Source code for moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation

"""Evaluate the results of the example experiment."""
import argparse
import os.path as pp
from math import log2
from re import Match, Pattern
from re import compile as _compile
from statistics import median
from typing import Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

from import logger
from import Path, directory_path
from pycommons.strings.string_conv import num_to_str
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger import AxisRanger
from moptipy.evaluation.base import TIME_UNIT_FES, TIME_UNIT_MILLIS
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import from_csv as end_results_from_csv
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import from_logs as end_results_from_logs
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import to_csv as end_results_to_csv
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import EndStatistics
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import (
    from_end_results as es_from_end_results,
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import to_csv as es_to_csv
from moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results import (
from moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_result_tests import tabulate_result_tests
from moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment import ALGORITHMS, INSTANCES
from moptipy.examples.jssp.instance import Instance
from moptipy.examples.jssp.plots import (
from moptipy.spaces.permutations import Permutations
from import moptipy_argparser
from moptipy.utils.lang import EN
from moptipy.utils.logger import sanitize_name
from moptipy.utils.strings import (

#: The letter mu
LETTER_M: Final[str] = "\u03BC"
#: The letter lambda
LETTER_L: Final[str] = "\u03BB"

#: the pre-defined instance sort keys
__INST_SORT_KEYS: Final[dict[str, int]] = {
    __n: __i for __i, __n in enumerate(INSTANCES)

#: the name of the mu+1 EA
NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_1: Final[str] = f"{LETTER_M}+1_ea"
#: the name of the mu+mu EA
NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_MU: Final[str] = f"{LETTER_M}+{LETTER_M}_ea"
#: the name of the mu+ld(mu) EA
NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_LOG_MU: Final[str] = f"{LETTER_M}+log\u2082{LETTER_M}_ea"
#: the name of the mu+sqrt(mu) EA
NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_SQRT_MU: Final[str] = f"{LETTER_M}+\u221A{LETTER_M}_ea"

def __make_all_names() -> tuple[str, ...]:
    Create an immutable list of all algorithm names.

    :returns: the tuple with all algorithm names
    inst = Instance.from_resource("demo")
    space = Permutations.with_repetitions(, inst.machines)
    return tuple([str(a(inst, space)) for a in ALGORITHMS])

#: the list of all algorithm names from the experiment
ALL_NAMES: Final[tuple[str, ...]] = __make_all_names()
del __make_all_names

[docs] def ea_family(name: str) -> str: """ Name the evolutionary algorithm setup. :param name: the full name :returns: the short name of the family """ if name.startswith("ea_"): ss: Final[list[str]] = name.split("_") ll: Final[int] = len(ss) if ll == 4: lambda_ = int(ss[2]) if lambda_ == 1: return NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_1 mu = int(ss[1]) if lambda_ == int(log2(mu)): return NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_LOG_MU if lambda_ == round(mu ** 0.5): return NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_SQRT_MU ratio = lambda_ // mu if ratio * mu == lambda_: if ratio == 1: return NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_MU return f"{LETTER_M}+{ratio}{LETTER_M}_ea" elif (ll == 6) and (ss[-2] == "gap") and (ss[-1] == "swap2"): return f"{ss[1]}+{ss[2]}_ea_br" raise ValueError(f"Invalid EA name {name!r}.")
[docs] def sa_family(name: str) -> str: """ Name the simulated annealing setup. :param name: the full name :returns: the short name of the family """ if name.startswith("sa_") and name.endswith("_swap2"): return (f"sa_T\u2080_" f"{beautify_float_str(name_str_to_num(name.split('_')[2]))}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid SA name {name!r}.")
[docs] def ma_family(name: str) -> str: """ Compute the Memetic Algorithm family without the ls steps. :param name: the algorithm name :returns: the short name of the family """ ss: Final[list[str]] = name.split("_") s = "rls" if name.startswith("marls") else "sa" return f"{ss[1]}+{ss[2]}_ma{s}"
def __make_algo_names() -> tuple[dict[str, int], dict[str, str]]: """ Create the algorithm sort keys and name decode. :returns: the algorithm sort keys and name decode """ names: list[str] = list(ALL_NAMES) names_new = list(ALL_NAMES) def __eacr(mtch: Match) -> str: """Transform the EA name with crossover.""" br = name_str_to_num( if not 0.0 < br < 1.0: raise ValueError(f"{mtch} has invalid br={br}.") a = log2(br) b = int(a) c = log2(1.0 - br) d = int(c) q = f"(1-2^{d})" if abs(c - d) < abs(a - b) else f"2^{b}" q2 = num_to_str(br) if len(q2) <= (len(q) + 1): q = q2 return f"{}+{}_ea_{q}" def __sa(mtch: Match) -> str: """Transform the SA name.""" if == "sa_exp16_1em6_swap2": return "sa" return f"sa_{}_{}e-{}" def __ma(mtch: Match, suffix: str) -> str: """Transform the MA name.""" if == "ma_2_2_1048576_gap_sa_exp16_5d1em6_swap2": return "2_masa_20" if == "marls_8_8_16_gap_swap2": return "8_marls_4" ls = name_str_to_num( if not 0 < ls < 1_000_000_000: raise ValueError(f"{mtch} has invalid ls={ls}.") e2 = int(log2(ls)) if ls != (2 ** e2): raise ValueError( f"{mtch} has invalid ls={ls} since {e2}=log2({ls}).") e2s = f"2^{e2}" lss = str(ls) if len(lss) <= len(e2s): e2s = lss return f"{}+{}_ma{suffix}_{e2s}" # fix some names using regular expressions namer: dict[str, str] = {} used_names: set[str] = set(names) for pattern, repl in [("hc_swap2", "hc"), ("hc_swapn", "hcn"), ("rls_swap2", "rls"), ("rls_swapn", "rlsn")]: re: Pattern = _compile(pattern) found = False for s in names: m: Match = re.match(s) if m is not None: ns = re.sub(cast(str | Callable[[Match], str], repl), s) if (ns is None) or (len(ns) <= 0): raise ValueError(f"{s!r} -> {ns!r}?") if ns == s: continue found = True os = namer.get(s) if os is not None: if os == ns: continue raise ValueError(f"{s!r} -> {ns!r}, {os!r}?") if ns in used_names: raise ValueError(f"Already got {ns!r}.") namer[s] = ns names_new.insert(names_new.index(s), ns) if not found: raise ValueError(f"did not find {pattern!r}.") return {__n: __i for __i, __n in enumerate(names_new)}, namer #: the pre-defined algorithm sort keys and name map __ALGO_SORT_KEYS, __ALGO_NAME_MAP = __make_algo_names()
[docs] def instance_sort_key(name: str) -> int: """ Get the instance sort key for a given instance name. :param name: the instance name :returns: the sort key """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise type_error(name, "name", str) if not name: raise ValueError("name must not be empty.") if name in __INST_SORT_KEYS: return __INST_SORT_KEYS[name] return 1000
[docs] def algorithm_sort_key(name: str) -> int: """ Get the algorithm sort key for a given algorithm name. :param name: the algorithm name :returns: the sort key """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise type_error(name, "name", str) if not name: raise ValueError("name must not be empty.") if name in __ALGO_SORT_KEYS: return __ALGO_SORT_KEYS[name] return 1000
[docs] def algorithm_namer(name: str) -> str: """ Rename algorithm setups. :param name: the algorithm's original name :returns: the new name of the algorithm """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise type_error(name, "name", str) if not name: raise ValueError("name must not be empty.") if name in __ALGO_NAME_MAP: return __ALGO_NAME_MAP[name] return name
[docs] def compute_end_results(results_dir: str, dest_dir: str) -> Path: """ Get the end results, compute them if necessary. :param results_dir: the results directory :param dest_dir: the destination directory :returns: the path to the end results file. """ dest: Final[Path] = directory_path(dest_dir) results_file: Final[Path] = dest.resolve_inside("end_results.txt") if results_file.is_file(): return results_file source: Final[Path] = directory_path(results_dir) logger(f"loading end results from path {source!r}.") results: Final[list[EndResult]] = list(end_results_from_logs(source)) if not results: raise ValueError(f"Could not find any logs in {source!r}.") results.sort() logger(f"found {len(results)} log files in path {source!r}, storing " f"them in file {results_file!r}.") rf: Path = end_results_to_csv(results, results_file) if rf != results_file: raise ValueError( f"results file should be {results_file!r}, but is {rf!r}.") results_file.enforce_file() logger(f"finished writing file {results_file!r}.") return results_file
[docs] def get_end_results( file: str, insts: None | set[str] | Callable[[str], bool] = None, algos: None | set[str] | Callable[[str], bool] = None) \ -> list[EndResult]: """ Get a specific set of end results. :param file: the end results file :param insts: only these instances will be included if this parameter is provided :param algos: only these algorithms will be included if this parameter is provided """ def __filter(er: EndResult, ins=None if insts is None else insts.__contains__ if isinstance(insts, set) else insts, alg=None if algos is None else algos.__contains__ if isinstance(algos, set) else algos) -> bool: if (ins is not None) and (not ins(er.instance)): return False return not ((alg is not None) and (not alg(er.algorithm))) col: Final[list[EndResult]] = list(end_results_from_csv( file=file, filterer=__filter)) if len(col) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"no end results for instances {insts} and algorithms {algos}.") return col
[docs] def compute_end_statistics(end_results_file: str, dest_dir: str) -> Path: """ Get the end result statistics, compute them if necessary. :param end_results_file: the end results file :param dest_dir: the destination directory :returns: the path to the end result statistics file. """ dest: Final[Path] = directory_path(dest_dir) stats_file: Final[Path] = dest.resolve_inside("end_statistics.txt") if stats_file.is_file(): return stats_file results: Final[list[EndResult]] = get_end_results(end_results_file) if len(results) <= 0: raise ValueError("end results cannot be empty") stats: Final[list[EndStatistics]] = list(es_from_end_results(results)) if len(stats) <= 0: raise ValueError("end result statistics cannot be empty") stats.sort() sf: Path = es_to_csv(stats, stats_file) if sf != stats_file: raise ValueError(f"stats file should be {stats_file!r} but is {sf!r}") stats_file.enforce_file() logger(f"finished writing file {stats_file!r}.") return stats_file
[docs] def table(end_results: Path, algos: list[str], dest: Path, swap_stats: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None) -> None: """ Tabulate the end results. :param end_results: the path to the end results :param algos: the algorithms :param dest: the directory :param swap_stats: the statistics to swap out """ EN.set_current() n: Final[str] = algorithm_namer(algos[0]) algo_inst_stat: list | tuple = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_INSTANCE_STATISTICS algo_sum_stat: list | tuple = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_SUMMARY_STATISTICS if swap_stats is not None: algo_inst_stat = list(algo_inst_stat) algo_sum_stat = list(algo_sum_stat) for old, swap in swap_stats: found: bool = False for lst in [algo_inst_stat, algo_sum_stat]: for idx, elem in enumerate(lst): if elem == old: found = True lst[idx] = swap break if not found: raise ValueError(f"did not find {old!r} in {str(lst)!r}.") tabulate_end_results( end_results=get_end_results(end_results, algos=set(algos)), file_name=sanitize_name(f"end_results_{n}"), dir_name=dest, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, col_namer=command_column_namer, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer, algorithm_instance_statistics=algo_inst_stat, algorithm_summary_statistics=algo_sum_stat, use_lang=False)
[docs] def tests(end_results: Path, algos: list[str], dest: Path) -> None: """ Tabulate the end result tests. :param end_results: the path to the end results :param algos: the algorithms :param dest: the directory """ EN.set_current() n: Final[str] = algorithm_namer(algos[0]) tabulate_result_tests( end_results=get_end_results(end_results, algos=set(algos)), file_name=sanitize_name(f"tests_{n}"), dir_name=dest, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer, use_lang=False)
[docs] def makespans(end_results: Path, algos: list[str], dest: Path, x_label_location: float = 1.0) -> None: """ Plot the end makespans. :param end_results: the path to the end results :param algos: the algorithms :param dest: the directory :param x_label_location: the location of the label of the x-axis """ n: Final[str] = algorithm_namer(algos[0]) plot_end_makespans( end_results=get_end_results(end_results, algos=set(algos)), name_base=sanitize_name(f"makespan_scaled_{n}"), dest_dir=dest, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer, x_label_location=x_label_location)
[docs] def gantt(end_results: Path, algo: str, dest: Path, source: Path, best: bool = False, insts: Iterable[str] | None = None) -> None: """ Plot the median Gantt charts. :param end_results: the path to the end results :param algo: the algorithm :param dest: the directory :param source: the source directory :param best: should we plot the best instance only (or, otherwise, the median) :param insts: the instances to use """ n: Final[str] = algorithm_namer(algo) plot_stat_gantt_charts( get_end_results(end_results, algos={algo}, insts=None if insts is None else set(insts)), name_base=sanitize_name(f"best_gantt_{n}" if best else f"gantt_{n}"), dest_dir=dest, results_dir=source, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, statistic=cast( Callable[[Iterable[int | float]], int | float], min if best else median))
[docs] def progress(algos: list[str], dest: Path, source: Path, log: bool = True, millis: bool = True) -> None: """ Plot the median Gantt charts. :param algos: the algorithms :param dest: the directory :param source: the source directory :param log: is the time logarithmically scaled? :param millis: is the time measured in milliseconds? """ n: str = f"progress_{algorithm_namer(algos[0])}_" if log: n = n + "log_" if millis: unit = TIME_UNIT_MILLIS n = n + "T" else: unit = TIME_UNIT_FES n = n + "FEs" plot_progresses(results_dir=source, algorithms=algos, name_base=n, dest_dir=dest, log_time=log, time_unit=unit, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key)
[docs] def makespans_over_param( end_results: Path, selector: Callable[[str], bool], x_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float], name_base: str, dest_dir: str, x_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger, x_label: str | None = None, algo_getter: Callable[[str], str] | None = None, title: str | None = None, legend_pos: str = "right", title_x: float = 0.5, y_label_location: float = 1.0) -> list[Path]: """ Plot the performance over a parameter. :param end_results: the end results path :param selector: the selector for algorithms :param name_base: the basic name :param dest_dir: the destination directory :param x_getter: the function computing the x-value for each statistics object :param x_axis: the axis ranger :param x_label: the x-axis label :param algo_getter: the optional algorithm name getter (use `name_base` if unspecified) :param title: the optional title (use `name_base` if unspecified) :param legend_pos: the legend position, set to "right" :param title_x: the title x :param y_label_location: the y label location :returns: the list of generated files """ def _algo_name_getter(es: EndStatistics, n=name_base, g=algo_getter) -> str: return n if g is None else g(es.algorithm) return plot_end_makespans_over_param( end_results=get_end_results(end_results, algos=selector), x_getter=x_getter, name_base=sanitize_name(f"{name_base}_results"), dest_dir=dest_dir, title=name_base if title is None else title, algorithm_getter=_algo_name_getter, # type: ignore instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, x_axis=x_axis, x_label=x_label, plot_single_instances=algo_getter is None, legend_pos=legend_pos, title_x=title_x, y_label_location=y_label_location)
[docs] def evaluate_experiment(results_dir: str = pp.join(".", "results"), dest_dir: str | None = None) -> None: """ Evaluate the experiment. :param results_dir: the results directory :param dest_dir: the destination directory """ source: Final[Path] = directory_path(results_dir) dest: Final[Path] = Path(dest_dir if dest_dir else pp.join(source, "..", "evaluation")) dest.ensure_dir_exists() logger(f"Beginning evaluation from {source!r} to {dest!r}.") end_results: Final[Path] = compute_end_results(source, dest) if not end_results: raise ValueError("End results path is empty??") end_stats: Final[Path] = compute_end_statistics(end_results, dest) if not end_stats: raise ValueError("End stats path is empty??") logger("Now evaluating the single random sampling algorithm `1rs`.") table(end_results, ["1rs"], dest) makespans(end_results, ["1rs"], dest) gantt(end_results, "1rs", dest, source) logger("Now evaluating the multi-random sampling algorithm `rs`.") table(end_results, ["rs", "1rs"], dest) makespans(end_results, ["rs", "1rs"], dest) gantt(end_results, "rs", dest, source) progress(["rs"], dest, source) progress(["rs"], dest, source, log=False) logger("Now evaluating the hill climbing algorithm `hc`.") table(end_results, ["hc_swap2", "rs"], dest) makespans(end_results, ["hc_swap2", "rs"], dest) gantt(end_results, "hc_swap2", dest, source) progress(["hc_swap2", "rs"], dest, source) progress(["hc_swap2", "rs"], dest, source, millis=False) logger(f"Finished evaluation from {source!r} to {dest!r}.")
# Evaluate experiment if run as script if __name__ == "__main__": parser: Final[argparse.ArgumentParser] = moptipy_argparser( __file__, "Evaluate the results of the JSSP example experiment", "This experiment evaluates all the results of the JSSP example" " experiment and creates the figures and tables of the " "'Optimization Algorithms' book (see " "") parser.add_argument( "source", nargs="?", default="./results", type=Path, help="the directory with the results of the JSSP experiment") parser.add_argument( "dest", type=Path, nargs="?", default="./evaluation/", help="the directory to write the evaluation results to") args: Final[argparse.Namespace] = parser.parse_args() evaluate_experiment(results_dir=args.source, dest_dir=args.dest)