Source code for moptipy.api.subprocesses

Different ways to transform and slice processes.

In this module, we provide some routines that can be used to slice of
computational budgets of a given process for running algorithms.
The following functions are included:

1. :func:`for_fes` allows for creating a sub-process that forwards all method
   calls to the original process but will perform at most a given number of
   objective function evaluations.
2. :func:`from_starting_point` creates a sub-process that has the current-best
   solution pre-set to a given point in the search space and its quality. If
   the best solution is improved upon, the provided point will be overwritten
   in place.
3. :func:`without_should_terminate` wraps a process in such a way that the
   termination criterion :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate`
   does not need to be checked anymore. Instead, once the optimization must
   stop, it will throw an internal exception and catch it again. This makes it
   possible to pass :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.evaluate` to
   externally implemented algorithms that do not care about the `moptipy` API.

The utility function :func:`get_remaining_fes` returns a number representing
the remaining objective function evaluations of a given
:class:`~moptipy.api.process.Process`. If that process does not have an
FE-based termination criterion, it will instead return a very big number.
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.mo_process import MOProcess
from moptipy.api.process import Process, check_max_fes

#: the type variable for single- and multi-objective processes.
T = TypeVar("T", Process, MOProcess)

class __ForFEs(Process):
    """A process searching for a fixed amount of FEs."""

    def __init__(self, owner: Process, max_fes: int):
        if not isinstance(owner, Process):
            raise type_error(owner, "owner", Process)
        #: the owning process
        self.__owner: Final[Process] = owner
        self.get_random = owner.get_random  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_consumed_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_consumed_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_max_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_max_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_last_improvement_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_last_improvement_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        self.has_log = owner.has_log  # type: ignore
        self.add_log_section = owner.add_log_section  # type: ignore
        self.lower_bound = owner.lower_bound  # type: ignore
        self.upper_bound = owner.upper_bound  # type: ignore
        self.create = owner.create  # type: ignore
        self.copy = owner.copy  # type: ignore
        self.to_str = owner.to_str  # type: ignore
        self.is_equal = owner.is_equal  # type: ignore
        self.from_str = owner.from_str  # type: ignore
        self.validate = owner.validate  # type: ignore
        self.n_points = owner.n_points  # type: ignore
        self.has_best = owner.has_best  # type: ignore
        self.get_copy_of_best_x = owner.get_copy_of_best_x  # type: ignore
        self.get_best_f = owner.get_best_f  # type: ignore
        self.get_log_basename = owner.get_log_basename  # type: ignore
        #: the maximum FEs
        self.max_fes: Final[int] = check_max_fes(max_fes)
        #: the FEs that we still have left
        self.__fes_left: int = max_fes
        #: did we terminate?
        self.__terminated: bool = False
        #: the fast call to the owner's should_terminate method
        self.__should_terminate: Final[Callable[[], bool]] \
            = owner.should_terminate
        #: the fast call to the owner's evaluate method
        self.__evaluate: Final[Callable[[Any], int | float]] \
            = owner.evaluate
        #: the fast call to the owner's register method
        self.__register: Final[Callable[[Any, int | float], None]] \
            = owner.register
        #: the start fe
        self.__start_fe: Final[int] = owner.get_consumed_fes()

    def should_terminate(self) -> bool:
        return self.__terminated or self.__should_terminate()

    def terminate(self) -> None:
        self.__terminated = True

    def evaluate(self, x) -> float | int:
        f: Final[int | float] = self.__evaluate(x)
        fel: Final[int] = self.__fes_left - 1
        self.__fes_left = fel
        if fel <= 0:
            self.__terminated = True
        return f

    def register(self, x, f: int | float) -> None:
        self.__register(x, f)
        fel: Final[int] = self.__fes_left - 1
        self.__fes_left = fel
        if fel <= 0:
            self.__terminated = True

    def get_consumed_fes(self) -> int:
        return self.max_fes - self.__fes_left

    def get_last_improvement_fe(self) -> int:
        return max(1 if self.__fes_left < self.max_fes else 0,
                   self.__owner.get_last_improvement_fe() - self.__start_fe)

    def get_max_fes(self) -> int:
        return self.max_fes

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"forFEs_{self.max_fes}_{self.__owner}"

class __ForFEsMO(MOProcess):
    """A process searching for a fixed amount of FEs."""

    def __init__(self, owner: MOProcess, max_fes: int):
        if not isinstance(owner, MOProcess):
            raise type_error(owner, "owner", MOProcess)
        #: the owning process
        self.__owner: Final[MOProcess] = owner
        self.get_random = owner.get_random  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_consumed_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_consumed_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_max_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_max_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        a = owner.get_last_improvement_time_millis  # type: ignore
        self.get_last_improvement_time_millis = a  # type: ignore
        self.has_log = owner.has_log  # type: ignore
        self.add_log_section = owner.add_log_section  # type: ignore
        self.lower_bound = owner.lower_bound  # type: ignore
        self.upper_bound = owner.upper_bound  # type: ignore
        self.create = owner.create  # type: ignore
        self.copy = owner.copy  # type: ignore
        self.to_str = owner.to_str  # type: ignore
        self.is_equal = owner.is_equal  # type: ignore
        self.from_str = owner.from_str  # type: ignore
        self.validate = owner.validate  # type: ignore
        self.n_points = owner.n_points  # type: ignore
        self.has_best = owner.has_best  # type: ignore
        self.get_copy_of_best_x = owner.get_copy_of_best_x  # type: ignore
        self.get_best_f = owner.get_best_f  # type: ignore
        self.get_archive = owner.get_archive  # type: ignore
        self.check_in = owner.check_in  # type: ignore
        self.f_create = owner.f_create  # type: ignore
        self.f_validate = owner.f_validate  # type: ignore
        self.f_dtype = owner.f_dtype  # type: ignore
        self.f_dominates = owner.f_dominates  # type: ignore
        self.f_dimension = owner.f_dimension  # type: ignore
        self.get_log_basename = owner.get_log_basename  # type: ignore
        #: the maximum FEs
        self.max_fes: Final[int] = check_max_fes(max_fes)
        #: the FEs that we still have left
        self.__fes_left: int = max_fes
        #: did we terminate?
        self.__terminated: bool = False
        #: the fast call to the owner's should_terminate method
        self.__should_terminate: Final[Callable[[], bool]] \
            = owner.should_terminate
        #: the fast call to the owner's evaluate method
        self.__evaluate: Final[Callable[[Any], int | float]] \
            = owner.evaluate
        #: the fast call to the owner's register method
        self.__register: Final[Callable[[Any, int | float], None]] \
            = owner.register
        #: the evaluation wrapper
        self.__f_evaluate: Final[Callable[
            [Any, np.ndarray], int | float]] = owner.f_evaluate
        #: the start fe
        self.__start_fe: Final[int] = owner.get_consumed_fes()

    def should_terminate(self) -> bool:
        return self.__terminated or self.__should_terminate()

    def terminate(self) -> None:
        self.__terminated = True

    def evaluate(self, x) -> float | int:
        f: Final[int | float] = self.__evaluate(x)
        fel: Final[int] = self.__fes_left - 1
        self.__fes_left = fel
        if fel <= 0:
            self.__terminated = True
        return f

    def register(self, x, f: int | float) -> None:
        self.__register(x, f)
        fel: Final[int] = self.__fes_left - 1
        self.__fes_left = fel
        if fel <= 0:
            self.__terminated = True

    def f_evaluate(self, x, fs: np.ndarray) -> float | int:
        f: Final[int | float] = self.__f_evaluate(x, fs)
        fel: Final[int] = self.__fes_left - 1
        self.__fes_left = fel
        if fel <= 0:
            self.__terminated = True
        return f

    def get_consumed_fes(self) -> int:
        return self.max_fes - self.__fes_left

    def get_last_improvement_fe(self) -> int:
        return max(1 if self.__fes_left < self.max_fes else 0,
                   self.__owner.get_last_improvement_fe() - self.__start_fe)

    def get_max_fes(self) -> int:
        return self.max_fes

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"forFEsMO_{self.max_fes}_{self.__owner}"

[docs] def for_fes(process: T, max_fes: int) -> T: """ Create a sub-process that can run for the given number of FEs. :param process: the original process :param max_fes: the maximum number of objective function evaluations :returns: the sub-process that will terminate after `max_fes` FEs and that forwards all other calls the `process`. """ max_fes = check_max_fes(max_fes, False) return __ForFEsMO(process, max_fes) if isinstance(process, MOProcess) \ else __ForFEs(process, max_fes)
class __FromStartingPoint(Process): """A process searching from a given point.""" def __init__(self, owner: Process, in_and_out_x: Any, f: int | float): """ Create a sub-process searching from one starting point. :param owner: the owning process :param in_and_out_x: the input solution record, which will be overwritten with the best encountered solution :param f: the objective value corresponding to `in_and_out` """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(owner, Process): raise type_error(owner, "owner", Process) #: the owning process self.__owner: Final[Process] = owner self.get_random = owner.get_random # type: ignore a = owner.get_consumed_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_consumed_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_max_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_max_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_last_improvement_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_last_improvement_time_millis = a # type: ignore self.has_log = owner.has_log # type: ignore self.add_log_section = owner.add_log_section # type: ignore self.lower_bound = owner.lower_bound # type: ignore self.upper_bound = owner.upper_bound # type: ignore self.create = owner.create # type: ignore self.copy = owner.copy # type: ignore self.to_str = owner.to_str # type: ignore self.is_equal = owner.is_equal # type: ignore self.from_str = owner.from_str # type: ignore self.validate = owner.validate # type: ignore self.n_points = owner.n_points # type: ignore self.should_terminate = owner.should_terminate # type: ignore self.terminate = owner.terminate # type: ignore self.get_log_basename = owner.get_log_basename # type: ignore #: the best solution self.__best_x: Final[Any] = in_and_out_x #: the best-so-far solution self.__best_f: int | float = f #: the last improvement fe self.__last_improvement_fe: int = 0 #: the consumed FEs self.__fes: int = 0 mfes: int | None = owner.get_max_fes() if mfes is not None: mfes = mfes - owner.get_consumed_fes() #: the maximum permitted FEs self.__max_fes: Final[int | None] = mfes #: the fast call to the owner's evaluate method self.__evaluate: Final[Callable[[Any], int | float]] \ = owner.evaluate #: the fast call to the owner's register method self.__register: Final[Callable[[Any, int | float], None]] \ = owner.register #: True as long as only the seed has been used self.__only_seed_used: bool = True def has_best(self) -> bool: return True def get_copy_of_best_x(self, x) -> None: self.copy(x, self.__best_x) def get_best_f(self) -> int | float: return self.__best_f def evaluate(self, x) -> float | int: if self.__only_seed_used: if self.is_equal(x, self.__best_x): return self.__best_f self.__only_seed_used = False self.__fes = fe = self.__fes + 1 f: Final[int | float] = self.__evaluate(x) if f <= self.__best_f: self.copy(self.__best_x, x) if f < self.__best_f: self.__best_f = f self.__last_improvement_fe = fe return f def register(self, x, f: int | float) -> None: if self.__only_seed_used: if self.is_equal(x, self.__best_x): return self.__only_seed_used = False self.__fes = fe = self.__fes + 1 self.__register(x, f) if f < self.__best_f: self.copy(self.__best_x, x) if f < self.__best_f: self.__best_f = f self.__last_improvement_fe = fe def get_consumed_fes(self) -> int: return max(1, self.__fes) def get_last_improvement_fe(self) -> int: return self.__last_improvement_fe def get_max_fes(self) -> int | None: return self.__max_fes def __str__(self) -> str: return f"fromStart_{self.__owner}"
[docs] def from_starting_point(owner: Process, in_and_out_x: Any, f: int | float) -> Process: """ Create a sub-process searching from one starting point. This process is especially useful in conjunction with class :class:`~moptipy.operators.op0_forward.Op0Forward`. This class allows forwarding the nullary search operator to the function :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.get_copy_of_best_x`. This way, the first point that it sampled by a local search can be the point specified as `in_and_out_x`, which effectively seeds the local search. To dovetail with chance of seeding, no FEs are counted at the beginning of the process as long as all points to be evaluated equal to the `in_and_out_x`. As soon as the first point different from `in_and_out_x` is evaluated, FE counting starts. Equally-good solutions will also be accepted, i.e., stored into `in_and_out_x`. This costs a little bit of runtime, but would normally be the preferred behavior: On many problems, making neutral moves (i.e., drifting) will be beneficial over only accepting strict improvements. This is why :mod:`` outperforms the normal :mod:`` on the :mod:`~moptipy.examples.jssp`. :param owner: the owning process :param in_and_out_x: the input solution record, which will be overwritten with the best encountered solution :param f: the objective value corresponding to `in_and_out` """ return __FromStartingPoint(owner, in_and_out_x, f)
class _InternalTerminationError(Exception): """A protected internal termination error.""" class __WithoutShouldTerminate(Process): """A process allowing algorithm execution ignoring `should_terminate`.""" def __init__(self, owner: Process): super().__init__() if not isinstance(owner, Process): raise type_error(owner, "owner", Process) #: the owning process self._owner: Final[Process] = owner self.get_random = owner.get_random # type: ignore a = owner.get_consumed_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_consumed_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_max_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_max_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_last_improvement_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_last_improvement_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_last_improvement_fe # type: ignore self.get_last_improvement_fe = a # type: ignore self.has_log = owner.has_log # type: ignore self.add_log_section = owner.add_log_section # type: ignore self.lower_bound = owner.lower_bound # type: ignore self.upper_bound = owner.upper_bound # type: ignore self.create = owner.create # type: ignore self.copy = owner.copy # type: ignore self.to_str = owner.to_str # type: ignore self.is_equal = owner.is_equal # type: ignore self.from_str = owner.from_str # type: ignore self.validate = owner.validate # type: ignore self.n_points = owner.n_points # type: ignore self.has_best = owner.has_best # type: ignore self.get_copy_of_best_x = owner.get_copy_of_best_x # type: ignore self.get_best_f = owner.get_best_f # type: ignore self.should_terminate = owner.should_terminate # type: ignore self.terminate = owner.terminate # type: ignore self.get_max_fes = owner.get_max_fes # type: ignore self.get_consumed_fes = owner.get_consumed_fes # type: ignore self.get_log_basename = owner.get_log_basename # type: ignore #: the fast call to the owner's evaluate method self.__evaluate: Final[Callable[[Any], int | float]] \ = owner.evaluate #: the fast call to the owner's register method self.__register: Final[Callable[[Any, int | float], None]] \ = owner.register def evaluate(self, x) -> float | int: if self.should_terminate(): raise _InternalTerminationError return self.__evaluate(x) def register(self, x, f: int | float) -> None: if self.should_terminate(): raise _InternalTerminationError self.__register(x, f) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"protect_{self._owner}" def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> bool: return True class __WithoutShouldTerminateMO(MOProcess): """A process allowing algorithm execution ignoring `should_terminate`.""" def __init__(self, owner: Process): super().__init__() if not isinstance(owner, MOProcess): raise type_error(owner, "owner", MOProcess) #: the owning process self._owner: Final[MOProcess] = owner self.get_random = owner.get_random # type: ignore a = owner.get_consumed_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_consumed_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_max_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_max_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_last_improvement_time_millis # type: ignore self.get_last_improvement_time_millis = a # type: ignore a = owner.get_last_improvement_fe # type: ignore self.get_last_improvement_fe = a # type: ignore self.has_log = owner.has_log # type: ignore self.add_log_section = owner.add_log_section # type: ignore self.lower_bound = owner.lower_bound # type: ignore self.upper_bound = owner.upper_bound # type: ignore self.create = owner.create # type: ignore self.copy = owner.copy # type: ignore self.to_str = owner.to_str # type: ignore self.is_equal = owner.is_equal # type: ignore self.from_str = owner.from_str # type: ignore self.validate = owner.validate # type: ignore self.n_points = owner.n_points # type: ignore self.has_best = owner.has_best # type: ignore self.get_copy_of_best_x = owner.get_copy_of_best_x # type: ignore self.get_best_f = owner.get_best_f # type: ignore self.should_terminate = owner.should_terminate # type: ignore self.terminate = owner.terminate # type: ignore self.get_max_fes = owner.get_max_fes # type: ignore self.get_consumed_fes = owner.get_consumed_fes # type: ignore self.f_create = owner.f_create # type: ignore self.f_validate = owner.f_validate # type: ignore self.f_dtype = owner.f_dtype # type: ignore self.f_dominates = owner.f_dominates # type: ignore self.f_dimension = owner.f_dimension # type: ignore self.get_archive = owner.get_archive # type: ignore self.check_in = owner.check_in # type: ignore self.get_log_basename = owner.get_log_basename # type: ignore #: the fast call to the owner's evaluate method self.__evaluate: Final[Callable[[Any], int | float]] \ = owner.evaluate #: the fast call to the owner's register method self.__register: Final[Callable[[Any, int | float], None]] \ = owner.register #: the fast call to the owner's f_evaluate method self.__f_evaluate: Final[Callable[ [Any, np.ndarray], int | float]] \ = owner.f_evaluate def evaluate(self, x) -> float | int: if self.should_terminate(): raise _InternalTerminationError return self.__evaluate(x) def register(self, x, f: int | float) -> None: if self.should_terminate(): raise _InternalTerminationError self.__register(x, f) def f_evaluate(self, x, fs: np.ndarray) -> int | float: if self.should_terminate(): raise _InternalTerminationError return self.__f_evaluate(x, fs) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"protectMO_{self._owner}" def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> bool: return True
[docs] def get_remaining_fes(process: Process) -> int: """ Get a finite number representing the remaining FEs of a process. If the process has the maximum objective function evaluations (FEs) set (see :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.get_max_fes`), then this method returns the maximum FEs minus the consumed FEs (see :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.get_consumed_fes`). Otherwise, i.e., if :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.get_max_fes` returns `None`, this function returns a very large number, namely `9223372036854775807`, i.e., `(2 ** 63) - 1`. This number is so high that it will always be impossible to consume it in terms of FEs. But it is also finite in any case. When trying to slice of budgets or computing things based on the remaining budget, this makes it unnecessary for us to deal with special cases. :param process: the process :returns: an integer representing the remaining FEs of the process. If no FE limit is imposed by `process`, a very large number will be returned. >>> from moptipy.api.process import Process as Proc >>> class X(Proc): ... def get_max_fes(self): ... return None ... def get_consumed_fes(self): ... return 123 >>> get_remaining_fes(X()) 9223372036854775807 >>> class Y(X): ... def get_max_fes(self): ... return 456 >>> get_remaining_fes(Y()) 333 """ mf: int | None = process.get_max_fes() # get the number of available FEs if mf is None: # if a no FE limit is specified, then return a large value return 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 # (2 ** 63) - 1 return mf - process.get_consumed_fes() # else, subtract the consumed FEs
[docs] def without_should_terminate(algorithm: Callable[[T], Any], process: T) \ -> None: """ Apply an algorithm that does not call `should_terminate` to a process. If we use an algorithm from an external library, this algorithm may ignore the proper usage of our API. With this method, we try to find a way to make sure that these calls are consistent with the termination criterion of the `moptipy` API. Before calling :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.evaluate`, :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.register`, or :meth:`~moptipy.api.mo_problem.MOProblem.f_evaluate`, an optimization algorithm must check if it should instead stop via :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate`. If the process called :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate` and was told to stop but did invoke the evaluation routines anyway, an exception will be thrown and the process force-terminates. If the process did not call :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate` but was supposed to stop, the results of :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.evaluate` may be arbitrary (or positive infinity). This function here can be used to deal with processes that do not invoke :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate`. It will invoke this method by itself before :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.evaluate`, :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.register`, and :meth:`~moptipy.api.mo_problem.MOProblem.f_evaluate` and terminate the algorithm with an exception if necessary. It will then catch the exception and bury it. Thus, we can now use algorithms that ignore our termination criteria and still force them to terminate when they should. Some algorithms using this system are implemented in :mod:`` and :mod:``. These modules import external algorithms from other libraries which, of course, know nothing about how our `moptipy` works. They only accept the objective function and cannot handle the beautiful :meth:`~moptipy.api.process.Process.should_terminate`-based termination criteria. By using :func:`without_should_terminate`, however, we can still safely use them within `moptipy` compliant scenarios. :param algorithm: the algorithm :param process: the optimization process """ with contextlib.suppress(_InternalTerminationError), \ __WithoutShouldTerminateMO(process) \ if isinstance(process, MOProcess) \ else __WithoutShouldTerminate(process) as proc: algorithm(proc)