Source code for moptipy.evaluation.stat_run

"""Statistic runs are time-depending statistics over several runs."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import erf, sqrt
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable

import numba  # type: ignore
import numpy as np
from pycommons.math.sample_statistics import (
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.evaluation.base import MultiRun2DData, MultiRunData, PerRunData
from moptipy.evaluation.progress import Progress
from moptipy.utils.nputils import DEFAULT_FLOAT, DEFAULT_INT, is_np_float

#: The value of the CDF of the standard normal distribution CDF at -1,
#: which corresponds to "mean - 1 * sd".
__Q159: Final[float] = (1.0 + erf(-1.0 / sqrt(2.0))) / 2.0

#: The value of the CDF of the standard normal distribution CDF at +1,
#: which corresponds to "mean + 1 * sd".
__Q841: Final[float] = (1.0 + erf(1.0 / sqrt(2.0))) / 2.0

def _unique_floats_1d(data: list[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
    Get all unique values that are >= than the minimum of all arrays.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the `ndarray` with the sorted, unique values
    res: np.ndarray = np.unique(np.concatenate(data).astype(DEFAULT_FLOAT))
    mini = res[0]  # old version: int = -9223372036854775808
    for d in data:
        mini2 = d[0]
        if d[0] > mini:
            mini = mini2
    i: Final[int] = int(np.searchsorted(res, mini))
    if i > 0:
        return res[i:]
    return res

def __apply_fun(x_unique: np.ndarray,
                x_raw: list[np.ndarray],
                y_raw: list[np.ndarray],
                stat_func: Callable,
                out_len: int,
                dest_y: np.ndarray,
                stat_dim: int,
                values_buf: np.ndarray,
                pos_buf: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Perform the work of computing the time-depending statistic.

    The unique x-values `x_unique` have separately been computed with
    :func:`_unique_floats_1d` from `x_raw` so that they can be reused.
    `x_raw` and `y_raw` are lists with the raw time and objective data,
    respectively. `stat_fun` is the statistic function that will be applied to
    the step-wise generated data filled into `values_buf`. `pos_buf` will be
    used maintain the current indices into `x_raw` and `y_raw`. `dest_y` will
    be filled with the computed statistic for each element of `x_unique`.
    In a final step, we will remove all redundant elements of both arrays: If
    `x_unique` increases but `dest_y` remains the same, then the corresponding
    point is deleted if it is not the last point in the list. As a result,
    a two-dimensional time/value array is returned.

    :param x_unique: the unique time coordinates
    :param x_raw: a tuple of several x-data arrays
    :param y_raw: a tuple of several y-data arrays
    :param Callable stat_func: a statistic function which must have been
        jitted with numba
    :param out_len: the length of `dest_y` and `x_unique`
    :param dest_y: the destination array for the computed statistics
    :param stat_dim: the dimension of the tuples `x_raw` and `y_raw`
    :param values_buf: the buffer for the values to be passed to `stat_func`
    :param pos_buf: the position buffer
    :return: the two-dimensional `np.ndarray` where the first column is the
        time and the second column is the statistic value
    for i in range(out_len - 1, -1, -1):  # reverse iteration
        x = x_unique[i]  # x_unique holds all unique x values
        for j in range(stat_dim):  # for all Progress datasets do
            idx = pos_buf[j]  # get the current position
            if x < x_raw[j][idx]:  # if x < then current time value
                idx = idx - 1  # step back by one
                pos_buf[j] = idx  # now x >= x_raw[j][idx]
            values_buf[j] = y_raw[j][idx]
        dest_y[i] = stat_func(values_buf)

    changes = 1 + np.flatnonzero(dest_y[1:] != dest_y[:-1])
    dest_len = len(dest_y) - 1
    changes_len = len(changes)
    if changes_len < 2:  # strange corner case: all values are the same
        # if there is only one value, use only that value
        # otherwise, use first and last value
        indexes = np.array([0]) if dest_len <= 1 else np.array([0, dest_len])
    elif changes[-1] != dest_len:  # always put last point
        indexes = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), changes,
        indexes = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), changes))
    return np.column_stack((x_unique[indexes], dest_y[indexes]))

def _apply_fun(x_unique: np.ndarray, x_raw: list[np.ndarray],
               y_raw: list[np.ndarray], stat_func: Callable) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute a time-depending statistic.

    The unique x-values `x_unique` have separate been computed with
    `_unique_floats_1d` from `x_raw` so that they can be reused.
    `x_raw` and `y_raw` are tuples with the raw time and objective data,
    respectively. `stat_fun` is the statistic function that will be applied.
    In a final step, we will remove all redundant elements of both arrays: If
    `x_unique` increases but `dest_y` remains the same, then the corresponding
    point is deleted if it is not the last point in the list. As a result,
    a two-dimensional time/value array is returned. This function uses
    :meth:`__apply_fun` as internal work horse.

    :param x_unique: the unique time coordinates
    :param x_raw: a tuple of several x-data arrays
    :param y_raw: a tuple of several y-data arrays
    :param stat_func: a statistic function which must have been jitted with
    :return: the two-dimensional `numpy.ndarray` where the first column is the
        time and the second column is the statistic value
    out_len: Final[int] = len(x_unique)
    dest_y: Final[np.ndarray] = np.zeros(out_len, DEFAULT_FLOAT)
    stat_dim: Final[int] = len(x_raw)
    values: Final[np.ndarray] = np.zeros(stat_dim, DEFAULT_FLOAT)
    pos: Final[np.ndarray] = np.array([len(x) - 1 for x in x_raw], DEFAULT_INT)

    return __apply_fun(x_unique, x_raw, y_raw, stat_func, out_len,
                       dest_y, stat_dim, values, pos)

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_arith_mean(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the arithmetic mean.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the arithmetic mean
    return data.mean()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_geo_mean(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the geometric mean.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the geometric mean
    return np.exp(np.mean(np.log(data)))

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_min(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the minimum.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the minimum
    return data.min()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_max(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the maximum.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the maximum
    return data.max()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False)
def __stat_median(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the median.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the median
    return np.median(data)

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_sd(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the standard deviation.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the standard deviation
    return data.std()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_mean_minus_sd(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the arithmetic mean minus the standard deviation.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the arithmetic mean minus the standard deviation
    return data.mean() - data.std()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False,
def __stat_mean_plus_sd(data: np.ndarray) -> np.number:
    Compute the arithmetic mean plus the standard deviation.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the arithmetic mean plus the standard deviation
    return data.mean() + data.std()

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False)
def __stat_quantile_10(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the 10% quantile.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the 10% quantile
    length: Final[int] = len(data)
    if (length > 10) and ((length % 10) == 1):
        return data[(length - 1) // 10]
    return np.quantile(data, 0.1)

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False)
def __stat_quantile_90(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the 90% quantile.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the 90% quantile
    length: Final[int] = len(data)
    if (length > 10) and ((length % 10) == 1):
        return data[(9 * (length - 1)) // 10]
    return np.quantile(data, 0.9)

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False)
def __stat_quantile_159(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the 15.9% quantile, which equals mean-sd in normal distributions.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the 15.9% quantile
    return np.quantile(data, __Q159)

@numba.njit(cache=True, inline="always", fastmath=False, boundscheck=False)
def __stat_quantile_841(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the 84.1% quantile, which equals mean+sd in normal distributions.

    :param data: the data
    :return: the 84.1% quantile
    return np.quantile(data, __Q841)

#: The statistics key for the minimum
#: The statistics key for the median.
#: The statistics key for the arithmetic mean.
#: The statistics key for the geometric mean.
#: The statistics key for the maximum
#: The statistics key for the standard deviation
#: The key for the arithmetic mean minus the standard deviation.
#: The key for the arithmetic mean plus the standard deviation.
#: The key for the 10% quantile.
STAT_Q10: Final[str] = "q10"
#: The key for the 90% quantile.
STAT_Q90: Final[str] = "q90"
#: The key for the 15.9% quantile. In a normal distribution, this quantile
#: is where "mean - standard deviation" is located-
STAT_Q159: Final[str] = "q159"
#: The key for the 84.1% quantile. In a normal distribution, this quantile
#: is where "mean + standard deviation" is located-
STAT_Q841: Final[str] = "q841"

#: The internal function map.
_FUNC_MAP: Final[dict[str, Callable]] = {
    STAT_MINIMUM: __stat_min,
    STAT_MEDIAN: __stat_median,
    STAT_MEAN_ARITH: __stat_arith_mean,
    STAT_MEAN_GEOM: __stat_geo_mean,
    STAT_MAXIMUM: __stat_max,
    STAT_STDDEV: __stat_sd,
    STAT_MEAN_MINUS_STDDEV: __stat_mean_minus_sd,
    STAT_MEAN_PLUS_STDDEV: __stat_mean_plus_sd,
    STAT_Q10: __stat_quantile_10,
    STAT_Q90: __stat_quantile_90,
    STAT_Q159: __stat_quantile_159,
    STAT_Q841: __stat_quantile_841,

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, init=False, order=False, eq=False) class StatRun(MultiRun2DData): """A time-value statistic over a set of runs.""" #: The name of this statistic. stat_name: str #: The time-dependent statistic. stat: np.ndarray def __init__(self, algorithm: str | None, instance: str | None, objective: str | None, encoding: str | None, n: int, time_unit: str, f_name: str, stat_name: str, stat: np.ndarray): """ Create the time-based statistics of an algorithm-setup combination. :param algorithm: the algorithm name, if all runs are with the same algorithm :param instance: the instance name, if all runs are on the same instance :param objective: the objective name, if all runs are on the same objective function, `None` otherwise :param encoding: the encoding name, if all runs are on the same encoding and an encoding was actually used, `None` otherwise :param n: the total number of runs :param time_unit: the time unit :param f_name: the objective dimension name :param stat_name: the name of the statistic :param stat: the statistic itself """ super().__init__(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, time_unit, f_name) if not isinstance(stat_name, str): raise type_error(stat_name, "stat_name", str) object.__setattr__(self, "stat_name", stat_name) if not isinstance(stat, np.ndarray): raise type_error(stat, "statistic data", np.ndarray) stat.flags.writeable = False if (len(stat.shape) != 2) or (stat.shape[1] != 2) or \ (stat.shape[0] <= 0): raise ValueError( "time array must be two-dimensional and have two columns and " f"at least one row, but has shape {stat.shape}.") if not is_np_float(stat.dtype): raise ValueError("statistics array must be float-typed, but has " f"dtype {stat.dtype}.") object.__setattr__(self, "stat", stat)
[docs] @staticmethod def create(source: Iterable[Progress], statistics: str | Iterable[str], consumer: Callable[["StatRun"], Any]) -> None: """ Compute statistics from an iterable of `Progress` objects. :param source: the progress data :param statistics: the statistics to be computed :param consumer: the consumer for the statistics """ if not isinstance(source, Iterable): raise type_error(source, "source", Iterable) if isinstance(statistics, str): statistics = [statistics] if not isinstance(statistics, Iterable): raise type_error(statistics, "statistics", Iterable) if not callable(consumer): raise type_error(consumer, "consumer", call=True) algorithm: str | None = None instance: str | None = None objective: str | None = None encoding: str | None = None time_unit: str | None = None f_name: str | None = None time: list[np.ndarray] = [] f: list[np.ndarray] = [] n: int = 0 for progress in source: if not isinstance(progress, Progress): raise type_error(progress, "stat run data source", Progress) if n <= 0: algorithm = progress.algorithm instance = progress.instance objective = progress.objective encoding = progress.encoding time_unit = progress.time_unit f_name = progress.f_name else: if algorithm != progress.algorithm: algorithm = None if instance != progress.instance: instance = None if objective != progress.objective: objective = None if encoding != progress.encoding: encoding = None if time_unit != progress.time_unit: raise ValueError( f"Cannot mix time units {time_unit} " f"and {progress.time_unit}.") if f_name != progress.f_name: raise ValueError(f"Cannot mix f-names {f_name} " f"and {progress.f_name}.") n += 1 time.append(progress.time) f.append(progress.f) if n <= 0: raise ValueError("Did not encounter any progress information.") x_unique = _unique_floats_1d(time) if not isinstance(x_unique, np.ndarray): raise type_error(x_unique, "x_unique", np.ndarray) if not is_np_float(x_unique.dtype): raise TypeError( f"x_unique must be floats, but is {x_unique.dtype}.") if (len(x_unique.shape) != 1) or (x_unique.shape[0] <= 0): raise ValueError( f"Invalid shape of unique values {x_unique.shape}.") count = 0 for name in statistics: if not isinstance(name, str): raise type_error(name, "statistic name", str) if name not in _FUNC_MAP: raise ValueError(f"Unknown statistic name {name!r}.") consumer(StatRun(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, time_unit, f_name, name, _apply_fun(x_unique, time, f, _FUNC_MAP[name]))) count += 1 if count <= 0: raise ValueError("No statistic names provided.")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_progress(source: Iterable[Progress], statistics: str | Iterable[str], consumer: Callable[["StatRun"], Any], join_all_algorithms: bool = False, join_all_instances: bool = False, join_all_objectives: bool = False, join_all_encodings: bool = False) -> None: """ Aggregate statist runs over a stream of progress data. :param source: the stream of progress data :param statistics: the statistics that should be computed per group :param consumer: the destination to which the new stat runs will be passed, can be the `append` method of a :class:`list` :param join_all_algorithms: should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms :param join_all_instances: should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms :param join_all_objectives: should the statistics be aggregated over all objective functions? :param join_all_encodings: should the statistics be aggregated over all encodings? """ if not isinstance(source, Iterable): raise type_error(source, "source", Iterable) if isinstance(statistics, str): statistics = [statistics] if not isinstance(statistics, Iterable): raise type_error(statistics, "statistics", Iterable) if not callable(consumer): raise type_error(consumer, "consumer", call=True) if not isinstance(join_all_algorithms, bool): raise type_error(join_all_algorithms, "join_all_algorithms", bool) if not isinstance(join_all_instances, bool): raise type_error(join_all_instances, "join_all_instances", bool) if not isinstance(join_all_objectives, bool): raise type_error(join_all_objectives, "join_all_objectives", bool) if not isinstance(join_all_encodings, bool): raise type_error(join_all_encodings, "join_all_encodings", bool) sorter: dict[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str], list[Progress]] = {} for prog in source: if not isinstance(prog, Progress): raise type_error(prog, "progress source", Progress) key = ("" if join_all_algorithms else prog.algorithm, "" if join_all_instances else prog.instance, "" if join_all_objectives else prog.objective, "" if join_all_encodings else ( "" if prog.encoding is None else prog.encoding), prog.time_unit, prog.f_name) if key in sorter: lst = sorter[key] else: lst = [] sorter[key] = lst lst.append(prog) if len(sorter) <= 0: raise ValueError("source must not be empty") if len(sorter) > 1: keys = list(sorter.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: StatRun.create(sorter[key], statistics, consumer) else: StatRun.create(next(iter(sorter.values())), statistics, consumer)
[docs] def get_statistic(obj: PerRunData | MultiRunData) -> str | None: """ Get the statistic of a given object. :param obj: the object :return: the statistic string, or `None` if no statistic is specified """ return obj.stat_name if isinstance(obj, StatRun) else None