Source code for moptipy.utils.logger

Classes for writing structured log files.

A :class:`~Logger` offers functionality to write structured, text-based log
files that can hold a variety of information. It is implemented in two
flavors, :class:`~FileLogger`, which writes data to a file, and
:class:`~InMemoryLogger`, which writes data to a buffer in memory (which is
mainly useful for testing).

A :class:`~Logger` can produce output in three formats:

- :meth:`~Logger.csv` creates a section of semicolon-separated-values data
  (:class:`~CsvLogSection`), which we call `csv` because it structured
  basically exactly as the well-known comma-separated-values data, just
  using semicolons.
- :meth:`~Logger.key_values` creates a key-values section
  (:class:`~KeyValueLogSection`) in YAML format. The specialty of this
  section is that it permits hierarchically structuring of data by spawning
  out sub-sections that are signified by a key prefix via
- :meth:`~Logger.text` creates a raw text section (:class:`~TextLogSection`),
  into which raw text can be written.

The beginning and ending of section named `XXX` are `BEGIN_XXX` and `END_XXX`.

This class is used by the :class:`~moptipy.api.execution.Execution` and
experiment-running facility (:func:`~moptipy.api.experiment.run_experiment`)
to produce log files complying with
Such log files can be parsed via :mod:`~moptipy.evaluation.log_parser`.

from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from io import StringIO, TextIOBase
from math import isfinite
from re import sub
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Iterable, cast

from pycommons.ds.cache import str_is_new
from import Path, line_writer
from pycommons.strings.string_conv import bool_to_str, float_to_str
from pycommons.types import type_error

from moptipy.utils.strings import (

#: the indicator of the start of a log section
SECTION_START: Final[str] = "BEGIN_"
#: the indicator of the end of a log section
SECTION_END: Final[str] = "END_"
#: the replacement for special characters
#: the YAML-conform separator between a key and a value
KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR: Final[str] = ": "
#: the hexadecimal version of a value
KEY_HEX_VALUE: Final[str] = "(hex)"

[docs] class Logger(AbstractContextManager): """ An abstract base class for logging data in a structured way. There are two implementations of this, :class:`InMemoryLogger`, which logs data in memory and is mainly there for testing and debugging, an :class:`FileLogger` which logs to a text file and is to be used in experiments with `moptipy`. """ def __init__(self, name: str, writer: Callable[[str], Any], closer: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None) -> None: """ Create a new logger. :param writer: the string writing function :param closer: the function to be invoked when the stream is closed :param name: the name of the logger """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise type_error(name, "name", str) if not callable(writer): raise type_error(writer, "writer", call=True) if not callable(closer): raise type_error(closer, "closer", call=True) #: The internal stream self._writer: Callable[[str], Any] | None = writer self._closer: Callable[[], Any] | None = closer self.__section: str | None = None self.__log_name: str = name self.__sections: Callable = str_is_new() self.__closer: str | None = None def __enter__(self): """ Enter the logger in a `with` statement. :return: `self` """ return self def _error(self, message: str) -> None: """ Raise a :class:`ValueError` with context information. :param message: the message elements to merge :raises ValueError: an error with the message and some context information """ raise ValueError(f"{message} in logger {self.__log_name!r}." if self.__section is None else f"{message} in section {self.__section!r} " f"of logger {self.__log_name!r}.") def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> None: """ Close the logger after leaving the `with` statement. :param exception_type: ignored :param exception_value: ignored :param traceback: ignored """ if self.__section is not None: self._error("Cannot close logger, because section still open") if self._closer is not None: self._closer() self._closer = None self._writer = None def _open_section(self, title: str) -> None: """ Open a new section. :param title: the section title """ if self._writer is None: self._error(f"Cannot open section {title!r} " "because logger already closed") if self.__section is not None: self._error(f"Cannot open section {title!r} because " "another one is open") new_title = title.strip().upper() if new_title != title: self._error(f"Cannot open section {title!r} because " "title is invalid") if not self.__sections(title): self._error(f"Section {title!r} already done") self._writer(f"{SECTION_START}{title}") self.__closer = f"{SECTION_END}{title}" self.__section = title def _close_section(self, title: str) -> None: """ Close a section. :param title: the section title """ if (self.__section is None) or (self.__section != title): self._error(f"Cannot open section {title!r} since it is not open") self._writer(self.__closer) self.__closer = None self.__section = None def _comment(self, comment: str) -> None: """ Write a comment line. :param comment: the comment """ if self.__section is None: self._error("Cannot write if not inside section") if len(comment) <= 0: return comment = sub(r"\s+", " ", comment.strip()) self._writer(f"{COMMENT_START} {comment}") def _write(self, text: str) -> None: """ Write a string. :param text: the text to write """ if self.__section is None: self._error("Cannot write if not inside section") if len(text) <= 0: return if self.__closer in text: self._error(f"String {self.__closer!r} " "must not be contained in output") if COMMENT_START in text: raise ValueError( f"{COMMENT_START!r} not permitted in text {text!r}.") self._writer(text)
[docs] def key_values(self, title: str) -> "KeyValueLogSection": r""" Create a log section for key-value pairs. The contents of such a section will be valid YAML mappings, i.w., conform to This means they can be parsed with a YAML parser (after removing the section start and end marker, of course). :param title: the title of the new section :return: the new logger >>> from import temp_file >>> with temp_file() as t: ... with FileLogger(str(t)) as l: ... with l.key_values("B") as kv: ... kv.key_value("a", "b") ... with kv.scope("c") as kvc: ... kvc.key_value("d", 12) ... kvc.key_value("e", True) ... kv.key_value("f", 3) ... text = open(str(t), "r").read().splitlines() >>> print(text) ['BEGIN_B', 'a: b', 'c.d: 12', 'c.e: T', 'f: 3', 'END_B'] >>> import yaml >>> dic = yaml.safe_load("\n".join(text[1:5])) >>> print(list(dic.keys())) ['a', 'c.d', 'c.e', 'f'] """ return KeyValueLogSection(title=title, logger=self, prefix="", done=None)
[docs] def csv(self, title: str, header: list[str]) -> "CsvLogSection": """ Create a log section for CSV data with `;` as column separator. The first line will be the headline with the column names. :param title: the title of the new section :param header: the list of column titles :return: the new logger >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import FileLogger >>> from import temp_file >>> with temp_file() as t: ... with FileLogger(str(t)) as l: ... with l.csv("A", ["x", "y"]) as csv: ... csv.row([1,2]) ... csv.row([3,4]) ... csv.row([4, 12]) ... text = open(str(t), "r").read().splitlines() ... print(text) ['BEGIN_A', 'x;y', '1;2', '3;4', '4;12', 'END_A'] >>> import csv >>> for r in csv.reader(text[1:5], delimiter=";"): ... print(r) ['x', 'y'] ['1', '2'] ['3', '4'] ['4', '12'] """ return CsvLogSection(title=title, logger=self, header=header)
[docs] def text(self, title: str) -> "TextLogSection": r""" Create a log section for unstructured text. :param title: the title of the new section :return: the new logger >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.text("C") as tx: ... tx.write("aaaaaa") ... tx.write("bbbbb") ... tx.write("\n") ... tx.write("ccccc") ... print(l.get_log()) ['BEGIN_C', 'aaaaaa', 'bbbbb', '', 'ccccc', 'END_C'] """ return TextLogSection(title=title, logger=self)
[docs] class FileLogger(Logger): """A logger logging to a file.""" def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: """ Initialize the logger. :param path: the path to the file to open """ if not isinstance(path, str): raise type_error(path, "path", str) name = path tio: TextIOBase = Path(path).open_for_write() super().__init__(name, line_writer(tio), tio.close)
[docs] class PrintLogger(Logger): """A logger logging to stdout.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the logger.""" super().__init__("printer", print)
[docs] class InMemoryLogger(Logger): """A logger logging to a string in memory.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the logger.""" #: the internal stream self.__stream: Final[StringIO] = StringIO() super().__init__("in-memory-logger", line_writer(self.__stream))
[docs] def get_log(self) -> list[str]: """ Obtain all the lines logged to this logger. :return: a list of strings with the logged lines """ return cast(StringIO, self.__stream).getvalue().splitlines()
[docs] class LogSection(AbstractContextManager): """An internal base class for logger sections.""" def __init__(self, title: str | None, logger: Logger) -> None: """ Perform internal construction. Do not call directly. :param title: the section title :param logger: the logger """ self._logger: Logger = logger self._title: str | None = title if title is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger._open_section(title) def __enter__(self): """ Enter the context: needed for the `with` statement. :return: `self` """ return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> None: """ Exit the `with` statement. :param exception_type: ignored :param exception_value: ignored :param traceback: ignored :return: ignored """ if self._title is not None: # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._close_section(self._title) self._title = None self._logger = None
[docs] def comment(self, comment: str) -> None: """ Write a comment line. A comment starts with `#` and is followed by text. :param comment: the comment to write >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.text("A") as tx: ... tx.write("aaaaaa") ... tx.comment("hello") ... print(l.get_log()) ['BEGIN_A', 'aaaaaa', '# hello', 'END_A'] """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._comment(comment)
[docs] class CsvLogSection(LogSection): """ A logger that is designed to output CSV data. The coma-separated-values log is actually a semicolon-separated-values log. This form of logging is used to store progress information or time series data, as captured by the optimization :class:`~moptipy.api.process.Process` and activated by, e.g., the methods :meth:`~moptipy.api.execution.Execution.set_log_improvements` and :meth:`~moptipy.api.execution.Execution.set_log_all_fes`. It will look like this: >>> with InMemoryLogger() as logger: ... with logger.csv("CSV", ["A", "B", "C"]) as csv: ... csv.row((1, 2, 3)) ... csv.row([1.5, 2.0, 3.5]) ... print(logger.get_log()) ['BEGIN_CSV', 'A;B;C', '1;2;3', '1.5;2;3.5', 'END_CSV'] """ def __init__(self, title: str, logger: Logger, header: list[str]) -> None: """ Perform internal construction. Do not call directly. :param title: the title :param logger: the owning logger :param header: the header """ super().__init__(title, logger) self.__header_len: Final[int] = len(header) if self.__header_len <= 0: # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger._error(f"Empty header {header} invalid for a CSV section") for c in header: if (not (isinstance(c, str))) or CSV_SEPARATOR in c: # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger._error(f"Invalid column {c}") # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger._writer(CSV_SEPARATOR.join(c.strip() for c in header))
[docs] def row(self, row: tuple[int | float | bool, ...] | list[int | float | bool]) -> None: """ Write a row of csv data. :param row: the row of data """ if self.__header_len != len(row): # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._error( f"Header of CSV section demands {self.__header_len} columns, " f"but row {row} has {len(row)}") # noinspection PyProtectedMember txt = (bool_to_str(c) if isinstance(c, bool) # type: ignore else str(c) if isinstance(c, int) else (float_to_str(c) if isinstance(c, float) else cast(None, self._logger._error( f"Invalid log value {c} in row {row}"))) for c in row) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._write(CSV_SEPARATOR.join(txt))
[docs] class KeyValueLogSection(LogSection): """ A logger for key-value pairs. The key-values section `XXX` starts with the line `BEGIN_XXX` and ends with the line `END_XXX`. On every line in between, there is a key-value pair of the form `key: value`. Key-values sections support so-called scopes. Key-values pairs belong to a scope `Y` if the key starts with `Y.` followed by the actual key, e.g., `a.g: 5` denotes that the key `g` of scope `a` has value `5`. Such scopes can be arbitrarily nested: The key-value pair `x.y.z: 2` denotes a key `z` in the scope `y` nested within scope `x` having the value `2`. This system of nested scopes allows you to recursively invoke the method :meth:`~moptipy.api.component.Component.log_parameters_to` without worrying of key clashes. Just wrap the call to the `log_parameters_to` method of a sub-component into a unique scope. At the same time, this avoids the need of any more complex hierarchical data structures in our log files. >>> with InMemoryLogger() as logger: ... with logger.key_values("A") as kv: ... kv.key_value("x", 1) ... with kv.scope("b") as sc1: ... sc1.key_value("i", "j") ... with sc1.scope("c") as sc2: ... sc2.key_value("l", 5) ... kv.key_value("y", True) ... print(logger.get_log()) ['BEGIN_A', 'x: 1', 'b.i: j', 'b.c.l: 5', 'y: T', 'END_A'] """ def __init__(self, title: str | None, logger: Logger, prefix: str, done) -> None: """ Perform internal construction, do not call directly. :param title: the section title, or `None` for nested scopes. :param logger: the owning logger :param prefix: the prefix :param done: the set of already done keys and prefixes """ if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise type_error(prefix, "prefix", str) super().__init__(title=title, logger=logger) self._prefix: Final[str] = prefix self.__done: Callable if done is None: self.__done = str_is_new() self.__done(prefix) else: self.__done = done if not done(prefix): # noinspection PyProtectedMember logger._error(f"Prefix {prefix!r} already done")
[docs] def key_value(self, key: str, value, also_hex: bool = False) -> None: """ Write a key-value pair. Given key `A` and value `B`, the line `A: B` will be added to the log. If `value` (`B`) happens to be a floating point number, the value will also be stored in hexadecimal notation (:meth:`float.hex`). :param key: the key :param value: the value :param also_hex: also store the value as hexadecimal version """ key = self._prefix + sanitize_name(key) if not self.__done(key): # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._error(f"Key {key!r} already used") the_hex = None if isinstance(value, float): txt = float_to_str(value) if isfinite(value) and (also_hex or (("e" in txt) or ("." in txt))): the_hex = float.hex(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): txt = bool_to_str(value) else: txt = str(value) if also_hex and isinstance(value, int): the_hex = hex(value) txt = KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR.join([key, txt]) txt = f"{txt}" if the_hex: tmp = KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR.join( [key + KEY_HEX_VALUE, the_hex]) txt = f"{txt}\n{tmp}" # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._logger._writer(txt)
[docs] def scope(self, prefix: str) -> "KeyValueLogSection": """ Create a new scope for key prefixes. :class:`KeyValueLogSection` only allows you to store flat key-value pairs where each key must be unique. However, what do we do if we have two components of an algorithm that have parameters with the same name (key)? We can hierarchically nest :class:`KeyValueLogSection` sections via prefix scopes. The idea is as follows: If one component has sub-components, instead of invoking their :meth:`~moptipy.api.component.Component.log_parameters_to` methods directly, which could lead to key-clashes, it will create a :meth:`scope` for each one and then pass these scopes to their :meth:`~moptipy.api.component.Component.log_parameters_to`. Each scope basically appends a prefix and a "." to the keys. If the prefixes are unique, this ensures that all prefix+"."+keys are unique, too. >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.key_values("A") as kv: ... kv.key_value("x", "y") ... with kv.scope("b") as sc1: ... sc1.key_value("x", "y") ... with sc1.scope("c") as sc2: ... sc2.key_value("x", "y") ... with kv.scope("d") as sc3: ... sc3.key_value("x", "y") ... with sc3.scope("c") as sc4: ... sc4.key_value("x", "y") ... print(l.get_log()) ['BEGIN_A', 'x: y', 'b.x: y', 'b.c.x: y', 'd.x: y', 'd.c.x: y', \ 'END_A'] :param prefix: the key prefix :return: the new logger """ return KeyValueLogSection( title=None, logger=self._logger, prefix=(prefix if (self._prefix is None) else f"{self._prefix}{sanitize_name(prefix)}."), done=self.__done)
[docs] class TextLogSection(LogSection): """ A logger for raw, unprocessed text. Such a log section is used to capture the raw contents of the solutions discovered by the optimization :class:`~moptipy.api.process.Process`. For this purpose, our system will use the method :meth:`` of the search and/or solution :class:``. >>> with InMemoryLogger() as logger: ... with logger.text("T") as txt: ... txt.write("Hello World!") ... print(logger.get_log()) ['BEGIN_T', 'Hello World!', 'END_T'] """ def __init__(self, title: str, logger: Logger) -> None: """ Perform internal construction. Do not call it directly. :param title: the title :param logger: the logger """ super().__init__(title, logger) # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.write = self._logger._writer # type: ignore
[docs] def parse_key_values(lines: Iterable[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """ Parse a :meth:`~moptipy.utils.logger.Logger.key_values` section's text. :param lines: the lines with the key-values pairs :return: the dictionary with the >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... with l.key_values("B") as kv: ... kv.key_value("a", "b") ... with kv.scope("c") as kvc: ... kvc.key_value("d", 12) ... kvc.key_value("e", True) ... kv.key_value("f", 3) ... txt = l.get_log() >>> print(txt) ['BEGIN_B', 'a: b', 'c.d: 12', 'c.e: T', 'f: 3', 'END_B'] >>> dic = parse_key_values(txt[1:5]) >>> keys = list(dic.keys()) >>> keys.sort() >>> print(keys) ['a', 'c.d', 'c.e', 'f'] """ if not isinstance(lines, Iterable): raise type_error(lines, "lines", Iterable) dct = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not isinstance(line, str): raise type_error(line, f"lines[{i}]", str) splt = line.split(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR) if len(splt) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Two strings separated by {KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR!r} " f"expected, but encountered {len(splt)} in {i}th " f"line {line!r}.") key = splt[0].strip() if len(key) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Empty key encountered in {i}th line {line!r}.") value = splt[1].strip() if len(value) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Empty value encountered in {i}th line {line!r}.") dct[key] = value return dct