Source code for moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_results

"""Violin plots for end results."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

import matplotlib.collections as mc  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.axes import Axes  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.figure import Figure  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D  # type: ignore
from import logger
from pycommons.types import type_error

import moptipy.utils.plot_defaults as pd
import moptipy.utils.plot_utils as pu
from moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger import AxisRanger
from moptipy.evaluation.base import F_NAME_SCALED
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import getter as end_result_getter
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang

[docs] def plot_end_results( end_results: Iterable[EndResult], figure: Axes | Figure, dimension: str = F_NAME_SCALED, y_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[str], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger.for_axis, distinct_colors_func: Callable[[int], Any] = pd.distinct_colors, importance_to_line_width_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_line_width, importance_to_font_size_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_font_size, y_grid: bool = True, x_grid: bool = True, x_label: None | str | Callable[[str], str] = Lang.translate, x_label_inside: bool = True, x_label_location: float = 1.0, y_label: None | str | Callable[[str], str] = Lang.translate, y_label_inside: bool = True, y_label_location: float = 0.5, legend_pos: str = "best", instance_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, instance_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x) -> Axes: """ Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart. In this plot, we combine two visualizations of data distributions: box plots in the foreground and violin plots in the background. The box plots show you the median, the 25% and 75% quantiles, the 95% confidence interval around the median (as notches), the 5% and 95% quantiles (as whiskers), the arithmetic mean (as triangle), and the outliers on both ends of the spectrum. This allows you also to compare data from different distributions rather comfortably, as you can, e.g., see whether the confidence intervals overlap. The violin plots in the background are something like smoothed-out, vertical, and mirror-symmetric histograms. They give you a better impression about shape and modality of the distribution of the results. :param end_results: the iterable of end results :param figure: the figure to plot in :param dimension: the dimension to display :param y_axis: the y_axis ranger :param distinct_colors_func: the function returning the palette :param importance_to_line_width_func: the function converting importance values to line widths :param importance_to_font_size_func: the function converting importance values to font sizes :param y_grid: should we have a grid along the y-axis? :param x_grid: should we have a grid along the x-axis? :param x_label: a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or `None` if no label should be put :param x_label_inside: put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space) :param x_label_location: the location of the x-label :param y_label: a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or `None` if no label should be put :param y_label_inside: put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space) :param y_label_location: the location of the y-label :param legend_pos: the legend position :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param instance_namer: the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :returns: the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements """ # Before doing anything, let's do some type checking on the parameters. # I want to ensure that this function is called correctly before we begin # to actually process the data. It is better to fail early than to deliver # some incorrect results. if not isinstance(end_results, Iterable): raise type_error(end_results, "end_results", Iterable) if not isinstance(figure, Axes | Figure): raise type_error(figure, "figure", (Axes, Figure)) if not isinstance(dimension, str): raise type_error(dimension, "dimension", str) if not callable(distinct_colors_func): raise type_error( distinct_colors_func, "distinct_colors_func", call=True) if not callable(importance_to_line_width_func): raise type_error(importance_to_line_width_func, "importance_to_line_width_func", call=True) if not callable(importance_to_font_size_func): raise type_error(importance_to_font_size_func, "importance_to_font_size_func", call=True) if not isinstance(y_grid, bool): raise type_error(y_grid, "y_grid", bool) if not isinstance(x_grid, bool): raise type_error(x_grid, "x_grid", bool) if not ((x_label is None) or callable(x_label) or isinstance(x_label, str)): raise type_error(x_label, "x_label", (str, None), call=True) if not isinstance(x_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(x_label_inside, "x_label_inside", bool) if not isinstance(x_label_location, float): raise type_error(x_label_location, "x_label_location", float) if not ((y_label is None) or callable(y_label) or isinstance(y_label, str)): raise type_error(y_label, "y_label", (str, None), call=True) if not isinstance(y_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(y_label_inside, "y_label_inside", bool) if not isinstance(y_label_location, float): raise type_error(y_label_location, "y_label_location", float) if not isinstance(legend_pos, str): raise type_error(legend_pos, "legend_pos", str) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(instance_namer): raise type_error(instance_namer, "instance_namer", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_namer): raise type_error(algorithm_namer, "algorithm_namer", call=True) getter: Final[Callable[[EndResult], int | float]] \ = end_result_getter(dimension) logger(f"now plotting end violins for dimension {dimension}.") if callable(y_axis): y_axis = y_axis(dimension) if not isinstance(y_axis, AxisRanger): raise type_error(y_axis, f"y_axis for {dimension}", AxisRanger) # instance -> algorithm -> values data: dict[str, dict[str, list[int | float]]] = {} algo_set: set[str] = set() # We now collect instances, the algorithms, and the measured values. for res in end_results: if not isinstance(res, EndResult): raise type_error(res, "violin plot element", EndResult) algo_set.add(res.algorithm) per_inst_data: dict[str, list[int | float]] if res.instance not in data: data[res.instance] = per_inst_data = {} else: per_inst_data = data[res.instance] inst_algo_data: list[int | float] if res.algorithm not in per_inst_data: per_inst_data[res.algorithm] = inst_algo_data = [] else: inst_algo_data = per_inst_data[res.algorithm] value: int | float = getter(res) if not isinstance(value, int | float): raise type_error(value, "value", (int, float)) inst_algo_data.append(value) y_axis.register_value(value) # We now know the number of instances and algorithms and have the data in # the hierarchical structure instance->algorithms->values. n_instances: Final[int] = len(data) n_algorithms: Final[int] = len(algo_set) if (n_instances <= 0) or (n_algorithms <= 0): raise ValueError("Data cannot be empty but found " f"{n_instances} and {n_algorithms}.") algorithms: Final[tuple[str, ...]] = \ tuple(sorted(algo_set, key=algorithm_sort_key)) logger(f"- {n_algorithms} algorithms ({algorithms}) " f"and {n_instances} instances ({data.keys()}).") # compile the data inst_algos: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = [] plot_data: list[list[int | float]] = [] plot_algos: list[str] = [] instances: Final[list[str]] = sorted(data.keys(), key=instance_sort_key) for inst in instances: per_inst_data = data[inst] algo_names: list[str] = sorted(per_inst_data.keys(), key=algorithm_sort_key) plot_algos.extend(algo_names) inst_algos.append((inst, algo_names)) for algo in algo_names: inst_algo_data = per_inst_data[algo] inst_algo_data.sort() plot_data.append(inst_algo_data) # compute the violin positions n_bars: Final[int] = len(plot_data) if n_bars < max(n_instances, n_algorithms): raise ValueError(f"Huh? {n_bars}, {n_instances}, {n_algorithms}") bar_positions: Final[tuple[int, ...]] = \ tuple(range(1, len(plot_data) + 1)) # Now we got all instances and all algorithms and know the axis ranges. font_size_0: Final[float] = importance_to_font_size_func(0) # set up the graphics area axes: Final[Axes] = pu.get_axes(figure) axes.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=font_size_0) axes.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=font_size_0) z_order: int = 0 # draw the grid grid_lwd: int | float | None = None if y_grid: grid_lwd = importance_to_line_width_func(-1) z_order += 1 axes.grid(axis="y", color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd, zorder=z_order) x_axis: Final[AxisRanger] = AxisRanger( chosen_min=0.5, chosen_max=bar_positions[-1] + 0.5) # manually add x grid lines between instances if x_grid and (n_instances > 1) and (n_algorithms > 1): if not grid_lwd: grid_lwd = importance_to_line_width_func(-1) counter: int = 0 for key in inst_algos: if counter > 0: z_order += 1 axes.axvline(x=counter + 0.5, color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd, zorder=z_order) counter += len(key[1]) y_axis.apply(axes, "y") x_axis.apply(axes, "x") violin_width: Final[float] = 3 / 4 z_order += 1 violins: Final[dict[str, Any]] = axes.violinplot( dataset=plot_data, positions=bar_positions, vert=True, widths=violin_width, showmeans=False, showextrema=False, showmedians=False) # fix the algorithm colors unique_colors: Final[tuple[Any]] = distinct_colors_func(n_algorithms) algo_colors: Final[dict[str, tuple[float, float, float]]] = {} for i, algo in enumerate(algorithms): algo_colors[algo] = unique_colors[i] bodies: Final[list[mc.PolyCollection]] = violins["bodies"] use_colors: Final[list[tuple[float, float, float]]] = [] counter = 0 for key in inst_algos: for algo in key[1]: z_order += 1 bd = bodies[counter] color = algo_colors[algo] use_colors.append(color) bd.set_edgecolor("none") bd.set_facecolor(color) bd.set_alpha(0.6666666666) counter += 1 bd.set_zorder(z_order) z_order += 1 boxes_bg: Final[dict[str, Any]] = axes.boxplot( x=plot_data, positions=bar_positions, widths=violin_width, showmeans=True, patch_artist=False, notch=True, vert=True, whis=(5.0, 95.0), manage_ticks=False, zorder=z_order) z_order += 1 boxes_fg: Final[dict[str, Any]] = axes.boxplot( x=plot_data, positions=bar_positions, widths=violin_width, showmeans=True, patch_artist=False, notch=True, vert=True, whis=(5.0, 95.0), manage_ticks=False, zorder=z_order) for tkey in ("cmeans", "cmins", "cmaxes", "cbars", "cmedians", "cquantiles"): if tkey in violins: violins[tkey].set_color("none") lwd_fg = importance_to_line_width_func(0) lwd_bg = importance_to_line_width_func(1) for bid, boxes in enumerate([boxes_bg, boxes_fg]): for tkey in ("boxes", "medians", "whiskers", "caps", "fliers", "means"): if tkey not in boxes: continue polys: list[Line2D] = boxes[tkey] for line in polys: xdata = cast(list, line.get_xdata(True)) if len(xdata) <= 0: line.remove() continue index = int(max(xdata)) - 1 thecolor: str | tuple[float, float, float] = \ "white" if bid == 0 else use_colors[index] width = lwd_bg if bid == 0 else lwd_fg line.set_solid_joinstyle("round") line.set_solid_capstyle("round") line.set_color(thecolor) line.set_linewidth(width) line.set_markeredgecolor(thecolor) line.set_markerfacecolor("none") line.set_markeredgewidth(width) z_order = z_order + 1 line.set_zorder(z_order) # compute the labels for the x-axis labels_str: list[str] = [] labels_x: list[float] = [] needs_legend: bool = False counter = 0 if n_instances > 1: # use only the instances as labels for key in inst_algos: current = counter counter += len(key[1]) labels_str.append(instance_namer(key[0])) labels_x.append(0.5 * (bar_positions[current] + bar_positions[counter - 1])) needs_legend = (n_algorithms > 1) elif n_algorithms > 1: # only use algorithms as key for key in inst_algos: for algo in key[1]: labels_str.append(algorithm_namer(algo)) labels_x.append(bar_positions[counter]) counter += 1 if labels_str: axes.set_xticks(ticks=labels_x, labels=labels_str, minor=False) else: axes.set_xticks([]) # compute the x-label if (x_label is not None) and (not isinstance(x_label, str)): if not callable(x_label): raise type_error(x_label, "x_label", str, True) if (n_algorithms == 1) and (n_instances > 1): x_label = algorithm_namer(algorithms[0]) elif (n_algorithms > 1) and (n_instances == 1): x_label = instance_namer(instances[0]) else: x_label = x_label("algorithm_on_instance") z_order += 1 pu.label_axes(axes=axes, x_label=cast(str | None, x_label), x_label_inside=x_label_inside, x_label_location=x_label_location, y_label=y_label(dimension) if callable(y_label) else y_label, y_label_inside=y_label_inside, y_label_location=y_label_location, font_size=font_size_0, z_order=z_order) if needs_legend: handles: Final[list[Line2D]] = [] for algo in algorithms: linestyle = pd.create_line_style() linestyle["label"] = algorithm_namer(algo) legcol = algo_colors[algo] linestyle["color"] = legcol linestyle["markeredgecolor"] = legcol linestyle["xdata"] = [] linestyle["ydata"] = [] linestyle["linewidth"] = 6 handles.append(Line2D(**linestyle)) # type: ignore z_order += 1 axes.legend(handles=handles, loc=legend_pos, labelcolor=pu.get_label_colors(handles), fontsize=font_size_0).set_zorder(z_order) logger(f"done plotting {n_bars} end result boxes.") return axes