Source code for pycommons.types

"""Some basic type handling routines."""
from typing import Any, Final, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar

[docs] def type_name(tpe: type | None) -> str: """ Convert a type to a string which represents its name. :param tpe: the type :returns: the string >>> type_name(None) 'None' >>> type_name(type(None)) 'None' >>> type_name(int) 'int' >>> from import file_path, Path >>> type_name(Path) '' >>> from typing import Callable >>> type_name(Callable) 'typing.Callable' >>> from typing import Callable as Ca >>> type_name(Ca) 'typing.Callable' >>> from typing import Callable as Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>> type_name(Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) 'typing.Callable' >>> import typing as ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt >>> type_name(ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.Callable) 'typing.Callable' """ if tpe is None: return "None" c1: str = str(tpe) if c1.startswith("<class '"): c1 = c1[8:-2] if c1 == "NoneType": return "None" if hasattr(tpe, "__qualname__"): c2: str = tpe.__qualname__ if hasattr(tpe, "__module__"): module = tpe.__module__ if (module is not None) and (module != "builtins"): c2 = f"{module}.{c2}" if len(c2) >= len(c1): return c2 return c1 # will probably never happen
[docs] def type_name_of(obj: Any) -> str: """ Get the fully-qualified class name of an object. :param obj: the object :returns: the fully-qualified class name of the object >>> from import Path, file_path >>> type_name_of(Path) 'type' >>> type_name_of(file_path(__file__)) '' >>> type_name_of(None) 'None' >>> type_name_of(int) 'type' >>> type_name_of(print) 'builtin_function_or_method' >>> from typing import Callable >>> type_name_of(Callable) 'typing._CallableType' >>> from math import sin >>> type_name_of(sin) 'builtin_function_or_method' >>> import as iox >>> type_name_of(iox) 'module' """ if obj is None: return "None" if isinstance(obj, type): return "type" return type_name(type(obj))
[docs] def type_error(obj: Any, name: str, expected: None | type | Iterable[type] = None, call: bool = False) -> ValueError | TypeError: """ Create an error to raise if a type did not fit. :param obj: the object that is of the wrong type :param name: the name of the object :param expected: the expected types (or `None`) :param call: the object should have been callable? :returns: a :class:`TypeError` with a descriptive information >>> type_error(1.3, "var", int) TypeError("var should be an instance of int but is float, namely '1.3'.") >>> type_error("x", "z", (int, float)).args[0] "z should be an instance of any in {float, int} but is str, namely 'x'." >>> type_error("x", "z", (int, float, None)).args[0] "z should be an instance of any in {None, float, int} but is str, namely \ 'x'." >>> type_error("x", "z", (int, float, type(None))).args[0] "z should be an instance of any in {None, float, int} but is str, namely \ 'x'." >>> type_error("f", "q", call=True).args[0] "q should be a callable but is str, namely 'f'." >>> type_error("1", "2", bool, call=True).args[0] "2 should be an instance of bool or a callable but is str, namely '1'." >>> type_error(None, "x", str) TypeError('x should be an instance of str but is None.') """ exp: str = "" if isinstance(expected, Iterable): exp = ", ".join(sorted(map(type_name, expected))) exp = f"an instance of any in {{{exp}}}" elif expected is not None: exp = f"an instance of {type_name(expected)}" if call: exp = f"{exp} or a callable" if exp else "a callable" message: Final[str] = f"{name} should be {exp} but is None." \ if obj is None else \ (f"{name} should be {exp} but is {type_name_of(obj)}, " f"namely {str(obj)!r}.") return TypeError(message)
[docs] def check_int_range(val: Any, name: str | None = None, min_value: int | float = 0, max_value: int | float = 1_000_000_000) -> int: """ Check whether a value `val` is an integer in a given range. Via type annotation, this method actually accepts a value `val` of any type as input. However, if `val` is not an instance of `int`, it will throw an error. Also, if `val` is not in the prescribed range, it will throw an error, too. By default, the range is `0...1_000_000_000`. I noticed that often, we think that only want to check a lower limit for `val`, e.g., that a number of threads or a population size should be `val > 0`. However, in such cases, there also always a reasonable upper limits. We never actually want an EA to have a population larger than, say, 1_000_000_000. That would make no sense. So indeed, whenever we have a lower limit for a parameter, we also should have an upper limit resulting from physical constraints. 1_000_000_000 is a reasonably sane upper limit in many situations. If we need smaller or larger limits, we can of course specify them. Notice that there is one strange border case: In Python, `bool` is a subtype of `int`, where `True` has value `1` and `False` has value `0`. See <>. We therefore treat `bool` values indeed as instances of `int`. :param val: the value to check :param name: the name of the value, or `None` :param min_value: the minimum permitted value :param max_value: the maximum permitted value :returns: `val` if everything is OK :raises TypeError: if `val` is not an `int` :raises ValueError: if `val` is an `int` but outside the prescribed range >>> try: ... print(check_int_range(12, min_value=7, max_value=13)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) 12 >>> try: ... print(check_int_range(123, min_value=7, max_value=13)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) ... print(err.__class__) Value=123 is invalid, must be in 7..13. <class 'ValueError'> >>> try: ... print(check_int_range(5.0, name="ThisIsFloat")) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) ... print(err.__class__) ThisIsFloat should be an instance of int but is float, namely '5.0'. <class 'TypeError'> The behavior in the border case of `bool` instances actually also being instances of `int`: >>> check_int_range(True, "true", 0, 2) True >>> check_int_range(False, "false", 0, 2) False >>> try: ... print(check_int_range(True, min_value=7, max_value=13)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) ... print(err.__class__) Value=True is invalid, must be in 7..13. <class 'ValueError'> """ if not isinstance(val, int): raise type_error(val, "value" if name is None else name, int) if min_value <= val <= max_value: return val raise ValueError(f"{'Value' if name is None else name}={val!r} is " f"invalid, must be in {min_value}..{max_value}.")
[docs] def check_to_int_range(val: Any, name: str | None = None, min_value: int | float = 0, max_value: int | float = 1_000_000_000) -> int: """ Check whether a value `val` can be converted an integer in a given range. :param val: the value to convert via `int(...)` and then to check :param name: the name of the value, or `None` :param min_value: the minimum permitted value :param max_value: the maximum permitted value :returns: `val` if everything is OK :raises TypeError: if `val` is `None` :raises ValueError: if `val` is not `None` but can either not be converted to an `int` or to an `int` outside the prescribed range >>> try: ... print(check_to_int_range(12)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) 12 >>> try: ... print(check_to_int_range(12.0)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) 12 >>> try: ... print(check_to_int_range("12")) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) 12 >>> try: ... print(check_to_int_range("A")) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) ... print(err.__class__) Cannot convert value='A' to int, let alone in range 0..1000000000. <class 'ValueError'> >>> try: ... print(check_to_int_range(None)) ... except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: ... print(err) ... print(err.__class__) Cannot convert value=None to int, let alone in range 0..1000000000. <class 'TypeError'> """ try: conv = int(val) except (ValueError, TypeError) as errx: raise (ValueError if isinstance(errx, ValueError) else TypeError)( f"Cannot convert {'value' if name is None else name}={val!r} " f"to int, let alone in range {min_value}..{max_value}.") from errx return check_int_range(conv, name, min_value, max_value)
#: the type variable for the data elements in an iterator T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] def reiterable(source: Iterable[T] | Iterator[T]) -> Iterable[T]: """ Ensure that an :class:`Iterable` can be iterated over multiple times. This function will solidify an :class:`Iterator` into an :class:`Iterable`. In Python, :class:`Iterator` is a sub-class of :class:`Iterable`. This means that if your function accepts instances of :class:`Iterable` as input, it may expect to be able to iterate over them multiple times. However, if an :class:`Iterator` is passed in, which also is an instance of :class:`Iterable` and thus fulfills the function's type requirement, this is not the case. A typical example of this would be if a :class:`Generator` is passed in. A :class:`Generator` is an instance of :class:`Iterator`, which, in turn, is an instance of :class:`Iterable`. However, you can iterate over a :class:`Generator` only once. :param source: the data source :return: the resulting re-iterable iterator >>> a = [1, 2, 3] >>> reiterable(a) is a True >>> a = (1, 2, 3) >>> reiterable(a) is a True >>> a = {1, 2, 3} >>> reiterable(a) is a True >>> a = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3} >>> reiterable(a) is a True >>> k = a.keys() >>> reiterable(k) is k True >>> k = a.values() >>> reiterable(k) is k True >>> reiterable((x for x in range(5))) (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) >>> try: ... reiterable(None) ... except TypeError as te: ... print(str(te)[:60]) source should be an instance of any in {typing.Iterable, typ >>> try: ... reiterable(1) ... except TypeError as te: ... print(str(te)[:60]) source should be an instance of any in {typing.Iterable, typ """ if isinstance(source, Iterator): return tuple(source) # solidify iterators into tuples if not isinstance(source, Iterable): raise type_error(source, "source", (Iterable, Iterator)) return source # iterables can be returned as-is