"""Some fixed demo codes for the JSSP examples."""
import sys
import urllib.request as rq
from typing import Callable, Final, Iterable
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.figure import Figure # type: ignore
from pycommons.io.console import logger
from pycommons.io.path import UTF8, Path, write_lines
from pycommons.types import type_error
from moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment import INSTANCES
from moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt import Gantt
from moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space import GanttSpace
from moptipy.examples.jssp.instance import (
from moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding import OperationBasedEncoding
from moptipy.examples.jssp.plot_gantt_chart import (
from moptipy.spaces.permutations import Permutations
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang
from moptipy.utils.plot_utils import cm_to_inch, create_figure, save_figure
def demo_instance() -> Instance:
Get the demo instance we use.
:return: the demo instance
attr: Final[str] = "_res_"
if not hasattr(demo_instance, attr):
setattr(demo_instance, attr, Instance.from_resource("demo"))
return getattr(demo_instance, attr)
def demo_search_space() -> Permutations:
Obtain an instance of the demo search space.
:return: the demo search space
attr: Final[str] = "_res_"
if not hasattr(demo_search_space, attr):
instance: Final[Instance] = demo_instance()
setattr(demo_search_space, attr,
return getattr(demo_search_space, attr)
def demo_point_in_search_space(optimum: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Create a demo point in the search space.
:param optimum: should we return the optimal solution?
:return: the point
space: Final[Permutations] = demo_search_space()
res = space.create()
if optimum:
np.copyto(res, [0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1,
3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0])
np.copyto(res, [0, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3,
1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0])
return res
def demo_solution_space() -> GanttSpace:
Obtain an instance of the demo solution space.
:return: the demo solution space
attr: Final[str] = "_res_"
if not hasattr(demo_solution_space, attr):
instance: Final[Instance] = demo_instance()
setattr(demo_solution_space, attr, GanttSpace(instance))
return getattr(demo_solution_space, attr)
def demo_encoding() -> OperationBasedEncoding:
Obtain an instance of the demo encoding.
:return: the demo encoding
attr: Final[str] = "_res_"
if not hasattr(demo_encoding, attr):
instance: Final[Instance] = demo_instance()
setattr(demo_encoding, attr, OperationBasedEncoding(instance))
return getattr(demo_encoding, attr)
def demo_solution(optimum: bool = False) -> Gantt:
Create a demo solution.
:param optimum: should we return the optimal solution?
:return: the demo solution
space: Final[GanttSpace] = demo_solution_space()
result: Final[Gantt] = space.create()
return result
def __make_gantt_demo_name(optimum: bool,
with_makespan: bool,
with_lower_bound: bool) -> str:
Construct the name for the demo gantt chart.
:param optimum: should we return the optimal solution?
:param with_makespan: should the makespan be included?
:param with_lower_bound: should the lower bound be included?
:return: the file name
prefix: str = "gantt_demo_opt_" if optimum else "gantt_demo_"
if with_makespan:
if with_lower_bound:
return prefix + "with_makespan_and_lb"
return prefix + "with_makespan"
if with_lower_bound:
return prefix + "with_lb"
return prefix + "without_makespan"
def demo_gantt_chart(dirname: str,
optimum: bool = False,
with_makespan: bool = False,
with_lower_bound: bool = False,
width: float | int | None = cm_to_inch(10),
height: float | int | None = None,
filename: str | Callable =
__make_gantt_demo_name) -> list[Path]:
Plot the demo gantt chart.
:param dirname: the directory
:param optimum: should we return the optimal solution?
:param with_makespan: should the makespan be included?
:param with_lower_bound: should the lower bound be included?
:param width: the optional width
:param height: the optional height
:param filename: the file name
the_dir: Final[Path] = Path(dirname)
if callable(filename):
filename = filename(optimum,
if not isinstance(filename, str):
raise type_error(filename, "filename", str)
result: Final[list[Path]] = []
markers: list[Callable] = []
if with_makespan:
def info(g: Gantt) -> str:
return Lang.current().format_str("gantt_info", gantt=g)
if not optimum:
def info(g: Gantt) -> str:
return Lang.current().format_str("gantt_info_no_ms", gantt=g)
if with_lower_bound:
for lang in Lang.all_langs():
figure: Figure = create_figure(width=width, height=height)
gantt = demo_solution(optimum=optimum)
return result
def makespan_lower_bound_table(
dirname: str,
filename: str = "makespan_lower_bound",
instances: Iterable[str] =
tuple(["demo"] + list(INSTANCES))) -> Path: # noqa
Make a table with the makespan lower bounds.
Larger lower bounds are taken from the repository
:param dirname: the directory where to store the generated file.
:param filename: the filename
:param instances: the instances
:returns: the generated file
insts = list(instances)
i = insts.index("demo")
if i >= 0:
del insts[i]
insts.insert(0, "demo")
# get the data with the lower bounds information
url: Final[str] = "https://github.com/thomasWeise/jsspInstancesAndResults"
logger(f"now loading data from {url!r}.")
with rq.urlopen(url) as f: # nosec # noqa
data: str = f.read().decode(UTF8).strip()
if not data:
raise ValueError(f"Could not load data form {url}.")
logger(f"finished loading data from {url!r}.")
start = data.find("<table>")
if start <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"Could not find <table> in {data}.")
end = data.rfind("</dl>", start)
if end <= start:
raise ValueError(f"Could not find </dl> in {data}.")
data = data[start:end].strip()
lang: Final[Lang] = Lang.current()
text: Final[list[str]] = [
r"$\lowerBound(\objf)^{\star}$|source for&nbsp;"
bsrc: Final[str] = "[@eq:jsspLowerBound]"
# compute the data
for instn in insts:
solved_to_optimality: bool = False
inst = Instance.from_resource(instn)
lb = compute_makespan_lower_bound(machines=inst.machines,
src = bsrc
if instn == "demo":
lbx = lb
solved_to_optimality = True
start = data.find(
f'<td align="right"><strong>{instn}</strong></td>')
if start <= 0:
start = data.find(f'<td align="right">{instn}</td>')
if start <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"Could not find instance {instn!r}.")
prefix = ""
suffix = "</td>"
solved_to_optimality = True
prefix = "<strong>"
suffix = "</strong></td>"
end = data.find("</tr>", start)
if end <= start:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find end of instance {instn!r}.")
sel = data[start:end].strip()
logger(f"located instance text {sel!r} for {instn!r}.")
prefix = (f'<td align="right">{inst.jobs}</td>\n<td align="'
f'right">{inst.machines}</td>\n<td align="right">'
pi = sel.find(prefix)
if pi <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find prefix for instance {instn!r}.")
sel = sel[(pi + len(prefix)):]
si = sel.find(suffix)
if si <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find suffix for instance {instn!r}.")
lbx = int(sel[0:si])
npt = '<td align="center"><a href="#'
npi = sel.find(npt, si)
if npi < si:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find source start for instance {instn!r}.")
sel = sel[npi + len(npt):]
end = sel.find('"')
if end <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find source end for instance {instn!r}.")
srcname = sel[:end].strip()
logger(f"Source name is {srcname}.")
fsrc = data.find(f'<dt id="user-content-{srcname.lower()}">'
if fsrc <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find source mark for instance {instn!r}.")
fsrce = data.find("</dd>", fsrc)
if fsrce <= fsrc:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find end mark for instance {instn!r}.")
sel = data[fsrc:fsrce].strip()
nm = sel.rfind("</a>")
if nm <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find link end for instance {instn!r}"
f" and source name {srcname}.")
fm = sel.rfind(">", 0, nm)
if fm >= nm:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find label mark for instance {instn!r}"
f" and source name {srcname}.")
src = f"[@{sel[(fm + 1):nm].strip()}]"
if lbx <= lb:
if lbx < lb:
raise ValueError(f"Lbx {lbx} cannot be larger than lb {lb}.")
if not solved_to_optimality:
src = "[@eq:jsspLowerBound]"
instname = f"`{instn}`"
if not solved_to_optimality:
instname = f"**{instname}**"
# write the result
out_dir = Path(dirname)
out_file = out_dir.resolve_inside(lang.filename(filename) + ".md")
with out_dir.open_for_write() as wd:
write_lines(text, wd)
logger(f"finished writing output results to file {out_file!r}.")
return out_file
# are we being executed?
if __name__ == "__main__":
dest_dir: Final[Path] = Path(sys.argv[1])
logger(f"We will print the JSSP examples into dir {dest_dir!r}.")
demo_gantt_chart(dest_dir, True)
demo_gantt_chart(dest_dir, False)
logger(f"Finished printing the JSSP examples into dir {dest_dir!r}.")