Source code for moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swapn

An operator swapping several elements in a permutation.

This operator works similarly to
:class:`~moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2.Op1Swap2`, but instead of
swapping two elements (i.e., performing 1 swap), it will perform a random
number of swaps.

First, the operator copies the source string `x` into the destination `dest`.
It then chooses a random index `i1`. It remembers the element at that index
in two variables, `last` and `first`. (`last` will always be the value of the
element will next be overwritten and `first` will never change and remember
the first overwritten element, i.e., the value that we need to store again
into the array in the end.) We also initialize a variable `continue_after`
with `True`. This variable will always tell us if we need to continue and
draw another random index.

We then begin with the main loop, which is iterated as long as
`continue_after` is `True`. Directly as first action in this loop, we set
`continue_after = ri(2) <= 0`. `ri(2)` will return a random integer in
`{0, 1}`. `ri(2) <= 0` will therefore be `True` with probability 0.5.

We now will draw a new random index `i2`. We load the element at index `i2`
into variable `current`. If `current == last`, we immediately go back and
draw another random `i2`. The reason is that we want to store `current` at
`i1`, i.e., where `last` is currently stored. If `current == last`, this
would change nothing. Furthermore, if `continue_after` is `False`, then
`current` must also be different from `first`: If we exit the main loop,
then we will store `first` into the place where we found `current`. Remember,
we will overwrite the element at index `i1` with `current`, so the very first
element we overwrite must eventually be stored back into the array.

OK, if we have obtained an index `i2` whose corresponding element `current`
fulfills all requirements, we can set `dest[i1] = last = current`, i.e.,
remember `current` in `last` and also store it at index `i1`. Next, we will
overwrite the element at index `i2`, so we set `i1 = i2`. If `continue_after`
is `True`, the loop will continue. Otherwise, it will stop.

In the latter case, we store `first` back into the array at the last index
`i1` and do `dest[i1] = first`.

As a result, the operator will swap exactly 2 elements with probability 0.5.
With probability 0.25, it will swap three elements, with 0.125 probability, it
will swap 4 elements, and so on.

1. Thomas Weise. *Optimization Algorithms.* 2021. Hefei, Anhui, China:
   Institute of Applied Optimization (IAO), School of Artificial Intelligence
   and Big Data, Hefei University.
from typing import Callable, Final

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator

from moptipy.api.operators import Op1

# Temporary fix for
[docs] def swap_n(random: Generator, dest: np.ndarray, # +book x: np.ndarray) -> None: # +book """ Copy `x` into `dest` and then swap several different values. :param random: the random number generator :param dest: the array to receive the modified copy of `x` :param x: the existing point in the search space >>> rand = np.random.default_rng(10) >>> xx = np.array(range(10), int) >>> out = np.empty(len(xx), int) >>> swap_n(rand, out, xx) >>> print(out) [0 1 7 3 4 5 6 2 8 9] >>> swap_n(rand, out, xx) >>> print(out) [0 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 9] >>> swap_n(rand, out, xx) >>> print(out) [0 5 2 3 4 8 6 7 1 9] """ # start book dest[:] = x[:] # First, we copy `x` to `dest`. length: Final[int] = len(dest) # Get the length of `dest`. rint: Callable[[int, int], int] = random.integers # fast call i1: int = random.integers(0, length) # Get the first random index. last = first = dest[i1] # Get the value at the first index. continue_after: bool = True # True -> loop at least once. while continue_after: # Repeat until we should stop continue_after = rint(0, 2) <= 0 # 50/50 chance while True: # Loop forever until eligible element found. i2: int = rint(0, length) # new random index. current = dest[i2] # Get the value at the new index. if current == last: # If it is the same as the continue # previous value, continue. if continue_after or (current != first): # If we want break # to stop, then it must be != first value. dest[i1] = last = current # Store value for from i2 at i1. i1 = i2 # Update i1 to now point to cell of i2. dest[i1] = first # Finally, store first element back at end.
[docs] class Op1SwapN(Op1): """ A unary search operation that swaps several (different) elements. It is similar to `swap2`, but instead may perform a random number of swaps. After each swap, it decides with probability 0.5 whether or not to perform another swap. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the object.""" super().__init__() # -book self.op1 = swap_n # type: ignore # use function directly # end book def __str__(self) -> str: """ Get the name of this unary operator. :returns: "swapn", the name of this operator :retval "swapn": always """ return "swapn"