Source code for moptipy.operators.ordered_choices.op0_choose_and_shuffle

"""A nullary operator filling a :mod:`~moptipy.spaces.ordered_choices`."""
from typing import Callable, Final

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.operators import Op0
from moptipy.spaces.ordered_choices import OrderedChoices

[docs] class Op0ChooseAndShuffle(Op0): """Randomly initialize :mod:`~moptipy.spaces.ordered_choices` elements.""" def __init__(self, space: OrderedChoices): """ Initialize this shuffle operation: use blueprint from space. :param space: the search space """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(space, OrderedChoices): raise type_error(space, "space", OrderedChoices) #: the internal blueprint for filling permutations self.__blueprint: Final[np.ndarray] = space.blueprint #: the internal choices self.__choices: Final[Callable[[int], tuple[int, ...]]] \ = space.choices.__getitem__
[docs] def op0(self, random: Generator, dest: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Fill the destination with random choices and shuffle it. :param random: the random number generator :param dest: the destination array """ np.copyto(dest, self.__blueprint) # Copy blueprint to dest. random.shuffle(dest) # Shuffle destination array randomly. # Now we replace the elements in the shuffled destination array # with random selections. ri: Final[Callable[[int], int]] = random.integers # fast call choices: Final[Callable[[int], tuple[int, ...]]] = self.__choices for i, e in enumerate(dest): source = choices(e) dest[i] = source[ri(len(source))]
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Get the name of this operator. :return: "chooseAndShuffle" """ return "chooseAndShuffle"