# Dependencies Required to Develop `moptipyapps`
# In this file we list all the libraries that are required to develop
# `moptipyapps` code. This means that you want to run the complete `make`
# process, including all the unit tests, the static analysis, and building the
# documentation. Notice that none of this is necessary if you just want to use
# `moptipyapps` or even just want to implement an algorithm or problem for your
# own purposes. Only if you want to do all the checks and the whole build
# process, maybe because you want to submit code to the `moptipy` project,
# then you need all of these dependencies. For only using `moptipy`, it is
# sufficient to load the dependencies specified in `requirements.txt`.
# Nevertheless, I think even then it may still be a good idea to use the full
# `make` process, because the static analysis and unit tests are, indeed,
# useful. They enforce a uniform coding style, help you to find bugs, and kind
# of push you to use best practices. I personally learned a lot from the
# static analysis and the unit tests indeed revealed errors.
# For developing or contributing to `moptipyapps`, you should install the
# dependencies below. You can do this via
# `pip install --no-input --timeout 360 --retries 100 -r requirements-dev.txt`
# with a text file `requirements-dev.txt` that has the exact same contents as
# this file here.
# `moptipyapps` is available at https://thomasweise.github.io/moptipyapps.
# This file is available at https://github.com/thomasWeise/moptipyapps.
# Below, we list each library required for development and specify the reason
# why it is needed. Notice that these libraries may, in turn, depend on other
# libraries. We cannot maintain a full list of these recursive dependencies.
# Here we only list the top-level dependencies that are actually used in the
# `moptipyapps` build process.

# pycommons provides lots of utilities
pycommons[dev] == 0.8.64