Source code for moptipy.evaluation.ioh_analyzer

Convert `moptipy` data to IOHanalyzer data.

The IOHanalyzer ( is a tool that can analyze
the performance of iterative optimization heuristics in a wide variety of
ways. It is available both for local installation as well as online for
direct and free use (see, again, The
IOHanalyzer supports many of the diagrams that our evaluation utilities
provide - and several more. Here we provide the function
:func:`moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer` which converts the data generated by the
`moptipy` experimentation function
:func:`~moptipy.api.experiment.run_experiment` to the format that the
IOHanalyzer understands, as documented at

Notice that we here have implemented the meta data format version
"0.3.2 and below", as described at\

1. Carola Doerr, Furong Ye, Naama Horesh, Hao Wang, Ofer M. Shir, and Thomas
   Bäck. Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics with IOHprofiler.
   *Applied Soft Computing* 88(106027):1-21. March 2020.
2. Carola Doerr, Hao Wang, Furong Ye, Sander van Rijn, and Thomas Bäck.
   *IOHprofiler: A Benchmarking and Profiling Tool for Iterative Optimization
   Heuristics.* October 15, 2018. New York, NY, USA: Cornell University,
   Cornell Tech. arXiv:1810.05281v1 [cs.NE] 11 Oct 2018.
3. Hao Wang, Diederick Vermetten, Furong Ye, Carola Doerr, and Thomas Bäck.
   IOHanalyzer: Detailed Performance Analyses for Iterative Optimization
   Heuristics. *ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization*
   2(1)[3]:1-29. March 2022.doi:
4. Jacob de Nobel and Furong Ye and Diederick Vermetten and Hao Wang and
   Carola Doerr and Thomas Bäck. *IOHexperimenter: Benchmarking Platform for
   Iterative Optimization Heuristics.* November 2021. New York, NY, USA:
   Cornell University, Cornell Tech. arXiv:2111.04077v2 [cs.NE] 17 Apr 2022.
5. Data Format: Iterative Optimization Heuristics Profiler.

import argparse
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Callable, Final

import numpy as np
from import logger
from import Path, directory_path
from pycommons.strings.string_conv import float_to_str
from pycommons.types import check_int_range, type_error

from moptipy.evaluation.base import F_NAME_RAW, TIME_UNIT_FES, check_f_name
from moptipy.evaluation.progress import Progress
from import moptipy_argparser

def __prefix(s: str) -> str:
    Return `xxx` if `s` is of the form `xxx_i` and `i` is `int`.

    :param s: the function name
    :return: the dimension
    idx = s.rfind("_")
    if idx > 0:
        with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
            i = int(s[idx + 1:])
            if i > 0:
                return s[:idx].strip()
    return s

def __int_suffix(s: str) -> int:
    Return `i` if `s` is of the form `xxx_i` and `i` is `int`.

    This function tries to check if the name

    :param s: the function name
    :return: the dimension
    idx = s.rfind("_")
    if idx > 0:
        with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
            i = int(s[idx + 1:])
            if i > 0:
                return i
    return 1

def __npstr(a: Any) -> str:
    Convert numpy numbers to strings.

    :param a: the input
    :returns: a string
    return str(int(a)) if isinstance(a, np.integer) \
        else float_to_str(float(a))

[docs] def moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer( results_dir: str, dest_dir: str, inst_name_to_func_id: Callable[[str], str] = __prefix, inst_name_to_dimension: Callable[[str], int] = __int_suffix, inst_name_to_inst_id: Callable[[str], int] = lambda x: 1, suite: str = "moptipy", f_name: str = F_NAME_RAW, f_standard: dict[str, int | float] | None = None) -> None: """ Convert moptipy log data to IOHanalyzer log data. :param results_dir: the directory where we can find the results in moptipy format :param dest_dir: the directory where we would write the IOHanalyzer style data :param inst_name_to_func_id: convert the instance name to a function ID :param inst_name_to_dimension: convert an instance name to a function dimension :param inst_name_to_inst_id: convert the instance name an instance ID, which must be a positive integer number :param suite: the suite name :param f_name: the objective name :param f_standard: a dictionary mapping instances to standard values """ source: Final[Path] = directory_path(results_dir) dest: Final[Path] = Path(dest_dir) dest.ensure_dir_exists() logger(f"converting the moptipy log files in {source!r} to " f"IOHprofiler data in {dest!r}. First we load the data.") if (f_standard is not None) and (not isinstance(f_standard, dict)): raise type_error(f_standard, "f_standard", dict) if not isinstance(suite, str): raise type_error(suite, "suite", str) if (len(suite) <= 0) or (" " in suite): raise ValueError(f"invalid suite name {suite!r}") if not callable(inst_name_to_func_id): raise type_error( inst_name_to_func_id, "inst_name_to_func_id", call=True) if not callable(inst_name_to_dimension): raise type_error( inst_name_to_dimension, "inst_name_to_dimension", call=True) if not callable(inst_name_to_inst_id): raise type_error( inst_name_to_inst_id, "inst_name_to_inst_id", call=True) # the data data: Final[dict[str, dict[str, dict[int, list[ tuple[int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]]]]] = {} # this consumer collects all the data in a structured fashion def __consume(progress: Progress) -> None: nonlocal data # noqa nonlocal inst_name_to_func_id nonlocal inst_name_to_dimension nonlocal inst_name_to_inst_id _algo: dict[str, dict[int, list[tuple[int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]]] if progress.algorithm in data: _algo = data[progress.algorithm] else: data[progress.algorithm] = _algo = {} _func_id: Final[str] = inst_name_to_func_id(progress.instance) if not isinstance(_func_id, str): raise type_error(_func_id, "function id", str) if (len(_func_id) <= 0) or ("_" in _func_id): raise ValueError(f"invalid function id {_func_id!r}.") _func: dict[int, list[tuple[int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]] if _func_id in _algo: _func = _algo[_func_id] else: _algo[_func_id] = _func = {} _dim: Final[int] = check_int_range( inst_name_to_dimension(progress.instance), "dimension", 1) _iid: Final[int] = check_int_range( inst_name_to_inst_id(progress.instance), "instance id", 1) _res: Final[tuple[int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = \ (_iid, progress.time, progress.f) if _dim in _func: _func[_dim].append(_res) else: _func[_dim] = [_res] Progress.from_logs(source, consumer=__consume, time_unit=TIME_UNIT_FES, f_name=check_f_name(f_name), f_standard=f_standard, only_improvements=True) if len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError("did not find any data!") logger(f"finished loading data from {len(data)} algorithms, " "now writing output.") for algo_name in sorted(data.keys()): algo = data[algo_name] algo_dir: Path = dest.resolve_inside(algo_name) algo_dir.ensure_dir_exists() logger(f"writing output for {len(algo)} functions of " f"algorithm {algo_name!r}.") for func_id in sorted(algo.keys()): func_dir: Path = algo_dir.resolve_inside(f"data_f{func_id}") func_dir.ensure_dir_exists() func = algo[func_id] logger(f"writing output for algorithm {algo_name!r} and " f"function {func_id!r}, got {len(func)} dimensions.") func_name = f"IOHprofiler_f{func_id}" with algo_dir.resolve_inside( f"{func_name}.info").open_for_write() as info: for dimi in sorted(func.keys()): dim_path = func_dir.resolve_inside( f"{func_name}_DIM{dimi}.dat") info.write(f"suite = {suite!r}, funcId = {func_id!r}, " f"DIM = {dimi}, algId = {algo_name!r}\n") info.write("%\n") info.write(dim_path[len(algo_dir) + 1:]) with dim_path.open_for_write() as dat: for per_dim in sorted( func[dimi], key=lambda x: (x[0], x[2][-1], x[1][-1])): info.write(f", {per_dim[0]}:") fes = per_dim[1] f = per_dim[2] info.write(__npstr(fes[-1])) info.write("|") info.write(__npstr(f[-1])) dat.write( '"function evaluation" "best-so-far f(x)"\n') for i, ff in enumerate(f): dat.write( f"{__npstr(fes[i])} {__npstr(ff)}\n") dat.write("\n") info.write("\n") del data logger("finished converting moptipy data to IOHprofiler data.")
# Run conversion if executed as script if __name__ == "__main__": parser: Final[argparse.ArgumentParser] = moptipy_argparser( __file__, "Convert experimental results from the moptipy to the " "IOHanalyzer format.", "The experiment execution API of moptipy creates an output " "folder structure with clearly specified log files that can be" " evaluated with our experimental data analysis API. The " "IOHprofiler tool chain offers another format (specified in " " With this " "tool here, you can convert from the moptipy to the " "IOHprofiler format.") parser.add_argument( "source", help="the directory with moptipy log files", type=Path, nargs="?", default="./results") parser.add_argument( "dest", help="the directory to write the IOHanalyzer data to", type=Path, nargs="?", default="./IOHanalyzer") args: Final[argparse.Namespace] = parser.parse_args() moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer(args.source, args.dest)