Source code for moptipy.utils.latex

"""The latex text format driver."""

from io import TextIOBase
from typing import Final

from moptipy.utils.formatted_string import (
from moptipy.utils.text_format import TextFormatDriver

#: the exponent prefix
_EPREFIX = r"\hspace*{0.15em}*\hspace*{0.1em}10\textsuperscript{"

#: special characters in LaTeX
SPECIAL_CHARS: Final[dict[str, str]] = {
    "\u2205": r"$\emptyset$",
    "\u221E": r"$\infty$",
    "-\u221E": r"$-\infty$",
    "inf": r"$\infty$",
    "-inf": r"$-\infty$",
    "nan": r"$\emptyset$",
    "\u03b1": r"$\alpha$",
    "\u2014": "---",

[docs] class LaTeX(TextFormatDriver): r""" The LaTeX text driver. >>> from io import StringIO >>> from moptipy.utils.formatted_string import FormattedStr >>> from moptipy.utils.table import Table >>> s = StringIO() >>> latex = LaTeX.instance() >>> print(str(latex)) tex >>> with Table(s, "lrc", latex) as t: ... with t.header() as header: ... with header.row() as h: ... h.cell(FormattedStr("1", bold=True)) ... h.cell(FormattedStr("2", code=True)) ... h.cell(FormattedStr("3", italic=True)) ... with t.section() as g: ... with g.row() as r: ... r.cell("a") ... r.cell("b") ... r.cell("c") ... with g.row() as r: ... r.cell("d") ... r.cell("e") ... r.cell("f") >>> print(f"'{s.getvalue()}'") '\begin{tabular}{lrc}% \hline% {\textbf{1}}&{\texttt{2}}&{\textit{3}}\\% \hline% a&b&c\\% d&e&f\\% \hline% \end{tabular}% ' """
[docs] def begin_table_body(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str) -> None: """Write the beginning of the table body.""" stream.write(f"\\begin{{tabular}}{{{cols}}}%\n")
[docs] def end_table_body(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str) -> None: """Write the ending of the table body.""" stream.write("\\end{tabular}%\n")
[docs] def begin_table_header(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str) -> None: """Begin the header of a LaTeX table.""" stream.write("\\hline%\n")
[docs] def end_table_header(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str) -> None: """End the header of a LaTeX table.""" stream.write("\\hline%\n")
[docs] def end_table_section(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str, section_index: int, n_rows: int) -> None: """End a table section.""" stream.write("\\hline%\n")
[docs] def end_table_section_header(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str, section_index: int) -> None: """End a table section header.""" stream.write("\\hline%\n")
[docs] def end_table_row(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str, section_index: int, row_index: int) -> None: """End a row in a LaTeX table.""" stream.write("\\\\%\n")
[docs] def begin_table_cell(self, stream: TextIOBase, cols: str, section_index: int, row_index: int, col_index: int, cell_mode: int) -> None: """Begin a LaTeX table cell.""" if col_index > 0: stream.write("&")
[docs] def text(self, stream: TextIOBase, text: str, bold: bool, italic: bool, code: bool, mode: int) -> None: """Print a text string.""" if len(text) <= 0: return if bold: stream.write("{\\textbf{") if italic: stream.write("{\\textit{") if code: stream.write("{\\texttt{") if mode == TEXT: stream.write(text.replace("_", "\\_")) elif mode == NUMBER: i: int = text.find("e") if i < 0: i = text.find("E") if i > 0: stream.write(f"{text[:i]}{_EPREFIX}{text[i + 1:]}}}") else: stream.write(text.replace("_", "\\_")) elif mode == NAN: stream.write(r"$\emptyset$") elif mode == POSITIVE_INFINITY: stream.write(r"$\infty$") elif mode == NEGATIVE_INFINITY: stream.write(r"$-\infty") elif mode == SPECIAL: s: Final[str] = str(text) if s not in SPECIAL_CHARS: raise ValueError(f"invalid special character: {s!r}") stream.write(SPECIAL_CHARS[s]) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid mode {mode} for text {text!r}.") if code: stream.write("}}") if italic: stream.write("}}") if bold: stream.write("}}")
def __str__(self): """ Get the appropriate file suffix. :returns: the file suffix :retval 'tex': always """ return "tex"
[docs] @staticmethod def instance() -> "LaTeX": """ Get the LaTeX format singleton instance. :returns: the singleton instance of the LaTeX format """ attr: Final[str] = "_instance" func: Final = LaTeX.instance if not hasattr(func, attr): setattr(func, attr, LaTeX()) return getattr(func, attr)