Source code for moptipy.utils.sys_info

"""A tool for writing a section with system information into log files."""
import contextlib
import importlib.metadata as ilm
import os
import platform
import re
import socket
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Final, Iterable, cast

import psutil  # type: ignore
from import Path
from pycommons.types import type_error

import moptipy.version as ver
from moptipy.api import logging
from moptipy.utils.logger import (

def __cpu_affinity(proc: psutil.Process | None = None) -> str | None:
    Get the CPU affinity.

    :param proc: the process handle
    :return: the CPU affinity string.
    if proc is None:
        proc = psutil.Process()
    if proc is None:
        return None
    cpua = proc.cpu_affinity()
    if cpua is not None:
        cpua = CSV_SEPARATOR.join(map(str, cpua))
        if len(cpua) > 0:
            return cpua
    return None

#: the dependencies
__DEPENDENCIES: set[str] | None = {
    "cmaes", "contourpy", "cycler", "fonttools", "intel-cmplr-lib-rt",
    "joblib", "kiwisolver", "llvmlite", "matplotlib", "moptipy", "numba",
    "numpy", "packaging", "pdfo", "Pillow", "psutil", "pycommons",
    "pyparsing", "python-dateutil", "scikit-learn", "scipy", "setuptools",
    "six", "threadpoolctl"}

[docs] def is_make_build() -> bool: """ Check if the program was run inside a `make` build. :returns: `True` if this process is executed as part of a `make` build process, `False` otherwise. >>> isinstance(is_make_build(), bool) True >>> ns = lambda prc: False if prc is None else ( # noqa: E731 ... "make" in or ns(prc.parent())) >>> is_make_build() == ns(psutil.Process(os.getppid())) True """ obj: Final[object] = is_make_build key: Final[str] = "_value" if hasattr(obj, key): return cast(bool, getattr(obj, key)) ret: bool = False with contextlib.suppress(Exception): process: psutil.Process = psutil.Process(os.getppid()) while process is not None: name = process.cmdline()[0] if not isinstance(name, str): break name = os.path.basename(name) if (name == "make") or (name.startswith("make.")): ret = True break process = process.parent() setattr(obj, key, ret) return ret
[docs] def add_dependency(dependency: str, ignore_if_make_build: bool = False) -> None: """ Add a dependency so that its version can be stored in log files. Warning: You must add all dependencies *before* the first log file is written. As soon as the :func:`log_sys_info` is invoked for the first time, adding new dependencies will cause an error. And writing a log file via the :mod:`~moptipy.api.experiment` API or to a file specified in the :mod:`~moptipy.api.execution` API will invoke this function. :param dependency: the basic name of the library, exactly as you would `import` it in a Python module. For example, to include the version of `numpy` in the log files, you would do `add_dependency("numpy")` (of course, the version of `numpy` is already automatically included anyway). :param ignore_if_make_build: should this dependency be ignored if this method is invoked during a `make` build? This makes sense if the dependency itself is a package which is uninstalled and then re-installed during a `make` build process. In such a situation, the dependency version may be unavailable and cause an exception. :raises TypeError: if `dependency` is not a string :raises ValueError: if `dependency` is an invalid string or the log information has already been accessed before and modifying it now is not permissible. """ if not isinstance(dependency, str): raise type_error(dependency, "dependency", str) if (len(dependency) <= 0) or (dependency != dependency.strip())\ or (" " in dependency): raise ValueError(f"Invalid dependency string {dependency!r}.") if __DEPENDENCIES is None: raise ValueError( f"Too late. Cannot add dependency {dependency!r} anymore.") if ignore_if_make_build and is_make_build(): return __DEPENDENCIES.add(dependency)
# noinspection PyBroadException def __make_sys_info() -> str: """ Build the system info string. This method is only used once and then deleted. :returns: the system info string. """ global __DEPENDENCIES # noqa: PLW0603 # pylint: disable=W0603 if __DEPENDENCIES is None: raise ValueError("Cannot re-create log info.") dep: Final[set[str]] = __DEPENDENCIES __DEPENDENCIES = None # noqa: PLW0603 # pylint: disable=W0603 def __v(sec: KeyValueLogSection, key: str, value) -> None: """ Create a key-value pair if value is not empty. :param sec: the section to write to. :param key: the key :param value: an arbitrary value, maybe consisting of multiple lines. """ if value is None: return value = " ".join([ts.strip() for ts in str(value).strip().split("\n")]).strip() if len(value) <= 0: return sec.key_value(key, value) def __get_processor_name() -> str | None: """ Get the processor name. :returns: a string if there is any processor information """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if platform.system() == "Windows": return platform.processor() if platform.system() == "Linux": with Path("/proc/cpuinfo").open_for_read() as rd: for line in rd: if "model name" in line: return re.sub( pattern=".*model name.*:", repl="", string=line, count=1).strip() return None def __get_mem_size_sysconf() -> int | None: """ Get the memory size information from sysconf. :returns: an integer with the memory size if available """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): k1 = "SC_PAGESIZE" if k1 not in os.sysconf_names: k1 = "SC_PAGE_SIZE" if k1 not in os.sysconf_names: return None v1 = os.sysconf(k1) if not isinstance(v1, int): return None k2 = "SC_PHYS_PAGES" if k2 not in os.sysconf_names: k2 = "_SC_PHYS_PAGES" if k2 not in os.sysconf_names: return None v2 = os.sysconf(k2) if not isinstance(v1, int): return None if (v1 > 0) and (v2 > 0): return v1 * v2 return None def __get_mem_size_meminfo() -> int | None: """ Get the memory size information from meminfo. :returns: an integer with the memory size if available """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): with Path("/proc/meminfo").open_for_read() as rd: meminfo = {i.split()[0].rstrip(":"): int(i.split()[1]) for i in rd} mem_kib = meminfo["MemTotal"] # e.g. 3921852 mem_kib = int(mem_kib) if mem_kib > 0: return 1024 * mem_kib return None def __get_mem_size() -> int | None: """ Get the memory size information from any available source. :returns: an integer with the memory size if available """ vs = __get_mem_size_sysconf() if vs is None: vs = __get_mem_size_meminfo() if vs is None: return psutil.virtual_memory().total return vs # log all information in memory to convert it to one constant string. with InMemoryLogger() as imr: with imr.key_values(logging.SECTION_SYS_INFO) as kv: with kv.scope(logging.SCOPE_SESSION) as k: __v(k, logging.KEY_SESSION_START, __v(k, logging.KEY_NODE_NAME, platform.node()) proc = psutil.Process() __v(k, logging.KEY_PROCESS_ID, hex( cpua = __cpu_affinity(proc) if cpua is not None: __v(k, logging.KEY_CPU_AFFINITY, cpua) del proc, cpua # get the command line and working directory of the process with contextlib.suppress(Exception): proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) cmd = proc.cmdline() if isinstance(cmd, Iterable): __v(k, logging.KEY_COMMAND_LINE, " ".join(map(repr, proc.cmdline()))) cwd = proc.cwd() if isinstance(cwd, str): __v(k, logging.KEY_WORKING_DIRECTORY, repr(proc.cwd())) # see s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: # doesn't even have to be reachable s.connect(("", 1)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] except Exception: ip = "" finally: s.close() __v(k, logging.KEY_NODE_IP, ip) with kv.scope(logging.SCOPE_VERSIONS) as k: for package in sorted(dep): if package == "moptipy": __v(k, "moptipy", ver.__version__) else: __v(k, package.replace("-", ""), ilm.version(package).strip()) with kv.scope(logging.SCOPE_HARDWARE) as k: __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_MACHINE, platform.machine()) __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_N_PHYSICAL_CPUS, psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_N_LOGICAL_CPUS, psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)) # store the CPU speed information cpuf: dict[tuple[int, int], int] = {} total: int = 0 for cf in psutil.cpu_freq(True): t = (int(cf.min), int(cf.max)) cpuf[t] = cpuf.get(t, 0) + 1 total += 1 memlst: list[tuple[int, ...]] if total > 1: memlst = [(key[0], key[1], value) for key, value in cpuf.items()] memlst.sort() else: memlst = list(cpuf) def __make_mhz_str(tpl: tuple[int, ...]) -> str: """Convert a MHz tuple to a string.""" base: str = f"({tpl[0]}MHz..{tpl[1]}MHz)" \ if tpl[1] > tpl[0] else f"{tpl[0]}MHz" return base if (len(tpl) < 3) or (tpl[2] <= 1) \ else f"{base}*{tpl[2]}" __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_CPU_MHZ, "+".join([__make_mhz_str(t) for t in memlst])) __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_BYTE_ORDER, sys.byteorder) __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_CPU_NAME, __get_processor_name()) __v(k, logging.KEY_HW_MEM_SIZE, __get_mem_size()) with kv.scope(logging.SCOPE_PYTHON) as k: __v(k, logging.KEY_PYTHON_VERSION, sys.version) __v(k, logging.KEY_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION, platform.python_implementation()) with kv.scope(logging.SCOPE_OS) as k: __v(k, logging.KEY_OS_NAME, platform.system()) __v(k, logging.KEY_OS_RELEASE, platform.release()) __v(k, logging.KEY_OS_VERSION, platform.version()) lst = imr.get_log() if len(lst) < 3: raise ValueError("sys info turned out to be empty?") __DEPENDENCIES = None return "\n".join(lst[1:(len(lst) - 1)])
[docs] def get_sys_info() -> str: r""" Get the system information as string. :returns: the system information as string >>> raw_infos = get_sys_info() >>> raw_infos is get_sys_info() # caching! True >>> for k in raw_infos.split("\n"): ... print(k[:k.find(": ")]) session.start session.node session.processId session.cpuAffinity session.commandLine session.workingDirectory session.ipAddress version.Pillow version.cmaes version.contourpy version.cycler version.fonttools version.intelcmplrlibrt version.joblib version.kiwisolver version.llvmlite version.matplotlib version.moptipy version.numba version.numpy version.packaging version.pdfo version.psutil version.pycommons version.pyparsing version.pythondateutil version.scikitlearn version.scipy version.setuptools version.six version.threadpoolctl hardware.machine hardware.nPhysicalCpus hardware.nLogicalCpus hardware.cpuMhz hardware.byteOrder hardware.cpu hardware.memSize python.version python.implementation os.release os.version """ the_object: Final[object] = get_sys_info the_attr: Final[str] = "__the_sysinfo" if hasattr(the_object, the_attr): return getattr(the_object, the_attr) sys_info: Final[str] = __make_sys_info() setattr(the_object, the_attr, sys_info) return sys_info
[docs] def update_sys_info_cpu_affinity() -> None: """Update the CPU affinity of the system information.""" sys_info_str = get_sys_info() start = (f"\n{logging.SCOPE_SESSION}{SCOPE_SEPARATOR}" f"{logging.KEY_CPU_AFFINITY}{KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}") start_i = sys_info_str.find(start) if start_i < 0: return # no affinity, don't need to update start_i += len(start) end_i = sys_info_str.find("\n", start_i) if end_i <= start_i: raise ValueError(f"Empty {logging.KEY_CPU_AFFINITY}?") affinity = __cpu_affinity() if affinity is None: raise ValueError( f"first affinity query is {sys_info_str[start_i:end_i]}," f" but second one is None?") sys_info_str = f"{sys_info_str[:start_i]}{affinity}{sys_info_str[end_i:]}" the_object: Final[object] = get_sys_info the_attr: Final[str] = "__the_sysinfo" setattr(the_object, the_attr, sys_info_str)
[docs] def log_sys_info(logger: Logger) -> None: r""" Write the system information section to a logger. The concept of this method is that we only construct the whole system configuration exactly once in memory and then always directly flush it as a string to the logger. This is much more efficient than querying it every single time. :param logger: the logger >>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger >>> with InMemoryLogger() as l: ... log_sys_info(l) ... log = l.get_log() >>> print(log[0]) BEGIN_SYS_INFO >>> print(log[-1]) END_SYS_INFO >>> log[1:-1] == get_sys_info().split('\n') True """ with logger.text(logging.SECTION_SYS_INFO) as txt: txt.write(get_sys_info())