Source code for moptipy.mock.mo_problem

"""The mock multi-objective optimization problem."""

from typing import Iterable, cast

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
from pycommons.types import check_int_range, type_error

from import WeightedSum
from moptipy.mock.objective import MockObjective

[docs] class MockMOProblem(WeightedSum): """A mock-up of a multi-objective optimization problem.""" def __init__(self, objectives: Iterable[MockObjective], weights: Iterable[int | float]) -> None: """ Create the mock multi-objective problem. :param objectives: the mock objectives :param weights: their weights """ super().__init__(objectives, weights)
[docs] @staticmethod def for_dtype(n: int, dtype: np.dtype) -> "MockMOProblem": """ Create a mock multi-objective problem. :param n: the number of objectives :param dtype: the optional dtype :returns: the mock multi-objective problem """ check_int_range(n, "n", 1, 1_000) if not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype): raise type_error(dtype, "dtype", np.dtype) random = default_rng() weights: list[int | float] =\ [int(w) for w in random.integers(1, 3, n)] \ if random.integers(2) <= 0 \ else [float(w) for w in random.uniform(0.2, 3, n)] max_trials: int = 1000 while max_trials > 0: max_trials -= 1 funcs = [MockObjective.for_type(dtype) for _ in range(n)] names = {str(o) for o in funcs} if len(names) >= n: return MockMOProblem(funcs, weights) raise ValueError("Huh?")
[docs] def get_objectives(self) -> tuple[MockObjective, ...]: """ Get the internal objective functions. :return: the internal mock objective functions """ return cast(tuple[MockObjective, ...], self._objectives)
[docs] def sample(self, fs: np.ndarray) -> int | float: """ Sample one vector of ojective values. :param fs: the array to receive the objective values :returns: the scalarized objective values """ for i, o in enumerate(self._objectives): fs[i] = cast(MockObjective, o).sample() return self._scalarize(fs)