Solve a Continuous Problem with various Numerical Optimization Algorithms.

In this example, we try to solve the well-known Rosenbrock function. This
function is non-separable and has its optimum at the vector with all "1"
values. [1, 2]

We apply several numerical optimization methods that are included from
well-tested and established standard packages and wrapped into the `moptipy`
API. If you want to see the exactly same example, but with logging of the
progress of the algorithms enabled, check
If you want to look at the structured experiment execution API, you may want
to read `experiment_2_algorithms_4_problems.py`.

1. https://www.sfu.ca/%7Essurjano/rosen.html
2. http://www-optima.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/student/hedar/Hedar_files\
from moptipy.algorithms.so.vector.cmaes_lib import (
    CMAES,  # the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES)
    BiPopCMAES,  # the Bi-Population CMA-ES
    SepCMAES,  # the separable CMA-ES
from moptipy.algorithms.so.vector.pdfo import BOBYQA  # Powell's BOBYQA
from moptipy.algorithms.so.vector.scipy import (
    BGFS,  # Broyden/Fletcher/Goldfarb/Shanno from SciPy
    CG,  # conjugate gradient method from SciPy
    DE,  # differential evolution method from SciPy
    SLSQP,  # Sequential Least Squares Programming from SciPy
    TNC,  # Truncated Newton Method from SciPy
    NelderMead,  # Downhill Simplex from SciPy
    Powell,  # another algorithm by Powell from SciPy
from moptipy.api.execution import Execution
from moptipy.api.objective import Objective
from moptipy.operators.vectors.op0_uniform import Op0Uniform
from moptipy.spaces.vectorspace import VectorSpace

class Rosenbrock(Objective):
    """The Rosenbrock function with optimum [1, 1, ..., 1]."""

    def evaluate(self, x) -> float:
        """Compute the value of the Rosenbrock function."""
        return float((100.0 * sum((x[1:] - (x[:-1] ** 2)) ** 2))
                     + sum((x - 1.0) ** 2))

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Get the name of this problem."""
        return "rosenbrock"

# the setup of the problems and search space
space = VectorSpace(4, -10.0, 10.0)  # 4-D space with bounds [-10, 10]
f = Rosenbrock()  # the instance of the optimization problem
op0 = Op0Uniform(space)  # the nullary search operator: random uniform
b = space.create()  # a variable to store the best solution

# Perform one single run for a variety of different optimization algorithms.
for algorithm in [BGFS(op0, space),  # Broyden/Fletcher/Goldfarb/Shanno
                  BiPopCMAES(space),  # the bi-population CMA-ES
                  BOBYQA(op0, space),  # Bound Optimization by Quadrat. Apprx.
                  CG(op0, space),  # conjugate gradient method
                  CMAES(space),  # covariance matrix adaptation ES
                  DE(space),  # differential evolution
                  NelderMead(op0, space),  # downhill simplex
                  Powell(op0, space),  # other Powell method (besides BOBYQA)
                  SepCMAES(space),  # the separable CMA-ES
                  SLSQP(op0, space),  # Sequential Least Squares Programming
                  TNC(op0, space)]:  # Truncated Newton Method
    # For each algorithm, first configure and then execute one run.
    with Execution().set_objective(f)\
            .execute() as p:  # Execute the algorithm and get result.
        p.get_copy_of_best_x(b)  # Get a copy of the best solution.
        print(f"{algorithm} reaches {p.get_best_f()} with {space.to_str(b)}"
              f" at FE {p.get_last_improvement_fe()}")

# If you want to do more runs and get more detailed log information, check
# examples log_file_jssp.py, experiment_own_algorithm_and_problem.py,
# progress_plot.py, or experiment_2_algorithms_4_problems.py.