Source code for moptipy.utils.lang

The :class:`Lang` class provides facilities for easy internationalization.

The idea here is to have simply tools that provide locale-specific keywords,
texts, and number formats.

from typing import Callable, Final, Iterable

from matplotlib import rc  # type: ignore
from matplotlib.font_manager import (  # type: ignore
from pycommons.types import check_int_range, type_error

from moptipy.utils.strings import sanitize_name

[docs] class Lang: """A language-based dictionary for locale-specific keywords.""" def __init__(self, name: str, font: str, decimal_stepwidth: int = 3, data: dict[str, str] | None = None, is_default: bool = False): """ Instantiate the language formatter. :param name: the short name :param font: the font name :param decimal_stepwidth: the decimal step width :param data: the data :param is_default: is this the default language? """ #: the name of the locale self.__name: Final[str] = sanitize_name(name) if not isinstance(font, str): raise type_error(font, "font", str) if not isinstance(is_default, bool): raise type_error(is_default, "is_default", bool) font = font.strip() if not font: raise ValueError(f"The font cannot be {font!r}.") #: the font name self.__font: Final[str] = font #: the decimal step width self.__decimal_stepwidth: Final[int] = check_int_range( decimal_stepwidth, "decimal_stepwidth", 1, 10) #: the dictionary with the translation data self.__dict: Final[dict[str, str]] = {} if data: self.extend(data) #: is this the default language? self.__is_default: Final[bool] = is_default # register the language dc: Final[dict[str, Lang]] = Lang.__get_langs() if self.__name in dc: raise ValueError(f"Language {self.__name!r} already registered.") if is_default: for lang in dc.values(): if lang.__is_default: raise ValueError( f"Language {self.__name!r} cannot be default " f"language, {lang.__name!r} already is!") dc[self.__name] = self if is_default: self.set_current()
[docs] def extend(self, data: dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Add a set of entries to this dictionary. :param data: the language-specific data """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise type_error(data, "data", dict) for ko, v in data.items(): k = sanitize_name(ko) if k != ko: raise ValueError(f"key {ko!r} is different from " f"its sanitized version {k!r}.") if (k in self.__dict) and (self.__dict[k] != v): raise ValueError( f"Key {k!r} appears twice, already assigned to " f"{self.__dict[k]!r}, cannot assign to {v!r}.") if not isinstance(v, str): raise type_error(v, f"value for key {k!r}", str) if not v: raise ValueError(f"Value for key {k!r} cannot be {v!r}.") self.__dict[k] = v
[docs] def filename(self, base: str) -> str: """ Make a suitable filename by appending the language id. :param str base: the basename :return: the filename :rtype: str >>> print(Lang.get("en").filename("test")) test >>> print(Lang.get("zh").filename("test")) test_zh """ base = sanitize_name(base) return base if self.__is_default else f"{base}_{self.__name}"
def __repr__(self): """ Get the language's name. :return: the language's name :rtype: str """ return self.__name def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> str: """ Get the language formatting code. :param item: the item to get :return: the language-specific code """ if not isinstance(item, str): raise type_error(item, "item", str) return self.__dict[item]
[docs] def format_str(self, item: str, **kwargs) -> str: """ Return a string based on the specified format. :param item: the key :param kwargs: the keyword-based arguments >>> l = Lang.get("en") >>> l.extend({"z": "{a}: bla{b}"}) >>> print(l.format_str("z", a=5, b=6)) 5: bla6 """ if not isinstance(item, str): raise type_error(item, "item", str) fstr: str = self.__dict[item] # pylint: disable=W0123 # noqa: DUO104,S307 return eval( # nosec # nosemgrep # noqa: DUO104,S307 f"f{fstr!r}", # nosec # nosemgrep # noqa: DUO104,B028,S307 {"__builtins__": None}, # nosec # nosemgrep # noqa:DUO104,S307 kwargs).strip() # nosec # nosemgrep # noqa: DUO104,S307
[docs] def font(self) -> str: """ Get the default font for this language. :return: the default font for this language >>> print(Lang.get("en").font()) DejaVu Sans >>> print(Lang.get("zh").font()) Noto Sans SC """ return self.__font
[docs] def format_int(self, value: int) -> str: """ Convert an integer to a string. :param value: the value :returns: a string representation of the value >>> print(Lang.get("en").format_int(100000)) 100'000 >>> print(Lang.get("zh").format_int(100000)) 10'0000 """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise type_error(value, "value", int) if value < 0: prefix = "-" value = -value else: prefix = "" sss = str(value) i = len(sss) if i <= self.__decimal_stepwidth: # no formatting needed return prefix + sss # We divide the string into equally-sized chunks and insert "'" # between them. chunks: list[str] = [] for i in range(i, -1, -self.__decimal_stepwidth): # noqa k: str = sss[i:(i + self.__decimal_stepwidth)] if k: chunks.insert(0, k) if i > 0: chunks.insert(0, sss[0:i]) return prefix + "'".join(chunks)
@staticmethod def __get_langs() -> dict[str, "Lang"]: """ Get the languages decode. :return: the languages decode """ att: Final[str] = "__map" if not hasattr(Lang.__get_langs, att): setattr(Lang.__get_langs, att, {}) return getattr(Lang.__get_langs, att)
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name: str) -> "Lang": """ Get the language of the given key. :param name: the language name :return: the language """ name = sanitize_name(name) lang: Lang | None = Lang.__get_langs().get(name, None) if lang: return lang raise ValueError(f"Unknown language {name!r}.")
[docs] @staticmethod def current() -> "Lang": """ Get the current language. :return: the current language >>> Lang.get("en").set_current() >>> print(Lang.current().filename("b")) b >>> Lang.get("zh").set_current() >>> print(Lang.current().filename("b")) b_zh """ lang: Final[Lang] = getattr(Lang.__get_langs, "__current") if not lang: raise ValueError("Huh?") return lang
[docs] def set_current(self) -> None: """Mark this language as the current one.""" setattr(Lang.__get_langs, "__current", self) rc("font", family=self.font())
[docs] @staticmethod def all_langs() -> Iterable["Lang"]: """ Get all presently loaded languages. :return: an Iterable of the languages """ val = list(Lang.__get_langs().values()) val.sort(key=lambda x: x.__name) return val
[docs] @staticmethod def translate(key: str) -> str: """ Translate the given key to a string in the current language. :param key: the key :returns: the value of the key in the current language >>> EN.extend({'a': 'b'}) >>> EN.set_current() >>> print(Lang.translate("a")) b >>> DE.extend({'a': 'c'}) >>> Lang.get("de").set_current() >>> print(Lang.translate("a")) c """ return Lang.current()[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def translate_call(key: str) -> Callable: """ Get a callable that always returns the current translation of a key. The callable will ignore all of its parameters and just return the translation. This means that you can pass parameters to it and they will be ignored. :param key: the key to translate :returns: the callable doing the translation >>> cal = Lang.translate_call("a") >>> EN.extend({'a': 'b'}) >>> EN.set_current() >>> print(cal()) b >>> print(cal(1, 2, 3)) b >>> DE.extend({'a': 'c'}) >>> Lang.get("de").set_current() >>> print(cal("x")) c """ def __trc(*_, ___key=key) -> str: return Lang.current()[___key] return __trc
[docs] @staticmethod def translate_func(func: str) -> Callable[[str], str]: """ Create a lambda taking a dimensions and presenting a function thereof. :param func: the function name :returns: the function >>> Lang.get("en").set_current() >>> Lang.get("en").extend({"ERT": "ERT"}) >>> Lang.get("en").extend({"FEs": "time in FEs"}) >>> f = Lang.translate_func("ERT") >>> print(f("FEs")) ERT\u2009[time in FEs] >>> Lang.get("de").set_current() >>> Lang.get("de").extend({"ERT": "ERT"}) >>> Lang.get("de").extend({"FEs": "Zeit in FEs"}) >>> print(f("FEs")) ERT\u2009[Zeit in FEs] """ def __tf(dim: str, f: str = func) -> str: return f"{Lang.translate(f)}\u2009[{Lang.translate(dim)}]" return __tf
# noinspection PyBroadException def __get_font(choices: list[str]) -> str: """ Try to find an installed version of the specified font. :param choices: the choices of the fonts :returns: the installed name of the font, or the value of `choices[0]` if no font was found """ if not isinstance(choices, list): raise type_error(choices, "choices", list) if len(choices) <= 0: raise ValueError("no font choices are provided!") attr: Final[str] = "fonts_list" func: Final = globals()["__get_font"] # get the list of installed fonts font_list: list[str] if not hasattr(func, attr): font_list = [] for fname in findSystemFonts(): try: font_name = FontProperties( fname=fname).get_name().strip() if font_name.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() == font_name: font_list.append(font_name) except Exception: # noqa # We can ignore the exceptions here. continue # nosec if len(font_list) <= 0: raise ValueError("Did not find any font.") setattr(func, attr, font_list) else: font_list = getattr(func, attr) # find the installed font for choice in choices: clc: str = choice.lower() found_inside: str | None = None found_start: str | None = None for got in font_list: gotlc = got.lower() if clc == gotlc: return got if gotlc.startswith(clc): found_start = got if clc in gotlc: found_inside = got if found_start: return found_start if found_inside: return found_inside return choices[0] # nothing found ... return default #: the English language EN: Final[Lang] = Lang("en", __get_font(["DejaVu Sans", "Calibri", "Arial", "Helvetica"]), 3, is_default=True) #: the German language DE: Final[Lang] = Lang("de", EN.font(), 3) #: the Chinese language ZH: Final[Lang] = Lang("zh", __get_font(["Noto Sans SC", "FangSong", "SimSun", "Arial Unicode", "SimHei"]), 4) del __get_font # get rid of no-longer needed data such as fonts list