# Dependencies Required to Use `pycommons`
# In this file we list all the libraries that are required to use `pycommons`.
# You must install them before using `pycommons`.
# If you install `pycommons` via pip, i.e., do `pip install pycommons`, then this
# is done automatically for you. Otherwise, you could do
# `pip install --no-input --timeout 360 --retries 100 -r requirements.txt`
# with a text file `requirements.txt` that has the exact same contents as this
# file here.
# `pycommons` is available at https://thomasweise.github.io/pycommons.
# This file is available at https://github.com/thomasWeise/pycommons.
# Below, we list each required library and specify the reason why it is
# needed. Notice that these libraries may, in turn, depend on other libraries.
# We cannot maintain a full list of these recursive dependencies.
# Here we only list the top-level dependencies that are actually used by
# `pycommons` directly.

# urllib3 and certifi are used to check the URLs in the [dev] extras variant
# of our package. They are used to check URL in markdown files.
urllib3 == 2.2.3
certifi == 2024.12.14

# these static analysis tools are also needed for the [dev] extras variant
# only
autoflake == 2.3.1
bandit == 1.8.2
coverage == 7.6.10
coverage-badge == 1.1.2
dlint == 0.16.0
dodgy == 0.2.1
flake8 == 7.1.1
flake8-bugbear == 24.12.12
flake8-eradicate == 1.5.0
flake8-use-fstring == 1.4
mypy == 1.14.1
pycodestyle == 2.12.1
pydocstyle == 6.3.0
pyflakes == 3.2.0
pylint == 3.3.4
pyroma == 4.2
ruff == 0.9.3
tryceratops == 2.4.1
unimport == 1.2.1
vulture == 2.14

# sphinx is needed for generating the documentation. Together with its
# modules, it parses the documentation root file as well as the code and
# generates the html files with the documentation. It therefore uses the
# docstrings and the type hints.
sphinx == 8.1.3
sphinx-autodoc-typehints == 3.0.1
# myst-parser is needed for including README.md into the documentation
myst-parser == 4.0.0

# minify_html is needed to minify html output in the [dev] option.
# Our documentation is fairly large. We apply this tool to try to reduce the
# file size of the documentation, by, e.g., removing useless white space.
minify_html == 0.15.0

# We need pytest to run the unit tests.
# Unit tests test components of our package, e.g., functions or objects, and
# compare their behavior with the expected behaviors in some test cases.
# This helps spotting errors where code behaves differently from the
# expectation. Of course, unit tests cannot guarantee that there are no
# errors. But they can at least check whether our code behaves as it should in
# some usual or border cases. Also, they can help us find out if changes in
# the code lead to changes in (tested/expected) behavior.
pytest == 8.3.4
pytest-timeout == 2.3.1

# for converting the additional markdown files to HTML in the [dev] variant
markdown == 3.7

# setuptools, testresources, twine, virtualenv, and wheel are needed for
# generating the installable pip package in the [dev] variant.
setuptools == 75.8.0
testresources == 2.0.1
twine == 6.1.0
virtualenv == 20.29.1
wheel == 0.45.1

# psutil is used for getting information about the system configuration.
psutil == 6.1.1