Source code for moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_statistics_over_parameter

"""Plot the end results over a parameter."""
from math import isfinite
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

from matplotlib.artist import Artist  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.axes import Axes  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.figure import Figure  # type: ignore
from pycommons.math.sample_statistics import KEY_MEAN_GEOM
from pycommons.types import type_error

import moptipy.utils.plot_defaults as pd
import moptipy.utils.plot_utils as pu
from moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger import AxisRanger
from moptipy.evaluation.base import F_NAME_SCALED
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import EndStatistics
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import getter as end_stat_getter
from moptipy.evaluation.styler import Styler
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang

def __make_y_label(y_dim: str) -> str:
    Make the y label.

    :param y_dim: the y dimension
    :returns: the y label
    dotidx: Final[int] = y_dim.find(SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
    if dotidx > 0:
        y_dimension: Final[str] = y_dim[:dotidx]
        y_stat: Final[str] = y_dim[dotidx + 1:]
        return Lang.translate_func(y_stat)(y_dimension)
    return Lang.translate(y_dim)

def __make_y_axis(y_dim: str) -> AxisRanger:
    Make the y axis.

    :param y_dim: the y dimension
    :returns: the y axis
    dotidx: Final[int] = y_dim.find(SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
    if dotidx > 0:
        y_dim = y_dim[:dotidx]
    return AxisRanger.for_axis(y_dim)

[docs] def plot_end_statistics_over_param( data: Iterable[EndStatistics], figure: Axes | Figure, x_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float], y_dim: str = f"{F_NAME_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_GEOM}", algorithm_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None] = lambda es: es.algorithm, instance_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None] = lambda es: es.instance, x_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger, y_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[str], AxisRanger] = __make_y_axis, legend: bool = True, legend_pos: str = "upper right", distinct_colors_func: Callable[[int], Any] = pd.distinct_colors, distinct_line_dashes_func: Callable[[int], Any] = pd.distinct_line_dashes, importance_to_line_width_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_line_width, importance_to_font_size_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_font_size, x_grid: bool = True, y_grid: bool = True, x_label: str | None = None, x_label_inside: bool = True, x_label_location: float = 0.5, y_label: None | str | Callable[[str], str] = __make_y_label, y_label_inside: bool = True, y_label_location: float = 1.0, instance_priority: float = 0.666, algorithm_priority: float = 0.333, stat_priority: float = 0.0, instance_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, instance_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, stat_sort_key: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, color_algorithms_as_fallback_group: bool = True) -> Axes: """ Plot a series of end result statistics over a parameter. :param data: the iterable of EndStatistics :param figure: the figure to plot in :param x_getter: the function computing the x-value for each statistics object :param y_dim: the dimension to be plotted along the y-axis :param algorithm_getter: the algorithm getter :param instance_getter: the instance getter :param x_axis: the x_axis ranger :param y_axis: the y_axis ranger :param legend: should we plot the legend? :param legend_pos: the legend position :param distinct_colors_func: the function returning the palette :param distinct_line_dashes_func: the function returning the line styles :param importance_to_line_width_func: the function converting importance values to line widths :param importance_to_font_size_func: the function converting importance values to font sizes :param x_grid: should we have a grid along the x-axis? :param y_grid: should we have a grid along the y-axis? :param x_label: the label for the x-axi or `None` if no label should be put :param x_label_inside: put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space) :param x_label_location: the location of the x-axis label :param y_label: a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or `None` if no label should be put :param y_label_inside: put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space) :param y_label_location: the location of the y-axis label :param instance_priority: the style priority for instances :param algorithm_priority: the style priority for algorithms :param stat_priority: the style priority for statistics :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param instance_namer: the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param stat_sort_key: the sort key function for statistics :param color_algorithms_as_fallback_group: if only a single group of data was found, use algorithms as group and put them in the legend :returns: the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements """ # Before doing anything, let's do some type checking on the parameters. # I want to ensure that this function is called correctly before we begin # to actually process the data. It is better to fail early than to deliver # some incorrect results. if not isinstance(data, Iterable): raise type_error(data, "data", Iterable) if not isinstance(figure, Axes | Figure): raise type_error(figure, "figure", (Axes, Figure)) if not callable(x_getter): raise type_error(x_getter, "x_getter", call=True) if not isinstance(y_dim, str): raise type_error(y_dim, "y_dim", str) if len(y_dim) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid y-dimension {y_dim!r}") if not callable(instance_getter): raise type_error(instance_getter, "instance_getter", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_getter): raise type_error(algorithm_getter, "algorithm_getter", call=True) if not isinstance(legend, bool): raise type_error(legend, "legend", bool) if not isinstance(legend_pos, str): raise type_error(legend_pos, "legend_pos", str) if not callable(distinct_colors_func): raise type_error( distinct_colors_func, "distinct_colors_func", call=True) if not callable(distinct_colors_func): raise type_error( distinct_colors_func, "distinct_colors_func", call=True) if not callable(distinct_line_dashes_func): raise type_error( distinct_line_dashes_func, "distinct_line_dashes_func", call=True) if not callable(importance_to_font_size_func): raise type_error(importance_to_font_size_func, "importance_to_font_size_func", call=True) if not isinstance(x_grid, bool): raise type_error(x_grid, "x_grid", bool) if not isinstance(y_grid, bool): raise type_error(y_grid, "y_grid", bool) if not ((x_label is None) or isinstance(x_label, str)): raise type_error(x_label, "x_label", (str, None)) if not isinstance(x_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(x_label_inside, "x_label_inside", bool) if not isinstance(x_label_location, float): raise type_error(x_label_location, "x_label_location", float) if not ((y_label is None) or callable(y_label) or isinstance(y_label, str)): raise type_error(y_label, "y_label", (str, None), call=True) if not isinstance(y_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(y_label_inside, "y_label_inside", bool) if not isinstance(y_label_location, float): raise type_error(y_label_location, "y_label_location", float) if not isinstance(instance_priority, float): raise type_error(instance_priority, "instance_priority", float) if not isfinite(instance_priority): raise ValueError(f"instance_priority cannot be {instance_priority}.") if not isinstance(algorithm_priority, float): raise type_error(algorithm_priority, "algorithm_priority", float) if not isfinite(algorithm_priority): raise ValueError(f"algorithm_priority cannot be {algorithm_priority}.") if not isinstance(stat_priority, float): raise type_error(stat_priority, "stat_priority", float) if not isfinite(stat_priority): raise ValueError(f"stat_priority cannot be {stat_priority}.") if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(stat_sort_key): raise type_error(stat_sort_key, "stat_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(instance_namer): raise type_error(instance_namer, "instance_namer", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_namer): raise type_error(algorithm_namer, "algorithm_namer", call=True) if not isinstance(color_algorithms_as_fallback_group, bool): raise type_error(color_algorithms_as_fallback_group, "color_algorithms_as_fallback_group", bool) # the getter for the dimension value y_getter: Final[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float]] \ = cast(Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float], end_stat_getter(y_dim)) if not callable(y_getter): raise type_error(y_getter, "y-getter", call=True) # set up the axis rangers if callable(x_axis): x_axis = x_axis() if not isinstance(x_axis, AxisRanger): raise type_error(x_axis, "x_axis", AxisRanger) if callable(y_axis): y_axis = y_axis(y_dim) if not isinstance(y_axis, AxisRanger): raise type_error(y_axis, "y_axis", AxisRanger) # First, we try to find groups of data to plot together in the same # color/style. We distinguish progress objects from statistical runs. instances: Final[Styler] = Styler( none_name=Lang.translate("all_insts"), priority=instance_priority, namer=instance_namer, name_sort_function=instance_sort_key) algorithms: Final[Styler] = Styler( none_name=Lang.translate("all_algos"), namer=algorithm_namer, priority=algorithm_priority, name_sort_function=algorithm_sort_key) # we now extract the data: x -> algo -> inst -> y dataset: Final[dict[str | None, dict[ str | None, dict[int | float, int | float]]]] = {} for endstat in data: if not isinstance(endstat, EndStatistics): raise type_error(endstat, "element in data", EndStatistics) x_value = x_getter(endstat) if not isinstance(x_value, int | float): raise type_error(x_value, "x-value", (int, float)) _algo = algorithm_getter(endstat) if not ((_algo is None) or isinstance(_algo, str)): raise type_error(_algo, "algorithm name", None, call=True) _inst = instance_getter(endstat) if not ((_inst is None) or isinstance(_inst, str)): raise type_error(_algo, "instance name", None, call=True) y_value = y_getter(endstat) if not isinstance(y_value, int | float): raise type_error(y_value, "y-value", (int, float)) if _algo in dataset: _dataset = dataset[_algo] else: dataset[_algo] = _dataset = {} if _inst in _dataset: __dataset = _dataset[_inst] else: _dataset[_inst] = __dataset = {} if x_value in __dataset: raise ValueError( f"combination x={x_value}, algo={_algo!r}, inst={_inst!r} " f"already known as value {__dataset[x_value]}, cannot assign " f"value {y_value}.") __dataset[x_value] = y_value x_axis.register_value(x_value) y_axis.register_value(y_value) algorithms.add(_algo) instances.add(_inst) del data, y_getter, x_getter, x_value, y_value if len(dataset) <= 0: raise ValueError("no data found?") def __set_importance(st: Styler) -> None: none = 1 not_none = 0 none_lw = importance_to_line_width_func(none) not_none_lw = importance_to_line_width_func(not_none) st.set_line_width(lambda p: [none_lw if i <= 0 else not_none_lw for i in range(p)]) # determine the style groups groups: list[Styler] = [] instances.finalize() algorithms.finalize() if instances.count > 1: groups.append(instances) if algorithms.count > 1: groups.append(algorithms) if len(groups) > 0: groups.sort() groups[0].set_line_color(distinct_colors_func) if len(groups) > 1: groups[1].set_line_dash(distinct_line_dashes_func) elif color_algorithms_as_fallback_group: algorithms.set_line_color(distinct_colors_func) groups.append(algorithms) # If we only have <= 2 groups, we can mark None and not-None values with # different importance. if instances.has_none and (instances.count > 1): __set_importance(instances) elif algorithms.has_none and (algorithms.count > 1): __set_importance(algorithms) # we will collect all lines to plot in plot_list plot_list: list[dict] = [] for algo in algorithms.keys: _dataset = dataset[algo] for inst in instances.keys: if inst not in _dataset: raise ValueError(f"instance {inst!r} not in dataset" f" for algorithm {algo!r}.") __dataset = _dataset[inst] style = pd.create_line_style() style["x"] = x_vals = sorted(__dataset.keys()) style["y"] = [__dataset[x] for x in x_vals] for g in groups: g.add_line_style(inst if g is instances else algo, style) plot_list.append(style) del dataset, _dataset, __dataset # now we have all data, let's move to the actual plotting font_size_0: Final[float] = importance_to_font_size_func(0) # set up the graphics area axes: Final[Axes] = pu.get_axes(figure) axes.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=font_size_0) axes.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=font_size_0) # draw the grid if x_grid or y_grid: grid_lwd = importance_to_line_width_func(-1) if x_grid: axes.grid(axis="x", color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd) if y_grid: axes.grid(axis="y", color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd) # plot the lines for line in plot_list: axes.step(where="post", **line) del plot_list # make sure that we can see the maximum of the parameters x_axis.pad_detected_range(pad_max=True) x_axis.apply(axes, "x") y_axis.apply(axes, "y") if legend: handles: list[Artist] = [] for g in groups: g.add_to_legend(handles.append) g.has_style = False if instances.has_style: instances.add_to_legend(handles.append) if algorithms.has_style: algorithms.add_to_legend(handles.append) if len(handles) > 0: axes.legend(loc=legend_pos, handles=handles, labelcolor=[art.color if hasattr(art, "color") else pd.COLOR_BLACK for art in handles], fontsize=font_size_0) pu.label_axes(axes=axes, x_label=x_label, x_label_inside=x_label_inside, x_label_location=x_label_location, y_label=y_label(y_dim) if callable(y_label) else y_label, y_label_inside=y_label_inside, y_label_location=y_label_location, font_size=font_size_0) return axes