Source code for moptipy.evaluation.progress

Objects embodying the progress of a run over time.

An instance of :class:`Progress` holds one :attr:`~Progress.time` vector and
an objective value (:attr:`~Progress.f`) vector. The time dimension (stored in
:attr:`~Progress.time_unit`) can either be in FEs or in milliseconds and the
objective value dimension (stored in :attr:`~Progress.f_name`) can be raw
objective values, standardized objective values, or normalized objective
The two vectors together thus describe how a run of an optimization algorithm
improves the objective value over time.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import inf, isfinite
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable

import numpy as np
from import logger
from import Path
from pycommons.strings.string_conv import num_to_str, str_to_num
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.logging import (
from moptipy.evaluation.base import (
from moptipy.evaluation.log_parser import SetupAndStateParser
from moptipy.utils.logger import (
from moptipy.utils.nputils import is_all_finite, is_np_float, is_np_int

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False, order=False, eq=False) class Progress(PerRunData): """An immutable record of progress information over a single run.""" #: The time axis data. time: np.ndarray #: The unit of the time axis. time_unit: str #: The objective value data. f: np.ndarray #: the name of the objective value axis. f_name: str #: the standard value of the objective dimension. #: If :attr:`f_name` is `F_NAME_SCALED` or `F_NAME_NORMALIZED`. #: then this value has been used to normalize the data. f_standard: int | float | None def __init__(self, algorithm: str, instance: str, objective: str, encoding: str | None, rand_seed: int, time: np.ndarray, time_unit: str, f: np.ndarray, f_name: str, f_standard: int | float | None = None, only_improvements: bool = True): """ Create a consistent instance of :class:`EndResult`. :param algorithm: the algorithm name :param instance: the instance name :param objective: the name of the objective function :param encoding: the name of the encoding that was used, if any, or `None` if no encoding was used :param rand_seed: the random seed :param time: the time axis data :param time_unit: the unit of the time axis :param f: the objective value axis data :param f_name: the name of the objective value axis data :param f_standard: the value used to standardize of the objective value dimension :param only_improvements: enforce that f-values should be improving and time values increasing """ super().__init__(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, rand_seed) if not isinstance(time, np.ndarray): raise type_error(time, "time data", np.ndarray) time.flags.writeable = False if len(time.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("time array must be one-dimensional, but " f"has shape {time.shape}.") if not is_np_int(time.dtype): raise TypeError("time data must be integer-valued, " f"but has type {time.dtype}.") tl = time.size if tl <= 0: raise ValueError("time data must not be empty.") if tl > 1: if only_improvements: if np.any(time[1:] <= time[:-1]): raise ValueError("time data must be strictly increasing," f"but encountered {time}.") elif np.any(time[1:] < time[:-1]): raise ValueError("time data must be monotonously" f"increasing, but encountered {time}.") object.__setattr__(self, "time", time) object.__setattr__(self, "time_unit", check_time_unit(time_unit)) mintime = 1 if time_unit == TIME_UNIT_FES else 0 if np.any(time < mintime): raise ValueError(f"No time value can be less than {mintime} if" f" time unit is {time_unit}.") if not isinstance(f, np.ndarray): raise type_error(f, "f data", np.ndarray) f.flags.writeable = False if len(f.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( f"f array must be one-dimensional, but has shape {f.shape}.") if is_np_float(f.dtype): if not is_all_finite(f): raise ValueError("f must be all finite.") elif not is_np_int(f.dtype): raise TypeError("f data must be integer- or float valued, but" f" encountered an {type(f)} of {f.dtype}.") fl = f.size if fl <= 0: raise ValueError("f data must not be empty.") if fl != tl: raise ValueError(f"Length {fl} of f data and length {tl} of " "time data must be the same.") if not isinstance(only_improvements, bool): raise type_error(only_improvements, "only_improvements", bool) if only_improvements and (fl > 1): if np.any(f[1:-1] >= f[:-2]): raise ValueError( "f data must be strictly decreasing, with " "only the entry being permitted as exception.") if f[-1] > f[-2]: raise ValueError(f"last f-value ({f[-1]}) cannot be greater" f"than second-to-last ({f[-2]}).") object.__setattr__(self, "f", f) object.__setattr__(self, "f_name", check_f_name(f_name)) if (f_name != F_NAME_RAW) and (f_standard is None): raise ValueError(f"If f_name is {F_NAME_RAW}, " f"then f_standard cannot be {f_standard}.") if f_standard is not None: if isinstance(f_standard, float): if not isfinite(f_standard): raise ValueError(f"f_standard cannot be {f_standard}.") elif not isinstance(f_standard, int): raise type_error(f_standard, "f_standard", (int, float)) object.__setattr__(self, "f_standard", f_standard)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_logs(path: str, consumer: Callable[["Progress"], Any], time_unit: str = TIME_UNIT_FES, f_name: str = F_NAME_RAW, f_standard: dict[str, int | float] | None = None, only_improvements: bool = True) -> None: """ Parse a given path and pass all progress data found to the consumer. If `path` identifies a file with suffix `.txt`, then this file is parsed. The appropriate :class:`Progress` is created and appended to the `collector`. If `path` identifies a directory, then this directory is parsed recursively for each log file found, one record is passed to the `consumer`. The `consumer` is simply a callable function. You could pass in the `append` method of a :class:`list`. :param path: the path to parse :param consumer: the consumer, can be the `append` method of a :class:`list` :param time_unit: the time unit :param f_name: the objective name :param f_standard: a dictionary mapping instances to standard values :param only_improvements: enforce that f-values should be improving and time values increasing """ _InnerLogParser(time_unit, f_name, consumer, f_standard, only_improvements).parse(path)
[docs] def to_csv(self, file: str, put_header: bool = True) -> str: """ Store a :class:`Progress` record in a CSV file. :param file: the file to generate :param put_header: should we put a header with meta-data? :return: the fully resolved file name """ path: Final[Path] = Path(file) logger(f"Writing progress object to CSV file {path!r}.") path.ensure_parent_dir_exists() with path.open_for_write() as out: sep: Final[str] = CSV_SEPARATOR write: Final[Callable[[str], int]] = out.write if put_header: kv: Final[str] = KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR cmt: Final[str] = COMMENT_START write(f"{cmt} {KEY_ALGORITHM}{kv}{self.algorithm}\n") write(f"{cmt} {KEY_INSTANCE}{kv}{self.instance}\n") write(f"{cmt} {KEY_OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION}{kv}{self.objective}\n") if self.encoding is not None: write(f"{cmt} {KEY_ENCODING}{kv}{self.objective}\n") write(f"{cmt} {KEY_RAND_SEED}{kv}{hex(self.rand_seed)}\n") if self.f_standard is not None: write(f"{cmt} {KEY_GOAL_F}{kv}{self.f_standard}\n") write(f"{self.time_unit}{sep}{self.f_name}\n") for i, t in enumerate(self.time): write(f"{t}{sep}{num_to_str(self.f[i])}\n") logger(f"Done writing progress object to CSV file {path!r}.") path.enforce_file() return path
class _InnerLogParser(SetupAndStateParser): """The internal log parser class.""" def __init__(self, time_unit: str, f_name: str, consumer: Callable[[Progress], Any], f_standard: dict[str, int | float] | None = None, only_improvements: bool = True): """ Create the internal log parser. :param time_unit: the time unit :param f_name: the objective name :param consumer: the consumer :param f_standard: a dictionary mapping instances to standard values :param only_improvements: enforce that f-values should be improving and time values increasing """ super().__init__() if not callable(consumer): raise type_error(consumer, "consumer", call=True) self.__consumer: Final[Callable[[Progress], Any]] = consumer self.__time_unit = check_time_unit(time_unit) self.__f_name = check_f_name(f_name) self.__last_fe: int | None = None self.__t_collector: Final[list[int]] = [] self.__f_collector: Final[list[int | float]] = [] if not isinstance(only_improvements, bool): raise type_error(only_improvements, "only_improvements", bool) self.__only_improvements = only_improvements if (f_standard is not None) and (not isinstance(f_standard, dict)): raise type_error(f_standard, "f_standard", dict) self.__f_standard: Final[None | dict[str, int | float]] \ = f_standard self.__state: int = 0 def end_file(self) -> bool: if self.__state != 2: raise ValueError( "Illegal state, log file must have a " f"{SECTION_PROGRESS!r} section.") if not self.__f_collector: raise ValueError("f-collector cannot be empty.") if not self.__t_collector: raise ValueError("time-collector cannot be empty.") self.__state = 0 return super().end_file() def process(self) -> None: f_standard: int | float | None = None if (self.__f_standard is not None) and \ (self.instance in self.__f_standard): f_standard = self.__f_standard[self.instance] if f_standard is None: f_standard = self.goal_f if (self.__f_name != F_NAME_RAW) and (f_standard is None): raise ValueError(f"f_standard cannot be {f_standard} if f_name " f"is {self.__f_name}.") tt = self.total_time_millis if (self.__time_unit == TIME_UNIT_MILLIS) \ else self.total_fes if tt < self.__t_collector[-1]: raise ValueError( f"Last time units {tt} inconsistent with last" f"recorded time unit {self.__t_collector[-1]}.") if self.__last_fe < self.total_fes: if tt > self.__t_collector[-1]: self.__t_collector.append(tt) self.__f_collector.append(self.__f_collector[-1]) elif self.__last_fe > self.total_fes: raise ValueError( f"Last FE {self.__last_fe} inconsistent with total number" f"{self.total_fes} of FEs.") ff: np.ndarray if self.__f_name == F_NAME_RAW: ff = np.array(self.__f_collector) elif self.__f_name == F_NAME_SCALED: ff = np.array([f / f_standard for f in self.__f_collector]) else: ff = np.array([(f - f_standard) / f_standard for f in self.__f_collector]) self.__f_collector.clear() self.__consumer(Progress(self.algorithm, self.instance, self.objective, self.encoding, self.rand_seed, np.array(self.__t_collector), self.__time_unit, ff, self.__f_name, f_standard, self.__only_improvements)) self.__t_collector.clear() self.__last_fe = None def start_section(self, title: str) -> bool: if title == SECTION_PROGRESS: if self.__state != 0: raise ValueError(f"Already did section {title}.") self.__state = 1 return True return super().start_section(title) def needs_more_lines(self) -> bool: return (self.__state < 2) or super().needs_more_lines() def lines(self, lines: list[str]) -> bool: if not isinstance(lines, list): raise type_error(lines, "lines", list) if self.__state != 1: return super().lines(lines) n_rows = len(lines) if n_rows < 2: raise ValueError("lines must contain at least two elements," f"but contains {n_rows}.") columns = [c.strip() for c in lines[0].split(CSV_SEPARATOR)] n_cols = len(columns) if n_cols < 3: raise ValueError("There must be at least three columns, " f"but found {n_cols} in {lines[0]!r}.") time_col_name: str = PROGRESS_TIME_MILLIS if \ self.__time_unit == TIME_UNIT_MILLIS else PROGRESS_FES time_col_idx: int = -1 f_col_idx: int = -1 fe_col_idx: int = -1 for idx, col in enumerate(columns): # find the columns we if col == PROGRESS_FES: fe_col_idx = idx if col == time_col_name: if time_col_idx >= 0: raise ValueError(f"Time column {time_col_name} " "appears twice.") time_col_idx = idx elif col == PROGRESS_CURRENT_F: if f_col_idx >= 0: raise ValueError( f"F column {PROGRESS_CURRENT_F} " "appears twice.") f_col_idx = idx def aa(splt): # noqa return splt[time_col_idx], splt[f_col_idx] time: Iterable[int] f: Iterable[Any] time, f = zip(*[[c.strip() for c in aa(line.split(CSV_SEPARATOR))] for line in lines[1:]], strict=True) time = [int(t) for t in time] f = [str_to_num(v) for v in f] if self.__only_improvements: biggest_t: int = -1 best_f: int | float = inf for idx, t in enumerate(time): v = f[idx] if t > biggest_t: if biggest_t >= 0: self.__t_collector.append(biggest_t) self.__f_collector.append(best_f) best_f = v biggest_t = t elif v < best_f: best_f = v if biggest_t >= 0: self.__t_collector.append(biggest_t) self.__f_collector.append(best_f) else: self.__t_collector.extend(time) self.__f_collector.extend(f) self.__last_fe = int((lines[-1].split(CSV_SEPARATOR))[fe_col_idx]) if self.__last_fe <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Last FE cannot be {self.__last_fe}.") self.__state = 2 return self.needs_more_lines()