pycommons.processes package¶
Utilities for dealing with processes. Get information about how this process was called. Check if the program was run inside a build. This function is True if the process is running inside a make build or if Since we now need to use virtual environments to install pip packages, using make scripts has become too cumbersome to me. I simply cannot be bothered to figure out how to set up a virtual environment make script wide. Instead, I now use a bash script ( in my builds. To properly detect this, this script sets the environment variable BUILD_SCRIPT. In all my pycommons-based projects, I will do this from now on. Basically, if you want to signal that code runs inside a build, you can set an environment variable as export BUILD_SCRIPT=”${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” inside your bash build script. This will be used as signal by this function that we are running inside a build. True if this process is executed as part of a build process, False otherwise. Check if the program runs in a continuous integration environment. Right now, only GitHub actions are recognized. Other CI tools are currently not supported. True if this process is executed as part of, e.g., a GitHub action, False otherwise. Some utilities for dealing with python. The environment variables related to Python that were set in the current process. It makes sense to pass these on with any the Python interpreter used to launch this program The python interpreter in short form. Get a python command that could be used to interpret the given file. This function tries to detect whether file identifies a Python module of an installed package, in which case it will issue a -m flag in the resulting command, or whether it is some other script, in which it will just return a normal interpreter invocation. Notice that you should forward a list that can be passed to the shell to run that program, see, e.g., The tool for invoking shell commands. Bases: A class that represents a command that can be executed. the environment variables to pass to the new process, if any Execute the given process. log_call ( a tuple with the standard output and standard error, which are only not None if they were supposed to be captured TypeError – if any argument has the wrong type ValueError – if execution of the process failed Functionality to log the current system state. Here we provide a small program that can be executed concurrently with other activities and that logs information about the system state. This may be useful when running some computationally heavy experiments to find potential problems. Get a single string with the current state of the system. collector ( Log the system state periodically to the stdout. This function allows for periodic logging of the system state to the standard output. This can be launched as a program running besides an experiment in order to help tracking potential problems. Let’s say that your experiment or whatever program crashes for unclear reasons. Why did it crash? We don’t know. Maybe it crashed because it ran out of memory. Maybe it ran out of disk space? Maybe not? Who knows. If you let this function here run concurrently to your program and pipe its output to a log file, then at least you will be able to see if the system slowly runs out of memory, disk space, or if the CPU gets too hot, or something. Or, at least, you can rule out that this is not the case. The output is presented in CSV format. Therefore, you can pipe it to a file and later open it in Excel or whatever. This allows you to draw diagrams of the usage of CPUs and memory or the temperature of the CPU over time. interval_seconds ( should_stop ( lock ( # Example: >>> from contextlib import redirect_stdout >>> from io import StringIO >>> sio = StringIO()Submodules¶
pycommons.processes.caller module¶
is True or if the evironment variable BUILD_SCRIPT is set.>>> isinstance(is_build(), bool)
>>> isinstance(is_ci_run(), bool)
pycommons.processes.python module¶
>>> len(__BASE_PATHS) > 0
>>> all((isinstance(f, Path) for f in __BASE_PATHS))
>>> all((len(__BASE_PATHS[i]) >= len(__BASE_PATHS[i + 1])
... for i in range(len(__BASE_PATHS) - 1)))
invocation or other calls to the Python interpreter. This collection includes information about the Python interpreter, executable, PATH, and the virtual environment, if any, as well as any Python-related environment variables passed to this process. The special variable PYTHON_INTERPRETER will be passed into this environment. If it already exists in this process’ environment, it will be passed along as-is. If it does not exist in the current environment, it is created and made to point to the Python executable that was used to launch this process.PYTHON_ENV
as environment to the new Python process if it uses any packages. If we are currently running in a virtual environment, we want to tell this command about
.>>> python_command(os.__file__)
['python3', '-m', 'os']
>>> python_command(__file__)
['python3', '-m', 'pycommons.processes.python']
>>> from tempfile import mkstemp
>>> from os import remove as osremovex
>>> from os import close as osclosex
>>> h, p = mkstemp(text=True)
>>> osclosex(h)
>>> python_command(p) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER_SHORT, p]
>>> python_command(p, False) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER, p]
>>> osremovex(p)
>>> h, p = mkstemp(dir=file_path(__file__).up(), text=True)
>>> osclosex(h)
>>> python_command(p) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER_SHORT, p]
>>> python_command(p, False) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER, p]
>>> osremovex(p)
>>> the_pack = file_path(__file__).up()
>>> h, p = mkstemp(dir=the_pack,
... suffix=".py", text=True)
>>> osclosex(h)
>>> the_str = p[len(the_pack.up(2)) + 1:-3].replace(os.sep, '.')
>>> python_command(p) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER_SHORT, "-m", the_str]
>>> python_command(p, False) == [PYTHON_INTERPRETER, "-m", the_str]
>>> osremovex(p) module¶
>>> c = Command("test")
>>> c.command
>>> c.working_dir.is_dir()
>>> c.timeout
>>> d = Command(("test", "b"))
>>> d.command
('test', 'b')
>>> d.working_dir == c.working_dir
>>> d.timeout == c.timeout
>>> e = Command(("", "test", " b", " "))
>>> e.command == d.command
>>> e.working_dir == c.working_dir
>>> e.timeout == c.timeout
>>> try:
... Command(1)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(str(te)[:50])
command should be an instance of any in {str, typi
>>> try:
... Command([1])
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
descriptor 'strip' for 'str' objects doesn't apply to a 'int' object
>>> try:
... Command(["x", 1])
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
descriptor 'strip' for 'str' objects doesn't apply to a 'int' object
>>> try:
... Command([])
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(ve)
Invalid command [].
>>> try:
... Command([""])
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(ve)
Invalid command [''].
>>> try:
... Command("")
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(ve)
Invalid command [''].
>>> Command("x", working_dir=Path(__file__).up(1)).command
>>> try:
... Command("x", working_dir=1)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
descriptor '__len__' requires a 'str' object but received a 'int'
>>> try:
... Command("x", working_dir=Path(__file__))
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(str(ve)[-30:])
does not identify a directory.
>>> Command("x", timeout=23).timeout
>>> try:
... Command("x", timeout=1.2)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
timeout should be an instance of int but is float, namely 1.2.
>>> try:
... Command("x", timeout=None)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
timeout should be an instance of int but is None.
>>> try:
... Command("x", timeout=0)
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(ve)
timeout=0 is invalid, must be in 1..1000000.
>>> try:
... Command("x", timeout=1_000_001)
... except ValueError as ve:
... print(ve)
timeout=1000001 is invalid, must be in 1..1000000.
>>> try:
... Command("x", stdin=1_000_001)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(str(te)[:49])
stdin should be an instance of any in {None, str}
>>> sxx = str(Command("x", env={"A": "B", "C": "D"}))
>>> sxx[sxx.index("with "):sxx.index("with ") + 30]
'with <env> no stdin, stdout ig'
>>> try:
... Command("x", env={"A": "B", "C": 1})
... except TypeError as te:
... print(str(te))
descriptor 'strip' for 'str' objects doesn't apply to a 'int' object
>>> try:
... Command("x", env=1)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(str(te))
env should be an instance of typing.Mapping but is int, namely 1.
>>> str(Command("x", env=dict()))[0:10]
"('x',) in "
, str
], ...
] | None
, default: True
) – should the call be logged? If True, the string representation of the Command
will be written to the logger, otherwise nothing is logged. Note: The environment, if any, will not be printed for security reasons.>>> Command(("echo", "123"), stdout=STREAM_CAPTURE).execute(False)
('123\n', None)
>>> Command(("echo", "", "123"), stdout=STREAM_CAPTURE).execute(False)
('123\n', None)
>>> from contextlib import redirect_stdout
>>> with redirect_stdout(None):
... s = Command(("echo", "123"), stdout=STREAM_CAPTURE).execute()
>>> print(s)
('123\n', None)
>>> Command("cat", stdin="test", stdout=STREAM_CAPTURE).execute(False)
('test', None)
>>> Command("cat", stdin="test").execute(False)
(None, None)
>>> try:
... with redirect_stdout(None):
... Command(("ping", "blabla!")).execute(True)
... except ValueError as ve:
... ss = str(ve)
... print(ss[:20] + " ... " + ss[-22:])
('ping', 'blabla!') ... yields return code 2.
>>> try:
... with redirect_stdout(None):
... Command(("ping", "", "-i 20"),
... timeout=1).execute(True)
... except ValueError as ve:
... print("timed out after" in str(ve))
>>> try:
... Command("x").execute(None)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
log_call should be an instance of bool but is None.
>>> try:
... Command("x").execute(1)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
log_call should be an instance of bool but is int, namely 1.
>>> with redirect_stdout(None):
... r = Command(("echo", "1"), stderr=STREAM_CAPTURE).execute(
... True)
>>> r
(None, '')
>>> with redirect_stdout(None):
... r = Command(("printenv", ),
... stdout=STREAM_CAPTURE,
... env={"BLA": "XX"}).execute(True)
>>> r
('BLA=XX\n', None)
pycommons.processes.system_state module¶
, str
], Any
]) – the collector to receive the key-value tuples>>> def __ptr(a: str, b: str) -> None:
... pass
>>> s = collect_system_state(__ptr)
>>> try:
... collect_system_state(None)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
collector should be a callable but is None.
, default: 300
) – the interval secondsCallable
[[], bool
], default: <function <lambda> at 0x7fa95006b380>
) – a function telling the logger when it should stopAbstractContextManager
, default: <contextlib.nullcontext object at 0x7fa947ca0ce0>
) – a shared lock for the console access>>> def __three(lst=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) -> bool:
... if list.__len__(lst) > 0:
... del lst[-1]
... return False
... return True
>>> with redirect_stdout(sio):
... log_system_state(1, __three)
>>> v = sio.getvalue().splitlines()
>>> len(v)
>>> v[0][:20]
>>> i = list.__len__(v[0].split(CSV_SEPARATOR))
>>> all(list.__len__(vv.split(CSV_SEPARATOR)) == i for vv in v)
>>> try:
... log_system_state(1, lock=None)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(str(te)[0:60])
lock should be an instance of contextlib.AbstractContextMana
>>> try:
... log_system_state(1, should_stop=None)
... except TypeError as te:
... print(te)
should_stop should be a callable but is None.