# Dependencies Required to Use `moptipy`
# In this file we list all the libraries that are required to use `moptipy`.
# You must install them before using `moptipy`.
# If you install `moptipy` via pip, i.e., do `pip install moptipy`, then this
# is done automatically for you. Otherwise, you could do
# `pip install --no-input --timeout 360 --retries 100 -r requirements.txt`
# with a text file `requirements.txt` that has the exact same contents as this
# file here.
# `moptipy` is available at https://thomasweise.github.io/moptipy.
# This file is available at https://github.com/thomasWeise/moptipy.
# Below, we list each required library and specify the reason why it is
# needed. Notice that these libraries may, in turn, depend on other libraries.
# We cannot maintain a full list of these recursive dependencies.
# Here we only list the top-level dependencies that are actually used by
# `moptipy` directly.
# We will need numpy for several reasons:
# - it provides the random number generators
# - it provides efficient arrays as backends of vector-based search spaces
numpy == 2.1.3
# numba provides JIT compilers useful making vector/numpy operations efficient
numba == 0.61.0
# numba uses intel-cmplr-lib-rt to generate faster compiled code, see
# https://numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/performance-tips.html
intel-cmplr-lib-rt == 2025.0.4
# matplotlib is used to create plots in the evaluation procedures.
matplotlib == 3.10.0
# psutil is used for getting information about the system configuration which
# is stored in the log files (see moptipy.utils.sys_info.py).
psutil == 6.1.1
# pycommons offers many of the tools and utilities used in moptipy that are
# not related to optimization.
pycommons == 0.8.64
# scikit-learn is used to obtain some clusters of JSSP instances for our
# experiments.
scikit-learn == 1.6.1
# scipy provides statistical tests *and* numerical optimization methods that
# we wrap into our API.
scipy == 1.15.1
# These are packages that provide more numerical optimization methods that we
# wrap into our API as well.
cmaes == 0.11.1 # for, well, CMA-ES
pdfo == 2.2.0 # for BOBYQA