Source code for moptipy.tests.on_ordered_choices

"""Test stuff on ordered choices-based spaces."""

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, cast

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator, default_rng
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.api.operators import Op0
from moptipy.spaces.ordered_choices import OrderedChoices
from moptipy.tests.op0 import validate_op0

[docs] def choices_for_tests( choice_filter: Callable[[OrderedChoices], bool] | None = None) \ -> Iterable[OrderedChoices]: """ Get a sequence of ordered choices for tests. :param choice_filter: an optional filter to sort out ordered choices we cannot use for testing :returns: the sequence of ordered choices """ r = default_rng() pwrs: list[OrderedChoices] = [ OrderedChoices([[1], [2]]), OrderedChoices([[1], [2], [3]]), OrderedChoices([[1], [2, 4], [3]]), OrderedChoices.signed_permutations(1), OrderedChoices.signed_permutations(2), OrderedChoices.signed_permutations(10)] for _i in range(4): done: set[int] = set() created: list[list[int]] = [] choices: list[list[int]] = [] while (len(choices) <= 0) or (len(done) < 2) or (r.integers(6) > 0): if r.integers(2) <= 0 < len(created): choices.append(created[r.integers(len(created))]) else: picked: list[int] = [] while (len(picked) <= 0) or (r.integers(6) > 0): cc = r.integers(-100, 100) while cc in done: cc += 1 done.add(cc) picked.append(int(cc)) choices.append(picked) created.append(picked) pwrs.append(OrderedChoices(choices)) if choice_filter is not None: if not callable(choice_filter): raise type_error(choice_filter, "choice_filter", None, call=True) pwrs = [p for p in pwrs if choice_filter(p)] r.shuffle(cast(list, pwrs)) return pwrs
[docs] def make_choices_valid(choices: OrderedChoices) -> \ Callable[[Generator, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Create a function that can make ordered choices valid. :param choices: the ordered choices :returns: the function """ def __make_valid(prnd: Generator, x: np.ndarray, bb=choices.blueprint, cc=choices.choices.__getitem__) -> np.ndarray: np.copyto(x, bb) prnd.shuffle(x) for i, e in enumerate(x): ff = cc(e) x[i] = ff[prnd.integers(len(ff))] return x return __make_valid
[docs] def validate_op0_on_1_choices( op0: Op0 | Callable[[OrderedChoices], Op0], search_space: OrderedChoices, number_of_samples: int | None = None, min_unique_samples: int | Callable[[ int, OrderedChoices], int] | None = None) -> None: """ Validate the nullary operator on one `OrderedChoices` instance. :param op0: the operator or operator factory :param search_space: the search space :param number_of_samples: the optional number of samples :param min_unique_samples: the optional unique samples """ args: dict[str, Any] = { "op0": op0(search_space) if callable(op0) else op0, "search_space": search_space, "make_search_space_element_valid": make_choices_valid(search_space), } if number_of_samples is not None: args["number_of_samples"] = number_of_samples if min_unique_samples is not None: args["min_unique_samples"] = min_unique_samples validate_op0(**args)
[docs] def validate_op0_on_choices( op0: Op0 | Callable[[OrderedChoices], Op0], number_of_samples: int | None = None, min_unique_samples: int | Callable[[ int, OrderedChoices], int] | None = None, choice_filter: Callable[[OrderedChoices], bool] | None = None) \ -> None: """ Validate the nullary operator on several `OrderedChoices` instances. :param op0: the operator or operator factory :param number_of_samples: the optional number of samples :param min_unique_samples: the optional unique samples :param choice_filter: an optional filter to sort out ordered choices we cannot use for testing """ for choices in choices_for_tests(choice_filter): validate_op0_on_1_choices(op0, choices, number_of_samples, min_unique_samples)