptipy.api.operators import Op0, Op1
from moptipy.api.process import Process
from moptipy.utils.logger import KeyValueLogSection

# start book
[docs] class HillClimberWithRestarts(Algorithm1): """ The stochastic hill climbing algorithm only accepts improving moves. In each step, a hill climber creates a modified copy `new_x` of the current best solution `best_x`. If `new_x` is better than `best_x`, it becomes the new `best_x`. Otherwise, it is discarded. If no improvement is made for `max_moves_without_improvement` steps, the algorithm restarts. """
[docs] def solve(self, process: Process) -> None: """ Apply the hill climber with restarts to an optimization problem. :param process: the black-box process object """ # Create records for old and new point in the search space. best_x = process.create() # record for best-so-far solution new_x = process.create() # record for new solution # Obtain the random number generator. random: Final[Generator] = process.get_random() # Put function references in variables to save time. evaluate: Final[Callable] = process.evaluate # the objective op1: Final[Callable] = self.op1.op1 # the unary operator should_terminate: Final[Callable] = process.should_terminate limit: Final[int] = self.max_moves_without_improvement while not should_terminate(): # Until we need to quit.... self.op0.op0(random, best_x) # Create random solution and best_f: int | float = evaluate(best_x) count: int = 0 # The counter of unsuccessful moves = 0. while not should_terminate(): # Until we need to quit... op1(random, new_x, best_x) # new_x=neighbor of best_x new_f: int | float = evaluate(new_x) if new_f < best_f: # new_x is _better_ than best_x? best_f = new_f # Store its objective value. best_x, new_x = new_x, best_x # Swap best and new. count = 0 # Reset unsuccessful move counter. else: # The move did not lead to an improvement!? count += 1 # Increment unsuccessful move counter. if count >= limit: # Too many unsuccessful moves? break # Break inner loop, start again randomly.
# end book def __init__(self, op0: Op0, op1: Op1, max_moves_without_improvement: int) -> None: """ Create the hill climber. :param op0: the nullary search operator :param op1: the unary search operator :param max_moves_without_improvement: the maximum number of moves without improvement before a restart """ super().__init__( f"hcr_{max_moves_without_improvement}", op0, op1) #: the maximum moves without improvement self.max_moves_without_improvement: Final[int] = \ check_int_range( max_moves_without_improvement, "max_moves_without_improvement", 1, 1_000_000_000_000)
[docs] def log_parameters_to(self, logger: KeyValueLogSection) -> None: """ Log all parameters of this component as key-value pairs. :param logger: the logger for the parameters """ super().log_parameters_to(logger) logger.key_value("maxMovesWithoutImprovement", self.max_moves_without_improvement)