moptipy.evaluation package

Components for parsing and evaluating log files generated by experiments.

Via the moptipy.api, it is possible to log the progress or end results of optimization algorithms runs in text-based log files. With the methods in this package here, you can load and evaluate them. This usually follows a multi-step approach: For example, you can first extract the end results from several algorithms and instances into a single file via the EndResult. This could then be processed to per-algorithm or per-instance statistics using EndStatistics.


moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger module

A utility to specify axis ranges.

class moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger(chosen_min=None, chosen_max=None, use_data_min=True, use_data_max=True, log_scale=False, log_base=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object for simplifying axis range computations.

apply(axes, which_axis)[source]

Apply this axis ranger to the given axis.

  • axes (Axes) – the axes object to which the ranger shall be applied

  • which_axis (str) – the axis to which it should be applied, either “x” or “y” or both (“xy”)

Return type:


static for_axis(name, chosen_min=None, chosen_max=None, use_data_min=None, use_data_max=None, log_scale=None, log_base=None)[source]

Create a default axis ranger based on the axis type.

The axis ranger will use the minimal values and log scaling options that usually make sense for the dimension, unless overridden by the optional arguments.

  • name (str) – the axis type name, supporting “ms”, “FEs”, “plainF”, “scaledF”, and “normalizedF”

  • chosen_min (float | None, default: None) – the chosen minimum

  • chosen_max (float | None, default: None) – the chosen maximum

  • use_data_min (bool | None, default: None) – should the data minimum be used

  • use_data_max (bool | None, default: None) – should the data maximum be used

  • log_scale (bool | None, default: None) – the log scale indicator

  • log_base (float | None, default: None) – the log base

Return type:



the AxisRanger

static for_axis_func(chosen_min=None, chosen_max=None, use_data_min=None, use_data_max=None, log_scale=None, log_base=None)[source]

Generate a function that provides the default per-axis ranger.

  • chosen_min (float | None, default: None) – the chosen minimum

  • chosen_max (float | None, default: None) – the chosen maximum

  • use_data_min (bool | None, default: None) – should the data minimum be used

  • use_data_max (bool | None, default: None) – should the data maximum be used

  • log_scale (bool | None, default: None) – the log scale indicator

  • log_base (float | None, default: None) – the log base

Return type:



a function in the shape of for_axis() with the provided defaults


Get a reasonable positive finite value that can replace 0.

Return type:



a reasonable finite value that can be used to replace 0


Get a reasonable finite value that can replace positive infinity.

Return type:



a reasonable finite value that can be used to replace positive infinity

log_scale: Final[bool]

Should the axis be log-scaled?

pad_detected_range(pad_min=False, pad_max=False)[source]

Add some padding to the current detected range.

This function increases the current detected or chosen maximum value and/or decreases the current detected minimum by a small amount. This can be useful when we want to plot stuff that otherwise would become invisible because it would be directly located at the boundary of a plot.

This function works by computing a slightly smaller/larger value than the current detected minimum/maximum and then passing it to register_value(). It can only work if the end(s) chosen for padding are in “detect” mode and the other end is either in “detect” or “chosen” mode.

This method should be called only once and only after all data has been registered (via register_value() register_array()) and before calling apply().

  • pad_min (bool, default: False) – should we pad the minimum?

  • pad_max (bool, default: False) – should we pad the maximum?


ValueError – if this axis ranger is not configured to use a detected minimum/maximum or does not have a detected minimum/maximum or any other invalid situation occurs

Return type:



Register a data array.


data (ndarray) – the data to register

Return type:



Register a single value.


value (float) – the data to register

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.base module

Some internal helper functions and base classes.

moptipy.evaluation.base.DESC_ALGORITHM: Final[str] = 'the name of the algorithm setup that was used.'

a description of the algorithm field

moptipy.evaluation.base.DESC_ENCODING: Final[str] = 'the name of the encoding, often also called genotype-phenotype mapping, used. In some problems, the search space on which the algorithm works is different from the space of possible solutions. For example, when solving a scheduling problem, maybe our optimization algorithm navigates in the space of permutations, but the solutions are Gantt charts. The encoding is the function that translates the points in the search space (e.g., permutations) to the points in the solution space (e.g., Gantt charts). Nothing if no encoding was used.'

a description of the encoding field

moptipy.evaluation.base.DESC_INSTANCE: Final[str] = 'the name of the problem instance to which the algorithm was applied.'

a description of the instance field

moptipy.evaluation.base.DESC_OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION: Final[str] = 'the name of the objective function (often also called fitness function or cost function) that was used to rate the solution quality.'

a description of the objective function field

class moptipy.evaluation.base.EvaluationDataElement[source]

Bases: object

A base class for all the data classes in this module.

moptipy.evaluation.base.F_NAME_NORMALIZED: Final[str] = 'normalizedF'

The name of the normalized objective values data.

moptipy.evaluation.base.F_NAME_RAW: Final[str] = 'plainF'

The name of the raw objective values data.

moptipy.evaluation.base.F_NAME_SCALED: Final[str] = 'scaledF'

The name of the scaled objective values data.

moptipy.evaluation.base.KEY_ENCODING: Final[str] = 'encoding'

a key for the encoding name

moptipy.evaluation.base.KEY_N: Final[str] = 'n'

The key for the total number of runs.

moptipy.evaluation.base.KEY_OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION: Final[str] = 'objective'

a key for the objective function name

class moptipy.evaluation.base.MultiRun2DData(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, time_unit, f_name)[source]

Bases: MultiRunData

A multi-run data based on one time and one objective dimension.

>>> p = MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                    TIME_UNIT_FES, F_NAME_SCALED)
>>> p.instance
>>> p.algorithm
>>> p.objective
>>> print(p.encoding)
>>> p.n
>>> print(p.time_unit)
>>> print(p.f_name)
>>> try:
...     MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                    3, F_NAME_SCALED)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
time_unit should be an instance of str but is int, namely 3.
>>> try:
...     MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                    "sdfjsdf", F_NAME_SCALED)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid time unit 'sdfjsdf', only 'FEs' and 'ms' are permitted.
>>> try:
...     MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                    TIME_UNIT_FES, True)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
f_name should be an instance of str but is bool, namely True.
>>> try:
...     MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                    TIME_UNIT_FES, "blablue")
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid f name 'blablue', only 'plainF', 'scaledF', and 'normalizedF' are permitted.
f_name: str

the name of the objective value axis.

time_unit: str

The unit of the time axis.

class moptipy.evaluation.base.MultiRunData(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n)[source]

Bases: EvaluationDataElement

A class that represents statistics over a set of runs.

If one algorithm*instance is used, then algorithm and instance are defined. Otherwise, only the parameter which is the same over all recorded runs is defined.

>>> p = MultiRunData("a", "i", "f", None, 3)
>>> p.instance
>>> p.algorithm
>>> p.objective
>>> print(p.encoding)
>>> p.n
>>> p = MultiRunData(None, None, None, "x", 3)
>>> print(p.instance)
>>> print(p.algorithm)
>>> print(p.objective)
>>> p.encoding
>>> p.n
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData(1, "i", "f", "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
algorithm name should be an instance of any in {None, str} but is int, namely 1.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("x x", "i", "f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid algorithm name 'x x'.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("a", 5.5, "f", "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
instance name should be an instance of any in {None, str} but is float, namely 5.5.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("x", "a-i", "f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid instance name 'a-i'.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("a", "i", True, "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
objective name should be an instance of any in {None, str} but is bool, namely True.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("xx", "i", "d'@f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid objective name "d'@f".
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("yy", "i", "f", -9.4, 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
encoding name should be an instance of any in {None, str} but is float, namely -9.4.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("xx", "i", "f", "e-{a", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid encoding name 'e-{a'.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("x", "i", "f", "e", -1.234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
n should be an instance of int but is float, namely -1.234.
>>> try:
...     MultiRunData("xx", "i", "f", "e", 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
n=1000000000000000000000 is invalid, must be in 1..1000000000000000.
algorithm: str | None

The algorithm that was applied, if the same over all runs.

encoding: str | None

the encoding, if any, or None if no encoding was used or if it was not the same over all runs

instance: str | None

The problem instance that was solved, if the same over all runs.

n: int

The number of runs over which the statistic information is computed.

objective: str | None

the name of the objective function, if the same over all runs

class moptipy.evaluation.base.PerRunData(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, rand_seed)[source]

Bases: EvaluationDataElement

An immutable record of information over a single run.

>>> p = PerRunData("a", "i", "f", None, 234)
>>> p.instance
>>> p.algorithm
>>> p.objective
>>> print(p.encoding)
>>> p.rand_seed
>>> p = PerRunData("a", "i", "f", "e", 234)
>>> p.instance
>>> p.algorithm
>>> p.objective
>>> p.encoding
>>> p.rand_seed
>>> try:
...     PerRunData(3, "i", "f", "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
algorithm name should be an instance of str but is int, namely 3.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("@1 2", "i", "f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid algorithm name '@1 2'.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", 3.2, "f", "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
instance name should be an instance of str but is float, namely 3.2.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", "sdf i", "f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid instance name 'sdf i'.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("a", "i", True, "e", 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
objective name should be an instance of str but is bool, namely True.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", "i", "d-f", "e", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid objective name 'd-f'.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", "i", "f", 54.2, 234)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
encoding name should be an instance of any in {None, str} but is float, namely 54.2.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("y", "i", "f", "x  x", 234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid encoding name 'x  x'.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", "i", "f", "e", 3.3)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
rand_seed should be an instance of int but is float, namely 3.3.
>>> try:
...     PerRunData("x", "i", "f", "e", -234)
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
rand_seed=-234 is invalid, must be in 0..18446744073709551615.
algorithm: str

The algorithm that was applied.

encoding: str | None

the encoding, if any, or None if no encoding was used

instance: str

The problem instance that was solved.

objective: str

the name of the objective function


Get the path that would correspond to the log file of this end result.

Obtain a path that would correspond to the log file of this end result, resolved from a base directory base_dir.


base_dir (str) – the base directory

Return type:



the path to a file corresponding to the end result record

rand_seed: int

The seed of the random number generator.

moptipy.evaluation.base.TIME_UNIT_FES: Final[str] = 'FEs'

The unit of the time axis of time is measured in FEs

moptipy.evaluation.base.TIME_UNIT_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'ms'

The unit of the time axis if time is measured in milliseconds.


Check whether an objective value name is valid.


f_name (Any) – the name of the objective function dimension

Return type:



the name of the objective function dimension

>>> check_f_name("plainF")
>>> check_f_name("scaledF")
>>> check_f_name("normalizedF")
>>> try:
...     check_f_name(1.0)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
f_name should be an instance of str but is float, namely 1.0.
>>> try:
...     check_f_name("oops")
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid f name 'oops', only 'plainF', 'scaledF', and 'normalizedF' are permitted.

Check that the time unit is OK.


time_unit (Any) – the time unit

Return type:



the time unit string

>>> check_time_unit("FEs")
>>> check_time_unit("ms")
>>> try:
...     check_time_unit(1)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
time_unit should be an instance of str but is int, namely 1.
>>> try:
...     check_time_unit("blabedibla")
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Invalid time unit 'blabedibla', only 'FEs' and 'ms' are permitted.

Get the algorithm of a given object.


obj (PerRunData | MultiRunData) – the object

Return type:

str | None


the algorithm string, or None if no algorithm is specified

>>> p1 = MultiRunData("a1", "i1", "f", "y", 3)
>>> get_algorithm(p1)
>>> p2 = PerRunData("a2", "i2", "y", None, 31)
>>> get_algorithm(p2)

Get the instance of a given object.


obj (PerRunData | MultiRunData) – the object

Return type:

str | None


the instance string, or None if no instance is specified

>>> p1 = MultiRunData("a", "i1", None, "x", 3)
>>> get_instance(p1)
>>> p2 = PerRunData("a", "i2", "f", "x", 31)
>>> get_instance(p2)

Print the standard csv footer for moptipy.

  • _ – the setup object, ignored

  • dest – the destination callable

  • additional (str | None, default: None) – any additional output string

Return type:



the iterable with the footer comments

>>> for s in motipy_footer_bottom_comments(None, "bla"):
...     print(s[:49])
This data has been generated with moptipy version
You can find moptipy at https://thomasweise.githu
>>> for s in motipy_footer_bottom_comments(None, None):
...     print(s[:49])
This data has been generated with moptipy version
You can find moptipy at https://thomasweise.githu

Get the default sort key for the given object.

The sort key is a tuple with well-defined field elements that should allow for a default and consistent sorting over many different elements of the experiment evaluation data API. Sorting should work also for lists containing elements of different classes.


obj (PerRunData | MultiRunData) – the object

Return type:

tuple[Any, ...]


the sort key

>>> p1 = MultiRunData("a1", "i1", "f", None, 3)
>>> p2 = PerRunData("a2", "i2", "f", None, 31)
>>> sort_key(p1) < sort_key(p2)
>>> sort_key(p1) >= sort_key(p2)
>>> p3 = MultiRun2DData("a", "i", "f", None, 3,
...                     TIME_UNIT_FES, F_NAME_SCALED)
>>> sort_key(p3) < sort_key(p1)
>>> sort_key(p3) >= sort_key(p1)

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf module

Approximate the Ecdf to reach certain goals.

The empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for short illustrates the fraction of runs that have reached a certain goal over time. Let’s say that you have performed 10 runs of a certain algorithm on a certain problem. As goal quality, you could define the globally optimal solution quality. For any point in time, the ECDF then shows how many of these runs have solved the problem to this goal, to optimality. Let’s say the first run solves the problem after 100 FEs. Then the ECDF is 0 until 99 FEs and at 100 FEs, it becomes 1/10. The second-fastest run solves the problem after 200 FEs. The ECDF thus stays 0.1 until 199 FEs and at 200 FEs, it jumps to 0.2. And so on. This means that the value of the ECDF is always between 0 and 1.

  1. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup. Research Report RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481.

  2. Dave Andrew Douglas Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos. UBCSAT: An Implementation and Experimentation Environment for SLS Algorithms for SAT and MAX-SAT. In Revised Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT’04), May 10-13, 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pages 306-320. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), volume 3542. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 3-540-27829-X. doi:

  3. Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle. Evaluating Las Vegas Algorithms - Pitfalls and Remedies. In Gregory F. Cooper and Serafín Moral, editors, Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI’98), July 24-26, 1998, Madison, WI, USA, pages 238-245. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. ISBN: 1-55860-555-X.

class moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.Ecdf(algorithm, objective, encoding, n, n_insts, time_unit, f_name, goal_f, ecdf)[source]

Bases: MultiRun2DData

The ECDF data.

ecdf: ndarray

The ECDF data function

goal_f: int | float | None

The goal value, or None if different goals were used for different instances

n_insts: int

The number of instances over which the ERT-ECDF is computed.


Get the time label for x-axes.

Return type:



the time key

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.KEY_F_NAME: Final[str] = 'fName'

The objective dimension name.

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.KEY_N_INSTS: Final[str] = 'nInsts'

The number of instances.

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.create(source, goal_f=None, use_default_goal_f=True)[source]

Create one single Ecdf record from an iterable of Progress records.

Return type:



the Ecdf record

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.from_progresses(source, consumer, f_goal=None, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Compute one or multiple ECDFs from a stream of end results.

  • source (Iterable[Progress]) – the set of progress instances

  • f_goal (Union[int, float, Callable[[str], int | float], Iterable[Union[int, float, Callable]], None], default: None) – one or multiple goal values

  • consumer (Callable[[Ecdf], Any]) – the destination to which the new records will be passed, can be the append method of a list

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all objective functions

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all encodings

Return type:



Get the goal value from the given ecdf instance.


ecdf (Ecdf) – the ecdf instance

Return type:

int | float | None


the goal value


Transform a goal to a string.


goal_f (int | float | None) – the goal value

Return type:



the string representation

moptipy.evaluation.ecdf.to_csv(ecdf, file, put_header=True)[source]

Store a Ecdf record in a CSV file.

  • ecdf (Ecdf) – the ecdf

  • file (str) – the file to generate

  • put_header (bool, default: True) – should we put a header with meta-data?

Return type:



the fully resolved file name

moptipy.evaluation.end_results module

Record for EndResult as well as parsing, serialization, and parsing.

When doing experiments with moptipy, you apply algorithm setups to problem instances. For each setup x instance combination, you may conduct a series of repetitions (so-called runs) with different random seeds. Each single run of an algorithm setup on a problem instances can produce a separate log file. From each log file, we can load a EndResult instance, which represents, well, the end result of the run, i.e., information such as the best solution quality reached, when it was reached, and the termination criterion. These end result records then can be the basis for, e.g., computing summary statistics via end_statistics or for plotting the end result distribution via plot_end_results.

class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.CsvReader(columns)[source]

Bases: CsvReader

A csv parser for end results.


Parse a row of data.


data (list[str]) – the data row

Return type:



the end result statistics

class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.CsvWriter(data, scope=None)[source]

Bases: CsvWriter

A class for CSV writing of EndResult.


Get the column titles.

Return type:



the column titles

Get the footer bottom comments.

Return type:



the footer comments

Get any possible footer comments.

Return type:



the footer comments


Get any possible header comments.

Return type:



the header comments


Render a single end result record to a CSV row.


data (EndResult) – the end result record

Return type:



the row iterator

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_BEST_F: Final[str] = ' the best (smallest) objective value ever encountered during the run (regardless whether the algorithm later forgot it again or not).'

the description of best-F

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_GOAL_F: Final[str] = 'the goal objective value. A run will stop as soon as a solution wasdiscovered which has an objective value less than or equal to goalF. In other words, as soon as bestF reaches or dips under goalF, the algorithm will stop. If goalF is not reached, the run will continue until other budget limits are exhausted. If a lower bound for the objective function is known, this is often used as a goal objective value. If o goal objective value is specified, this field is empty.'

the description of the goal objective value

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_FE: Final[str] = "the objective function evaluation (FE) when the last improving move took place. 1 FE corresponds to the construction and evaluation of one solution. The first FE has index 1. With 'last improving move' we mean the last time when a solution was discovered that was better than all previous solutions. This time / FE index is the one when the solution with objective value bestF was discovered."

the description of the last improvement FE

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_LAST_IMPROVEMENT_TIME_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'the clock time in milliseconds after the begin of the run when the last improving search move took place.'

the description of the last improvement time milliseconds

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_MAX_FES: Final[str] = 'the maximum number of permissible FEs per run. As soon as this limit is reached, the run will stop. In other words, totalFEs will never be more than maxFEs. A run may stop earlier if some other termination criterion is reached, but never later.'

a description of the budget as the maximum objective function evaluation

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_MAX_TIME_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'the maximum number of milliseconds of clock time that a run is permitted to use as computational budget before being terminated. This limit is more of a soft limit, as we cannot physically stop a run at arbitrary points without causing mayhem. Thus, it may be that some runs consume slightly more runtime than this limit. But the rule is that the algorithm gets told to stop (via should_terminate() becoming True) as soon as this time has elapsed. But generally, totalTimeMillis<=maxTimeMillis approximately holds.'

a description of the budget in terms of maximum runtime

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_RAND_SEED: Final[str] = 'the value of the seed of the random number generator used in the run. Random seeds are in 0..18446744073709551615 and the random number generators are those from numpy.'

a description of the random seed

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_TOTAL_FES: Final[str] = 'the total number of objective function evaluations (FEs) that were performed during the run.'

the description of the total FEs

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.DESC_TOTAL_TIME_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'the clock time in milliseconds that has passed between the begin of the run and the end of the run.'

the total consumed time in milliseconds

class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.EndResult(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, rand_seed, best_f, last_improvement_fe, last_improvement_time_millis, total_fes, total_time_millis, goal_f, max_fes, max_time_millis)[source]

Bases: PerRunData

An immutable end result record of one run of one algorithm on one problem.

This record provides the information of the outcome of one application of one algorithm to one problem instance in an immutable way.

best_f: int | float

The best objective value encountered.


Get the best objective value reached.

Return type:

int | float


the best objective value reached


Get the fes per time milliseconds.

Return type:

int | float


the fes per time milliseconds


Get the goal objective value, if any.

Return type:

int | float | None


the goal objective value, if any


Get the index of the function evaluation when best_f was reached.

Return type:



the index of the function evaluation when best_f was reached


Get the milliseconds when best_f was reached.

Return type:



the milliseconds when best_f was reached


Get the maximum number of FEs permissible.

Return type:

int | None


the maximum number of FEs permissible


Get the maximum permissible milliseconds permitted.

Return type:

int | None


the maximum permissible milliseconds permitted


Get the normalized f.

Return type:

int | float | None


the normalized f


Get the normalized f.

Return type:

int | float | None


the normalized f


Get the total number of performed FEs.

Return type:



the total number of performed FEs


Get the total time consumed by the run.

Return type:



the total time consumed by the run

goal_f: int | float | None

The goal objective value if provided

last_improvement_fe: int

The index of the function evaluation when best_f was reached.

last_improvement_time_millis: int

The time when best_f was reached.

max_fes: int | None

The (optional) maximum permitted FEs.

max_time_millis: int | None

The (optional) maximum runtime.


Check if a run is successful.

This method returns True if and only if goal_f is defined and best_f <= goal_f (and False otherwise).

Return type:



True if and only if best_f<=goal_f

total_fes: int

The total number of performed FEs.

total_time_millis: int

The total time consumed by the run.

class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.EndResultLogParser(path_filter=None)[source]

Bases: SetupAndStateParser, Generic

The internal log parser class.

class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.T

the type variable for data to be read from the directories

alias of TypeVar(‘T’, bound=EndResult)

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.from_csv(file, filterer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Parse a given CSV file to get EndResult Records.

  • file (str) – the path to parse

  • filterer (Callable[[EndResult], bool], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aef90e8e0>) – an optional filter function

Return type:

Generator[EndResult, None, None]

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.from_logs(path, max_fes=None, max_time_millis=None, goal_f=None, path_filter=None)[source]

Parse a given path and yield all end results found.

If path identifies a file with suffix .txt, then this file is parsed. The appropriate EndResult is created and yielded. If path identifies a directory, then this directory is parsed recursively for each log file found, one record is yielded.

Via the parameters max_fes, max_time_millis, and goal_f, you can set virtual limits for the objective function evaluations, the maximum runtime, and the objective value. The EndResult records will then not represent the actual final state of the runs but be synthesized from the logged progress information. This, of course, requires such information to be present. It will also raise a ValueError if the goals are invalid, e.g., if a runtime limit is specified that is before the first logged points.

There is one caveat when specifying max_time_millis: Let’s say that the log files only log improvements. Then you might have a log point for 7000 FEs, 1000ms, and f=100. The next log point could be 8000 FEs, 1200ms, and f=90. Now if your time limit specified is 1100ms, we know that the end result is f=100 (because f=90 was reached too late) and that the total runtime is 1100ms, as this is the limit you specified and it was also reached. But we do not know the number of consumed FEs. We know you consumed at least 7000 FEs, but you did not consume 8000 FEs. It would be wrong to claim that 7000 FEs were consumed, since it could have been more. We therefore set a virtual end point at 7999 FEs. In terms of performance metrics such as the ert, this would be the most conservative choice in that it does not over-estimate the speed of the algorithm. It can, however, lead to very big deviations from the actual values. For example, if your algorithm quickly converged to a local optimum and there simply is no log point that exceeds the virtual time limit but the original run had a huge FE-based budget while your virtual time limit was small, this could lead to an estimate of millions of FEs taking part within seconds…

  • path (str) – the path to parse

  • max_fes (Union[int, None, Callable[[str, str], int | None]], default: None) – the maximum FEs, a callable to compute the maximum FEs from the algorithm and instance name, or None if unspecified

  • max_time_millis (Union[int, None, Callable[[str, str], int | None]], default: None) – the maximum runtime in milliseconds, a callable to compute the maximum runtime from the algorithm and instance name, or None if unspecified

  • goal_f (Union[int, float, None, Callable[[str, str], int | float | None]], default: None) – the goal objective value, a callable to compute the goal objective value from the algorithm and instance name, or None if unspecified

  • path_filter (Optional[Callable[[Path], bool]], default: None) – a filter allowing us to skip paths or files. If this Callable returns True, the file or directory is considered for parsing. If it returns False, it is skipped.

Return type:

Generator[EndResult, None, None]


Produce a function that obtains the given dimension from EndResults.

The following dimensions are supported:

  1. lastImprovementFE: last_improvement_fe

  2. lastImprovementTimeMillis:


  3. totalFEs: total_fes

  4. totalTimeMillis: total_time_millis

  5. goalF: goal_f

  6. plainF, bestF: best_f

  7. scaledF: best_f/goal_f

  8. normalizedF: (best_f-attr:~EndResult.goal_f)/


  9. maxFEs: max_fes

  10. maxTimeMillis: max_time_millis

  11. fesPerTimeMilli: total_fes /total_time_millis


dimension (str) – the dimension

Return type:

Callable[[EndResult], int | float | None]


a callable that returns the value corresponding to the dimension from its input value, which must be an EndResult

moptipy.evaluation.end_results.to_csv(results, file)[source]

Write a sequence of end results to a file in CSV format.

Return type:



the path of the file that was written

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics module

SampleStatistics aggregated over multiple instances of EndResult.

The end_results records hold the final result of a run of an optimization algorithm on a problem instance. Often, we do not want to compare these single results directly, but instead analyze summary statistics, such as the mean best objective value found. For this purpose, EndStatistics exists. It summarizes the singular results from the runs into a record with the most important statistics.

class moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.CsvReader(columns)[source]

Bases: CsvReader[EndStatistics]

A csv parser for end results.

idx_n: Final[int]

the index of the N column, i.e., where the number of runs is stored


Parse a row of data.


data (list[str]) – the data row

Return type:



the end result statistics

class moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.CsvWriter(data, scope=None)[source]

Bases: CsvWriter[EndStatistics]

A class for CSV writing of EndStatistics.


Get the column titles.

Return type:



the column titles

Get the footer bottom comments.

Return type:



the footer comments

Get any possible footer comments.


dest – the destination

Return type:



Get any possible header comments.

Return type:



the header comments


Render a single end result record to a CSV row.


data (EndStatistics) – the end result record

Return type:



the row strings

class moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.EndStatistics(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, best_f, last_improvement_fe, last_improvement_time_millis, total_fes, total_time_millis, goal_f, best_f_scaled, n_success, success_fes, success_time_millis, ert_fes, ert_time_millis, max_fes, max_time_millis)[source]

Bases: MultiRunData

Statistics over end results of one or multiple algorithm*instance setups.

If one algorithm*instance is used, then algorithm and instance are defined. Otherwise, only the parameter which is the same over all recorded runs is defined.

best_f: SampleStatistics

The statistics about the best encountered result.

best_f_scaled: SampleStatistics | None

best_f / goal_f if goal_f is consistently defined and always positive.

ert_fes: int | float | None

The ERT if FEs, while is inf if n_success=0, None if goal_f is None, and finite otherwise.

ert_time_millis: int | float | None

The ERT if milliseconds, while is inf if n_success=0, None if goal_f is None, and finite otherwise.


Get the statistics about the best objective value reached.

Return type:



the statistics about the best objective value reached


Get the statistics about the scaled best objective value.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | None


the statistics about the scaled best objective value


Get the expected FEs until success.

Return type:

int | float | None


the statistics about the expected FEs until success.


Get the expected milliseconds until success.

Return type:

int | float | None


the statistics about the expected milliseconds until success.


Get the statistics about the goal objective value.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | int | float | None


the statistics about the goal objective value


Get the statistics about the last improvement FE.

Return type:



the statistics about the last improvement FE


Get the statistics about the last improvement time millis.

Return type:



the statistics about the last improvement time millis


Get the statistics about the maximum permitted FEs.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | int | None


the statistics about the maximum permitted FEs


Get the statistics about the maximum permitted runtime in ms.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | int | None


the statistics about the maximum permitted runtime in ms


Get the number of runs.

Return type:



the number of runs.


Get the number of successful runs.

Return type:

int | None


the number of successful runs.


Get the statistics about the FEs until success of the successful runs.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | None


the statistics about the FEs until success of the successful runs


Get the statistics about the ms until success of the successful runs.

Return type:

SampleStatistics | None


the statistics about the ms until success of the successful runs


Get the statistics about the total FEs.

Return type:



the statistics about the total FEs


Get the statistics about the total time millis.

Return type:



the statistics about the total time millis

goal_f: SampleStatistics | int | float | None

The goal objective value.

last_improvement_fe: SampleStatistics

The statistics about the last improvement FE.

last_improvement_time_millis: SampleStatistics

The statistics about the last improvement time.

max_fes: SampleStatistics | int | None

The budget in FEs, if every run had one; None otherwise.

max_time_millis: SampleStatistics | int | None

The budget in milliseconds, if every run had one; None otherwise.

n_success: int | None

The number of successful runs, if goal_f != None, else None.

success_fes: SampleStatistics | None

The FEs to success, if n_success > 0, None otherwise.

success_time_millis: SampleStatistics | None

The time to success, if n_success > 0, None otherwise.

total_fes: SampleStatistics

The statistics about the total number of FEs.

total_time_millis: SampleStatistics

The statistics about the total time.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_BEST_F_SCALED: Final[str] = 'bestFscaled'

The key for the best F.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_ERT_FES: Final[str] = 'ertFEs'

The key for the ERT in FEs.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_ERT_TIME_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'ertTimeMillis'

The key for the ERT in milliseconds.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_N_SUCCESS: Final[str] = 'successN'

The key for the number of successful runs.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_SUCCESS_FES: Final[str] = 'successFEs'

The key for the success FEs.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.KEY_SUCCESS_TIME_MILLIS: Final[str] = 'successTimeMillis'

The key for the success time millis.

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.aggregate_over_parameter(data, param_value, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_instances=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Aggregate a stream of data into groups based on a parameter.

  • data (Iterable[EndResult]) – the source data

  • param_value (Callable[[EndResult], int | float]) – the function obtaining a parameter value

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_instances (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all objectives?

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should statistics be aggregated over all encodings

Return type:

tuple[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float], Iterable[EndStatistics]]


Create an EndStatistics Record from an Iterable of EndResult.


source (Iterable[EndResult]) – the source


the statistics

Return type:



Parse a CSV file and collect all encountered EndStatistics.


file (str) – the file to parse

Return type:

Generator[EndStatistics, None, None]


the iterator with the results

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.from_end_results(source, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_instances=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Aggregate statistics over a stream of end results.

  • source (Iterable[EndResult]) – the stream of end results

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_instances (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all objectives?

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should statistics be aggregated over all encodings

Return type:

Generator[EndStatistics, None, None]


iterates over the generated end statistics records


Create a function that obtains the given dimension from EndStatistics.


dimension (str) – the dimension

Return type:

Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None]


a callable that returns the value corresponding to the dimension

moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.to_csv(data, file)[source]

Store a set of EndStatistics in a CSV file.

Return type:



the path to the generated CSV file

moptipy.evaluation.ert module

Approximate the expected running time to reach certain goals.

The (empirically estimated) Expected Running Time (ERT) tries to give an impression of how long an algorithm needs to reach a certain solution quality.

The ERT for a problem instance is estimated as the ratio of the sum of all FEs that all the runs consumed until they either have discovered a solution of a given goal quality or exhausted their budget, divided by the number of runs that discovered a solution of the goal quality. The ERT is the mean expect runtime under the assumption of independent restarts after failed runs, which then may either succeed (consuming the mean runtime of the successful runs) or fail again (with the observed failure probability, after consuming the available budget).

The ERT itself can be considered as a function that associates the estimated runtime given above to all possible solution qualities that can be attained by an algorithm for a give problem. For qualities/goals that an algorithm did not attain in any run, the ERT becomes infinite.

  1. Kenneth V. Price. Differential Evolution vs. The Functions of the 2nd ICEO. In Russ Eberhart, Peter Angeline, Thomas Back, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and Xin Yao, editors, IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, April 13-16, 1997, Indianapolis, IN, USA, pages 153-157. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. ISBN: 0-7803-3949-5. doi:

  2. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup. Research Report RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481.

class moptipy.evaluation.ert.Ert(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, time_unit, f_name, ert)[source]

Bases: MultiRun2DData

Estimate the Expected Running Time (ERT).

ert: ndarray

The ert function

moptipy.evaluation.ert.compute_single_ert(source, goal_f)[source]

Compute a single ERT.

The ERT is the sum of the time that the runs spend with a best-so-far quality greater or equal than goal_f divided by the number of runs that reached goal_f. The idea is that the unsuccessful runs spent their complete computational budget and once they have terminated, we would immediately start a new, independent run.

Warning: source must only contain progress objects that contain monotonously improving points. It must not contain runs that may get worse over time.

Return type:



the ERT

>>> from moptipy.evaluation.progress import Progress as Pr
>>> from numpy import array as a
>>> f = "plainF"
>>> t = "FEs"
>>> r = [Pr("a", "i", "f", "e", 1, a([1, 4, 8]), t, a([10, 8, 5]), f),
...      Pr("a", "i", "f", "e", 2, a([1, 3, 6]), t, a([9, 7, 4]), f),
...      Pr("a", "i", "f", "e", 3, a([1, 2, 7, 9]), t, a([8, 7, 6, 3]), f),
...      Pr("a", "i", "f", "e", 4, a([1, 12]), t, a([9, 3]), f)]
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 11))
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 10))
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 9.5))  # (4 + 1 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 1.75
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 9))  # (4 + 1 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 1.75
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 8.5))  # (4 + 3 + 1 + 12) / 4 = 5
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 8))  # (4 + 3 + 1 + 12) / 4 = 5
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 7.3))  # (8 + 3 + 2 + 12) / 4 = 6.25
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 7))  # (8 + 3 + 2 + 12) / 4 = 6.25
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 6.1))  # (8 + 6 + 7 + 12) / 4 = 8.25
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 6))  # (8 + 6 + 7 + 12) / 4 = 8.25
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 5.7))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 4 = 8.75
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 5))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 4 = 8.75
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 4.2))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 3 = 11.666...
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 4))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 3 = 11.666...
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 3.8))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 2 = 17.5
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 3))  # (8 + 6 + 9 + 12) / 2 = 17.5
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 2.9))
>>> print(compute_single_ert(r, 2))
moptipy.evaluation.ert.create(source, f_lower_bound=None, use_default_lower_bounds=True)[source]

Create one single Ert record from an iterable of Progress records.

  • source (Iterable[Progress]) – the set of progress instances

  • f_lower_bound (Union[int, float, Callable, None], default: None) – the lower bound for the objective value, or a callable that is applied to a progress object to get the lower bound

  • use_default_lower_bounds (bool, default: True) – should we use the default lower bounds

Return type:



the Ert record

moptipy.evaluation.ert.from_progresses(source, consumer, f_lower_bound=None, use_default_lower_bounds=True, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_instances=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Compute one or multiple ERTs from a stream of end results.

  • source (Iterable[Progress]) – the set of progress instances

  • f_lower_bound (float | None, default: None) – the lower bound for the objective value

  • use_default_lower_bounds (bool, default: True) – should we use the default lower bounds

  • consumer (Callable[[Ert], Any]) – the destination to which the new records will be passed, can be the append method of a list

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the Ert be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_instances (bool, default: False) – should the Ert be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all objective functions?

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all encodings?

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.ert.to_csv(ert, file, put_header=True)[source]

Store a Ert record in a CSV file.

  • ert (Ert) – the ERT

  • file (str) – the file to generate

  • put_header (bool, default: True) – should we put a header with meta-data?

Return type:



the fully resolved file name

moptipy.evaluation.ertecdf module

Approximate the ECDF over the ERT to reach certain goals.

The empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF, see ecdf) is a function that shows the fraction of runs that were successful in attaining a certain goal objective value over the time. The (empirically estimated) Expected Running Time (ERT, see ert) is a function that tries to give an estimate how long a given algorithm setup will need (y-axis) to achieve given solution qualities (x-axis). It uses a set of runs of the algorithm on the problem to make this estimate under the assumption of independent restarts.

Now in the ERT-ECDF we combine both concepts to join several different optimization problems or problem instances into one plot. The goal becomes “solving the problem”. For each problem instance, we compute the ERT, i.e., estimate how long a given algorithm will need to reach the goal. This becomes the time axis. Over this time axis, the ERT-ECDF displays the fraction of instances that were solved.

  1. Thomas Weise, Zhize Wu, Xinlu Li, and Yan Chen. Frequency Fitness Assignment: Making Optimization Algorithms Invariant under Bijective Transformations of the Objective Function Value. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 25(2):307-319. April 2021. Preprint available at arXiv:2001.01416v5 [cs.NE] 15 Oct 2020. doi:

class moptipy.evaluation.ertecdf.ErtEcdf(algorithm, objective, encoding, n, n_insts, time_unit, f_name, goal_f, ecdf)[source]

Bases: Ecdf



Get the time axis label.

Return type:



the time key

moptipy.evaluation.ertecdf.create(source, goal_f=None, use_default_goal_f=True)[source]

Create one single Ert-Ecdf record from an iterable of Progress records.

Return type:



the Ert-Ecdf record

moptipy.evaluation.ertecdf.from_progresses(source, consumer, f_goal=None, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Compute one or multiple Ert-ECDFs from a stream of end results.

  • source (Iterable[Progress]) – the set of progress instances

  • f_goal (Union[int, float, Callable[[str], int | float], Iterable[Union[int, float, Callable]], None], default: None) – one or multiple goal values

  • consumer (Callable[[Ecdf], Any]) – the destination to which the new records will be passed, can be the append method of a list

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all objective functions

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should the Ecdf be aggregated over all encodings

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.ioh_analyzer module

Convert moptipy data to IOHanalyzer data.

The IOHanalyzer ( is a tool that can analyze the performance of iterative optimization heuristics in a wide variety of ways. It is available both for local installation as well as online for direct and free use (see, again, The IOHanalyzer supports many of the diagrams that our evaluation utilities provide - and several more. Here we provide the function moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer() which converts the data generated by the moptipy experimentation function run_experiment() to the format that the IOHanalyzer understands, as documented at

Notice that we here have implemented the meta data format version “0.3.2 and below”, as described at

  1. Carola Doerr, Furong Ye, Naama Horesh, Hao Wang, Ofer M. Shir, and Thomas Bäck. Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics with IOHprofiler. Applied Soft Computing 88(106027):1-21. March 2020. doi:},

  2. Carola Doerr, Hao Wang, Furong Ye, Sander van Rijn, and Thomas Bäck. IOHprofiler: A Benchmarking and Profiling Tool for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. October 15, 2018. New York, NY, USA: Cornell University, Cornell Tech. arXiv:1810.05281v1 [cs.NE] 11 Oct 2018.

  3. Hao Wang, Diederick Vermetten, Furong Ye, Carola Doerr, and Thomas Bäck. IOHanalyzer: Detailed Performance Analyses for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2(1)[3]:1-29. March 2022.doi:

  4. Jacob de Nobel and Furong Ye and Diederick Vermetten and Hao Wang and Carola Doerr and Thomas Bäck. IOHexperimenter: Benchmarking Platform for Iterative Optimization Heuristics. November 2021. New York, NY, USA: Cornell University, Cornell Tech. arXiv:2111.04077v2 [cs.NE] 17 Apr 2022.

  5. Data Format: Iterative Optimization Heuristics Profiler.

moptipy.evaluation.ioh_analyzer.moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer(results_dir, dest_dir, inst_name_to_func_id=<function __prefix>, inst_name_to_dimension=<function __int_suffix>, inst_name_to_inst_id=<function <lambda>>, suite='moptipy', f_name='plainF', f_standard=None)[source]

Convert moptipy log data to IOHanalyzer log data.

  • results_dir (str) – the directory where we can find the results in moptipy format

  • dest_dir (str) – the directory where we would write the IOHanalyzer style data

  • inst_name_to_func_id (Callable[[str], str], default: <function __prefix at 0x7f0aeed24b80>) – convert the instance name to a function ID

  • inst_name_to_dimension (Callable[[str], int], default: <function __int_suffix at 0x7f0aeed25760>) – convert an instance name to a function dimension

  • inst_name_to_inst_id (Callable[[str], int], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeed258a0>) – convert the instance name an instance ID, which must be a positive integer number

  • suite (str, default: 'moptipy') – the suite name

  • f_name (str, default: 'plainF') – the objective name

  • f_standard (dict[str, int | float] | None, default: None) – a dictionary mapping instances to standard values

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.log_parser module

Parsers for structured log data produced by the moptipy experiment API.

The moptipy Execution and experiment-running facility (run_experiment()) uses the class Logger from module logger to produce log files complying with

Here we provide a skeleton for parsing such log files in form of the class LogParser. It works similar to SAX-XML parsing in that the data is read is from files and methods that consume the data are invoked. By overwriting these methods, we can do useful things with the data.

For example in module end_results, the method from_logs() can load EndResult records from the logs and the method from_logs() in module progress reads the whole Progress that the algorithms make over time.

class moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.ExperimentParser(path_filter=None)[source]

Bases: LogParser, Generic

A log parser following our pre-defined experiment structure.

algorithm: str | None

The name of the algorithm to which the current log file belongs.

instance: str | None

The name of the instance to which the current log file belongs.

rand_seed: int | None

The random seed of the current log file.

class moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.LogParser(path_filter=None)[source]

Bases: Parser, Generic

A log parser can parse a log file and separate the sections.

The log parser is designed to load data from text files generated by FileLogger. It can also recursively parse directories.

class moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.SetupAndStateParser(path_filter=None)[source]

Bases: ExperimentParser, Generic

A log parser which loads and processes the basic data from the logs.

This parser processes the SETUP and STATE sections of a log file and stores the performance-related information in member variables.

best_f: int | float | None

the best objective function value encountered

encoding: str | None

The name of the encoding to which the current log file belongs.

goal_f: int | float | None

the goal objective value, if any

last_improvement_fe: int | None

the objective function evaluation when the last improvement happened, in milliseconds

last_improvement_time_millis: int | None

the time step when the last improvement happened, in milliseconds

max_fes: int | None

the maximum permitted number of objective function evaluations, if any

max_time_millis: int | None

the maximum runtime limit in milliseconds, if any

objective: str | None

The name of the objective to which the current log file belongs.

total_fes: int | None

the total consumed runtime, in objective function evaluations

total_time_millis: int | None

the total consumed runtime in milliseconds

class moptipy.evaluation.log_parser.T

the type variable for data to be read from the directories

alias of TypeVar(‘T’)

moptipy.evaluation.plot_ecdf module

Plot a set of ECDF or ERT-ECDF objects into one figure.

The empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF, see ecdf) is a function that shows the fraction of runs that were successful in attaining a certain goal objective value over the time. The combination of ERT and ECDF is discussed in ertecdf.

  1. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup. Research Report RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481.

  2. Dave Andrew Douglas Tompkins and Holger H. Hoos. UBCSAT: An Implementation and Experimentation Environment for SLS Algorithms for SAT and MAX-SAT. In Revised Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT’04), May 10-13, 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pages 306-320. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), volume 3542. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 3-540-27829-X. doi:

  3. Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle. Evaluating Las Vegas Algorithms - Pitfalls and Remedies. In Gregory F. Cooper and Serafín Moral, editors, Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI’98), July 24-26, 1998, Madison, WI, USA, pages 238-245. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. ISBN: 1-55860-555-X.

moptipy.evaluation.plot_ecdf.plot_ecdf(ecdfs, figure, x_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, y_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, legend=True, distinct_colors_func=<function distinct_colors>, distinct_line_dashes_func=<function distinct_line_dashes>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_alpha_func=<function importance_to_alpha>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, x_label=<function <lambda>>, x_label_inside=True, y_label=<function Lang.translate_func.<locals>.__tf>, y_label_inside=True, algorithm_priority=5.0, goal_priority=0.333, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, goal_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>, color_algorithms_as_fallback_group=True)[source]

Plot a set of ECDF functions into one chart.

  • ecdfs (Iterable[Ecdf]) – the iterable of ECDF functions

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure to plot in

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the x_axis ranger

  • y_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the y_axis ranger

  • legend (bool, default: True) – should we plot the legend?

  • distinct_colors_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_colors at 0x7f0aee5a7ce0>) – the function returning the palette

  • distinct_line_dashes_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_line_dashes at 0x7f0aee4f5a80>) – the function returning the line styles

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • importance_to_alpha_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_alpha at 0x7f0aee4f5c60>) – the function converting importance values to alphas

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • x_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • y_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0b2e96cb80>) – a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate_func.<locals>.__tf at 0x7f0aee52c680>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • algorithm_priority (float, default: 5.0) – the style priority for algorithms

  • goal_priority (float, default: 0.333) – the style priority for goal values

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee52d080>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • color_algorithms_as_fallback_group (bool, default: True) – if only a single group of data was found, use algorithms as group and put them in the legend

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee52c720>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • goal_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee52cfe0>) – the sort key function for goals

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_results module

Violin plots for end results.

moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_results.plot_end_results(end_results, figure, dimension='scaledF', y_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, distinct_colors_func=<function distinct_colors>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, y_grid=True, x_grid=True, x_label=<function Lang.translate>, x_label_inside=True, x_label_location=1.0, y_label=<function Lang.translate>, y_label_inside=True, y_label_location=0.5, legend_pos='best', instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart.

In this plot, we combine two visualizations of data distributions: box plots in the foreground and violin plots in the background.

The box plots show you the median, the 25% and 75% quantiles, the 95% confidence interval around the median (as notches), the 5% and 95% quantiles (as whiskers), the arithmetic mean (as triangle), and the outliers on both ends of the spectrum. This allows you also to compare data from different distributions rather comfortably, as you can, e.g., see whether the confidence intervals overlap.

The violin plots in the background are something like smoothed-out, vertical, and mirror-symmetric histograms. They give you a better impression about shape and modality of the distribution of the results.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the iterable of end results

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure to plot in

  • dimension (str, default: 'scaledF') – the dimension to display

  • y_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the y_axis ranger

  • distinct_colors_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_colors at 0x7f0aee5a7ce0>) – the function returning the palette

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • y_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • x_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate at 0x7f0af05a5a80>) – a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • x_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the x-label

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate at 0x7f0af05a5a80>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • y_label_location (float, default: 0.5) – the location of the y-label

  • legend_pos (str, default: 'best') – the legend position

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee396c00>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee396ca0>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee396d40>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee396de0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_statistics_over_parameter module

Plot the end results over a parameter.

moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_statistics_over_parameter.plot_end_statistics_over_param(data, figure, x_getter, y_dim='scaledF.geom', algorithm_getter=<function <lambda>>, instance_getter=<function <lambda>>, x_axis=<class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>, y_axis=<function __make_y_axis>, legend=True, legend_pos='upper right', distinct_colors_func=<function distinct_colors>, distinct_line_dashes_func=<function distinct_line_dashes>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, x_label=None, x_label_inside=True, x_label_location=0.5, y_label=<function __make_y_label>, y_label_inside=True, y_label_location=1.0, instance_priority=0.666, algorithm_priority=0.333, stat_priority=0.0, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>, stat_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, color_algorithms_as_fallback_group=True)[source]

Plot a series of end result statistics over a parameter.

  • data (Iterable[EndStatistics]) – the iterable of EndStatistics

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure to plot in

  • x_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float]) – the function computing the x-value for each statistics object

  • y_dim (str, default: 'scaledF.geom') – the dimension to be plotted along the y-axis

  • algorithm_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee568a40>) – the algorithm getter

  • instance_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee568c20>) – the instance getter

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[], AxisRanger]], default: <class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>) – the x_axis ranger

  • y_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function __make_y_axis at 0x7f0aee568b80>) – the y_axis ranger

  • legend (bool, default: True) – should we plot the legend?

  • legend_pos (str, default: 'upper right') – the legend position

  • distinct_colors_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_colors at 0x7f0aee5a7ce0>) – the function returning the palette

  • distinct_line_dashes_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_line_dashes at 0x7f0aee4f5a80>) – the function returning the line styles

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • x_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • y_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_label (str | None, default: None) – the label for the x-axi or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • x_label_location (float, default: 0.5) – the location of the x-axis label

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function __make_y_label at 0x7f0aee5693a0>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • y_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the y-axis label

  • instance_priority (float, default: 0.666) – the style priority for instances

  • algorithm_priority (float, default: 0.333) – the style priority for algorithms

  • stat_priority (float, default: 0.0) – the style priority for statistics

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee5689a0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee568ae0>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee568900>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee5687c0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • stat_sort_key (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee569440>) – the sort key function for statistics

  • color_algorithms_as_fallback_group (bool, default: True) – if only a single group of data was found, use algorithms as group and put them in the legend

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.evaluation.plot_ert module

Plot a set of Ert objects into one figure.

The (empirically estimated) Expected Running Time (ERT, see ert) is a function that tries to give an estimate how long a given algorithm setup will need (y-axis) to achieve given solution qualities (x-axis). It uses a set of runs of the algorithm on the problem to make this estimate under the assumption of independent restarts.

  1. Kenneth V. Price. Differential Evolution vs. The Functions of the 2nd ICEO. In Russ Eberhart, Peter Angeline, Thomas Back, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and Xin Yao, editors, IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, April 13-16, 1997, Indianapolis, IN, USA, pages 153-157. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. ISBN: 0-7803-3949-5. doi:

  2. Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup. Research Report RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481.

moptipy.evaluation.plot_ert.plot_ert(erts, figure, x_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, y_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, legend=True, distinct_colors_func=<function distinct_colors>, distinct_line_dashes_func=<function distinct_line_dashes>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_alpha_func=<function importance_to_alpha>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, x_label=<function Lang.translate>, x_label_inside=True, y_label=<function Lang.translate_func.<locals>.__tf>, y_label_inside=True, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>, instance_priority=0.666, algorithm_priority=0.333)[source]

Plot a set of Ert functions into one chart.

  • erts (Iterable[Ert]) – the iterable of Ert functions

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure to plot in

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the x_axis ranger

  • y_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the y_axis ranger

  • legend (bool, default: True) – should we plot the legend?

  • distinct_colors_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_colors at 0x7f0aee5a7ce0>) – the function returning the palette

  • distinct_line_dashes_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_line_dashes at 0x7f0aee4f5a80>) – the function returning the line styles

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • importance_to_alpha_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_alpha at 0x7f0aee4f5c60>) – the function converting importance values to alphas

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • x_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • y_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate at 0x7f0af05a5a80>) – a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate_func.<locals>.__tf at 0x7f0aee304680>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee304720>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee3045e0>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee304540>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee3044a0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • instance_priority (float, default: 0.666) – the style priority for instances

  • algorithm_priority (float, default: 0.333) – the style priority for algorithms

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.evaluation.plot_progress module

Plot a set of Progress or StatRun objects into one figure.

moptipy.evaluation.plot_progress.plot_progress(progresses, figure, x_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, y_axis=<function AxisRanger.for_axis>, legend=True, distinct_colors_func=<function distinct_colors>, distinct_line_dashes_func=<function distinct_line_dashes>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_alpha_func=<function importance_to_alpha>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, x_grid=True, y_grid=True, x_label=<function Lang.translate>, x_label_inside=True, x_label_location=0.5, y_label=<function Lang.translate>, y_label_inside=True, y_label_location=1.0, instance_priority=0.666, algorithm_priority=0.333, stat_priority=0.0, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, stat_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, color_algorithms_as_fallback_group=True, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Plot a set of progress or statistical run lines into one chart.

  • progresses (Iterable[Progress | StatRun]) – the iterable of progresses and statistical runs

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure to plot in

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the x_axis ranger

  • y_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[str], AxisRanger]], default: <function AxisRanger.for_axis at 0x7f0b2e96c720>) – the y_axis ranger

  • legend (bool, default: True) – should we plot the legend?

  • distinct_colors_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_colors at 0x7f0aee5a7ce0>) – the function returning the palette

  • distinct_line_dashes_func (Callable[[int], Any], default: <function distinct_line_dashes at 0x7f0aee4f5a80>) – the function returning the line styles

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • importance_to_alpha_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_alpha at 0x7f0aee4f5c60>) – the function converting importance values to alphas

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • x_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • y_grid (bool, default: True) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate at 0x7f0af05a5a80>) – a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • x_label_location (float, default: 0.5) – the location of the x-axis label

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[str], str]], default: <function Lang.translate at 0x7f0af05a5a80>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • y_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the y-axis label

  • instance_priority (float, default: 0.666) – the style priority for instances

  • algorithm_priority (float, default: 0.333) – the style priority for algorithms

  • stat_priority (float, default: 0.0) – the style priority for statistics

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee3077e0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee307920>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • stat_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee256e80>) – the sort key function for statistics

  • color_algorithms_as_fallback_group (bool, default: True) – if only a single group of data was found, use algorithms as group and put them in the legend

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee256f20>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee256fc0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an algorithm name; default=identity function

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.evaluation.progress module

Objects embodying the progress of a run over time.

An instance of Progress holds one time vector and an objective value (f) vector. The time dimension (stored in time_unit) can either be in FEs or in milliseconds and the objective value dimension (stored in f_name) can be raw objective values, standardized objective values, or normalized objective values. The two vectors together thus describe how a run of an optimization algorithm improves the objective value over time.

class moptipy.evaluation.progress.Progress(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, rand_seed, time, time_unit, f, f_name, f_standard=None, only_improvements=True)[source]

Bases: PerRunData

An immutable record of progress information over a single run.

f: ndarray

The objective value data.

f_name: str

the name of the objective value axis.

f_standard: int | float | None

the standard value of the objective dimension. If f_name is F_NAME_SCALED or F_NAME_NORMALIZED. then this value has been used to normalize the data.

time: ndarray

The time axis data.

time_unit: str

The unit of the time axis.

moptipy.evaluation.progress.from_logs(path, time_unit='FEs', f_name='plainF', f_standard=None, only_improvements=True)[source]

Parse a given path and pass yield all progress data found.

If path identifies a file with suffix .txt, then this file is parsed. The appropriate Progress is created. If path identifies a directory, then this directory is parsed recursively for each log file found, one record is returned.

  • path (str) – the path to parse

  • time_unit (str, default: 'FEs') – the time unit

  • f_name (str, default: 'plainF') – the objective name

  • f_standard (dict[str, int | float] | None, default: None) – a dictionary mapping instances to standard values

  • only_improvements (bool, default: True) – enforce that f-values should be improving and time values increasing

Return type:

Generator[Progress, None, None]

moptipy.evaluation.progress.to_csv(progress, file, put_header=True)[source]

Store a Progress record in a CSV file.

  • file (str) – the file to generate

  • put_header (bool, default: True) – should we put a header with meta-data?

Return type:



the fully resolved file name

moptipy.evaluation.selector module

A tool for selecting a consistent subset of data from partial experiments.

When we have partial experimental data, maybe collected from experiments that are still ongoing, we want to still evaluate them in some consistent way. The right method for doing this could be to select a subset of that data that is consistent, i.e., a subset where the algorithms have the same number of runs on the instances using the same seeds. The function select_consistent() offered by this module provides the functionality to make such a selection. It may be a bit slow, but hopefully it will pick the largest possible consistent sub-selection or, at least, get close to it.

The current method to select the data is rather heuristic. It always begins with the full set of data and aims to delete the element that will cause the least other deletions down the road, until we arrive in a consistent state. I strongly suspect that doing this perfectly would be NP-hard, so we cannot implement this. Instead, we use different heuristics and then pick the best result.

moptipy.evaluation.selector.KEY_ALGORITHM: Final[int] = 0

the algorithm key

moptipy.evaluation.selector.KEY_ENCODING: Final[int] = 2

the encoding key

moptipy.evaluation.selector.KEY_INSTANCE: Final[int] = 1

the instance key

moptipy.evaluation.selector.KEY_OBJECTIVE: Final[int] = 3

the objective key

moptipy.evaluation.selector.KEY_SEED: Final[int] = 4

the seed key

class moptipy.evaluation.selector.T

the type variable for the selector routine

alias of TypeVar(‘T’, bound=PerRunData)

moptipy.evaluation.selector.TOTAL_KEYS: Final[int] = 5

the number of keys

moptipy.evaluation.selector.select_consistent(data, log=True, thorough=True)[source]

Select data such that the numbers of runs are consistent.

The input is a set of data items which represent some records over the runs of algorithms on instances. It may be that not all algorithms have been applied to all instances. Maybe the number of runs is inconsistent over the algorithm-instance combinations, too. Maybe some algorithms have more runs on some instances. Maybe the runs are even different, it could be that some algorithms have runs for seed A, B, and C on instance I, while others have runs for seed C and D. This function is designed to retain only the runs with seed C in such a case. It may discard algorithms or instances or algorithm-instance-seed combinations in order to obtain a selection of data where all algorithms have been applied to all instances as same as often and using the same seeds.

Now there are different ways to select such consistent subsets of a dataset. Of course, we want to select the data such that as much as possible of the data is retained and as little as possible is discarded. This may be a hard optimization problem in itself. Here, we offer a heuristic solution. Basically, we step-by-step try to cut away the setups that are covered by the least amount of runs. We keep repeating this until we arrive in a situation where all setups have the same amount of runs. We then check if there were some strange symmetries that still make the data inconsistent and, if we found some, try to delete one run to break the symmetries and then repeat the cleaning-up process. In the end, we should get a list of overall consistent data elements that can be used during a normal experiment evaluation procedure.

This iterative process may be rather slow on larger datasets, but it is maybe the best approximation we can offer to retain as much data as possible.

  • data (Iterable[TypeVar(T, bound= PerRunData)]) – the source data

  • log (bool, default: True) – shall we log the progress

  • thorough (bool, default: True) – use the slower method which may give us more data

Return type:

list[TypeVar(T, bound= PerRunData)]


a list with the selected data

>>> def __p(x) -> str:
...     return (f"{x.algorithm}/{x.instance}/{x.objective}/{x.encoding}/"
...             f"{x.rand_seed}")
>>> a1i1o1e1s1 = PerRunData("a1", "i1", "o1", "e1", 1)
>>> a1i1o1e1s2 = PerRunData("a1", "i1", "o1", "e1", 2)
>>> a1i1o1e1s3 = PerRunData("a1", "i1", "o1", "e1", 3)
>>> a1i2o1e1s1 = PerRunData("a1", "i2", "o1", "e1", 1)
>>> a1i2o1e1s2 = PerRunData("a1", "i2", "o1", "e1", 2)
>>> a1i2o1e1s3 = PerRunData("a1", "i2", "o1", "e1", 3)
>>> a2i1o1e1s1 = PerRunData("a2", "i1", "o1", "e1", 1)
>>> a2i1o1e1s2 = PerRunData("a2", "i1", "o1", "e1", 2)
>>> a2i1o1e1s3 = PerRunData("a2", "i1", "o1", "e1", 3)
>>> a2i2o1e1s1 = PerRunData("a1", "i2", "o1", "e1", 1)
>>> a2i2o1e1s2 = PerRunData("a2", "i2", "o1", "e1", 2)
>>> a2i2o1e1s3 = PerRunData("a2", "i2", "o1", "e1", 3)
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i1o1e1s3,
...     a1i2o1e1s1, a1i2o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s3,
...     a2i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2,
...     a2i2o1e1s2, a2i2o1e1s3))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/3', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i2/o1/e1/3']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s2, a1i1o1e1s3,
...     a1i2o1e1s1, a1i2o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s3,
...     a2i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2,
...     a2i2o1e1s2, a2i2o1e1s3))))
['a1/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/3', 'a2/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i2/o1/e1/3']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s2, a1i1o1e1s3,
...     a1i2o1e1s1, a1i2o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s3,
...     a2i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2,
...     a2i2o1e1s2))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i2/o1/e1/2']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i1o1e1s3,
...     a2i2o1e1s1, a2i2o1e1s2, a2i2o1e1s3))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/3']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i1o1e1s3,
...     a2i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2, a2i1o1e1s3))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/3', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/3']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s3))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/2', 'a1/i2/o1/e1/3']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s2))))
['a1/i1/o1/e1/1', 'a1/i1/o1/e1/2']
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2))))
>>> list(map(__p, select_consistent((
...     a1i1o1e1s1, a2i1o1e1s2, a2i1o1e1s3))))
['a2/i1/o1/e1/2', 'a2/i1/o1/e1/3']
>>> try:
...     select_consistent((a1i1o1e1s1, a1i1o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s2, a1i2o1e1s2))
... except ValueError as ve:
...     print(ve)
Found 4 records but only 3 different keys!
>>> try:
...     select_consistent(1)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
data should be an instance of typing.Iterable but is int, namely 1.
>>> try:
...     select_consistent((a2i1o1e1s2, a2i1o1e1s3), 3)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
log should be an instance of bool but is int, namely 3.
>>> try:
...     select_consistent({234})
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
dataElement should be an instance of moptipy.evaluation.base.PerRunData but is int, namely 234.
>>> try:
...     select_consistent((a2i1o1e1s2, a2i1o1e1s3), True, 4)
... except TypeError as te:
...     print(te)
thorough should be an instance of bool but is int, namely 4.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run module

Statistic runs are time-depending statistics over several runs.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MAXIMUM: Final[str] = 'max'

The statistics key for the maximum

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MEAN_ARITH: Final[str] = 'mean'

The statistics key for the arithmetic mean.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MEAN_GEOM: Final[str] = 'geom'

The statistics key for the geometric mean.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MEAN_MINUS_STDDEV: Final[str] = 'mean-sd'

The key for the arithmetic mean minus the standard deviation.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MEAN_PLUS_STDDEV: Final[str] = 'mean+sd'

The key for the arithmetic mean plus the standard deviation.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MEDIAN: Final[str] = 'med'

The statistics key for the median.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_MINIMUM: Final[str] = 'min'

The statistics key for the minimum

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_Q10: Final[str] = 'q10'

The key for the 10% quantile.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_Q159: Final[str] = 'q159'

The key for the 15.9% quantile. In a normal distribution, this quantile is where “mean - standard deviation” is located-

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_Q841: Final[str] = 'q841'

The key for the 84.1% quantile. In a normal distribution, this quantile is where “mean + standard deviation” is located-

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_Q90: Final[str] = 'q90'

The key for the 90% quantile.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.STAT_STDDEV: Final[str] = 'sd'

The statistics key for the standard deviation

class moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.StatRun(algorithm, instance, objective, encoding, n, time_unit, f_name, stat_name, stat)[source]

Bases: MultiRun2DData

A time-value statistic over a set of runs.

stat: ndarray

The time-dependent statistic.

stat_name: str

The name of this statistic.

moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.create(source, statistics, consumer)[source]

Compute statistics from an iterable of Progress objects.

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.stat_run.from_progress(source, statistics, consumer, join_all_algorithms=False, join_all_instances=False, join_all_objectives=False, join_all_encodings=False)[source]

Aggregate statist runs over a stream of progress data.

  • source (Iterable[Progress]) – the stream of progress data

  • statistics (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – the statistics that should be computed per group

  • consumer (Callable[[StatRun], Any]) – the destination to which the new stat runs will be passed, can be the append method of a list

  • join_all_algorithms (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_instances (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all algorithms

  • join_all_objectives (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all objective functions?

  • join_all_encodings (bool, default: False) – should the statistics be aggregated over all encodings?

Return type:



Get the statistic of a given object.


obj (PerRunData | MultiRunData) – the object

Return type:

str | None


the statistic string, or None if no statistic is specified

moptipy.evaluation.styler module

Styler allows to discover groups of data and associate styles with them.

class moptipy.evaluation.styler.Styler(key_func=<function Styler.<lambda>>, namer=<class 'str'>, none_name='None', priority=0, name_sort_function=<function Styler.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: object

A class for determining groups of elements and styling them.


Add an object to the style collection.


obj – the object

Return type:


add_line_style(obj, style)[source]

Apply this styler’s contents based on the given object.

  • obj – the object for which the style should be created

  • style (dict[str, object]) – the decode to which the styles should be added

Return type:



Add this styler to the legend.


consumer (Callable[[Artist], Any]) – the consumer to add to

Return type:


count: int

The number of registered keys.


Compile the styler collection.

Return type:


has_none: bool

Is there a None key? Valid after compilation.

has_style: bool

Does this styler have any style associated with it?

key_func: Final[Callable]

The key function of the grouper

keys: tuple[Any, ...]

The tuple with the keys becomes valid after compilation.

name_func: Final[Callable[[Any], str]]

The name function of the grouper

names: tuple[str, ...]

The tuple with the names becomes valid after compilation.

priority: float

The base priority of this grouper


Set that this styler should apply a line alpha.


line_alpha_func (Callable) – the line alpha function

Return type:



Set that this styler should apply line colors.


line_color_func (Callable) – a function returning the palette

Return type:



Set that this styler should apply line dashes.


line_dash_func (Callable) – a function returning the dashes

Return type:



Set that this styler should apply a line width.


line_width_func (Callable) – the line width function

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results module

Provides function tabulate_end_results() to tabulate end results.

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results.DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_INSTANCE_STATISTICS: Final[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]] = ('bestF.min', 'bestF.mean', '', 'bestFscaled.mean', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean')

the default algorithm-instance statistics

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results.DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_SUMMARY_STATISTICS: Final[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str]] = ('bestFscaled.min', 'bestFscaled.geom', 'bestFscaled.max', '', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean')

the default algorithm summary statistics

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results.command_column_namer(col, put_dollars=True, summary_name=<function <lambda>>, setup_name=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Get the command-based names for columns, but in command format.

This function returns LaTeX-style commands for the column headers.

  • col (str) – the column identifier

  • put_dollars (bool, default: True) – surround the command with $

  • summary_name (Callable[[bool], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba5760>) – the name function for the key “summary”

  • setup_name (Callable[[bool], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba5440>) – the name function for the key KEY_ALGORITHM

Return type:



the column name


Get a function to compute the best value in a column.

The returned function can compute the best value in a column. If no value is best, it should return nan.


col (str) – the column name string

Return type:

Callable[[Iterable[int | float | None]], int | float]


a function that can compute the best value per column


Get the default name for columns.


col (str) – the column identifier

Return type:



the column name


Get the number renderer for the specified column.

Time columns are rendered with less precision.


col (str) – the column name

Return type:



the number renderer

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results.tabulate_end_results(end_results, file_name='table', dir_name='.', algorithm_instance_statistics=('bestF.min', 'bestF.mean', '', 'bestFscaled.mean', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean'), algorithm_summary_statistics=('bestFscaled.min', 'bestFscaled.geom', 'bestFscaled.max', '', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean'), text_format_driver=<function Markdown.instance>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, col_namer=<function default_column_namer>, col_best=<function default_column_best>, col_renderer=<function default_number_renderer>, put_lower_bound=True, lower_bound_getter=<function __getter.<locals>.__fixed>, lower_bound_name='lower_bound', use_lang=True, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Tabulate the statistics about the end results of an experiment.

A two-part table is produced. In the first part, it presents summary statistics about each instance-algorithm combination, sorted by instance. In the second part, it presents summary statistics of the algorithms over all instances. The following default columns are provided:

  1. Part 1: Algorithm-Instance statistics
    • I: the instance name

    • lb(f): the lower bound of the objective value of the instance

    • setup: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup

    • best: the best objective value reached by any run on that instance

    • mean: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs

    • sd: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached over all runs

    • mean1: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs, divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value)

    • mean(FE/ms): the arithmetic mean of objective function evaluations

      performed per millisecond, over all runs

    • mean(t): the arithmetic mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs

  2. Part 2: Algorithm Summary Statistics
    • setup: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup

    • best1: the minimum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • gmean1: the geometric mean of the best objective values reached

      divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • worst1: the maximum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • sd1: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached

      divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • gmean(FE/ms): the geometric mean of objective function evaluations performed per millisecond, over all runs

    • gmean(t): the geometric mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs

You can freely configure which columns you want for each part and whether you want to have the second part included. Also, for each group of values, the best one is marked in bold face.

Depending on the parameter text_format_driver, the tables can be rendered in different formats, such as Markdown, LaTeX, and HTML.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the end results data

  • file_name (str, default: 'table') – the base file name

  • dir_name (str, default: '.') – the base directory

  • algorithm_instance_statistics (Iterable[str], default: ('bestF.min', 'bestF.mean', '', 'bestFscaled.mean', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean')) – the statistics to print

  • algorithm_summary_statistics (Optional[Iterable[str | None]], default: ('bestFscaled.min', 'bestFscaled.geom', 'bestFscaled.max', '', 'lastImprovementFE.mean', 'lastImprovementTimeMillis.mean')) – the summary statistics to print per algorithm

  • text_format_driver (Union[TextFormatDriver, Callable[[], TextFormatDriver]], default: <function Markdown.instance at 0x7f0aedba5300>) – the text format driver

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba6c00>) – a function returning sort keys for algorithms

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba6ca0>) – a function returning sort keys for instances

  • col_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function default_column_namer at 0x7f0aedf667a0>) – the column namer function

  • col_best (Callable[[str], Callable[[Iterable[int | float | None]], int | float]], default: <function default_column_best at 0x7f0aedba6980>) – the column-best getter function

  • col_renderer (Callable[[str], NumberRenderer], default: <function default_number_renderer at 0x7f0aedba6ac0>) – the number renderer for the column

  • put_lower_bound (bool, default: True) – should we put the lower bound or goal objective value?

  • lower_bound_getter (Optional[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None]], default: <function __getter.<locals>.__fixed at 0x7f0aedba6de0>) – the getter for the lower bound

  • lower_bound_name (str | None, default: 'lower_bound') – the name key for the lower bound to be passed to col_namer

  • use_lang (bool, default: True) – should we use the language to define the filename?

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba6e80>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedba6f20>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

Return type:



the path to the file with the tabulated end results

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_stats module

Make an LaTeX end-statistics table with column wrapping.

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_stats.tabulate_end_stats(data, dest, n_wrap=3, max_rows=50, stats=((<function getter.<locals>.__combo_no_sd>, '\\\\bestFmean', True, <function <lambda>>), ), instance_get=<function <lambda>>, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_name=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_get=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_name=<function <lambda>>, instance_cols=(), best_format=<function <lambda>>, instance_header='instance', best_count_header='\\\\nBest')[source]

Make a table of end statistics that can wrap multiple pages, if need be.

  • data (Iterable[EndStatistics]) – the source data

  • dest (Callable[[int], TextIO | TextIOBase]) – the destination generator

  • n_wrap (int, default: 3) – the number of times we can wrap a table

  • max_rows (int, default: 50) – the maximum rows per destination

  • stats (Iterable[tuple[Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float | None], str, bool, Callable[[int | float], str]]], default: ((<function getter.<locals>.__combo_no_sd at 0x7f0aedb2cd60>, '\\\\bestFmean', True, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2ce00>),)) – the set of statistics: tuples of statistic, title, whether minimization or maximization, and a to-string converter

  • instance_get (Callable[[EndStatistics], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2cea0>) – get the instance identifier

  • instance_name (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2cfe0>) – get the instance name, as it should be printed

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2cf40>) – get the sort key for the instance

  • algorithm_get (Callable[[EndStatistics], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2d080>) – get the algorithm identifier

  • algorithm_name (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2d1c0>) – get the algorithm name, as it should be printed

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2d120>) – get the sort key for the algorithm

  • instance_cols (Iterable[tuple[str, Callable[[str], str]]], default: ()) – the fixed instance columns

  • best_format (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedb2d260>) – format the best value

  • instance_header (str, default: 'instance') – the header for the instance

  • best_count_header (str | None, default: '\\\\nBest') – the header for the best count

Return type:


moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_result_tests module

Provides tabulate_result_tests() creating statistical comparison tables.

The function tabulate_result_tests() can compare two or more algorithms on multiple problem instances by using the Mann-Whitney U test [1-3] with the Bonferroni correction [4].

  1. Daniel F. Bauer. Constructing Confidence Sets Using Rank Statistics. In Journal of the American Statistical Association. 67(339):687-690. September 1972. doi:

  2. Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences. 1988 In the Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages series. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0-07-057357-3.

  3. Myles Hollander and Douglas Alan Wolfe. Nonparametric Statistical Methods. 1973. New York, NY, USA: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. ISBN: 047140635X.

  4. Olive Jean Dunn. Multiple Comparisons Among Means. In Journal of the American Statistical Association. 56(293):52-64. March 1961. doi:

moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_result_tests.tabulate_result_tests(end_results, file_name='tests', dir_name='.', alpha=0.02, text_format_driver=<function Markdown.instance>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, instance_namer=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>, use_lang=False, p_renderer=<moptipy.utils.number_renderer.NumberRenderer object>, value_getter=<function EndResult.get_best_f>)[source]

Tabulate the results of statistical comparisons of end result qualities.

end_results contains a sequence of EndResult records, each of which represents the result of one run of one algorithm on one instance. This function performs a two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test for each algorithm pair on each problem instance to see if the performances are statistically significantly different. The results of these tests are tabulated, together with their p-values, i.e., the probabilities that the observed differences would occur if the two algorithms would perform the same.

If p is sufficiently small, this means that it is unlikely that the difference in performance of the two compared algorithms that was observed stems from randomness. But what does “sufficiently small” mean? As parameter, this function accepts a significance threshold 0<alpha<0.5. alpha is, so to say, the upper limit of the “probability to be wrong” if we claim something like “algorithm A is better than algorithm B” that we are going to accept. In other words, if the table says that algorithm A is better than algorithm B, the chance that this is wrong is not more than alpha.

However, if we do many such tests, our chance to make at least one mistake grows. If we do n_tests tests, then the chance that all of them are “right” would be 1-[(1-alpha)^n_tests]. Since we are going to do multiple tests, the Bonferroni correction is therefore applied and alpha’=alpha/n_tests is computed. Then, the chance to have at least one of the n_tests test results to be wrong is not higher than alpha.

The test results are presented as follows: The first column of the generated table denotes the problem instances. Each of the other columns represents a pair of algorithms. In each cell, the pair is compared based on the results on the instance of the row. The cell ten holds the p-value of the two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test. If the first algorithm is significantly better (at p<alpha’) than the second algorithm, then the cell is marked with <. If the first algorithm is significantly worse (at p<alpha’) than the second algorithm, then the cell is marked with >. If the observed differences are not significant (p>=alpha’), then the cell is marked with ?.

However, there could also be a situation where a statistical comparison makes no sense as no difference could reliably be detected anyway. For example, if one algorithm has a smaller median result but a larger mean result, or if the medians are the same, or if the means are the same. Regardless of what outcome a test would have, we could not really claim that any of the algorithms was better or worse. In such cases, no test is performed and - is printed instead (signified by &mdash; in the markdown format).

Finally, the bottom row sums up the numbers of <, ?, and > outcomes for each algorithm pair.

Depending on the parameter text_format_driver, the tables can be rendered in different formats, such as Markdown, LaTeX, and HTML.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the end results data

  • file_name (str, default: 'tests') – the base file name

  • dir_name (str, default: '.') – the base directory

  • alpha (float, default: 0.02) – the threshold at which the two-tailed test result is accepted.

  • text_format_driver (Union[TextFormatDriver, Callable[[], TextFormatDriver]], default: <function Markdown.instance at 0x7f0aedba5300>) – the text format driver

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedc93560>) – a function returning sort keys for algorithms

  • instance_sort_key (Callable[[str], Any], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedc93740>) – a function returning sort keys for instances

  • instance_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedc936a0>) – the name function for instances receives an instance ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aedc91ee0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • use_lang (bool, default: False) – should we use the language to define the filename

  • p_renderer (NumberRenderer, default: <moptipy.utils.number_renderer.NumberRenderer object at 0x7f0aedbb9910>) – the renderer for all probabilities

  • value_getter (Callable[[EndResult], int | float], default: <function EndResult.get_best_f at 0x7f0aef90dc60>) – the getter for the values that should be compared. By default, the best obtained objective values are compared. However, if you let the runs continue until they reach a certain goal quality, then you may want to compare the runtimes consumed until that quality is reached. Basically, you can use any of the getters provided by moptipy.evaluation.end_results.getter(), but you must take care that the comparison makes sense, i.e., compare qualities under fixed-budget scenarios (the default behavior) or compare runtimes under scenarios with goal qualities - but do not mix up the scenarios.

Return type:



the path to the file with the tabulated test results