We present the end results of an experiment as a table.
By default, end result tables have two parts. The first part renders
information for each instance-algorithm combination. For each instance, the
statistics are displayed for each algorithm, aggregated over all runs of the
algorithm on an instance. The second part then renders statistics for each
algorithm and aggregated over all runs on all instances.
For both parts, you can choose which statistics should be displayed. The
column headers will automatically be chosen and rendered appropriately. The
default data are equivalent to what we will use in our book:
1. Part 1: Algorithm-Instance statistics
- `$\instance$`: the instance name
- `$\lowerBound{\objf}$`: the lower bound of the objective value of the
- `setup`: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup
- `best`: the best objective value reached by any run on that instance
- `mean`: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over
all runs
- `sd`: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached over
all runs
- `mean1`: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over
all runs, divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value)
- `mean(FE/ms)`: the arithmetic mean of objective function evaluations
performed per millisecond, over all runs
- `mean(t)`: the arithmetic mean of the time in milliseconds when the last
improving move of a run was applied, over all runs
2. Part 2: Algorithm Summary Statistics
- `setup`: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup
- `best1`: the minimum of the best objective values reached divided by
the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs
- `gmean1`: the geometric mean of the best objective values reached
divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs
- `worst1`: the maximum of the best objective values reached divided by
the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs
- `sd1`: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached
divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs
- `gmean(FE/ms)`: the geometric mean of objective function evaluations
performed per millisecond, over all runs
- `gmean(t)`: the geometric mean of the time in milliseconds when the last
improving move of a run was applied, over all runs
The best values of each category are always rendered in bold face.
Tables can be rendered in different formats, such as
:py:class:`~moptipy.utils.latex.LaTeX`, and
from pycommons.io.temp import temp_dir
from moptipy.algorithms.random_sampling import RandomSampling
from moptipy.algorithms.so.hill_climber import HillClimber
from moptipy.algorithms.so.rls import RLS
from moptipy.api.execution import Execution
from moptipy.api.experiment import run_experiment
from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import from_logs
from moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results import tabulate_end_results
from moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space import GanttSpace
from moptipy.examples.jssp.instance import Instance
from moptipy.examples.jssp.makespan import Makespan
from moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding import OperationBasedEncoding
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle import Op0Shuffle
from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2 import Op1Swap2
from moptipy.spaces.permutations import Permutations
from moptipy.utils.html import HTML
from moptipy.utils.latex import LaTeX
# The three JSSP instances we want to try to solve:
problems = [lambda: Instance.from_resource("ft06"),
lambda: Instance.from_resource("la24"),
lambda: Instance.from_resource("dmu23")]
def make_rls(problem: Instance) -> Execution:
Create an RLS Execution.
:param problem: the JSSP instance
:returns: the execution
ex = Execution() # create execution context
perms = Permutations.with_repetitions( # create search space as
problem.jobs, problem.machines) # permutations with repetitions
ex.set_search_space(perms) # set search space
ex.set_encoding(OperationBasedEncoding(problem)) # set encoding
ex.set_solution_space(GanttSpace(problem)) # solution space: Gantt charts
ex.set_objective(Makespan(problem)) # objective function is makespan
ex.set_algorithm(RLS( # create RLS that
Op0Shuffle(perms), # create random permutation
Op1Swap2())) # swap two jobs
ex.set_max_time_millis(20) # permit 10 ms of runtime
return ex
def make_hill_climber(problem: Instance) -> Execution:
Create a hill climber Execution.
:param problem: the JSSP instance
:returns: the execution
ex = Execution() # create execution context
perms = Permutations.with_repetitions( # create search space as
problem.jobs, problem.machines) # permutations with repetitions
ex.set_search_space(perms) # set search space
ex.set_encoding(OperationBasedEncoding(problem)) # set encoding
ex.set_solution_space(GanttSpace(problem)) # solution space: Gantt charts
ex.set_objective(Makespan(problem)) # objective function is makespan
ex.set_algorithm( # now construct algorithm
HillClimber( # create hill climber that
Op0Shuffle(perms), # create random permutation
Op1Swap2())) # swap two jobs
ex.set_max_time_millis(20) # permit 10 ms of runtime
return ex
def make_random_sampling(problem: Instance) -> Execution:
Create a random sampling Execution.
:param problem: the JSSP instance
:returns: the execution
ex = Execution() # create execution context
perms = Permutations.with_repetitions( # create search space as
problem.jobs, problem.machines) # permutations with repetitions
ex.set_search_space(perms) # set search space
ex.set_encoding(OperationBasedEncoding(problem)) # set encoding
ex.set_solution_space(GanttSpace(problem)) # solution space: Gantt charts
ex.set_objective(Makespan(problem)) # objective function is makespan
ex.set_algorithm( # now construct algorithm
RandomSampling( # create hill climber that
Op0Shuffle(perms))) # create random permutation
ex.set_max_time_millis(20) # permit 10 ms of runtime
return ex
# We execute the whole experiment in a temp directory.
# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path into `td` by
# doing `from pycommons.io.path import Path; td = Path("mydir")` and not use
# the `with` block.
with temp_dir() as td: # create temporary directory `td`
run_experiment(base_dir=td, # set the base directory for log files
instances=problems, # define the problem instances
setups=[make_rls, # provide RLS run creator
make_hill_climber, # provide hill climber
make_random_sampling], # provide random sampling
n_runs=7) # we will execute 31 runs per setup
# Once we arrived here, the experiment with 3*3*7=63 runs has completed.
data = list(from_logs(td)) # we will load the data into this list
file = tabulate_end_results(data, dir_name=td) # create the table
print(f"\nnow presenting markdown data from file {file!r}.\n")
print(file.read_all_str()) # print the result
file = tabulate_end_results(data, dir_name=td,
print(f"\nnow presenting LaTeX data from file {file!r}.\n")
print(file.read_all_str()) # print the result
file = tabulate_end_results(data, dir_name=td,
print(f"\nnow presenting HTML data from file {file!r}.\n")
print(file.read_all_str()) # print the result
# The temp directory is deleted as soon as we leave the `with` block.
# This means that all log files and the table file have disappeared.