Source code for moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment

"""Run the moptipy example experiment."""
import argparse
import os.path as pp
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

from import Path
from pycommons.types import check_int_range, type_error

import moptipy.api.experiment as ex
from moptipy.algorithms.random_sampling import RandomSampling
from moptipy.algorithms.random_walk import RandomWalk
from moptipy.algorithms.single_random_sample import SingleRandomSample
from import HillClimber
from import RLS
from moptipy.api.algorithm import Algorithm
from moptipy.api.execution import Execution
from moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space import GanttSpace
from moptipy.examples.jssp.instance import Instance
from moptipy.examples.jssp.makespan import Makespan
from moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding import OperationBasedEncoding
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle import Op0Shuffle
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_insert1 import Op1Insert1
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2 import Op1Swap2
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swapn import Op1SwapN
from moptipy.spaces.permutations import Permutations
from import moptipy_argparser

#: The default instances to be used in our experiment. These have been
#: computed via instance_selector.propose_instances.
#: The instances in this tuple are sorted by the scale of the search space,
#: if that search space is the order-based encoding, i.e., permutations with
#: repetitions. This is almost the same as an ordering by the number  of
#: possible (feasible or infeasible) Gantt charts than can be constructed, with
#: one exception: For `dmu67`, the search space size is `2.768*(10**1241)` and
#: for `dmu72`, it is `3.862*(10**1226)`, i.e., `dmu67` has a larger search
#: order-based encoding search space than `dmu72`. However, for `dmu72`, we can
#: construct `1.762*(10**967)` different (feasible or infeasible) Gantt charts,
#: whereas for `dmu67`, we can only construct `1.710*(10**958)`, i.e., fewer.
#: Therefore, `dmu67` in this ordering here comes after `dmu72`, but it would
#: come before if we were sorting instances by the solution space size.
    Final[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str]] = \
    ("orb06", "la38", "abz8", "yn4", "swv14", "dmu72", "dmu67", "ta70")

#: The number of runs per instance in our JSSP experiment.
#: For each combination of algorithm setup and JSSP instance, we will
#: perform exactly this many runs.
EXPERIMENT_RUNS: Final[int] = 23

#: We will perform five minutes per run.
EXPERIMENT_RUNTIME_MS: Final[int] = 5 * 60 * 1000

#: The default set of algorithms for our experiments.
#: Each of them is a Callable that receives two parameters, the instance
#: `inst` and the permutation with repetitions-space `pwr`.
ALGORITHMS: Final[list[
    Callable[[Instance, Permutations], Algorithm]]] = [
    lambda inst, pwr: SingleRandomSample(Op0Shuffle(pwr)),  # single sample
    lambda inst, pwr: RandomSampling(Op0Shuffle(pwr)),  # random sampling
    lambda inst, pwr: HillClimber(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2()),  # hill climb.
    lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2()),  # RLS with swap-2
    lambda inst, pwr: RandomWalk(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2()),  # random walk
    lambda inst, pwr: HillClimber(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1SwapN()),  # hill climb.
    lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1SwapN()),  # RLS
    lambda inst, pwr: RandomWalk(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1SwapN()),  # random walk
    lambda inst, pwr: HillClimber(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Insert1()),  # HC
    lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Insert1()),  # RLS
    lambda inst, pwr: RandomWalk(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Insert1()),  # random walk

[docs] def run_experiment(base_dir: str = pp.join(".", "results"), algorithms: Iterable[ Callable[[Instance, Permutations], Algorithm]] = tuple(ALGORITHMS), instances: Iterable[str] = INSTANCES, n_runs: int = EXPERIMENT_RUNS, max_time: int | None = EXPERIMENT_RUNTIME_MS, max_fes: int | None = None, n_threads: int | None = None) -> None: """ Run the experiment. :param algorithms: the algorithm factories. Each factory receives as input one JSSP `Instance` and one instance of `PermutationWithRepetition`. It returns either an instance of `Algorithm` or of `Execution`. :param instances: the JSSP instance names :param base_dir: the base directory :param n_runs: the number of runs :param max_time: the maximum runtime in milliseconds :param max_fes: the maximum runtime in FEs :param n_threads: the number of threads """ # The initial parameter validity checks. if not isinstance(base_dir, str): raise type_error(base_dir, "base_dir", str) if not isinstance(algorithms, Iterable): raise type_error(algorithms, "algorithms", Iterable) if not isinstance(instances, Iterable): raise type_error(instances, "instances", Iterable) check_int_range(n_runs, "n_runs", 1, 10_000_000) if max_time is not None: check_int_range(max_time, "max_time", 1, 100_000_000_000) if max_fes is not None: check_int_range(max_fes, "max_fes", 1, 1_000_000_000_000) if (max_fes is None) and (max_time is None): raise ValueError("Either max_fes or max_time must be provided.") inst_gens = [(lambda s=s: Instance.from_resource(s)) for s in instances] if len(inst_gens) <= 0: raise ValueError("There must be at least one instance.") del instances # In this loop, we convert the simple algorithm lambdas to execution # creators. algo_gens = [] for algo in algorithms: # we create one constructor for each algorithm factory def creator(inst: Instance, algor: Callable = algo) -> Execution: """ Create the algorithm for a given instance. :param inst: the JSSP instance :param algor: the algorithm creator :return: an Execution for the experiment """ pwr: Permutations = Permutations.with_repetitions(, inst.machines) val: Execution | Algorithm = algor(inst, pwr) experiment: Execution if isinstance(val, Execution): experiment = cast(Execution, val) else: if not isinstance(val, Algorithm): raise type_error(val, "result of factory function", Algorithm) experiment = Execution() experiment.set_algorithm(cast(Algorithm, val)) if max_time is not None: experiment.set_max_time_millis(max_time) if max_fes is not None: experiment.set_max_fes(max_fes) experiment.set_objective(Makespan(inst)) experiment.set_solution_space(GanttSpace(inst)) experiment.set_search_space(pwr) experiment.set_encoding(OperationBasedEncoding(inst)) experiment.set_log_improvements() return experiment algo_gens.append(creator) # add constructor to generator list del creator # the creator is no longer needed del algorithms if len(algo_gens) <= 0: raise ValueError("There must be at least one algorithm.") ikwargs: dict[str, Any] = {"base_dir": base_dir, "instances": inst_gens, "setups": algo_gens, "n_runs": n_runs, "perform_warmup": True, "warmup_fes": 20, "perform_pre_warmup": True, "pre_warmup_fes": 20} if n_threads is not None: ikwargs["n_threads"] = n_threads ex.run_experiment(**ikwargs) # invoke the actual experiment
# Execute experiment if run as script if __name__ == "__main__": parser: Final[argparse.ArgumentParser] = moptipy_argparser( __file__, "Execute the JSSP example experiment.", "Execute an example experiment on the Job " "Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP).") parser.add_argument( "dest", help="the directory where the results should be stored", type=Path, default="./results", nargs="?") parser.add_argument( "threads", help="the number of threads to use for the experiment", type=int, default=ex.Parallelism.ACCURATE_TIME_MEASUREMENTS, nargs="?") args: Final[argparse.Namespace] = parser.parse_args() run_experiment(base_dir=args.dest, n_threads=args.threads)