Source code for moptipy.mock.utils

"""Utilities for mock objects."""

from math import ceil, floor, inf, isfinite, nextafter
from typing import Callable, Final, Sequence, cast

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator
from pycommons.types import type_error

#: The default types to be used for testing.
DEFAULT_TEST_DTYPES: Final[tuple[np.dtype, ...]] = tuple(sorted({
    np.dtype(bdt) for bdt in [
        int, float, np.int8, np.int16, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.int32,
        np.uint32, np.int64, np.uint64, np.float16, np.float32,
        np.float64, np.float128]}, key=lambda dt: (dt.kind, dt.itemsize)))

def _lb_int(lb: int | float) -> int:
    Convert a finite lower bound to an integer.

    :param lb: the lower bound
    :retruns: the integer lower bound

    >>> _lb_int(1)
    >>> type(_lb_int(1))
    <class 'int'>
    >>> _lb_int(1.4)
    >>> type(_lb_int(1.4))
    <class 'int'>
    return lb if isinstance(lb, int) else int(ceil(lb))

def _ub_int(ub: int | float) -> int:
    Convert a finite upper bound to an integer.

    :param ub: the upper bound
    :retruns: the integer upper bound

    >>> _ub_int(1)
    >>> type(_ub_int(1))
    <class 'int'>
    >>> _ub_int(1.4)
    >>> type(_ub_int(1.4))
    <class 'int'>
    return ub if isinstance(ub, int) else int(floor(ub))

def _float_beautify(f: float) -> float:
    Get a slightly beautified float, if possible.

    :param f: the float
    :return: the beautified number
    vb: int = int(round(1000.0 * f))
    r1: float = 0.001 * vb
    l1: int = len(str(r1))

    r2: float = 0.001 * (vb + 1)
    l2: int = len(str(r2))
    if l2 < l1:
        l1 = l2
        r1 = r2

    r2 = 0.001 * (vb - 1)
    l2 = len(str(r2))
    if l2 < l1:
        return r2
    return r1

def _before_int(upper_bound: int | float,
                random: Generator) -> int | None:
    Get an `int` value before the given limit.

    :param upper_bound: the upper bound
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if upper_bound >= inf:
        upper_bound = 10000
    elif not isfinite(upper_bound):
        return None
    lov = min(int(0.6 * upper_bound), upper_bound - 22) \
        if upper_bound > 0 else max(int(upper_bound / 0.6), upper_bound - 22)
    lo: Final[int] = _lb_int(max(lov, -9223372036854775806))
    up: Final[int] = _ub_int(upper_bound)
    if lo >= up:
        return None
    res = int(random.integers(lo, up))
    if res >= upper_bound:
        return None
    return res

def _before_float(upper_bound: int | float,
                  random: Generator) -> float | None:
    Get a `float` value before the given limit.

    :param upper_bound: the upper bound
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if upper_bound >= inf:
        upper_bound = 10000.0
    elif not isfinite(upper_bound):
        return None
    ulp = 1E16 * (upper_bound - nextafter(upper_bound, -inf)) \
        if (upper_bound < 0) else 1E-8 if upper_bound <= 0 \
        else 1E16 * (nextafter(upper_bound, inf) - upper_bound)
    lo = min(upper_bound * 0.6, upper_bound - ulp) \
        if upper_bound > 0.0 else min(upper_bound / 0.6, upper_bound - ulp)
    if (not isfinite(lo)) or (lo >= upper_bound):
        return None
    res = float(random.uniform(lo, upper_bound))

    if (not isfinite(res)) or (res >= upper_bound):
        return None
    resb = _float_beautify(res)
    if isfinite(resb) and (resb < upper_bound):
        return resb
    return res

def _after_int(lower_bound: int | float,
               random: Generator) -> int | None:
    Get an `int` value after the given limit.

    :param lower_bound: the upper bound
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if lower_bound <= -inf:
        lower_bound = -10000
    elif not isfinite(lower_bound):
        return None
    uv = max(int(lower_bound / 0.6), lower_bound + 22) \
        if lower_bound > 0 else max(int(lower_bound * 0.6), lower_bound + 22)
    ub: Final[int] = _ub_int(min(uv, 9223372036854775806))
    lb: Final[int] = _lb_int(lower_bound)
    if lb >= ub:
        return None
    res = int(random.integers(lb, ub))
    if res <= lower_bound:
        return None
    return res

def _after_float(lower_bound: int | float,
                 random: Generator) -> float | None:
    Get a `float` value after the given limit.

    :param lower_bound: the upper bound
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if lower_bound <= -inf:
        lower_bound = -10000.0
    elif not isfinite(lower_bound):
        return None
    ulp = 1E16 * (lower_bound - nextafter(lower_bound, -inf)) \
        if (lower_bound < 0) else 1E-8 if lower_bound <= 0 \
        else 1E16 * (nextafter(lower_bound, inf) - lower_bound)
    hi = max(lower_bound / 0.6, lower_bound + ulp) \
        if lower_bound > 0.0 else max(lower_bound * 0.6, lower_bound + ulp)
    if (not isfinite(hi)) or (hi <= lower_bound):
        return None
    res = float(random.uniform(lower_bound, hi))
    if (not isfinite(res)) or (res <= lower_bound):
        return None
    resb = _float_beautify(res)
    if isfinite(resb) and (resb > lower_bound):
        return resb
    return res

def _between_int(lower_bound: int | float,
                 upper_bound: int | float,
                 random: Generator) -> int | None:
    Compute a number between two others.

    :param lower_bound: the minimum
    :param upper_bound: the maximum
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if isfinite(lower_bound):
        if isfinite(upper_bound):
            lb: Final[int] = _lb_int(lower_bound) + 1
            ub: Final[int] = _ub_int(upper_bound)
            if lb < ub:
                return int(random.integers(lb, ub))
            return None
        return _after_int(lower_bound, random)
    if isfinite(upper_bound):
        return _before_int(upper_bound, random)
    return int(random.normal(0, 1000.0))

def _between_float(lower_bound: int | float,
                   upper_bound: int | float,
                   random: Generator) -> float | None:
    Compute a number between two others.

    :param lower_bound: the minimum
    :param upper_bound: the maximum
    :param random: the generator
    :returns: the value, if it could be generated, `None` otherwise
    if isfinite(lower_bound):
        if isfinite(upper_bound):
            a = lower_bound
            b = upper_bound
            for _ in range(5):
                a = nextafter(a, inf)
                b = nextafter(b, -inf)
            if a < b:
                res = max(a, min(b, float(random.uniform(a, b))))
                if not isfinite(res) or not (lower_bound < res < upper_bound):
                    return None
                resb = _float_beautify(res)
                if isfinite(resb) and (lower_bound < resb < upper_bound):
                    return resb
                return res
            return None
        return _after_float(lower_bound, random)
    if isfinite(upper_bound):
        return _before_float(upper_bound, random)
    return float(random.normal(0, 1000.0))

[docs] def make_ordered_list(definition: Sequence[int | float | None], is_int: bool, random: Generator) \ -> list[int | float] | None: """ Make an ordered list of elements, filling in gaps. This function takes a list template where some values may be defined and some may be left `None`. The `None` values are then replaced such that an overall ordered list is created where each value is larger than its predecessor. The original non-`None` elements are kept in place. Of course, this process may fail, in which case `None` is returned. :param definition: a template with `None` for gaps to be filled :param is_int: should all generated values be integers? :param random: the generator :returns: the refined tuple with all values filled in >>> from numpy.random import default_rng >>> rg = default_rng(11) >>> make_ordered_list([None, 10, None, None, 50], True, rg) [-10, 10, 42, 47, 50] >>> make_ordered_list([None, 10, None, None, 50, None, None], False, rg) [-5.136, 10, 13.228, 15.19, 50, 115.953, 125.961] >>> print(make_ordered_list([9, None, 10, None, None, 50], True, rg)) None >>> make_ordered_list([8, None, 10, None, None, 50], True, rg) [8, 9, 10, 45, 47, 50] >>> make_ordered_list([9, None, 10, None, None, 50], False, rg) [9, 9.568, 10, 47.576, 49.482, 50] """ if not isinstance(definition, Sequence): raise type_error(definition, "definition", Sequence) total: Final[int] = len(definition) if total <= 0: return [] if not isinstance(random, Generator): raise type_error(random, "random", Generator) if not isinstance(is_int, bool): raise type_error(is_int, "is_int", bool) if is_int: _before = cast(Callable[[int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _before_int) _after = cast(Callable[[int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _after_int) _between = cast(Callable[[int | float, int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _between_int) else: _before = cast(Callable[[int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _before_float) _after = cast(Callable[[int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _after_float) _between = cast(Callable[[int | float, int | float, Generator], int | float | None], _between_float) max_trials: int = 1000 while max_trials > 0: max_trials = max_trials - 1 result = list(definition) failed: bool = False # create one random midpoint if necessary has_defined: bool = False for i in range(total): if result[i] is not None: has_defined = True break if not has_defined: val = _between(-inf, inf, random) result[random.integers(total)] = val failed = val is None if failed: continue # fill front backwards for i in range(total): ub = result[i] if ub is not None: for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): ub = _before(ub, random) if ub is None: failed = True break result[j] = ub break if failed: continue # fill end forward for i in range(total - 1, -1, -1): lb = result[i] if lb is not None: for j in range(i + 1, total): lb = _after(lb, random) if lb is None: failed = True break result[j] = lb break if failed: continue # fill all the gaps in between while not failed: # find random gap has_missing: bool = False ofs: int = random.integers(total) missing: int = 0 for i in range(total): missing = (ofs + i) % total if result[missing] is None: has_missing = True break if not has_missing: break # find start of gap and lower bound prev_idx: int = missing prev: int | float | None = None for i in range(missing - 1, -1, -1): prev = result[i] if prev is not None: prev_idx = i break # find end of gap and upper bound nxt_idx: int = missing nxt: int | float | None = None for i in range(missing + 1, total): nxt = result[i] if nxt is not None: nxt_idx = i break # generate new value and store at random position in gap val = _between(prev, nxt, random) if val is None: failed = True break result[random.integers(prev_idx + 1, nxt_idx)] = val if failed: continue # now check and return result prev = result[0] if prev is None: continue for i in range(1, total): nxt = result[i] if (nxt is None) or (nxt <= prev): failed = True break prev = nxt if not failed: return result return None
[docs] def sample_from_attractors(random: Generator, attractors: Sequence[int | float], is_int: bool = False, lb: int | float = -inf, ub: int | float = inf) -> int | float: """ Sample from a given range using the specified attractors. :param random: the random number generator :param attractors: the attractor points :param lb: the lower bound :param ub: the upper bound :param is_int: shall we sample integer values? :return: the value :raises ValueError: if the sampling failed >>> from numpy.random import default_rng >>> rg = default_rng(11) >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [5, 20]) 15.198106552324713 >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [2], lb=0, ub=10, is_int=True) 3 >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [5, 20], lb=4) 4.7448464616061665 >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [5, 20], ub=22) 1.044618552249311 >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [5, 20], lb=0, ub=30, is_int=True) 6 >>> sample_from_attractors(rg, [5, 20], lb=4, ub=22, is_int=True) 20 """ max_trials: int = 1000 al: Final[int] = len(attractors) while max_trials > 0: max_trials -= 1 chosen_idx = random.integers(al) chosen = attractors[chosen_idx] lo = attractors[chosen_idx - 1] if (chosen_idx > 0) else lb hi = attractors[chosen_idx + 1] if (chosen_idx < (al - 1)) else ub sd = 0.5 * min(hi - chosen, chosen - lo) if not isfinite(sd): sd = max(1.0, 0.05 * abs(chosen)) sample = random.normal(chosen, sd) if not isfinite(sample): continue sample = int(sample) if is_int else float(sample) if lb <= sample <= ub: return sample raise ValueError(f"Failed to sample with lb={lb}, ub={ub}, " f"attractors={attractors}, is_int={is_int}.")