Source code for moptipy.evaluation.plot_ert

Plot a set of :class:`~moptipy.evaluation.ert.Ert` objects into one figure.

The (empirically estimated) Expected Running Time (ERT, see
:mod:`~moptipy.evaluation.ert`) is a function that tries to give an estimate
how long a given algorithm setup will need (y-axis) to achieve given solution
qualities (x-axis). It uses a set of runs of the algorithm on the problem to
make this estimate under the assumption of independent restarts.

1. Kenneth V. Price. Differential Evolution vs. The Functions of the 2nd ICEO.
   In Russ Eberhart, Peter Angeline, Thomas Back, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and
   Xin Yao, editors, *IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary
   Computation,* April 13-16, 1997, Indianapolis, IN, USA, pages 153-157.
   IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. ISBN: 0-7803-3949-5.
2. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. *Real-Parameter
   Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup.*
   Research Report RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481.
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.artist import Artist  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.axes import Axes  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.figure import Figure  # type: ignore
from pycommons.types import type_error

import moptipy.utils.plot_defaults as pd
import moptipy.utils.plot_utils as pu
from moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger import AxisRanger
from moptipy.evaluation.base import get_algorithm, get_instance, sort_key
from moptipy.evaluation.ert import Ert
from moptipy.evaluation.styler import Styler
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang

[docs] def plot_ert(erts: Iterable[Ert], figure: Axes | Figure, x_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[str], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger.for_axis, y_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[str], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger.for_axis, legend: bool = True, distinct_colors_func: Callable[[int], Any] = pd.distinct_colors, distinct_line_dashes_func: Callable[[int], Any] = pd.distinct_line_dashes, importance_to_line_width_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_line_width, importance_to_alpha_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_alpha, importance_to_font_size_func: Callable[[int], float] = pd.importance_to_font_size, x_grid: bool = True, y_grid: bool = True, x_label: None | str | Callable[[str], str] = Lang.translate, x_label_inside: bool = True, y_label: None | str | Callable[[str], str] = Lang.translate_func("ERT"), y_label_inside: bool = True, instance_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda x: x, instance_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, instance_priority: float = 0.666, algorithm_priority: float = 0.333) -> Axes: """ Plot a set of Ert functions into one chart. :param erts: the iterable of Ert functions :param figure: the figure to plot in :param x_axis: the x_axis ranger :param y_axis: the y_axis ranger :param legend: should we plot the legend? :param distinct_colors_func: the function returning the palette :param distinct_line_dashes_func: the function returning the line styles :param importance_to_line_width_func: the function converting importance values to line widths :param importance_to_alpha_func: the function converting importance values to alphas :param importance_to_font_size_func: the function converting importance values to font sizes :param x_grid: should we have a grid along the x-axis? :param y_grid: should we have a grid along the y-axis? :param x_label: a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or `None` if no label should be put :param x_label_inside: put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space) :param y_label: a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or `None` if no label should be put :param y_label_inside: put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space) :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param instance_namer: the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param instance_priority: the style priority for instances :param algorithm_priority: the style priority for algorithms :returns: the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements """ # Before doing anything, let's do some type checking on the parameters. # I want to ensure that this function is called correctly before we begin # to actually process the data. It is better to fail early than to deliver # some incorrect results. if not isinstance(erts, Iterable): raise type_error(erts, "erts", Iterable) if not isinstance(figure, Axes | Figure): raise type_error(figure, "figure", (Axes, Figure)) if not isinstance(legend, bool): raise type_error(legend, "legend", bool) if not callable(distinct_colors_func): raise type_error( distinct_colors_func, "distinct_colors_func", call=True) if not callable(distinct_line_dashes_func): raise type_error( distinct_line_dashes_func, "distinct_line_dashes_func", call=True) if not callable(distinct_line_dashes_func): raise type_error(importance_to_line_width_func, "importance_to_line_width_func", call=True) if not callable(importance_to_alpha_func): raise type_error( importance_to_alpha_func, "importance_to_alpha_func", call=True) if not callable(importance_to_font_size_func): raise type_error(importance_to_font_size_func, "importance_to_font_size_func", call=True) if not isinstance(x_grid, bool): raise type_error(x_grid, "x_grid", bool) if not isinstance(y_grid, bool): raise type_error(y_grid, "y_grid", bool) if not ((x_label is None) or callable(x_label) or isinstance(x_label, str)): raise type_error(x_label, "x_label", (str, None), call=True) if not isinstance(x_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(x_label_inside, "x_label_inside", bool) if not ((y_label is None) or callable(y_label) or isinstance(y_label, str)): raise type_error(y_label, "y_label", (str, None), call=True) if not isinstance(y_label_inside, bool): raise type_error(y_label_inside, "y_label_inside", bool) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) if not isinstance(instance_priority, float): raise type_error(instance_priority, "instance_priority", float) if not isinstance(algorithm_priority, float): raise type_error(algorithm_priority, "algorithm_priority", float) if not callable(instance_namer): raise type_error(instance_namer, "instance_namer", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_namer): raise type_error(algorithm_namer, "algorithm_namer", call=True) # First, we try to find groups of data to plot together in the same # color/style. instances: Final[Styler] = Styler( key_func=get_instance, namer=instance_namer, none_name=Lang.translate("all_insts"), priority=instance_priority, name_sort_function=instance_sort_key) algorithms: Final[Styler] = Styler( key_func=get_algorithm, namer=algorithm_namer, none_name=Lang.translate("all_algos"), priority=algorithm_priority, name_sort_function=algorithm_sort_key) x_dim: str | None = None y_dim: str | None = None source: list[Ert] = cast(list[Ert], erts) if isinstance(erts, list) \ else list(erts) del erts # First pass: find out the instances and algorithms for ert in source: if not isinstance(ert, Ert): raise type_error(ert, "ert data source", Ert) instances.add(ert) algorithms.add(ert) # Validate that we have consistent time and objective units. if x_dim is None: x_dim = ert.f_name elif x_dim != ert.f_name: raise ValueError( f"F-units {x_dim} and {ert.f_name} do not fit!") if y_dim is None: y_dim = ert.time_unit elif y_dim != ert.time_unit: raise ValueError( f"Time units {y_dim} and {ert.time_unit} do not fit!") if (x_dim is None) or (y_dim is None) or (len(source) <= 0): raise ValueError("Illegal state?") # determine the style groups groups: list[Styler] = [] instances.finalize() algorithms.finalize() sf: Callable[[Ert], Any] = sort_key if (instances.count > 1) and (algorithms.count == 1): def __x1(r: Ert, ssf=instance_sort_key) -> Any: return ssf(r.instance) sf = __x1 elif (instances.count == 1) and (algorithms.count > 1): def __x2(r: Ert, ssf=algorithm_sort_key) -> Any: return ssf(r.algorithm) sf = __x2 elif (instances.count > 1) and (algorithms.count > 1): def __x3(r: Ert, sas=algorithm_sort_key, ias=instance_sort_key, ag=algorithm_priority > instance_priority) \ -> tuple[Any, Any]: k1 = ias(r.instance) k2 = sas(r.algorithm) return (k2, k1) if ag else (k1, k2) sf = __x3 source.sort(key=sf) def __set_importance(st: Styler) -> None: none = 1 not_none = 0 none_lw = importance_to_line_width_func(none) not_none_lw = importance_to_line_width_func(not_none) st.set_line_width(lambda p: [none_lw if i <= 0 else not_none_lw for i in range(p)]) none_a = importance_to_alpha_func(none) not_none_a = importance_to_alpha_func(not_none) st.set_line_alpha(lambda p: [none_a if i <= 0 else not_none_a for i in range(p)]) if instances.count > 1: groups.append(instances) if algorithms.count > 1: groups.append(algorithms) if len(groups) > 0: groups.sort() groups[0].set_line_color(distinct_colors_func) if len(groups) > 1: groups[1].set_line_dash(distinct_line_dashes_func) # If we only have <= 2 groups, we can mark None and not-None values with # different importance. if instances.has_none and (instances.count > 1): __set_importance(instances) elif algorithms.has_none and (algorithms.count > 1): __set_importance(algorithms) # we will collect all lines to plot in plot_list plot_list: list[dict] = [] # set up the axis rangers if callable(x_axis): x_axis = x_axis(x_dim) if not isinstance(x_axis, AxisRanger): raise type_error(x_axis, "x_axis", AxisRanger) if callable(y_axis): y_axis = y_axis(y_dim) if not isinstance(y_axis, AxisRanger): raise type_error(y_axis, "y_axis", AxisRanger) # first we collect all progress object for ert in source: style = pd.create_line_style() for g in groups: g.add_line_style(ert, style) x = ert.ert[:, 0] style["x"] = x x_axis.register_array(x) y = ert.ert[:, 1] y_axis.register_array(y) style["y"] = y plot_list.append(style) del source font_size_0: Final[float] = importance_to_font_size_func(0) # set up the graphics area axes: Final[Axes] = pu.get_axes(figure) axes.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=font_size_0) axes.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=font_size_0) # draw the grid if x_grid or y_grid: grid_lwd = importance_to_line_width_func(-1) if x_grid: axes.grid(axis="x", color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd) if y_grid: axes.grid(axis="y", color=pd.GRID_COLOR, linewidth=grid_lwd) max_y = y_axis.get_pinf_replacement() # plot the lines for line in plot_list: y = line["y"] if np.isposinf(y[0]): y = y.copy() y[0] = max_y line["y"] = y axes.step(where="post", **line) del plot_list x_axis.apply(axes, "x") y_axis.apply(axes, "y") if legend: handles: list[Artist] = [] for g in groups: g.add_to_legend(handles.append) g.has_style = False if instances.has_style: instances.add_to_legend(handles.append) if algorithms.has_style: algorithms.add_to_legend(handles.append) axes.legend(loc="upper right", handles=handles, labelcolor=[art.color if hasattr(art, "color") else pd.COLOR_BLACK for art in handles], fontsize=font_size_0) pu.label_axes(axes=axes, x_label=x_label(x_dim) if callable(x_label) else x_label, x_label_inside=x_label_inside, x_label_location=1, y_label=y_label(y_dim) if callable(y_label) else y_label, y_label_inside=y_label_inside, y_label_location=0, font_size=font_size_0) return axes