Source code for moptipy.examples.jssp.plots

"""The JSSP-example specific plots."""

from math import inf
from statistics import median
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable

from import logger
from import Path, directory_path
from pycommons.types import type_error

import moptipy.utils.plot_utils as pu
from moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger import AxisRanger
from moptipy.evaluation.base import F_NAME_RAW, F_NAME_SCALED, TIME_UNIT_MILLIS
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult
from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import EndStatistics, from_end_results
from moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_results import plot_end_results
from moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_statistics_over_parameter import (
from moptipy.evaluation.plot_progress import plot_progress
from moptipy.evaluation.progress import Progress
from moptipy.evaluation.progress import from_logs as pr_from_logs
from moptipy.evaluation.stat_run import STAT_MEAN_ARITH, StatRun
from moptipy.evaluation.stat_run import from_progress as sr_from_progress
from moptipy.examples.jssp.plot_gantt_chart import plot_gantt_chart
from moptipy.utils.lang import Lang
from moptipy.utils.plot_defaults import importance_to_font_size

[docs] def plot_end_makespans(end_results: Iterable[EndResult], name_base: str, dest_dir: str, instance_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x, x_label_location: float = 1.0) \ -> list[Path]: """ Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart. :param end_results: the iterable of end results :param name_base: the basic name :param dest_dir: the destination directory :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :param x_label_location: the location of the label of the x-axis :returns: the list of generated files """ logger(f"beginning to plot chart {name_base}.") if not isinstance(end_results, Iterable): raise type_error(end_results, "end_results", Iterable) if not isinstance(name_base, str): raise type_error(name_base, "name_base", str) if not isinstance(dest_dir, str): raise type_error(dest_dir, "dest_dir", str) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) algorithms: set[str] = set() instances: set[str] = set() pairs: set[str] = set() for er in end_results: algorithms.add(er.algorithm) instances.add(er.instance) pairs.add(f"{er.algorithm}+{er.instance}") n_algos: Final[int] = len(algorithms) n_insts: Final[int] = len(instances) n_pairs: Final[int] = len(pairs) if n_pairs != (n_algos * n_insts): raise ValueError( f"found {n_algos} algorithms and {n_insts} instances, " f"but only {n_pairs} algorithm-instance pairs!") if n_algos >= 16: raise ValueError(f"{n_algos} are just too many algorithms...") max_insts: Final[int] = 16 // n_algos insts: Final[list[str]] = sorted(instances, key=instance_sort_key) result: Final[list[Path]] = [] for lang in Lang.all_langs(): lang.set_current() figure, plots = pu.create_figure_with_subplots( items=n_insts, max_items_per_plot=max_insts, max_rows=5, max_cols=1, max_width=8.6, default_height_per_row=2.5) for plot, start_inst, end_inst, _, _, _ in plots: instances.clear() instances.update(insts[start_inst:end_inst]) plot_end_results( end_results=[er for er in end_results if er.instance in instances], figure=plot, dimension=F_NAME_SCALED, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, y_label_location=1.0, x_label_location=x_label_location, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer) result.extend(pu.save_figure(fig=figure, file_name=lang.filename(name_base), dir_name=dest_dir)) del figure logger(f"finished plotting chart {name_base}.") result.sort() return result
[docs] def plot_stat_gantt_charts( end_results: Iterable[EndResult], results_dir: str, name_base: str, dest_dir: str, instance_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, statistic: Callable[[Iterable[int | float]], int | float] = median) -> list[Path]: """ Plot a set of Gantt charts following a specific statistics. :param end_results: the iterable of end results :param results_dir: the result directory :param name_base: the basic name :param dest_dir: the destination directory :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param statistic: the statistic to use :returns: the list of generated files """ logger(f"beginning to plot stat chart {name_base}.") if not isinstance(end_results, Iterable): raise type_error(end_results, "end_results", Iterable) if not isinstance(results_dir, str): raise type_error(results_dir, "results_dir", str) if not isinstance(name_base, str): raise type_error(name_base, "name_base", str) if not isinstance(dest_dir, str): raise type_error(dest_dir, "dest_dir", str) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(statistic): raise type_error(statistic, "statistic", call=True) results: Final[list[Path]] = [] # the list of generated files # gather all the data data: Final[dict[str, list[EndResult]]] = {} algorithm: str | None = None for er in end_results: if algorithm is None: algorithm = er.algorithm elif algorithm != er.algorithm: raise ValueError( f"found two algorithms: {algorithm} and {er.algorithm}!") if er.instance in data: data[er.instance].append(er) else: data[er.instance] = [er] if algorithm is None: raise ValueError("Did not encounter any algorithm?") instances: Final[list[str]] = sorted(data.keys(), key=instance_sort_key) del end_results # get the median runs stat_runs: list[Path] = [] results_dir = directory_path(results_dir) for instance in instances: runs: list[EndResult] = data[instance] runs.sort() med = statistic([er.best_f for er in runs]) best: int | float = inf solution: EndResult | None = None for er in runs: current = abs(er.best_f - med) if current < best: best = current solution = er if solution is None: raise ValueError( f"found no {name_base} end result for instance {instance}.") path: Path = solution.path_to_file(results_dir) path.enforce_file() stat_runs.append(path) del data del instances if len(stat_runs) < 0: raise ValueError("empty set of runs?") # plot the gantt charts for lang in Lang.all_langs(): lang.set_current() figure, plots = pu.create_figure_with_subplots( items=len(stat_runs), max_items_per_plot=1, max_cols=2, max_rows=4, max_width=8.6, max_height=11.5) for plot, start, end, _, _, _ in plots: if start != (end - 1): raise ValueError(f"{start} != {end} - 1") args: dict[str, Any] = { "gantt": stat_runs[start], "figure": plot, } if statistic is min: args["markers"] = None else: args["info"] = lambda gantt: \ Lang.current().format_str("gantt_info_short", gantt=gantt) if len(plots) > 2: args["importance_to_font_size_func"] = lambda i: \ 0.9 * importance_to_font_size(i) plot_gantt_chart(**args) results.extend(pu.save_figure(fig=figure, file_name=lang.filename(name_base), dir_name=dest_dir)) logger("done plotting stat gantt charts.") return results
[docs] def plot_progresses(results_dir: str, algorithms: Iterable[str], name_base: str, dest_dir: str, time_unit: str = TIME_UNIT_MILLIS, log_time: bool = True, instance_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, x_label_location: float = 0.0, include_runs: bool = False, algorithm_namer: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x) \ -> list[Path]: """ Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart. :param results_dir: the directory with the log files :param algorithms: the set of algorithms to plot together :param name_base: the basic name :param dest_dir: the destination directory :param time_unit: the time unit to plot :param log_time: should the time axis be scaled logarithmically? :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param x_label_location: the location of the x-labels :param include_runs: should we include the pure runs as well? :param algorithm_namer: the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function :returns: the list of generated files """ logger(f"beginning to plot chart {name_base}.") if not isinstance(results_dir, str): raise type_error(results_dir, "results_dir", str) if not isinstance(algorithms, Iterable): raise type_error(algorithms, "algorithms", Iterable) if not isinstance(name_base, str): raise type_error(name_base, "name_base", str) if not isinstance(dest_dir, str): raise type_error(dest_dir, "dest_dir", str) if not isinstance(time_unit, str): raise type_error(time_unit, "time_unit", str) if not isinstance(log_time, bool): raise type_error(log_time, "log_time", bool) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) if not isinstance(x_label_location, float): raise type_error(x_label_location, "x_label_location", float) if not isinstance(include_runs, bool): raise type_error(include_runs, "include_runs", bool) if not callable(algorithm_namer): raise type_error(algorithm_namer, "algorithm_namer", call=True) # get the data spath: Final[Path] = directory_path(results_dir) progresses: Final[list[Progress]] = [] for algorithm in sorted(algorithms, key=algorithm_sort_key): pr_from_logs(spath.resolve_inside(algorithm), progresses.append, time_unit=time_unit, f_name=F_NAME_RAW) if len(progresses) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"did not find log files in dir {results_dir!r}.") stat_runs: Final[list[Progress | StatRun]] = [] sr_from_progress(progresses, STAT_MEAN_ARITH, stat_runs.append, False, False) if len(stat_runs) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"failed to compile stat runs from dir {results_dir!r}.") if include_runs: stat_runs.extend(progresses) del progresses instances: Final[list[str]] = sorted({sr.instance for sr in stat_runs}, key=instance_sort_key) if len(instances) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"no instances in dir {results_dir!r}.") algos: Final[list[str]] = sorted({sr.algorithm for sr in stat_runs}, key=algorithm_sort_key) if len(set(algorithms).difference(algos)) > 0: raise ValueError( f"found the {len(algos)} algorithms {algos}, but expected " f"algorithms {algorithms}.") results: Final[list[Path]] = [] # the list of generated files # plot the progress charts for lang in Lang.all_langs(): lang.set_current() figure, plots = pu.create_figure_with_subplots( items=len(instances), max_items_per_plot=1, max_cols=2, max_rows=4, max_width=8.6, max_height=11.5) for plot, start, end, _, _, _ in plots: if start != (end - 1): raise ValueError(f"{start} != {end} - 1") inst = instances[start] plot_progress( progresses=[sr for sr in stat_runs if sr.instance == inst], figure=plot, x_axis=AxisRanger.for_axis_func(log_scale=log_time), importance_to_font_size_func=lambda i: 0.9 * importance_to_font_size(i), algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, x_label_location=x_label_location, algorithm_namer=algorithm_namer) axes = pu.get_axes(plot) pu.label_box(axes, inst, x=0.5, y=1) results.extend(pu.save_figure(fig=figure, file_name=lang.filename(name_base), dir_name=dest_dir)) logger(f"finished plotting chart {name_base!r}.") return results
[docs] def plot_end_makespans_over_param( end_results: Iterable[EndResult], name_base: str, dest_dir: str, x_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float], algorithm_getter: Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None] = lambda es: es.algorithm, instance_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, algorithm_sort_key: Callable = lambda x: x, title: str | None = None, x_axis: AxisRanger | Callable[[], AxisRanger] = AxisRanger, x_label: str | None = None, x_label_location: float = 1.0, plot_single_instances: bool = True, plot_instance_summary: bool = True, legend_pos: str = "upper right", title_x: float = 0.5, y_label_location: float = 1.0) \ -> list[Path]: """ Plot the performance over a parameter. :param end_results: the iterable of end results :param name_base: the basic name :param dest_dir: the destination directory :param title: the optional title :param x_getter: the function computing the x-value for each statistics object :param algorithm_getter: the algorithm getter :param instance_sort_key: the sort key function for instances :param algorithm_sort_key: the sort key function for algorithms :param x_axis: the x_axis ranger :param x_label: the x-label :param x_label_location: the location of the x-labels :param plot_single_instances: shall we plot the values for each single instance? :param plot_instance_summary: shall we plot the value over all instances? :param legend_pos: the legend position :param title_x: the title position :param y_label_location: the location of the y label :returns: the list of generated files """ logger(f"beginning to plot chart {name_base}.") if not isinstance(end_results, Iterable): raise type_error(end_results, "end_results", Iterable) if not isinstance(name_base, str): raise type_error(name_base, "name_base", str) if not isinstance(dest_dir, str): raise type_error(dest_dir, "dest_dir", str) if not callable(x_getter): raise type_error(x_getter, "x_getter", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_getter): raise type_error(algorithm_getter, "algorithm_getter", call=True) if not callable(instance_sort_key): raise type_error(instance_sort_key, "instance_sort_key", call=True) if not callable(algorithm_sort_key): raise type_error(algorithm_sort_key, "algorithm_sort_key", call=True) if not isinstance(x_label_location, float): raise type_error(x_label_location, "x_label_location", float) if not isinstance(y_label_location, float): raise type_error(y_label_location, "y_label_location", float) if (title is not None) and (not isinstance(title, str)): raise type_error(title, "title", (str, None)) if not isinstance(plot_single_instances, bool): raise type_error(plot_single_instances, "plot_single_instances", bool) if not isinstance(plot_instance_summary, bool): raise type_error(plot_instance_summary, "plot_instance_summary", bool) if not (plot_single_instances or plot_instance_summary): raise ValueError("plot_instance_summary and plot_single_instances " "cannot both be False") if not isinstance(legend_pos, str): raise type_error(legend_pos, "legend_pos", str) if not isinstance(title_x, float): raise type_error(title_x, "title_x", float) logger(f"now plotting end statistics over parameter {title!r}.") end_stats: Final[list[EndStatistics]] = [] if plot_single_instances: from_end_results(end_results, end_stats.append) if plot_instance_summary: from_end_results(end_results, end_stats.append, join_all_instances=True) if len(end_stats) <= 0: raise ValueError("no end statistics records to plot!") result: list[Path] = [] for lang in Lang.all_langs(): lang.set_current() figure = pu.create_figure(width=5.5) axes = plot_end_statistics_over_param( data=end_stats, figure=figure, algorithm_getter=algorithm_getter, x_axis=x_axis, x_getter=x_getter, x_label=x_label, x_label_location=x_label_location, algorithm_sort_key=algorithm_sort_key, instance_sort_key=instance_sort_key, legend_pos=legend_pos, y_label_location=y_label_location) if title is not None: pu.label_box(axes, title, x=title_x, y=1) result.extend(pu.save_figure(fig=figure, file_name=lang.filename(name_base), dir_name=dest_dir)) logger(f"done plotting end statistics over parameter {title!r}.") return result