Source code for moptipy.evaluation.log_parser

Parsers for structured log data produced by the `moptipy` experiment API.

The `moptipy` :class:`~moptipy.api.execution.Execution` and experiment-running
facility (:func:`~moptipy.api.experiment.run_experiment`) uses the class
:class:`~moptipy.utils.logger.Logger` from module :mod:`~moptipy.utils.logger`
to produce log files complying with

Here we provide a skeleton for parsing such log files in form of the class
:class:`~LogParser`. It works similar to SAX-XML parsing in that the data
is read is from files and methods that consume the data are invoked. By
overwriting these methods, we can do useful things with the data.

For example in module :mod:`~moptipy.evaluation.end_results`, the method
:meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.end_results.from_logs` can load
:class:`~moptipy.evaluation.end_results.EndResult` records from the logs
and the method :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.progress.Progress.from_logs` in
module :mod:`~moptipy.evaluation.progress` reads the whole
:class:`~moptipy.evaluation.progress.Progress` that the algorithms make
over time.

from math import inf, isfinite, isinf
from typing import Final

from import logger
from import Path, directory_path, file_path
from pycommons.strings.string_conv import str_to_num
from pycommons.types import check_to_int_range

from moptipy.api.logging import (
from moptipy.evaluation._utils import _check_max_time_millis
from moptipy.utils.logger import (
from moptipy.utils.nputils import rand_seed_check
from moptipy.utils.strings import (

#: the maximum FEs of a black-box process
_FULL_KEY_MAX_FES: Final[str] = \
#: the maximum runtime in milliseconds of a black-box process
#: the goal objective value of a black-box process
#: the random seed
_FULL_KEY_RAND_SEED: Final[str] = \
#: the full algorithm name key
_FULL_KEY_ALGORITHM: Final[str] = \
#: the full objective function name key
_FULL_KEY_OBJECTIVE: Final[str] = \
#: the full encoding name key
_FULL_KEY_ENCODING: Final[str] = \

[docs] class LogParser: """ A log parser can parse a log file and separate the sections. The log parser is designed to load data from text files generated by :class:`~moptipy.utils.logger.FileLogger`. It can also recursively parse directories. """ def __init__(self, print_begin_end: bool = True, print_file_start: bool = False, print_file_end: bool = False, print_dir_start: bool = True, print_dir_end: bool = True): """ Initialize the log parser. :param print_begin_end: log to stdout when starting and ending a recursive directory parsing process :param print_file_start: log to stdout when opening a file :param print_file_end: log to stdout when closing a file :param print_dir_start: log to stdout when entering a directory :param print_dir_end: log to stdout when leaving a directory """ self.__print_begin_end: Final[bool] = print_begin_end self.__print_file_start: Final[bool] = print_file_start self.__print_file_end: Final[bool] = print_file_end self.__print_dir_start: Final[bool] = print_dir_start self.__print_dir_end: Final[bool] = print_dir_end self.__depth: int = 0 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def start_dir(self, path: Path) -> bool: """ Enter a directory to parse all files inside. This method is called by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir`. If it returns `True`, every sub-directory inside of it will be passed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_dir` and every file will be passed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_file`. Only if `True` is returned, :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_dir` will be invoked and its return value will be the return value of :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir`. If `False` is returned, then :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir` will return immediately and return `True`. :param path: the path of the directory :return: `True` if all the files and sub-directories inside the directory should be processed, `False` if this directory should be skipped and parsing should continue with the next sibling directory """ del path return True
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def end_dir(self, path: Path) -> bool: """ Enter a directory to parse all files inside. This method is called by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir`. If it returns `True`, every sub-directory inside of it will be passed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_dir` and every file will be passed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_file`. :param path: the path of the directory :return: `True` if all the files and sub-directories inside the directory should be processed, `False` if this directory should be skipped and parsing should continue with the next sibling directory """ del path return True
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def start_file(self, path: Path) -> bool: """ Decide whether to start parsing a file. This method is called by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file`. If it returns `True`, then we will open and parse the file. If it returns `False`, then the fill will not be parsed and :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` will return `True` immediately. :param path: the file path :return: `True` if the file should be parsed, `False` if it should be skipped (and :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` should return `True`). """ return path.endswith(FILE_SUFFIX)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def start_section(self, title: str) -> bool: """ Start a section. If this method returns `True`, then all the lines of text of the section `title` will be read and together passed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.lines`. If this method returns `False`, then the section will be skipped and we fast-forward to the next section, if any, or to the call of :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_file`. :param title: the section title :return: `True` if the section data should be loaded and passed to :meth:`lines`, `False` of the section can be skipped. In that case, we will fast-forward to the next :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_section`. """ if not title: raise ValueError(f"Title cannot be empty, but is {title!r}.") if title.startswith(ERROR_SECTION_PREFIX): raise ValueError(f"Encountered error section {title!r}.") return False
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def lines(self, lines: list[str]) -> bool: """ Consume all the lines from a section. This method receives the complete text of a section, where all lines are separated and put into one list `lines`. Each line is stripped from whitespace and comments, empty lines are omitted. If this method returns `True`, we will continue parsing the file and move to the next section, if any, or directly to the end of the file parsing process (and call :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_file`) if there is no more section in the file. :param lines: the lines to consume :return: `True` if further parsing is necessary and the next section should be fed to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_section`, `False` if the parsing process can be terminated, in which case we will fast-forward to :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_file` """ del lines return True
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def end_file(self) -> bool: """ End a file. This method is invoked when we have reached the end of the current file. Its return value, `True` or `False`, will then be returned by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file`, which is the entry point for the file parsing process. :return: the return value to be returned by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` """ return True
[docs] def parse_file(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Parse the contents of a file. This method first calls the function :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_file` to see whether the file should be parsed. If :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_file` returns `True`, then the file is parsed. If :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_file` returns `False`, then this method returns `False` directly. If the file is parsed, then :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_section` will be invoked for each section (until the parsing is finished) and :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.lines` for each section content (if requested). At the end, :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_file` is invoked. This method can either be called directly or is called by :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir`. In the latter case, if :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` returned `True`, the next file in the current directory will be parsed. If it returns `False`, then no file located in the current directory will be parsed, while other directories and/or sub-directories will still be processed. :param path: the file to parse :return: the return value received from invoking :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_file` """ file: Final[Path] = file_path(path) retval: bool try: retval = self.start_file(file) except Exception as be: raise ValueError(f"Error when starting file {file!r}") from be if retval: if self.__print_file_start: logger(f"parsing file {file!r}.") else: if self.__print_file_start: logger(f"skipping file {file!r}.") return True lines: list[str] = [] buffer: list[str] = [] state: int = 0 wants_section: bool = False sec_end: str = "" section: str = "" sect_start: Final[str] = SECTION_START sect_end: Final[str] = SECTION_END cmt_chr: Final[str] = COMMENT_START index: int = 0 with file.open_for_read() as handle: while True: # get the next line if index >= len(buffer): try: buffer = handle.readlines(128) except Exception as be: raise ValueError( f"Error when reading lines from file {file!r} " f"while in section {section!r}." if state == 1 else f"Error when reading lines from file {file!r}.") \ from be if (buffer is None) or (len(buffer) <= 0): break index = 0 orig_cur = buffer[index] index += 1 # strip next line from comments and white space cur = orig_cur.strip() if len(cur) <= 0: continue i = cur.find(cmt_chr) if i >= 0: cur = cur[:i].strip() if len(cur) <= 0: continue if state in (0, 2): if not cur.startswith(sect_start): raise ValueError("Line should start with " f"{sect_start!r} but is " f"{orig_cur!r} in file {file!r}.") section = cur[len(sect_start):] if len(section) <= 0: raise ValueError( "Section title cannot be empty in " f"{file!r}, but encountered {orig_cur!r}.") state = 1 sec_end = sect_end + section wants_section = self.start_section(section) elif state == 1: if cur == sec_end: state = 2 if wants_section: try: do_next = self.lines(lines) except Exception as be: raise ValueError( "Error when processing section " f"{section!r} in file {file!r}.") from be lines.clear() if not do_next: break elif wants_section: lines.append(cur) if state == 0: raise ValueError(f"Log file {file!r} contains no section.") if state == 1: raise ValueError(f"Log file {file!r} ended before" f"encountering {sec_end!r}.") try: retval = self.end_file() except Exception as be: raise ValueError("Error when ending section parsing " f"of file {file!r}.") from be if self.__print_file_end: logger(f"finished parsing file {file!r}.") return retval
[docs] def parse_dir(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Recursively parse the given directory. :param path: the path to the directory :return: `True` either if :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.start_dir` returned `False` or :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.end_dir` returned `True`, `False` otherwise """ folder: Final[Path] = directory_path(path) if self.__depth <= 0: if self.__depth == 0: if self.__print_begin_end: logger("beginning recursive parsing of " f"directory {folder!r}.") else: raise ValueError( f"Depth must be >= 0, but is {self.__depth}??") self.__depth += 1 if not self.start_dir(folder): if self.__print_dir_start: logger(f"skipping directory {folder!r}.") return True if self.__print_dir_start: logger(f"entering directory {folder!r}.") do_files = True do_dirs = True for sub in folder.list_dir(): if sub.is_file(): if do_files and (not self.parse_file(sub)): logger(f"will parse no more files in {folder!r}.") if not do_dirs: break do_files = False elif sub.is_dir() and do_dirs and (not self.parse_dir(sub)): logger("will parse no more sub-directories " f"of {folder!r}.") if not do_files: break do_dirs = False retval = self.end_dir(folder) if self.__print_dir_end: logger(f"finished parsing directory {folder!r}.") self.__depth -= 1 if self.__depth <= 0: if self.__depth == 0: if self.__print_begin_end: logger(f"finished recursive parsing of " f"directory {folder!r}.") else: raise ValueError( f"Depth must be >= 0, but is {self.__depth}??") return retval
[docs] def parse(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Parse either a directory or a file. If `path` identifies a file, :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` is invoked and its result is returned. If `path` identifies a directory, then :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_dir` is invoked and its result is returned. :param path: a path identifying either a directory or a file. :return: the result of the appropriate parsing routing :raises ValueError: if `path` does not identify a directory or file """ npath = Path(path) if npath.is_file(): return self.parse_file(npath) if npath.is_dir(): return self.parse_dir(npath) raise ValueError( f"Path {npath} is neither a file nor a directory?")
[docs] class ExperimentParser(LogParser): """A log parser following our pre-defined experiment structure.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the experiment parser.""" super().__init__(print_begin_end=True, print_dir_start=True) #: The name of the algorithm to which the current log file belongs. self.algorithm: str | None = None #: The name of the instance to which the current log file belongs. self.instance: str | None = None #: The random seed of the current log file. self.rand_seed: int | None = None
[docs] def start_file(self, path: Path) -> bool: """ Decide whether to start parsing a file and setup meta-data. :param path: the file path :return: `True` if the file should be parsed, `False` if it should be skipped (and :meth:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser.parse_file` should return `True`). """ if not super().start_file(path): return False inst_dir: Final[Path] = path.up() algo_dir: Final[Path] = inst_dir.up() self.instance = sanitize_name(inst_dir.basename()) self.algorithm = sanitize_name(algo_dir.basename()) start = (f"{self.algorithm}{PART_SEPARATOR}" f"{self.instance}{PART_SEPARATOR}0x") base = path.basename() if (not base.startswith(start)) and \ (not base.casefold().startswith(start.casefold())): # case-insensitive comparison needed because of Windows raise ValueError( f"File name of {path!r} should start with {start!r}.") self.rand_seed = rand_seed_check(int( base[len(start):(-len(FILE_SUFFIX))], base=16)) return True
[docs] def end_file(self) -> bool: """Finalize parsing a file.""" self.rand_seed = None self.algorithm = None self.instance = None return super().end_file()
[docs] class SetupAndStateParser(ExperimentParser): """ A log parser which loads and processes the basic data from the logs. This parser processes the `SETUP` and `STATE` sections of a log file and stores the performance-related information in member variables. """ def __init__(self): """Create the basic data parser.""" super().__init__() #: the total consumed runtime, in objective function evaluations self.total_fes: int | None = None #: the total consumed runtime in milliseconds self.total_time_millis: int | None = None #: the best objective function value encountered self.best_f: int | float | None = None #: the objective function evaluation when the last improvement #: happened, in milliseconds self.last_improvement_fe: int | None = None #: the time step when the last improvement happened, in milliseconds self.last_improvement_time_millis: int | None = None #: the goal objective value, if any self.goal_f: int | float | None = None #: the maximum permitted number of objective function evaluations, #: if any self.max_fes: int | None = None #: the maximum runtime limit in milliseconds, if any self.max_time_millis: int | None = None #: The name of the objective to which the current log file belongs. self.objective: str | None = None #: The name of the encoding to which the current log file belongs. self.encoding: str | None = None #: the internal state, an OR mask: 1=after setup section, 2=after #: state section, 4=in setup section, 8=in state section self.__state: int = 0
[docs] def start_file(self, path: Path) -> bool: """ Begin parsing the file identified by `path`. :param path: the path identifying the file """ if not super().start_file(path): return False if self.__state != 0: raise ValueError(f"Illegal state when trying to parse {path}.") return True
[docs] def process(self) -> None: """ Process the result of the log parsing. This function is invoked by :meth:`end_file` if the end of the parsing process is reached. By now, all the data should have been loaded and it can be passed on to wherever it should be passed to. """
[docs] def end_file(self) -> bool: """ Finalize parsing a file and invoke the :meth:`process` method. This method invokes the :meth:`process` method to process the parsed data. :returns: `True` if parsing should be continued, `False` otherwise """ # perform sanity checks if self.__state != 3: raise ValueError( "Illegal state, log file must have both a " f"{SECTION_FINAL_STATE!r} and a " f"{SECTION_SETUP!r} section.") if self.rand_seed is None: raise ValueError("rand_seed is missing.") if self.algorithm is None: raise ValueError("algorithm is missing.") if self.instance is None: raise ValueError("instance is missing.") if self.objective is None: raise ValueError("objective is missing.") if self.total_fes is None: raise ValueError("total_fes is missing.") if self.total_time_millis is None: raise ValueError("total_time_millis is missing.") if self.best_f is None: raise ValueError("best_f is missing.") if self.last_improvement_fe is None: raise ValueError("last_improvement_fe is missing.") if self.last_improvement_time_millis is None: raise ValueError("last_improvement_time_millis is missing.") self.process() # invoke the handler # now clear the data self.total_fes = None self.total_time_millis = None self.best_f = None self.last_improvement_fe = None self.last_improvement_time_millis = None self.goal_f = None self.max_fes = None self.max_time_millis = None self.objective = None self.encoding = None self.__state = 0 return super().end_file()
[docs] def needs_more_lines(self) -> bool: """ Check whether we need to process more lines. You can overwrite this method if your parser parses additional log sections. Your overwritten method should return `True` if more sections except `STATE` and `SETUP` still need to be parsed and return `super().needs_more_lines()` otherwise. :returns: `True` if more data needs to be processed, `False` otherwise """ return self.__state != 3
[docs] def lines(self, lines: list[str]) -> bool: """ Process the lines loaded from a section. If you process more sections, you should override this method. Your overridden method then can parse the data if you are in the right section. It should end with `return super().lines(lines)`. :param lines: the lines that have been loaded :returns: `True` if parsing should be continued, `False` otherwise """ if (self.__state & 4) != 0: self.setup_section(parse_key_values(lines)) elif (self.__state & 8) != 0: self.state_section(lines) return self.needs_more_lines()
[docs] def start_section(self, title: str) -> bool: """ Begin a section. :param title: the section title :returns: `True` if the text of the section should be processed, `False` otherwise """ super().start_section(title) if title == SECTION_SETUP: if (self.__state & 1) != 0: raise ValueError(f"Already did section {title!r}.") self.__state |= 4 return True if title == SECTION_FINAL_STATE: if (self.__state & 2) != 0: raise ValueError(f"Already did section {title}.") self.__state |= 8 return True return False
[docs] def setup_section(self, data: dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Parse the data from the `setup` section. :param data: the parsed data """ self.goal_f = None if _FULL_KEY_GOAL_F in data: goal_f = data[_FULL_KEY_GOAL_F] g: Final[int | float] = str_to_num(goal_f) if isfinite(g): self.goal_f = g elif not (isinf(g) and (g >= inf)): raise ValueError( f"invalid goal f {goal_f}, which renders to {g}") if _FULL_KEY_MAX_FES in data: self.max_fes = check_to_int_range( data[_FULL_KEY_MAX_FES], _FULL_KEY_MAX_FES, 1, 1_000_000_000_000_000) if _FULL_KEY_MAX_TIME_MILLIS in data: self.max_time_millis = check_to_int_range( data[_FULL_KEY_MAX_TIME_MILLIS], _FULL_KEY_MAX_TIME_MILLIS, 1, 1_000_000_000_000) if _FULL_KEY_ALGORITHM in data: a = data[_FULL_KEY_ALGORITHM] if a != self.algorithm: # this error may occur under windows due to case-insensitive # file names if a.casefold() == self.algorithm.casefold(): self.algorithm = a # rely on name from log file else: # ok, case was not the issue - raise error raise ValueError( f"algorithm name from file name is {self.algorithm!r}" f", but key {_FULL_KEY_ALGORITHM!r} gives {a!r}.") else: raise ValueError(f"key {_FULL_KEY_ALGORITHM!r} missing in file!") if _FULL_KEY_OBJECTIVE in data: self.objective = data[_FULL_KEY_OBJECTIVE] else: raise ValueError(f"key {_FULL_KEY_OBJECTIVE!r} missing in file!") self.encoding = data.get(_FULL_KEY_ENCODING) seed_check = rand_seed_check(int(data[_FULL_KEY_RAND_SEED])) if self.rand_seed is None: self.rand_seed = seed_check elif seed_check != self.rand_seed: raise ValueError( f"Found seed {seed_check} in log file, but file name " f"indicates seed {self.rand_seed}.") self.__state = (self.__state | 1) & (~4)
[docs] def state_section(self, lines: list[str]) -> None: """ Process the data of the final state section. :param lines: the lines of that section """ data: Final[dict[str, str]] = parse_key_values(lines) self.total_fes = check_to_int_range( data[KEY_TOTAL_FES], KEY_TOTAL_FES, 1, 1_000_000_000_000_000 if self.max_fes is None else self.max_fes) self.total_time_millis = check_to_int_range( data[KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS], KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS, 0, 1_000_000_000_000 if self.max_time_millis is None else ((1_000_000 + self.max_time_millis) * 1_000)) if self.max_time_millis is not None: _check_max_time_millis(self.max_time_millis, self.total_fes, self.total_time_millis) self.best_f = str_to_num(data[KEY_BEST_F]) if not isfinite(self.best_f): raise ValueError(f"infinite best f detected: {self.best_f}") self.last_improvement_fe = check_to_int_range( data[KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE], KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE, 1, self.total_fes) self.last_improvement_time_millis = check_to_int_range( data[KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS], KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS, 0, self.total_time_millis) self.__state = (self.__state | 2) & (~8)