Source code for moptipy.api.mo_algorithm

The base classes for multi-objective optimization algorithms.

A multi-objective optimization algorithm is an optimization algorithm that can
optimize multiple, possibly conflicting, objective functions at once. All such
algorithms inherit from :class:`~moptipy.api.mo_algorithm.MOAlgorithm`. When
developing or implementing new algorithms, you would still follow the concepts
discussed in module :mod:`~moptipy.api.algorithm`.

If you implement a new multi-objective algorithm, you can test it via the
pre-defined unit test routine
from typing import cast

from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.algorithm import Algorithm
from moptipy.api.mo_process import MOProcess
from moptipy.api.process import Process

[docs] class MOAlgorithm(Algorithm): """A base class for multi-objective optimization algorithms."""
[docs] def solve(self, process: Process) -> None: """ Forward to :meth:`solve_mo` and cast `process` to `MOProcess`. :param process: the process to solve. Must be an instance of :class:`~moptipy.api.mo_process.MOProcess`. """ if not isinstance(process, MOProcess): raise type_error(process, "process", MOProcess) self.solve_mo(cast(MOProcess, process))
[docs] def solve_mo(self, process: MOProcess) -> None: """ Apply the multi-objective optimization algorithm to the given process. :param process: the multi-objective process which provides methods to access the search space, the termination criterion, and a source of randomness. It also wraps the objective function, remembers the best-so-far solution, and takes care of creating log files (if this is wanted). """