Source code for moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results

"""Provides function :func:`tabulate_end_results` to tabulate end results."""

from math import inf, isfinite, isnan, nan
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

from import Path
from pycommons.math.sample_statistics import (
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.logging import (
from moptipy.evaluation.base import F_NAME_RAW, F_NAME_SCALED
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import KEY_BEST_F_SCALED, EndStatistics
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import (
    from_end_results as es_from_end_results,
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import getter as es_getter
from moptipy.utils.formatted_string import FormattedStr
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang
from moptipy.utils.markdown import Markdown
from moptipy.utils.number_renderer import (
from moptipy.utils.table import Table
from moptipy.utils.text_format import TextFormatDriver

#: the lower bound key
__KEY_LOWER_BOUND: Final[str] = "lower_bound"
#: the lower bound short key
__KEY_LOWER_BOUND_SHORT: Final[str] = "lower_bound_short"

[docs] def default_column_namer(col: str) -> str: """ Get the default name for columns. :param col: the column identifier :returns: the column name """ if not isinstance(col, str): raise type_error(col, "column name", str) if col == KEY_INSTANCE: return "I" if col == KEY_ALGORITHM: return Lang.translate("setup") if col in (__KEY_LOWER_BOUND, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND_SHORT, KEY_GOAL_F): return "lb(f)" if col in "summary": return Lang.translate(col) if SCOPE_SEPARATOR not in col: raise ValueError( f"statistic {col!r} should contain {SCOPE_SEPARATOR!r}.") key, stat = col.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR) if (len(key) <= 0) or (len(stat) <= 0): raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic {col!r}.") if key == KEY_BEST_F_SCALED: key = F_NAME_SCALED elif key == KEY_BEST_F: key = F_NAME_RAW # now fix statistics part if stat == KEY_MEAN_ARITH: stat = "mean" elif stat == KEY_STDDEV: stat = "sd" elif stat == KEY_MEAN_GEOM: stat = "gmean" elif stat == KEY_MEDIAN: stat = "med" elif stat == KEY_MINIMUM: stat = Lang.translate("best") \ if key in (F_NAME_RAW, F_NAME_SCALED) else "min" elif stat == KEY_MAXIMUM: stat = Lang.translate("worst") \ if key in (F_NAME_RAW, F_NAME_SCALED) else "max" else: raise ValueError(f"unknown statistic {stat!r} for {col!r}.") if key == F_NAME_RAW: return stat if key == F_NAME_SCALED: return f"{stat}1" if key == KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE: key = "fes" elif key == KEY_TOTAL_FES: key = "FEs" elif key == KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS: key = "t" elif key == KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS: key = "T" else: raise ValueError(f"unknown key {key!r}.") return f"{stat}({key})"
[docs] def command_column_namer( col: str, put_dollars: bool = True, summary_name: Callable[[bool], str] = lambda put_dollars: r"\summary", setup_name: Callable[[bool], str] = lambda put_dollars: r"\setup") \ -> str: """ Get the command-based names for columns, but in command format. This function returns LaTeX-style commands for the column headers. :param col: the column identifier :param put_dollars: surround the command with `$` :param summary_name: the name function for the key "summary" :param setup_name: the name function for the key `KEY_ALGORITHM` :returns: the column name """ if not isinstance(col, str): raise type_error(col, "column name", str) if not isinstance(put_dollars, bool): raise type_error(put_dollars, "put_dollars", bool) if not callable(summary_name): raise type_error(summary_name, "summary_name", call=True) if not callable(setup_name): raise type_error(setup_name, "setup_name", call=True) if col == KEY_INSTANCE: return r"$\instance$" if col == KEY_ALGORITHM: return setup_name(put_dollars) if col in (__KEY_LOWER_BOUND, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND_SHORT, KEY_GOAL_F): return r"$\lowerBound(\objf)$" if \ put_dollars else r"\lowerBound(\objf)" if col == "summary": return summary_name(put_dollars) if SCOPE_SEPARATOR not in col: raise ValueError( f"statistic {col!r} should contain {SCOPE_SEPARATOR!r}.") key, stat = col.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR) if (len(key) <= 0) or (len(stat) <= 0): raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic {col!r}.") if key == KEY_BEST_F_SCALED: key = F_NAME_SCALED elif key == KEY_BEST_F: key = F_NAME_RAW # now fix statistics part if stat == KEY_MEAN_ARITH: stat = "mean" elif stat == KEY_STDDEV: stat = "stddev" elif stat == KEY_MEAN_GEOM: stat = "geomean" elif stat == KEY_MEDIAN: stat = "median" elif stat == KEY_MINIMUM: stat = "min" elif stat == KEY_MAXIMUM: stat = "max" else: raise ValueError(f"unknown statistic {stat!r} for {col!r}.") if key == F_NAME_RAW: key = "BestF" elif key == F_NAME_SCALED: key = "BestFscaled" elif key == KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE: key = "LIFE" elif key == KEY_TOTAL_FES: key = "TotalFEs" elif key == KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS: key = "LIMS" elif key == KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS: key = "TotalMS" else: raise ValueError(f"unknown key {key!r}.") return f"$\\{stat}{key}$" if put_dollars else f"\\{stat}{key}"
def __finite_max(data: Iterable[int | float | None]) \ -> int | float: """ Compute the finite maximum of a data column. :param data: the data to iterate over :returns: the finite maximum, or `nan` if none can be found or if there is only a single value """ if not isinstance(data, Iterable): raise type_error(data, "data", Iterable) maxi: int | float = -inf count: int = 0 for d in data: count += 1 if d is None: continue if isfinite(d) and (d > maxi): maxi = d return maxi if (count > 1) and isfinite(maxi) else nan def __finite_min(data: Iterable[int | float | None]) \ -> int | float: """ Compute the finite minimum of a data column. :param data: the data to iterate over :returns: the finite minimum, or `nan` if none can be found """ if not isinstance(data, Iterable): raise type_error(data, "data", Iterable) mini: int | float = inf count: int = 0 for d in data: count += 1 if d is None: continue if isfinite(d) and (d < mini): mini = d return mini if (count > 1) and isfinite(mini) else nan def __nan(data: Iterable[int | float | None]) -> float: """ Get `nan`. :param data: ignored """ if not isinstance(data, Iterable): raise type_error(data, "data", Iterable) return nan
[docs] def default_column_best(col: str) ->\ Callable[[Iterable[int | float | None]], int | float]: """ Get a function to compute the best value in a column. The returned function can compute the best value in a column. If no value is best, it should return `nan`. :param col: the column name string :returns: a function that can compute the best value per column """ if not isinstance(col, str): raise type_error(col, "column name", str) if col in (KEY_INSTANCE, KEY_ALGORITHM, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND_SHORT, KEY_GOAL_F): return __nan if SCOPE_SEPARATOR not in col: raise ValueError( f"statistic {col!r} should contain {SCOPE_SEPARATOR!r}.") key, stat = col.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR) if (len(key) <= 0) or (len(stat) <= 0): raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic {col!r}.") if stat == "sd": return __finite_min if key in (KEY_BEST_F_SCALED, F_NAME_SCALED, KEY_BEST_F, F_NAME_RAW): return __finite_min if key in (KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS, KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE, KEY_TOTAL_FES, KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS): return __finite_max return __nan
#: the number renderer for times __TIME_NUMBER_RENDERER: Final[NumberRenderer] = \ DEFAULT_NUMBER_RENDERER.derive( int_to_float_threshold=999_999, get_float_format=lambda _, ma, __, ___, itft: "{:.0f}" if ma <= itft else "{:.1e}")
[docs] def default_number_renderer(col: str) -> NumberRenderer: """ Get the number renderer for the specified column. Time columns are rendered with less precision. :param col: the column name :returns: the number renderer """ if not isinstance(col, str): raise type_error(col, "column name", str) if col not in (KEY_INSTANCE, KEY_ALGORITHM, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND, __KEY_LOWER_BOUND_SHORT, KEY_GOAL_F): if SCOPE_SEPARATOR not in col: raise ValueError( f"statistic {col!r} should contain {SCOPE_SEPARATOR!r}.") key, stat = col.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR) if (len(key) <= 0) or (len(stat) <= 0): raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic {col!r}.") if key in (KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS, KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE, KEY_TOTAL_FES, KEY_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS): return __TIME_NUMBER_RENDERER return DEFAULT_NUMBER_RENDERER
def __getter(s: str) -> Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None]: """ Obtain a getter for the end statistics. :param s: the name :returns: the getter """ if not isinstance(s, str): raise type_error(s, "getter name", str) getter = es_getter(s) def __fixed(e: EndStatistics, g=getter, n=s) -> int | float | None: res = g(e) if res is None: return None if not isinstance(res, int | float): raise type_error(res, f"result of getter {n!r} for statistic {e}", (int, float)) return res return __fixed #: the default algorithm-instance statistics DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_INSTANCE_STATISTICS: Final[tuple[ str, str, str, str, str, str]] = ( f"{KEY_BEST_F}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MINIMUM}", f"{KEY_BEST_F}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}", f"{KEY_BEST_F}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_STDDEV}", f"{KEY_BEST_F_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}", f"{KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}", f"{KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}" f"{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}") #: the default algorithm summary statistics DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_SUMMARY_STATISTICS: Final[tuple[ str, str, str, str, str, str]] = ( f"{KEY_BEST_F_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MINIMUM}", f"{KEY_BEST_F_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_GEOM}", f"{KEY_BEST_F_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MAXIMUM}", f"{KEY_BEST_F_SCALED}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_STDDEV}", f"{KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}", f"{KEY_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}" f"{KEY_MEAN_ARITH}")
[docs] def tabulate_end_results( end_results: Iterable[EndResult], file_name: str = "table", dir_name: str = ".", algorithm_instance_statistics: Iterable[str] = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_INSTANCE_STATISTICS, algorithm_summary_statistics: Iterable[str | None] | None = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_SUMMARY_STATISTICS, text_format_driver: TextFormatDriver | Callable[[], TextFormatDriver] = Markdown.instance, algorithm_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda a: a, instance_sort_key: Callable[[str], Any] = lambda i: i, col_namer: Callable[[str], str] = default_column_namer, col_best: Callable[[str], Callable[ [Iterable[int | float | None]], int | float]] = default_column_best, col_renderer: Callable[[str], NumberRenderer] = default_number_renderer, put_lower_bound: bool = True, lower_bound_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None] | None = __getter(KEY_GOAL_F), lower_bound_name: str | None = __KEY_LOWER_BOUND, use_lang: bool = True, instance_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x) -> Path: r""" Tabulate the statistics about the end results of an experiment. A two-part table is produced. In the first part, it presents summary statistics about each instance-algorithm combination, sorted by instance. In the second part, it presents summary statistics of the algorithms over all instances. The following default columns are provided: 1. Part 1: Algorithm-Instance statistics - `I`: the instance name - `lb(f)`: the lower bound of the objective value of the instance - `setup`: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup - `best`: the best objective value reached by any run on that instance - `mean`: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs - `sd`: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached over all runs - `mean1`: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs, divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) - `mean(FE/ms)`: the arithmetic mean of objective function evaluations performed per millisecond, over all runs - `mean(t)`: the arithmetic mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs 2. Part 2: Algorithm Summary Statistics - `setup`: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup - `best1`: the minimum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs - `gmean1`: the geometric mean of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs - `worst1`: the maximum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs - `sd1`: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs - `gmean(FE/ms)`: the geometric mean of objective function evaluations performed per millisecond, over all runs - `gmean(t)`: the geometric mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs You can freely configure which columns you want for each part and whether you want to have the second part included. Also, for each group of values, the best one is marked in bold face. Depending on the parameter `text_format_driver`, the tables can be rendered in different formats, such as :py:class:`~moptipy.utils.markdown.Markdown`, :py:class:`~moptipy.utils.latex.LaTeX`, and :py:class:`~moptipy.utils.html.HTML`. :param end_results: the end results data :param file_name: the base file name :param dir_name: the base directory :param algorithm_instance_statistics: the statistics to print :param algorithm_summary_statistics: the summary statistics to print per algorithm :param text_format_driver: the text format driver :param algorithm_sort_key: a function returning sort keys for algorithms :param instance_sort_key: a function returning sort keys for instances :param col_namer: the column namer function :param col_best: the column-best getter function :param col_renderer: the number renderer for the column :param put_lower_bound: should we put the lower bound or goal objective value? :param lower_bound_getter: the getter for the lower bound :param lower_bound_name: the name key for the lower bound to be passed to `col_namer` :param use_lang: should we use the language to define the filename? :param instance_namer: the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :returns: the path to the file with the tabulated end results """ # Before doing anything, let's do some type checking on the parameters. # I want to ensure that this function is called correctly before we begin # to actually process the data. It is better to fail early than to deliver # some incorrect results. if not isinstance(end_results, Iterable): raise type_error(end_results, "end_results", Iterable) if not isinstance(file_name, str): raise type_error(file_name, "file_name", str) if not isinstance(dir_name, str): raise type_error(dir_name, "dir_name", str) if not isinstance(algorithm_instance_statistics, Iterable): raise type_error(algorithm_instance_statistics, "algorithm_instance_statistics", Iterable) if (algorithm_summary_statistics is not None)\ and (not isinstance(algorithm_instance_statistics, Iterable)): raise type_error(algorithm_summary_statistics, "algorithm_summary_statistics", (Iterable, None)) if not isinstance(put_lower_bound, bool): raise type_error(put_lower_bound, "put_lower_bound", bool) if put_lower_bound: if not callable(lower_bound_getter): raise type_error(lower_bound_getter, "lower_bound_getter", call=True) if not isinstance(lower_bound_name, str): raise type_error(lower_bound_name, "lower_bound_name", str) if callable(text_format_driver): text_format_driver = text_format_driver() if not isinstance(text_format_driver, TextFormatDriver): raise type_error(text_format_driver, "text_format_driver", TextFormatDriver, True) if not callable(col_namer): raise type_error(col_namer, "col_namer", call=True) if not callable(col_best): raise type_error(col_best, "col_best", call=True) if not callable(col_renderer): raise type_error(col_renderer, "col_renderer", call=True) if not isinstance(use_lang, bool): raise type_error(use_lang, "use_lang", bool) if not callable(algorithm_namer): raise type_error(algorithm_namer, "algorithm_namer", call=True) if not callable(instance_namer): raise type_error(instance_namer, "instance_namer", call=True) # quick protection of renderer def __col_renderer(col: str, __fwd=col_renderer) -> NumberRenderer: res = __fwd(col) if not isinstance(res, NumberRenderer): raise type_error(res, f"col_renderer({col!r})", NumberRenderer) return res # get the getters algo_inst_getters: Final[list[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None]]] = \ [__getter(d) for d in algorithm_instance_statistics] n_algo_inst_getters: Final[int] = len(algo_inst_getters) if n_algo_inst_getters <= 0: raise ValueError("algorithm-instance dimensions must not be empty.") algo_getters: Final[list[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None] | None] | None] = \ (None if (algorithm_summary_statistics is None) else [None if (d is None) else __getter(d) for d in cast(Iterable, algorithm_summary_statistics)]) if algo_getters is not None: if len(algo_getters) != n_algo_inst_getters: raise ValueError( f"there are {n_algo_inst_getters} algorithm-instance columns," f" but {len(algo_getters)} algorithms summary columns.") if all(g is None for g in algo_getters): raise ValueError( "if all elements of algorithm_summary_statistics are None, " "then specify algorithm_summary_statistics=None") # gather the statistics for each algorithm-instance combination algo_inst_list: Final[list[EndStatistics]] = [] es_from_end_results(end_results, algo_inst_list.append) if len(algo_inst_list) <= 0: raise ValueError("no algorithm-instance combinations?") # get the sorted lists of algorithms and instances insts: Final[list[str]] = sorted({s.instance for s in algo_inst_list}, key=instance_sort_key) n_insts: Final[int] = len(insts) if n_insts <= 0: raise ValueError("no instance found?") inst_names: Final[list[str]] = [instance_namer(inst) for inst in insts] algos: Final[list[str]] = sorted({s.algorithm for s in algo_inst_list}, key=algorithm_sort_key) n_algos: Final[int] = len(algos) if n_algos <= 0: raise ValueError("no algos found?") algo_names: Final[list[str]] = [algorithm_namer(algo) for algo in algos] # finalize the data dictionaries: d[inst][algo] = stats algo_inst_dict: Final[dict[str, dict[str, EndStatistics]]] = {} for e in algo_inst_list: if e.instance not in algo_inst_dict: algo_inst_dict[e.instance] = {} algo_inst_dict[e.instance][e.algorithm] = e for ina in insts: if len(algo_inst_dict[ina]) != n_algos: raise ValueError( f"expected {n_algos} entries for instance {ina!r}, but " f"got only {len(algo_inst_dict[ina])}, namely " f"{algo_inst_dict[ina].keys()} instead of {algos}.") # compute the per-instance lower bounds if we need them lower_bounds: list[str] | None if put_lower_bound: lb: list[int | float | None] = [] for inst in insts: bounds = list({lower_bound_getter(d) for d in algo_inst_dict[inst].values()}) if len(bounds) != 1: raise ValueError(f"inconsistent lower bounds {bounds} for " f"instance {inst!r}.") lb.append(bounds[0]) lower_bounds = cast(list[str], __col_renderer( __KEY_LOWER_BOUND).render(lb)) del lb else: lower_bounds = None del algo_inst_list # gather the algorithm summary statistics algo_dict: Final[dict[str, EndStatistics] | None] = {} \ if (n_insts > 1) and (algo_getters is not None) else None if algo_dict is not None: def __put(es: EndStatistics) -> None: nonlocal algo_dict if es.algorithm in algo_dict: raise ValueError(f"already encountered {es.algorithm}?") algo_dict[es.algorithm] = es es_from_end_results(end_results, __put, join_all_instances=True) del __put del end_results if len(algo_dict) != n_algos: raise ValueError(f"there are {n_algos} algorithms, but in the " f"summary, only {len(algo_dict)} appear?") # set up column titles def __fix_name(s: str, nn=col_namer) -> str: if not isinstance(s, str): raise type_error(s, "column name", str) if len(s) <= 0: raise ValueError("string must not be empty!") na = nn(s) if not isinstance(na, str): raise type_error(na, f"name computed for {s}", str) if len(na) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"name computed for {s} cannot be empty.") return na algo_inst_cols: Final[list[str]] = \ [__fix_name(s) for s in algorithm_instance_statistics] if len(algo_inst_cols) <= 0: raise ValueError("no algorithm_instance columns?") algo_cols: list[str | None] | None = \ None if algo_dict is None else \ [(None if s is None else __fix_name(s)) for s in cast(Iterable, algorithm_summary_statistics)] if algo_cols == algo_inst_cols: algo_cols = None # no need to repeat header if it is the same # set up the column definitions algo_inst_cols.insert(0, __fix_name(KEY_ALGORITHM)) if put_lower_bound: algo_inst_cols.insert(0, __fix_name(lower_bound_name)) algo_inst_cols.insert(0, __fix_name(KEY_INSTANCE)) if algo_cols is not None: algo_cols.insert(0, __fix_name(KEY_ALGORITHM)) if put_lower_bound: algo_cols.insert(0, None) algo_cols.insert(0, None) col_def: Final[str] = ("lrl" if put_lower_bound else "ll") \ + ("r" * n_algo_inst_getters) # get the data columns of all columns and convert to strings # format: column -> columns data # we first need to get all the data at once to allow for a uniform # formatting via numbers_to_strings algo_inst_data_raw: Final[list[list[int | float | None]]] =\ [[None if getter is None else getter(algo_inst_dict[inst][algo]) for inst in insts for algo in algos] for getter in algo_inst_getters] algo_inst_strs_raw: Final[list[list[str | None]]] = [ cast(list[str | None], __col_renderer(ais).render(algo_inst_data_raw[i])) for i, ais in enumerate(algorithm_instance_statistics)] # now break the data into sections # format: column -> per-instance section -> section data # after we break the data in sections, we can mark the per-section bests # and we can flush the data to the table section-wise algo_inst_data: Final[list[list[list[int | float | None]]]] = \ [[col[c * n_algos:(c + 1) * n_algos] for c in range(n_insts)] for col in algo_inst_data_raw] del algo_inst_data_raw algo_inst_strs: Final[list[list[list[str | None]]]] = \ [[col[c * n_algos:(c + 1) * n_algos] for c in range(n_insts)] for col in algo_inst_strs_raw] del algo_inst_strs_raw # now format the data, i.e., compute the per-section best value # of each column and mark it with bold face for col_idx, stat in enumerate(algorithm_instance_statistics): col_n = algo_inst_data[col_idx] col_s = algo_inst_strs[col_idx] best_getter = col_best(stat) if not callable(best_getter): raise type_error(best_getter, f"result of col_best for {stat}", call=True) for chunk_idx, chunk_n in enumerate(col_n): chunk_s = col_s[chunk_idx] best = best_getter(chunk_n) if (best is not None) and (not isnan(best)): for idx, val in enumerate(chunk_n): if val == best: chunk_s[idx] = FormattedStr.add_format( chunk_s[idx], bold=True) del algo_inst_data del algorithm_instance_statistics # now we pre-pend the instance and algorithm information algo_names_formatted: list[str] = [ FormattedStr.add_format(algo, code=True) for algo in algo_names] algo_inst_strs.insert(0, [algo_names_formatted] * n_insts) if put_lower_bound: algo_inst_strs.insert(0, [[b] for b in lower_bounds]) algo_inst_strs.insert(0, [[ FormattedStr.add_format(inst, code=True)] for inst in inst_names]) del lower_bounds del insts algo_strs: list[list[str | None]] | None = None if (algo_dict is not None) and (algorithm_summary_statistics is not None): # get the data columns of the algorithm summaries # format: column -> columns data algo_data: Final[list[list[int | float | None]]] = \ [[None if getter is None else getter(algo_dict[algo]) for algo in algos] for getter in algo_getters] algo_strs = [cast(list[str], __col_renderer(ass).render(algo_data[i])) for i, ass in enumerate(algorithm_summary_statistics)] # now format the data, i.e., compute the per-section best value # of each column and mark it with bold face for col_idx, stat in enumerate(algorithm_summary_statistics): if stat is None: continue acol_n = algo_data[col_idx] acol_s = algo_strs[col_idx] best_getter = col_best(stat) if not callable(best_getter): raise type_error( best_getter, f"result of col_best for {stat}", call=True) best = best_getter(acol_n) if (best is not None) and (not isnan(best)): for idx, val in enumerate(acol_n): if val == best: acol_s[idx] = FormattedStr.add_format( acol_s[idx], bold=True) del algo_data algo_strs.insert(0, algo_names_formatted) if put_lower_bound: algo_strs.insert(0, []) algo_strs.insert(0, [__fix_name("summary")] * n_algos) # write the table dest: Final[Path] = text_format_driver.filename( file_name, dir_name, use_lang) with dest.open_for_write() as wd, \ Table(wd, col_def, text_format_driver) as table: with table.header() as head: head.full_row(algo_inst_cols) for i in range(n_insts): with table.section() as sec: sec.cols([col[i] for col in algo_inst_strs]) if algo_strs is not None: with table.section() as sec: if algo_cols is not None: with sec.header() as head: head.full_row(algo_cols) sec.cols(algo_strs) return dest