moptipy.examples.jssp package

The Job Shop Scheduling Problem is a good example for optimization tasks.

The JSSP is one of the most well-known combinatorial optimization tasks. Here we provide the well-known and often-used set of benchmark instances (instance) for this problem. Moreover, we also run a fully-fledged example experiment applying many metaheuristics to eight selected JSSP instances in module experiment and evaluate the data gathered from this experiment in evaluation. Be aware that actually executing this experiment will take a very long time. However, you can also find the complete experiment, every single algorithm used, and all conclusions drawn with in-depth discussions in our online book “Optimization Algorithms” at

Anyway, here you have many JSSP benchmark instances, a useful search space, and the common objective function. You can use them for your own research, if you want: The JSSP benchmark instances can be loaded from a package-internal resource by name using module instance. Solutions to a JSSP instances are Gantt charts, i.e., diagrams which assign each operation of a job to a machine and time slot. The GanttSpace is a space operating on such charts and the Makespan is the typical objective function when solving JSSPs. Gantt charts can be encoded as permutations with repetitions using the ob_encoding.

  1. Ronald Lewis Graham, Eugene Leighton Lawler, Jan Karel Lenstra, Alexander Hendrik George Rinnooy Kan. Optimization and Approximation in Deterministic Sequencing and Scheduling: A Survey. Annals of Discrete Mathematics 5:287-326, 1979. doi:

  2. Eugene Leighton Lawler, Jan Karel Lenstra, Alexander Hendrik George Rinnooy Kan, and David B. Shmoys. Sequencing and Scheduling: Algorithms and Complexity. Chapter 9 in Stephen C. Graves, Alexander Hendrik George Rinnooy Kan, and Paul H. Zipkin, editors, Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science, volume IV: Production Planning and Inventory, 1993, pages 445-522. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland Scientific Publishers Ltd. doi:

  3. Eugene Leighton Lawler. Recent Results in the Theory of Machine Scheduling. Chapter 8 in Achim Bachem, Bernhard Korte, and Martin Grötschel, editors, Math Programming: The State of the Art, 1982, pages 202-234. Bonn, Germany/New York, NY, USA: Springer-Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 978-3-642-68876-8. doi:

  4. Éric D. Taillard. Benchmarks for Basic Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 64(2):278-285, January 1993. doi:

  5. Jacek Błażewicz, Wolfgang Domschke, and Erwin Pesch. The Job Shop Scheduling Problem: Conventional and New Solution Techniques. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 93(1):1-33, August 1996. doi:

  6. Thomas Weise. Optimization Algorithms. 2021-2023. Hefei, Anhui, China: Institute of Applied Optimization, School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Hefei University.


moptipy.examples.jssp.demo_examples module

Some fixed demo codes for the JSSP examples.


Obtain an instance of the demo encoding.

Return type:



the demo encoding

moptipy.examples.jssp.demo_examples.demo_gantt_chart(dirname, optimum=False, with_makespan=False, with_lower_bound=False, width=3.937007874015748, height=None, filename=<function __make_gantt_demo_name>)[source]

Plot the demo gantt chart.

  • dirname (str) – the directory

  • optimum (bool, default: False) – should we return the optimal solution?

  • with_makespan (bool, default: False) – should the makespan be included?

  • with_lower_bound (bool, default: False) – should the lower bound be included?

  • width (float | int | None, default: 3.937007874015748) – the optional width

  • height (float | int | None, default: None) – the optional height

  • filename (Union[str, Callable], default: <function __make_gantt_demo_name at 0x7f0aeee23240>) – the file name

Return type:



Get the demo instance we use.

Return type:



the demo instance


Create a demo point in the search space.


optimum (bool, default: False) – should we return the optimal solution?

Return type:



the point


Obtain an instance of the demo search space.

Return type:



the demo search space


Create a demo solution.


optimum (bool, default: False) – should we return the optimal solution?

Return type:



the demo solution


Obtain an instance of the demo solution space.

Return type:



the demo solution space

moptipy.examples.jssp.demo_examples.makespan_lower_bound_table(dirname, filename='makespan_lower_bound', instances=('demo', 'orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70'))[source]

Make a table with the makespan lower bounds.

Larger lower bounds are taken from the repository

  • dirname (str) – the directory where to store the generated file.

  • filename (str, default: 'makespan_lower_bound') – the filename

  • instances (Iterable[str], default: ('demo', 'orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70')) – the instances

Return type:



the generated file

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation module

Evaluate the results of the example experiment.

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.ALL_NAMES: Final[tuple[str, ...]] = ('1rs', 'rs', 'hc_swap2', 'rls_swap2', 'rw_swap2', 'hc_swapn', 'rls_swapn', 'rw_swapn', 'hc_rot1', 'rls_rot1', 'rw_rot1')

the list of all algorithm names from the experiment

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.LETTER_L: Final[str] = 'λ'

The letter lambda

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.LETTER_M: Final[str] = 'μ'

The letter mu

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_1: Final[str] = 'μ+1_ea'

the name of the mu+1 EA

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_LOG_MU: Final[str] = 'μ+log₂μ_ea'

the name of the mu+ld(mu) EA

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_MU: Final[str] = 'μ+μ_ea'

the name of the mu+mu EA

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.NAME_EA_MU_PLUS_SQRT_MU: Final[str] = 'μ+√μ_ea'

the name of the mu+sqrt(mu) EA


Rename algorithm setups.


name (str) – the algorithm’s original name

Return type:



the new name of the algorithm


Get the algorithm sort key for a given algorithm name.


name (str) – the algorithm name

Return type:



the sort key

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.compute_end_results(results_dir, dest_dir)[source]

Get the end results, compute them if necessary.

  • results_dir (str) – the results directory

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

Return type:



the path to the end results file.

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.compute_end_statistics(end_results_file, dest_dir)[source]

Get the end result statistics, compute them if necessary.

  • end_results_file (str) – the end results file

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

Return type:



the path to the end result statistics file.


Name the evolutionary algorithm setup.


name (str) – the full name

Return type:



the short name of the family

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.evaluate_experiment(results_dir='./results', dest_dir=None)[source]

Evaluate the experiment.

  • results_dir (str, default: './results') – the results directory

  • dest_dir (str | None, default: None) – the destination directory

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.gantt(end_results, algo, dest, source, best=False, insts=None)[source]

Plot the median Gantt charts.

  • end_results (Path) – the path to the end results

  • algo (str) – the algorithm

  • dest (Path) – the directory

  • source (Path) – the source directory

  • best (bool, default: False) – should we plot the best instance only (or, otherwise, the median)

  • insts (Optional[Iterable[str]], default: None) – the instances to use

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.get_end_results(file, insts=None, algos=None)[source]

Get a specific set of end results.

Return type:



Get the instance sort key for a given instance name.


name (str) – the instance name

Return type:



the sort key


Compute the Memetic Algorithm family without the ls steps.


name (str) – the algorithm name

Return type:



the short name of the family

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.makespans(end_results, algos, dest, x_label_location=1.0)[source]

Plot the end makespans.

  • end_results (Path) – the path to the end results

  • algos (list[str]) – the algorithms

  • dest (Path) – the directory

  • x_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the label of the x-axis

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.makespans_over_param(end_results, selector, x_getter, name_base, dest_dir, x_axis=<class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>, x_label=None, algo_getter=None, title=None, legend_pos='right', title_x=0.5, y_label_location=1.0)[source]

Plot the performance over a parameter.

  • end_results (Path) – the end results path

  • selector (Callable[[str], bool]) – the selector for algorithms

  • name_base (str) – the basic name

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

  • x_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float]) – the function computing the x-value for each statistics object

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[], AxisRanger]], default: <class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>) – the axis ranger

  • x_label (str | None, default: None) – the x-axis label

  • algo_getter (Optional[Callable[[str], str]], default: None) – the optional algorithm name getter (use name_base if unspecified)

  • title (str | None, default: None) – the optional title (use name_base if unspecified)

  • legend_pos (str, default: 'right') – the legend position, set to “right”

  • title_x (float, default: 0.5) – the title x

  • y_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the y label location

Return type:



the list of generated files

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.progress(algos, dest, source, log=True, millis=True)[source]

Plot the median Gantt charts.

  • algos (list[str]) – the algorithms

  • dest (Path) – the directory

  • source (Path) – the source directory

  • log (bool, default: True) – is the time logarithmically scaled?

  • millis (bool, default: True) – is the time measured in milliseconds?

Return type:



Name the simulated annealing setup.


name (str) – the full name

Return type:



the short name of the family

moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.table(end_results, algos, dest, swap_stats=None)[source]

Tabulate the end results.

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.evaluation.tests(end_results, algos, dest)[source]

Tabulate the end result tests.

  • end_results (Path) – the path to the end results

  • algos (list[str]) – the algorithms

  • dest (Path) – the directory

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment module

Run the moptipy example experiment.

moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment.ALGORITHMS: Final[list[Callable[[Instance, Permutations], Algorithm]]] = [<function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>]

The default set of algorithms for our experiments. Each of them is a Callable that receives two parameters, the instance inst and the permutation with repetitions-space pwr.

moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment.EXPERIMENT_RUNS: Final[int] = 23

The number of runs per instance in our JSSP experiment. For each combination of algorithm setup and JSSP instance, we will perform exactly this many runs.

moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment.EXPERIMENT_RUNTIME_MS: Final[int] = 300000

We will perform five minutes per run.

moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment.INSTANCES: Final[tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str]] = ('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70')

The default instances to be used in our experiment. These have been computed via instance_selector.propose_instances. The instances in this tuple are sorted by the scale of the search space, if that search space is the order-based encoding, i.e., permutations with repetitions. This is almost the same as an ordering by the number of possible (feasible or infeasible) Gantt charts than can be constructed, with one exception: For dmu67, the search space size is 2.768*(10**1241) and for dmu72, it is 3.862*(10**1226), i.e., dmu67 has a larger search order-based encoding search space than dmu72. However, for dmu72, we can construct 1.762*(10**967) different (feasible or infeasible) Gantt charts, whereas for dmu67, we can only construct 1.710*(10**958), i.e., fewer. Therefore, dmu67 in this ordering here comes after dmu72, but it would come before if we were sorting instances by the solution space size.

moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment.run_experiment(base_dir='./results', algorithms=(<function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>, <function <lambda>>), instances=('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70'), n_runs=23, max_time=300000, max_fes=None)[source]

Run the experiment.

  • algorithms (Iterable[Callable[[Instance, Permutations], Algorithm]], default: (<function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee7125c0>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeebebd80>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeebe8d60>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeef43060>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff3ec0>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff13a0>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff1300>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff0ea0>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff1080>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff3420>, <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff1120>)) – the algorithm factories. Each factory receives as input one JSSP Instance and one instance of PermutationWithRepetition. It returns either an instance of Algorithm or of Execution.

  • instances (Iterable[str], default: ('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70')) – the JSSP instance names

  • base_dir (str, default: './results') – the base directory

  • n_runs (int, default: 23) – the number of runs

  • max_time (int | None, default: 300000) – the maximum runtime in milliseconds

  • max_fes (int | None, default: None) – the maximum runtime in FEs

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt module

A class for representing Gantt charts as objects.

class moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt.Gantt(space)[source]

Bases: ndarray

A class representing Gantt charts.

A Gantt chart is a diagram that visualizes when a job on a given machine begins or ends. We here represent it as a three-dimensional matrix. This matrix has one row for each machine and one column for each operation on the machine. In each cell, it holds three values: the job ID, the start, and the end time of the job on the machine. The Gantt chart has the additional attribute instance which references the JSSP instance for which the chart is constructed. Gantt charts must only be created by an instance of moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space.GanttSpace.

static from_log(file, instance=None)[source]

Load a Gantt chart from a log file.

  • file (str) – the log file path

  • instance (Instance | None, default: None) – the optional JSSP instance: if None is provided, we try to load it from the resources

Return type:



the Gantt chart

instance: Instance

the JSSP instance for which the Gantt chart is created

moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space module

Here we provide a Space of Gantt charts.

class moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space.GanttSpace(instance)[source]

Bases: Space

An implementation of the Space API of for Gantt charts.


Create a Gantt chart object without assigning jobs to machines.

Return type:



the Gantt chart

dtype: Final[dtype]

the data to be used for Gantt charts


Convert a string to a Gantt chart.


text (str) – the string

Return type:



the Gantt chart

instance: Final[Instance]

The JSSP Instance to which the Gantt record apply.

is_equal(x1, x2)[source]

Check if two Gantt charts have the same contents.

  • x1 (Gantt) – the first chart

  • x2 (Gantt) – the second chart

Return type:



True if both charts are for the same instance and have the same structure


Log the parameters of the Gantt space to the given logger.


logger (KeyValueLogSection) – the logger for the parameters

Return type:



Get the number of possible Gantt charts without useless delays.

Return type:



factorial(jobs) ** machines

>>> print(GanttSpace(Instance.from_resource("demo")).n_points())
shape: Final[tuple[int, int, int]]

The shape for the Gantt chart arrays.


Convert a Gantt chart to a string.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart

Return type:



a string corresponding to the flattened Gantt array


Check if a Gantt chart is valid and feasible.

This means that the operations of the jobs must appear in the right sequences and must not intersect in any way. The only exception are operations that need 0 time units. They are permitted to appear wherever.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart

  • TypeError – if any component of the chart is of the wrong type

  • ValueError – if the Gantt chart is not feasible or the makespan is wrong

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space.KEY_SHAPE: Final[str] = 'shape'

the array shape

moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space.gantt_space_size(jobs, machines)[source]

Compute the size of the Gantt space.

  • jobs (int) – the number of jobs

  • machines (int) – the number of machines

Return type:



the size of the search

>>> print(gantt_space_size(8, 5))

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance module

A representation and collection of Job Shop Scheduling Problem instances.

The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is one of the classical NP-hard problems from operations research. Here we provide a class (Instance) to represent and load their data as well as a collection of common JSSP instances from literature.

Our problem instances are actually extensions of numpy.ndarray. They present the basic instance data as a matrix, where each row corresponds to a job. Each row has twice the number of machines elements. In an alternating fashion, we store the machines that the job needs to go to as well as the time that it needs on the machines, one by one. Additionally, the instance name, the number of machines, and the number of jobs are provided as attributes (although the latter two can easily be inferred from the shape of the matrix). Nevertheless, this memory layout and encapsulation as ndarray are the most efficient way to store the data I could come up with.

You can directly load the most common JSSP instances using from_resource() by providing their mnemonic name. With list_resources(), you can obtain a list of string mnemonic names of all JSSP instances available as resource.

This collection of common instances stems from the repositories [1-5], each of which containing some or all of them. The instances themselves were originally published by different researchers in literature [6-14].

  1. John Edward Beasley. OR-Library: Distributing Test Problems by Electronic Mail. The Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS). 41:1069-1072. November 1990. doi:

  2. Jelke Jeroen van Hoorn. Job Shop Instances and Solutions. 2015.

  3. Jelke Jeroen van Hoorn. The Current State of Bounds on Benchmark Instances of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling. 21(1):127-128. February 2018. doi:

  4. Oleg V. Shylo. Job Shop Scheduling (Personal Homepage). August 2019. Knoxville, TN, USA.

  5. Thomas Weise. jsspInstancesAndResults: Results, Data, and Instances of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Hefei, Anhui, China: Institute of Applied Optimization, School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Hefei University. 2019. A GitHub repository with the common benchmark instances for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem as well as results from the literature, both in form of CSV files and R program code to access them.

  6. Henry Fisher and Gerald L. Thompson. Probabilistic Learning Combinations of Local Job-Shop Scheduling Rules. Chapter 3.2 of John F. Muth and Gerald L. Thompson, editors, Industrial Scheduling, pages 225-251. 1963. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall.

  7. Joseph Adams, Egon Balas, and Daniel Zawack. The Shifting Bottleneck Procedure for Job Shop Scheduling. Management Science. 34(3):391-401. 1988. doi:

  8. David Lee Applegate and William John Cook. A Computational Study of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. ORSA Journal on Computing 3(2):149-156. May 1991. doi: The JSSP instances used were generated in Bonn, Germany in 1986.

  9. Robert H. Storer, S. David Wu, and Renzo Vaccari. New Search Spaces for Sequencing Problems with Application to Job Shop Scheduling. Management Science. 38(10):1495-1509. 1992. doi:

  10. Takeshi Yamada and Ryohei Nakano. A Genetic Algorithm Applicable to Large-Scale Job-Shop Instances. In Reinhard Männer and Bernard Manderick, editors, Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2 (PPSN II), September 28-30, 1992, Brussels, Belgium, pages 281-290. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.

  11. Stephen R. Lawrence. Resource Constrained Project Scheduling: An Experimental Investigation of Heuristic Scheduling Techniques (Supplement). 1984. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: Graduate School of Industrial Administration (GSIA), Carnegie-Mellon University.

  12. Ebru Demirkol, Sanjay V. Mehta, and Reha Uzsoy. Benchmarks for Shop Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR). 109(1):137-141. August 1998. doi:

  13. Éric D. Taillard. Benchmarks for Basic Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR). 64(2):278-285. January 1993. doi:

  14. André Henning. Praktische Job-Shop Scheduling-Probleme. Jena, Thüringen, Germany: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik. August 2022.

class moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.Instance(name: str, machines: int, jobs: int, matrix: ndarray, makespan_lower_bound: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: Component, ndarray

An instance of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem.

Besides the metadata, this object is a three-dimensional np.ndarray where the columns stand for jobs and the rows represent the operations of the jobs. Each row*column contains two values (third dimension), namely the machine where the operation goes and the time it will consume at that machine: I[job, operation, 0] = machine, I[job, operation, 1] = time that the job spents on machine.

static from_resource(name)[source]

Load the JSSP instances name provided as part of moptipy.


name (str) – the instance name

Return type:



the instance

>>> jssp = Instance.from_resource("demo")
>>> print(
>>> print(jssp.machines)
>>> print(jssp)
static from_stream(name, stream)[source]

Load an instance from a text stream.

  • name (str) – the name of the instance to be loaded

  • stream (Iterable[str]) – the text stream

Return type:



the instance

static from_text(name, rows)[source]

Convert a name and a set of rows of text to an JSSP instance.

  • name (str) – the name of the instance

  • rows (list[str]) – the rows

Return type:



the JSSP Instance

jobs: int

the number of jobs == self.shape[0]

static list_resources()[source]

Get a tuple with all JSSP instances provided in the moptipy resources.

Return type:

tuple[str, ...]


a tuple with all instance names that are valid parameters to Instance.from_resource()

>>> print(Instance.list_resources()[0:3])
('abz5', 'abz6', 'abz7')

Log the parameters describing this JSSP instance to the logger.


logger (KeyValueLogSection) – the logger for the parameters

Return type:


>>> from moptipy.utils.logger import InMemoryLogger
>>> with InMemoryLogger() as l:
...     with l.key_values("I") as kv:
...         Instance.from_resource("abz8").log_parameters_to(kv)
...     print(repr('@'.join(l.get_log())))
'BEGIN_I@name: abz8@class: moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.Instance@machines: 15@jobs: 20@makespanLowerBound: 648@makespanUpperBound: 7586@dtype: h@END_I'
machines: int

the number of machines == self.shape[1]

makespan_lower_bound: int

the lower bound of the makespan of this JSSP instance

makespan_upper_bound: int

the upper bound of the makespan of this JSSP instance

name: str

the name of the instance

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.JOBS: Final[str] = 'jobs'

The number of jobs in the instance.

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.MACHINES: Final[str] = 'machines'

The number of machines in the instance.

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.MAKESPAN_LOWER_BOUND: Final[str] = 'makespanLowerBound'

The lower bound of the makespan of the instance.

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.MAKESPAN_UPPER_BOUND: Final[str] = 'makespanUpperBound'

The upper bound of the makespan of the instance.

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.SCOPE_INSTANCE: Final[str] = 'inst'

the recommended scope under which instance data should be stored


Check whether the contents of a JSSP instance are OK.

This method thoroughly checks the contents of an instance and the types of all of its members. If your instances passes this method without any error, it is a valid JSSP instance that can be used for experiments. All instances in our benchmark set listed above will pass this test.


inst (Instance) – the instance

Return type:



the instance, if its contents are OK

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.compute_makespan_lower_bound(machines, jobs, matrix)[source]

Compute the lower bound for the makespan of a JSSP instance data.

  • machines (int) – the number of machines

  • jobs (int) – the number of jobs

  • matrix (ndarray) – the matrix with the instance data

Return type:



the lower bound for the makespan

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance_selector module

Code for selecting interesting instances for smaller-scale experiments.


Compute the set of instances that are too easy to be of any interest.

For our educational experiments, we need instances that are not always solved to optimality by simple algorithms. Otherwise, for example, the box plots of the end results will collapse to single lines. Then, it will also be impossible to really say which algorithm performs best on the instance. See the documentation of __is_instance_too_easy for the conditions that lead to the rejection of an instance

Return type:

tuple[str, ...]


the tuple of instance names that should not be included in the experiment

moptipy.examples.jssp.instance_selector.propose_instances(n, get_instances=<function __get_instances>)[source]

Propose a set of instances to be used for our experiment.

This function is used to obtain the instances chosen for the JSSP experiment. You can also use it for other experiments, by using your own instance source and/or for selecting more or less JSSP instances.

Basically, it will accept a function get_instances, which must produce a sequence of Instance objects. Each instance has a name (e.g., dmu14) and a group, where the group is the name without any numerical suffix (e.g., dmu). This function will then select n instances from the instance set with the goal to maximize the diversity of the instances, to include instances from as many groups as possible, and to include one instance of the smallest and one of the largest scale. The diversity is measured in terms of the numbers of jobs and machines, the instance scale, the minimum and maximum operation length, the standard deviation of the mean operation lengths over the jobs, the makespan bounds, and so on.

First, features are computed for each instance. Second, the instances are clustered into n clusters. Third, we try to pick groups for each cluster such that a) the minimum and maximum-scale instances can be included and b) that instances from as many groups as possible are picked. Third, we then randomly pick one instance for each cluster from the selected group (while trying to pick the minimum and maximum-scale instances). Finally, the chosen instance names are listed as sorted tuple and returned.

  • n (int) – the number of instances to be proposed

  • get_instances (Callable, default: <function __get_instances at 0x7f0aea7f9260>) – a function returning an iterable of instances.

Return type:

tuple[str, ...]


a tuple with the instance names

moptipy.examples.jssp.makespan module

An objective function for minimizing the makespan of Gantt charts.

class moptipy.examples.jssp.makespan.Makespan(instance)[source]

Bases: Objective

Compute the makespan of a Gantt chart (for minimization).


Return True because makespan() always returns int values.

Retval True:


Return type:



Get the lower bound of the makespan.

Return type:



the lower bound


Get the upper bound of the makespan.

Return type:



the sum of all job execution times.


Get the makespan corresponding to a given Gantt chart.

The makespan corresponds to the maximum of the end times of the last operation on each machine. This is jitted for performance.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart.

Return type:



the maximum of any end time stored in the chart

moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding module

An implementation of the operation-based encoding for JSSPs.

  1. Mitsuo Gen, Yasuhiro Tsujimura, and Erika Kubota. Solving Job-Shop Scheduling Problems by Genetic Algorithm. In Humans, Information and Technology: Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2-5, 1994, San Antonio, TX, USA, volume 2. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. ISBN: 0-7803-2129-4. doi:

  2. Christian Bierwirth. A Generalized Permutation Approach to Job Shop Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms. Operations-Research-Spektrum (OR Spectrum), 17(2-3):87-92, June 1995. doi:

  3. Christian Bierwirth, Dirk C. Mattfeld, and Herbert Kopfer. On Permutation Representations for Scheduling Problems. In Hans-Michael Voigt, Werner Ebeling, Ingo Rechenberg, and Hans-Paul Schwefel, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IV), September 22-24, 1996, Berlin, Germany, pages 310-318. Volume 1141/1996 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 3-540-61723-X. doi:

  4. Guoyong Shi, Hitoshi Iima, and Nobuo Sannomiya. New Encoding Scheme for Solving Job Shop Problems by Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’96), December 11-13, 1996, Kobe, Japan, volume 4, pages 4395-4400. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. ISBN: 0-7803-3590-2. doi:

moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.KEY_NUMPY_TYPE_JOB_IDX: Final[str] = 'dtypeJobIdx'

the numpy data type for job indices

moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.KEY_NUMPY_TYPE_JOB_TIME: Final[str] = 'dtypeJobTime'

the numpy data type for job times

moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.KEY_NUMPY_TYPE_MACHINE_IDX: Final[str] = 'dtypeMachineIdx'

the numpy data type for machine indices

class moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.OperationBasedEncoding(instance)[source]

Bases: Encoding

An operation-based encoding for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP).

The operation-based encoding for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) maps permutations with repetitions to Gantt charts. In the operation-based encoding, the search space consists of permutations with repetitions of length n*m, where n is the number of jobs in the JSSP instance and m is the number of machines. In such a permutation with repetitions, each of the job ids from 0..n-1 occurs exactly m times. In the encoding, the permutations are processed from beginning to end and the jobs are assigned to machines in exactly the order in which they are encountered. If a job is encountered for the first time, we place its first operation onto the corresponding machine. If we encounter it for the second time, its second operation is placed on its corresponding machine, and so on.

decode(x, y)[source]

Map an operation-based encoded array to a Gantt chart.

Return type:



Log all parameters of this component as key-value pairs.


logger (KeyValueLogSection) – the logger for the parameters

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.decode(x, machine_idx, job_time, job_idx, instance, y)[source]

Map an operation-based encoded array to a Gantt chart.

  • x (ndarray) – the source array, i.e., multi-permutation

  • machine_idx (ndarray) – array of length m for machine indices

  • job_time (ndarray) – array of length n for job times

  • job_idx (ndarray) – length n array of current job operations

  • instance (ndarray) – the instance data matrix

  • y (ndarray) – the output array, i.e., the Gantt chart

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.plot_gantt_chart module

Plot a Gantt chart into one figure.


Compute the marker for the lower bound.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart

Return type:

tuple[str, int | float]


the lower bound marker


Compute the marker for the makespan.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart

Return type:

tuple[str, int | float]


the makespan marker

moptipy.examples.jssp.plot_gantt_chart.plot_gantt_chart(gantt, figure, markers=(<function marker_lb>, ), x_axis=<function <lambda>>, importance_to_line_width_func=<function importance_to_line_width>, importance_to_font_size_func=<function importance_to_font_size>, info=<function <lambda>>, x_grid=False, y_grid=False, x_label=<function Lang.translate_call.<locals>.__trc>, x_label_inside=True, x_label_location=1.0, y_label=<function Lang.translate_call.<locals>.__trc>, y_label_inside=True, y_label_location=0.5)[source]

Plot a Gantt chart.

  • gantt (Gantt | str) – the gantt chart or a path to a file to load it from

  • figure (Axes | Figure) – the figure

  • markers (Optional[Iterable[Union[tuple[str, int | float], Callable[[Gantt], tuple[str, int | float]]]]], default: (<function marker_lb at 0x7f0aeeff0e00>,)) – a set of markers

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[Gantt], AxisRanger]], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff3f60>) – the ranger for the x-axis

  • info (Union[None, str, Callable[[Gantt], str]], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aeeff0d60>) – the optional info header

  • importance_to_font_size_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_font_size at 0x7f0aee4f5da0>) – the function converting importance values to font sizes

  • importance_to_line_width_func (Callable[[int], float], default: <function importance_to_line_width at 0x7f0aee4f5bc0>) – the function converting importance values to line widths

  • x_grid (bool, default: False) – should we have a grid along the x-axis?

  • y_grid (bool, default: False) – should we have a grid along the y-axis?

  • x_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[Gantt], str]], default: <function Lang.translate_call.<locals>.__trc at 0x7f0aeeff3c40>) – a callable returning the label for the x-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • x_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the x-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional vertical space)

  • x_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the x-label

  • y_label (Union[None, str, Callable[[Gantt], str]], default: <function Lang.translate_call.<locals>.__trc at 0x7f0aeeff11c0>) – a callable returning the label for the y-axis, a label string, or None if no label should be put

  • y_label_inside (bool, default: True) – put the y-axis label inside the plot (so that it does not consume additional horizontal space)

  • y_label_location (float, default: 0.5) – the location of the y-label

Return type:



the axes object to allow you to add further plot elements

moptipy.examples.jssp.plots module

The JSSP-example specific plots.

moptipy.examples.jssp.plots.plot_end_makespans(end_results, name_base, dest_dir, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>, x_label_location=1.0)[source]

Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the iterable of end results

  • name_base (str) – the basic name

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

  • instance_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee410ae0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee410e00>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee411580>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

  • x_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the label of the x-axis

Return type:



the list of generated files

moptipy.examples.jssp.plots.plot_end_makespans_over_param(end_results, name_base, dest_dir, x_getter, algorithm_getter=<function <lambda>>, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, title=None, x_axis=<class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>, x_label=None, x_label_location=1.0, plot_single_instances=True, plot_instance_summary=True, legend_pos='upper right', title_x=0.5, y_label_location=1.0)[source]

Plot the performance over a parameter.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the iterable of end results

  • name_base (str) – the basic name

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

  • title (str | None, default: None) – the optional title

  • x_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], int | float]) – the function computing the x-value for each statistics object

  • algorithm_getter (Callable[[EndStatistics], str | None], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee412700>) – the algorithm getter

  • instance_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee4131a0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee4127a0>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • x_axis (Union[AxisRanger, Callable[[], AxisRanger]], default: <class 'moptipy.evaluation.axis_ranger.AxisRanger'>) – the x_axis ranger

  • x_label (str | None, default: None) – the x-label

  • x_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the x-labels

  • plot_single_instances (bool, default: True) – shall we plot the values for each single instance?

  • plot_instance_summary (bool, default: True) – shall we plot the value over all instances?

  • legend_pos (str, default: 'upper right') – the legend position

  • title_x (float, default: 0.5) – the title position

  • y_label_location (float, default: 1.0) – the location of the y label

Return type:



the list of generated files

moptipy.examples.jssp.plots.plot_progresses(results_dir, algorithms, name_base, dest_dir, time_unit='ms', log_time=True, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, algorithm_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, x_label_location=0.0, include_runs=False, algorithm_namer=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Plot a set of end result boxes/violins functions into one chart.

  • results_dir (str) – the directory with the log files

  • algorithms (Iterable[str]) – the set of algorithms to plot together

  • name_base (str) – the basic name

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

  • time_unit (str, default: 'ms') – the time unit to plot

  • log_time (bool, default: True) – should the time axis be scaled logarithmically?

  • instance_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee412ca0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • algorithm_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee412980>) – the sort key function for algorithms

  • x_label_location (float, default: 0.0) – the location of the x-labels

  • include_runs (bool, default: False) – should we include the pure runs as well?

  • algorithm_namer (Callable[[str], str], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee4132e0>) – the name function for algorithms receives an algorithm ID and returns an instance name; default=identity function

Return type:



the list of generated files

moptipy.examples.jssp.plots.plot_stat_gantt_charts(end_results, results_dir, name_base, dest_dir, instance_sort_key=<function <lambda>>, statistic=<function median>)[source]

Plot a set of Gantt charts following a specific statistics.

  • end_results (Iterable[EndResult]) – the iterable of end results

  • results_dir (str) – the result directory

  • name_base (str) – the basic name

  • dest_dir (str) – the destination directory

  • instance_sort_key (Callable, default: <function <lambda> at 0x7f0aee413ce0>) – the sort key function for instances

  • statistic (Callable[[Iterable[int | float]], int | float], default: <function median at 0x7f0af014c860>) – the statistic to use

Return type:



the list of generated files

moptipy.examples.jssp.spaces_sizes module

Computations regarding the size of the solution spaces in a JSSP.

We represent solutions for a Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JSSPs) as Gantt diagrams. Assume that we look at JSSPs with n jobs and m machines. The number of possible Gantt charts (without useless delays) is (jobs!)**machines.

However, not all of them are necessarily feasible. If all jobs pass through all machines in the same order, then all of the possible Gantt charts are also feasible. However, if, say job 0 first goes to machine 0 and then to machine 1 and job 1 first goes to machine 1 and then to machine 0, there are possible Gantt charts with deadlocks: If we put the second operation of job 0 to be the first operation to be done by machine 1 and put the second operation of job 1 to be the first operation to be done by machine 0, we end up with an infeasible Gantt chart, i.e., one that cannot be executed. Thus, the question arises: “For a given number n of jobs and m of machines, what is the instance with the fewest feasible Gantt charts?”

Well, I am sure that there are clever algorithms to compute this. Maybe we can even ave an elegant combinatorial formula. But I do not want to spend much time on this subject (and maybe would not be able to figure it out even if I wanted to…). So we try to find this information using a somewhat brute force approach: By enumerating instances and, for each instance, the Gantt charts, and count how many of them are feasible.

moptipy.examples.jssp.spaces_sizes.gantt_min_feasible(jobs, machines)[source]

Find the minimum number of feasible gantt charts.

  • jobs (int) – the number of jobs

  • machines (int) – the number of machines

Return type:

tuple[int, tuple[tuple[int, ...], ...]]


the minimum number of feasible solutions for any instance of the given configuration and one example of such an instance

moptipy.examples.jssp.spaces_sizes.make_gantt_space_size_table(dest='', instances=('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70', 'demo'))[source]

Print a table of solution space sizes.

  • dest (str, default: '') – the destination file

  • instances (Iterable[str], default: ('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70', 'demo')) – the instances to add

Return type:



the fully-qualified path to the generated file

moptipy.examples.jssp.spaces_sizes.make_search_space_size_table(dest='', instances=('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70', 'demo'))[source]

Print a table of search space sizes.

  • dest (str, default: '') – the destination file

  • instances (Iterable[str], default: ('orb06', 'la38', 'abz8', 'yn4', 'swv14', 'dmu72', 'dmu67', 'ta70', 'demo')) – the instances to add

Return type:



the fully-qualified path to the generated file

moptipy.examples.jssp.spaces_sizes.permutations_with_repetitions_space_size(n, m)[source]

Compute the number of n-permutations with m repetitions.

  • n (int) – the number of different values

  • m (int) – the number of repetitions


the space size

Return type:


moptipy.examples.jssp.worktime module

Minimize the sum of the work times of all machines in Gantt charts.

class moptipy.examples.jssp.worktime.Worktime(instance)[source]

Bases: Objective

Compute the work time of a Gantt chart (for minimization).


Return True because worktime() always returns int values.

Retval True:


Return type:



Get the lower bound of the worktime.

Return type:



the lower bound


Get the upper bound of the worktime.

Return type:



the sum of all job execution times.


Get the work time of all machines in a given Gantt chart.

We assume that a machine is turned on when its first job/operation begins and is turned off when the last job/operation on it ends. During all the time inbetween, the machine is on and a worker needs to be present. The work time therefore corresponds to the sum of the time units when the machines can be turned off minus the time units at which they are turned on.


x (Gantt) – the Gantt chart.

Return type:



the end times minus the start times